Every single picture in your life has a constant movement; it doesn’t stop when your eyes shoot that picture. If you return back you’re going to find something different.
Things begin to have some changes; things starting to grow up. Everything has a
continue movement, everything start losing a little bit control.
It’s turning old - dark - controversial; it’s turning gray, in black and white world.
And them someday you come back, look everything and thinks: - first in the past:
the things that you do, that you made, that you saw; thinks in everything single memories that you got of that place.
Them you immediately stop, and think again but right now staying in your present,
this present that you want to change, that you want to turn into something different,
but not different only for you, for everyone.
Suddenly you realize that you don’t have to stop your thoughts; and start to run, fly,
float, and merge in all the things that you want to do, want to say...
In this moment you start to planning things: to do, to make, to change, to forget,
to laugh, to pardon, to realize; and if you don’t know where you’re? You’re in your
personal future.
You start to think in the things that you have to chance, and understand that not
everything is black and white, and that all the things have an internal color that must
show to everyone, like nature does it everyday.
I’m very glad to finally present this portfolio, as a sample of the fruits that have been
harvested during these years.
Mickey Destro
The document discusses the history of chocolate production in Europe and the Americas. It details how chocolate was first cultivated and used by Mesoamerican cultures before being introduced to Europe in the 16th century. Cacao beans then became a popular commodity traded between European colonial powers and their colonies in places like West Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. Chocolate production eventually spread across the globe and became a multi-billion dollar industry.
Habitos que dañan el cerebro y la saludRegina Franco
Este documento menciona 10 hoteles y resorts notables de todo el mundo, incluidos hoteles en Dallas, Bali, Las Vegas, Dubai, Macao, Seychelles, Islandia, Egipto y Chile, asà como una piscina en Argentina.
1) El documento presenta las reglas para participar en diferentes niveles de una matriz de afiliados conocida como My Bank Reserve.
2) Ofrece diferentes opciones de membresÃa con acceso a herramientas de capacitación, conferencias y una oficina virtual para administrar el negocio.
3) Promueve la idea de una "matriz de cuadrante continuo" que duplica los beneficios de forma automática aprovechando el trabajo de otros afiliados.
Every single picture in your life has a constant movement; it doesn’t stop when your eyes shoot that picture. If you return back you’re going to find something different.
Things begin to have some changes; things starting to grow up. Everything has a
continue movement, everything start losing a little bit control.
It’s turning old - dark - controversial; it’s turning gray, in black and white world.
And them someday you come back, look everything and thinks: - first in the past:
the things that you do, that you made, that you saw; thinks in everything single memories that you got of that place.
Them you immediately stop, and think again but right now staying in your present,
this present that you want to change, that you want to turn into something different,
but not different only for you, for everyone.
Suddenly you realize that you don’t have to stop your thoughts; and start to run, fly,
float, and merge in all the things that you want to do, want to say...
In this moment you start to planning things: to do, to make, to change, to forget,
to laugh, to pardon, to realize; and if you don’t know where you’re? You’re in your
personal future.
You start to think in the things that you have to chance, and understand that not
everything is black and white, and that all the things have an internal color that must
show to everyone, like nature does it everyday.
I’m very glad to finally present this portfolio, as a sample of the fruits that have been
harvested during these years.
Mickey Destro
The document discusses the history of chocolate production in Europe and the Americas. It details how chocolate was first cultivated and used by Mesoamerican cultures before being introduced to Europe in the 16th century. Cacao beans then became a popular commodity traded between European colonial powers and their colonies in places like West Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. Chocolate production eventually spread across the globe and became a multi-billion dollar industry.
Habitos que dañan el cerebro y la saludRegina Franco
Este documento menciona 10 hoteles y resorts notables de todo el mundo, incluidos hoteles en Dallas, Bali, Las Vegas, Dubai, Macao, Seychelles, Islandia, Egipto y Chile, asà como una piscina en Argentina.
1) El documento presenta las reglas para participar en diferentes niveles de una matriz de afiliados conocida como My Bank Reserve.
2) Ofrece diferentes opciones de membresÃa con acceso a herramientas de capacitación, conferencias y una oficina virtual para administrar el negocio.
3) Promueve la idea de una "matriz de cuadrante continuo" que duplica los beneficios de forma automática aprovechando el trabajo de otros afiliados.
Sobre hà bits i prà ctiques saludables. Feta per l'estudi del tema 3 de Ciències Naturals de 3r. curs de Primà ria en un col.legi públic de la Comunitat Valenciana, Espanya.
A continuació m’agradaria aconsellar-vos
alguns hà bits saludables que heu de
tenir en compte en les classes
d’educació fÃsica
2. Roba i calçat
Tria una vestimenta que sigui
adequada, còmoda i que permeti
la transpiració. No t’ha estrènyer ni
produir roçadures.
El calçat ha de ser còmode i
la sola
no excessivament dura.
correctament els cordons
7. La temperatura corporal
Quan feim activitat fÃsica,
la temperatura corporal va
En començar tal vegada et
treguis alguna peça de
però, en acabar l’activitat, t’has de tornar a abrigar
9. Roba bruta
Canvia’t la roba suada. La suor porta toxines
i gèrmens que poden produir infeccions
10. Tot en el seu lloc
Sigues ordenat/da i porta tots els estris
necessaris dins una bossa o motxilla:
-Camisseta de recanvi.
11. No te passis…
No realitzis massa exercici
el mateix dia, pot provocar-
te sobrecà rrega i lesions.
Deixa passar un temps
suficient fins que et trobis
amb el teu cos
Abans d’anar a dormir no
realitzis exercicis intens