This document provides an overview of Doordarshan Kendra, the national public service broadcaster of India. It discusses the history of Doordarshan starting broadcasts in 1959. It also outlines Doordarshan's social objectives such as promoting national integration and disseminating family planning messages. Additionally, it describes the various components of a Doordarshan television studio, including cameras, lighting, microphones, switching systems and earth stations for satellite communication.
This document outlines different conventions used in documentary filmmaking. It describes expository conventions which use a voiceover and edited footage to make an argument. Observational conventions involve location shooting with no voiceover or interviews to hide the filmmaker's presence. Reflexive conventions borrow fiction techniques for emotional responses and rely on suggestion over facts. Performative conventions involve the filmmaker interacting with subjects and addressing the audience directly on personal topics like identity. Participatory conventions also involve interaction and informal interviews with archive material and location shooting. Poetic conventions give a subjective view without a narrative through mood, tone, and unrelated shots linked by music.
El documento describe el cine mudo, incluyendo que carec鱈a de sonido grabado y se acompa単aba de m炭sica en vivo. Explica que la primera pel鱈cula fue creada en 1888 aunque el cine naci坦 oficialmente en 1895 con los hermanos Lumi竪re. Tambi辿n resalta algunas pel鱈culas importantes del cine mudo como El acorazado Potemkin y La quimera del oro, esta 炭ltima protagonizada por Charles Chaplin.
The history of Cinema spans over a hundred years, from the latter part of the 19th century to the present day and beyond. Motion pictures developed gradually from a carnival novelty to one of the most important tools of communication and entertainment, and mass media in the 20th century.
Motion picture films have had a substantial impact on the arts, technology, and politics. This slide will take you through the evolution of the Cinema and the how the story telling narrative changed over years.
This document discusses the genre of docusoaps, which combine elements of documentaries and soap operas. Docusoaps follow groups of real people in their daily lives and personal/professional situations, with some aspects being scripted for entertainment purposes. While docusoaps provide a window into other people's lives and can be relatable, they are also seen as exploitative and of questionable truthfulness due to editing and production techniques that manipulate reality. The docusoap genre has grown rapidly in popularity but is also controversial due to these blurring of factual accuracy.
This document discusses different types of sound that can be used in films, including diegetic sound that comes from within the world of the film and non-diegetic sound that is added in post-production. It notes that diegetic sound helps create a sense of place and events, while scripted dialogue moves the story forward and develops characters. Non-diegetic music and voiceovers can interpret emotions and enhance understanding of characters. Sound can also be used to link sequences, reflect themes, position the audience, and match or contrast events on screen through parallel or contrapuntal use.
The document provides a timeline of key developments in film history from 1894 to the present:
- In the early 1900s, short silent films without stories began to be screened publicly. By the 1920s-1950s, films had longer narratives and sound was introduced.
- Major technological advances like CGI, digital cameras, IMAX, and motion capture occurred between the 1970s-1990s and 2000s, making films more realistic.
- Six major American film studios still dominate production: Warner Bros, Paramount, Disney, Sony, Universal, and 20th Century Fox. Fox Searchlight specializes in low-budget films while Warner Bros produces big blockbusters.
- Issues like piracy have hurt profits, but
The document discusses various techniques of mise-en-sc竪ne in film including shot types, camera angles, lighting styles, color, composition and more. It provides examples from films like Psycho, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, and Girl with the Pearl Earring to illustrate different techniques and how they can shape the tone and meaning of a scene.
Tutorial: C坦mo crear un reportaje con ShorthandFidel Romero
Shorthand, antes conocido como Immersive, se presenta como una plataforma gratuita para que periodistas puedan crear y publicar actractivas historias. Su interfaz es f叩cil de usar y permite la inserci坦n de elementos multimedia como textos, im叩genes, audios, mapas, videos, entre otros. Adem叩s, admite c坦digos de YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps, Storify, Soundcloud, Instagram y Twitter.
Este recurso forma parte del curso virtual Herramientas multimedia para el periodismo en l鱈nea del Centro de Formaci坦n en Periodismo Digital (CFPD) del Sistema de Universidad Virtual de la UdeG.
M叩s informaci坦n del curso:
Twitter Fidel Romero:
This document provides an overview of documentaries and expository documentaries. It defines a documentary as a film that attempts to document or record aspects of the real world. Expository documentaries specifically use facts and recorded images/sounds to create a socially critical argument or expose a viewpoint. Key features of expository documentaries discussed include the use of narrators, scripts to structure the argument, reconstructions to retell the truth, interviews of eyewitnesses/experts, and mise-en-scene to advance the filmmaker's perspective. Examples like Nanook of the North are analyzed, though some of its scenes are now known to have been staged. The lines between documentary and fiction are also examined.
This a presentation about some of the different conventions used in documentaries and ive used examples from actual documentaries.
Tipos de montaje seg炭n eisenstein sergioIkarion Spain
El montaje es el proceso de organizar y unir las diferentes tomas de una pel鱈cula para crear una estructura narrativa coherente. Involucra consideraciones como el 叩ngulo de la c叩mara, la continuidad espacio-temporal entre escenas, y diferentes tipos de t辿cnicas de montaje como el montaje discontinuo propuesto por Eisenstein para crear conflictos que alteren la percepci坦n del p炭blico. Eisenstein fue pionero en utilizar el montaje para transmitir significados e ideas pol鱈ticas a trav辿s de la yuxtaposici坦n de planos.
This document provides an overview of the key steps and concepts involved in television production, including pre-production planning, production, and post-production. It discusses pre-production planning steps like brainstorming program ideas, defining the target audience and format, and creating scripts and budgets. Production entails executing the plan, with a line producer overseeing daily activities. Post-production includes editing video and audio, adding graphics, and finalizing the program. The document also covers technical aspects like different types of camera shots, lighting techniques, and microphone pickup patterns and uses.
Este documento proporciona una definici坦n y descripci坦n de las partes principales de una c叩mara de video, incluyendo la lente, el sensor, el procesador de video, los controles y la bater鱈a. Tambi辿n explica los usos b叩sicos de una c叩mara de video y algunos accesorios comunes como las fundas protectoras.
Bordwell and Thompson identified four types of relationships between shots in editing: graphic, spatial, temporal, and rhythmic. Graphic editing links shots through common colors, shapes, or objects. Spatial editing concerns the manipulation of space and location. Temporal editing involves the ordering and duration of story events. Rhythmic editing cuts shots in time with the music's beat or rhythm. Music videos commonly demonstrate these editing techniques through graphic matches, establishing shots, cutaways, and syncing shots with the song's rhythm.
Documentaries employ several conventions to appear authentic and factual to audiences. These include a knowledgeable or opinionated voiceover, presenting footage as unaltered recordings of real events, using natural lighting and sound, archive media to provide context, interviews with experts though their views may be disputed, on-screen text to establish time/place, non-diegetic music to influence meaning, and set-ups of typical scenes for efficiency though they recreate rather than document reality. These techniques aim to convince viewers of the documentary's validity, but risk prioritizing familiar images over new perspectives.
Este documento discute a teoria da montagem cinematogr叩fica de Sergei Eisenstein. Ele desenvolveu cinco tipos de montagem: m辿trica, r鱈tmica, tonal, atonal e intelectual. A montagem m辿trica refere-se dura巽達o dos planos, a r鱈tmica continuidade visual, a tonal busca estabelecer emo巽探es, e a atonal combina os outros tipos para conquistar um efeito desejado na plat辿ia. A montagem intelectual insere id辿ias em seq端棚ncias emocionais. Eisenstein foi um
Media Studies A Level covers key concepts such as media language, representation, institutions, and audience. It examines film language elements like camerawork, sound, mise-en-sc竪ne, editing, and moving images. Sound is a powerful film technique that engages the senses, enhances emotion, builds meaning, and directs attention. Early cinema used live music, and the transition to "talkies" in the 1920s brought challenges around synchronizing sound that studios had to overcome. Key sound terminology includes non-diegetic vs diegetic sound, soundtracks, effects, motifs, and bridges.
This document discusses key concepts in film editing, including its early development, pioneers like Edwin Porter and Lev Kuleshov, and techniques established by D.W. Griffith. It explains that early films showed static shots but that editing innovations allowed cutting between different shots to imply continuity of time and location. The Kuleshov experiment demonstrated how editing can alter audience perception by changing the context around a central shot. Continuity editing uses techniques like matching eyelines and actions to seamlessly tie shots together and allow audiences to follow complex narratives. The document also outlines common shot transitions and how editing can control a film's pacing through elements like shot duration and rhythm.
El documento resume la historia de las pel鱈culas de superh辿roes desde sus inicios en los a単os 40 hasta la actualidad. Explica que las primeras adaptaciones cinematogr叩ficas de c坦mics de superh辿roes fueron seriales emitidos los s叩bados en la d辿cada de 1940. La pel鱈cula de 1978 Superman, dirigida por Richard Donner, tuvo mucho 辿xito y lanz坦 la era moderna de las pel鱈culas de superh辿roes. En las d辿cadas siguientes, se hicieron populares pel鱈culas como Batman, Spider-Man y X
The document discusses the pros and cons of single camera production compared to multi-camera production, noting that single camera allows more flexibility in editing but requires more time spent in post-production. It provides examples of genres that typically use single camera techniques like dramas, films, and documentaries. The document also covers different camera shots, narrative styles, and a comparison of single camera production to other methods like multi-camera, ENG cameras, and remote cameras.
The document discusses the changing phases of world cinema from its origins to modern globalization. It begins by describing how the Lumiere brothers' invention of cinema brought moving images from region to region. It then outlines five phases of world cinema: Cosmopolitan, National, Federated, World, and Global. Later phases saw cinema become more transnational as technologies like video allowed for swift global distribution. The essay explores how cinema both reflected and shaped national and international connections and negotiations across its historical development.
This document discusses the key elements and conventions of documentary filmmaking. It defines documentaries as factual films about real-world issues that are unstaged and based on observation rather than intervention. The document outlines different modes of documentary, including expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative. It notes that the filmmakers' documentary will fall under the expository category, which aims to inform audiences about topics they are unfamiliar with through voiceover narration, commentary on images, and explaining what is happening directly to the audience. The document provides details on several conventions of the expository documentary form, including the use of voiceover, illustrative images, continuity editing, and assembling a variety of footage and materials
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la televisi坦n desde la Paleo Televisi坦n hasta la Post Televisi坦n. La Paleo Televisi坦n era p炭blica y educativa, con programaci坦n limitada. La Neo Televisi坦n introdujo cadenas privadas y publicidad, con programaci坦n h鱈brida y participaci坦n del p炭blico. La Post Televisi坦n es interactiva con Internet, donde los usuarios producen y comparten contenido.
Christian Metz fue un te坦rico franc辿s del cine que ampli坦 las teor鱈as de Saussure al an叩lisis del lenguaje cinematogr叩fico. Dividi坦 el cine en tres teor鱈as: formalista, que sigue una estructura de introducci坦n, desarrollo y conclusi坦n; realista, que presenta lo relevante y se apega a la realidad; y contempor叩nea, con nuevas caracter鱈sticas no formalistas ni realistas. Para Metz, el cine es un proceso que apela al inconsciente de cada persona, quien ve el cine de forma diferente
The document discusses various techniques of mise-en-sc竪ne in film including shot types, camera angles, lighting styles, color, composition and more. It provides examples from films like Psycho, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, and Girl with the Pearl Earring to illustrate different techniques and how they can shape the tone and meaning of a scene.
Tutorial: C坦mo crear un reportaje con ShorthandFidel Romero
Shorthand, antes conocido como Immersive, se presenta como una plataforma gratuita para que periodistas puedan crear y publicar actractivas historias. Su interfaz es f叩cil de usar y permite la inserci坦n de elementos multimedia como textos, im叩genes, audios, mapas, videos, entre otros. Adem叩s, admite c坦digos de YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps, Storify, Soundcloud, Instagram y Twitter.
Este recurso forma parte del curso virtual Herramientas multimedia para el periodismo en l鱈nea del Centro de Formaci坦n en Periodismo Digital (CFPD) del Sistema de Universidad Virtual de la UdeG.
M叩s informaci坦n del curso:
Twitter Fidel Romero:
This document provides an overview of documentaries and expository documentaries. It defines a documentary as a film that attempts to document or record aspects of the real world. Expository documentaries specifically use facts and recorded images/sounds to create a socially critical argument or expose a viewpoint. Key features of expository documentaries discussed include the use of narrators, scripts to structure the argument, reconstructions to retell the truth, interviews of eyewitnesses/experts, and mise-en-scene to advance the filmmaker's perspective. Examples like Nanook of the North are analyzed, though some of its scenes are now known to have been staged. The lines between documentary and fiction are also examined.
This a presentation about some of the different conventions used in documentaries and ive used examples from actual documentaries.
Tipos de montaje seg炭n eisenstein sergioIkarion Spain
El montaje es el proceso de organizar y unir las diferentes tomas de una pel鱈cula para crear una estructura narrativa coherente. Involucra consideraciones como el 叩ngulo de la c叩mara, la continuidad espacio-temporal entre escenas, y diferentes tipos de t辿cnicas de montaje como el montaje discontinuo propuesto por Eisenstein para crear conflictos que alteren la percepci坦n del p炭blico. Eisenstein fue pionero en utilizar el montaje para transmitir significados e ideas pol鱈ticas a trav辿s de la yuxtaposici坦n de planos.
This document provides an overview of the key steps and concepts involved in television production, including pre-production planning, production, and post-production. It discusses pre-production planning steps like brainstorming program ideas, defining the target audience and format, and creating scripts and budgets. Production entails executing the plan, with a line producer overseeing daily activities. Post-production includes editing video and audio, adding graphics, and finalizing the program. The document also covers technical aspects like different types of camera shots, lighting techniques, and microphone pickup patterns and uses.
Este documento proporciona una definici坦n y descripci坦n de las partes principales de una c叩mara de video, incluyendo la lente, el sensor, el procesador de video, los controles y la bater鱈a. Tambi辿n explica los usos b叩sicos de una c叩mara de video y algunos accesorios comunes como las fundas protectoras.
Bordwell and Thompson identified four types of relationships between shots in editing: graphic, spatial, temporal, and rhythmic. Graphic editing links shots through common colors, shapes, or objects. Spatial editing concerns the manipulation of space and location. Temporal editing involves the ordering and duration of story events. Rhythmic editing cuts shots in time with the music's beat or rhythm. Music videos commonly demonstrate these editing techniques through graphic matches, establishing shots, cutaways, and syncing shots with the song's rhythm.
Documentaries employ several conventions to appear authentic and factual to audiences. These include a knowledgeable or opinionated voiceover, presenting footage as unaltered recordings of real events, using natural lighting and sound, archive media to provide context, interviews with experts though their views may be disputed, on-screen text to establish time/place, non-diegetic music to influence meaning, and set-ups of typical scenes for efficiency though they recreate rather than document reality. These techniques aim to convince viewers of the documentary's validity, but risk prioritizing familiar images over new perspectives.
Este documento discute a teoria da montagem cinematogr叩fica de Sergei Eisenstein. Ele desenvolveu cinco tipos de montagem: m辿trica, r鱈tmica, tonal, atonal e intelectual. A montagem m辿trica refere-se dura巽達o dos planos, a r鱈tmica continuidade visual, a tonal busca estabelecer emo巽探es, e a atonal combina os outros tipos para conquistar um efeito desejado na plat辿ia. A montagem intelectual insere id辿ias em seq端棚ncias emocionais. Eisenstein foi um
Media Studies A Level covers key concepts such as media language, representation, institutions, and audience. It examines film language elements like camerawork, sound, mise-en-sc竪ne, editing, and moving images. Sound is a powerful film technique that engages the senses, enhances emotion, builds meaning, and directs attention. Early cinema used live music, and the transition to "talkies" in the 1920s brought challenges around synchronizing sound that studios had to overcome. Key sound terminology includes non-diegetic vs diegetic sound, soundtracks, effects, motifs, and bridges.
This document discusses key concepts in film editing, including its early development, pioneers like Edwin Porter and Lev Kuleshov, and techniques established by D.W. Griffith. It explains that early films showed static shots but that editing innovations allowed cutting between different shots to imply continuity of time and location. The Kuleshov experiment demonstrated how editing can alter audience perception by changing the context around a central shot. Continuity editing uses techniques like matching eyelines and actions to seamlessly tie shots together and allow audiences to follow complex narratives. The document also outlines common shot transitions and how editing can control a film's pacing through elements like shot duration and rhythm.
El documento resume la historia de las pel鱈culas de superh辿roes desde sus inicios en los a単os 40 hasta la actualidad. Explica que las primeras adaptaciones cinematogr叩ficas de c坦mics de superh辿roes fueron seriales emitidos los s叩bados en la d辿cada de 1940. La pel鱈cula de 1978 Superman, dirigida por Richard Donner, tuvo mucho 辿xito y lanz坦 la era moderna de las pel鱈culas de superh辿roes. En las d辿cadas siguientes, se hicieron populares pel鱈culas como Batman, Spider-Man y X
The document discusses the pros and cons of single camera production compared to multi-camera production, noting that single camera allows more flexibility in editing but requires more time spent in post-production. It provides examples of genres that typically use single camera techniques like dramas, films, and documentaries. The document also covers different camera shots, narrative styles, and a comparison of single camera production to other methods like multi-camera, ENG cameras, and remote cameras.
The document discusses the changing phases of world cinema from its origins to modern globalization. It begins by describing how the Lumiere brothers' invention of cinema brought moving images from region to region. It then outlines five phases of world cinema: Cosmopolitan, National, Federated, World, and Global. Later phases saw cinema become more transnational as technologies like video allowed for swift global distribution. The essay explores how cinema both reflected and shaped national and international connections and negotiations across its historical development.
This document discusses the key elements and conventions of documentary filmmaking. It defines documentaries as factual films about real-world issues that are unstaged and based on observation rather than intervention. The document outlines different modes of documentary, including expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative. It notes that the filmmakers' documentary will fall under the expository category, which aims to inform audiences about topics they are unfamiliar with through voiceover narration, commentary on images, and explaining what is happening directly to the audience. The document provides details on several conventions of the expository documentary form, including the use of voiceover, illustrative images, continuity editing, and assembling a variety of footage and materials
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la televisi坦n desde la Paleo Televisi坦n hasta la Post Televisi坦n. La Paleo Televisi坦n era p炭blica y educativa, con programaci坦n limitada. La Neo Televisi坦n introdujo cadenas privadas y publicidad, con programaci坦n h鱈brida y participaci坦n del p炭blico. La Post Televisi坦n es interactiva con Internet, donde los usuarios producen y comparten contenido.
Christian Metz fue un te坦rico franc辿s del cine que ampli坦 las teor鱈as de Saussure al an叩lisis del lenguaje cinematogr叩fico. Dividi坦 el cine en tres teor鱈as: formalista, que sigue una estructura de introducci坦n, desarrollo y conclusi坦n; realista, que presenta lo relevante y se apega a la realidad; y contempor叩nea, con nuevas caracter鱈sticas no formalistas ni realistas. Para Metz, el cine es un proceso que apela al inconsciente de cada persona, quien ve el cine de forma diferente
Corso fumetti e cartoni animati in classe - seconda parteMED Lazio
2 parte - Presentazione del workshop "Fumetti e cartoni animati in classe", a cura di Maria Grazia Di Tullio, psicologa, docente Psicologia Sociale e di Comunit e di Psicologia del Ciclo di Vita presso Universit Antonianum di Roma, Responsabile Tirocini Educatori professionali presso Universit LUMSA di Roma. Esperta di Arti-terapie espressivo relazionali. Media Educator esperta in fumetto e cinema danimazione.
Serena Galluzzi, diplomata presso lAccademia di Belle Arti di Roma, indirizzo Pittura. Ha conseguito la specializzazione in Illustrazione, Grafica e Fumetto presso la Scuola Romana dei Fumetti. Media Educator esperta in fumetto e cinema danimazione.
La mediazione dello sguardo nei testi filmiciGiulia Naddeo
Elaborato di Sociologia e Antropologia dei Media
Prof.ssa Chiara Giaccardi
Laurea Magistrale in Comunicazione per lImpresa, i Media e le Organizzazioni Complesse
Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Sede di Milano
a.a. 2011/2012
This document contains 3 website URLs, including analyzing the website, which provides statistical tools and analysis, and, a collaborative document editing platform.
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Il cinema delle origini
1. Il cinema delle origini
A) INQUADRATURE AUTARCHICHE: ogni ripresa esaurisce in se stessa la
rappresentazione di un evento o di una situazione
Ex. 1 i primi filmati di Lumi竪re o Edison, costituiti da una sola inquadratura
Ex. 2 Voyage dans la lune di Meli竪s, il passaggio da uninquadratura allaltra coincide
con la fine di una scena e linizio di unaltra.
C竪 un accumulo pi湛 che una concatenazione: le immagini si sommano tra di loro , pi湛
che succedersi.
Gli eventi sembrano possedere una durata ma non un autentico sviluppo.
La piattezza era dovuta a 5 fattori: lilluminazione verticale; la fissit della macchina da
presa; la sua posizione orizzontale e frontale rispetto a quanto 竪 rappresentato; luso
frequente dei fondali dipinti; gli attori lontani dalla macchina da presa e sempre rivolti
verso di essa.
Lo spettatore si sente esterno al quadro dellazione.
1) Policentrica: c竪 la presenza contemporanea di pi湛 zone dattenzione. I piani
dinsieme appaiono brulicanti di oggetti e di persone
2) Centrigufa: la realt raffigurata deborda dal quadro
Limmagine appare come un ritaglio in qualche modo casuale: 竪 confusa ma cattura il
reale in tutta la sua immediatezza
Il senso di ci嘆 che appare sullo schermo non 竪 sempre evidente.
Per chiarirlo occorre sempre un imbonitore oppure lo spettatore deve far ricorso alle sue
conoscenze pregresse (altri film o letture scolastiche)
Il cinema mette in gioco un regime basato sul MOSTRARE (cinema presenta semplicemente
una situazione, senza cercare di raccontarla) e sull ATTRARRE (limmagine 竪 un piccolo
shock, un vivido spettacolo, un motivo di sopresa)
Il cinema insomma esibisce la realt: non la spiega, non la giustifica, non la narra. Il cinema
attrae lo spettatore, ne acquista lattenzione e ne eccita la curiosit come una macchina delle
meraviglie (al pari del fonografo o dei Raggi X)
Il cinema delle origini esplora delle POSSIBILIT. In due sensi:
1) 竪 capace di catturare e riproporre la realt, ma anche di inventarne delle nuove. Il suo 竪
uno sguardo penetrante
2) pu嘆 scoprire o riproporre alla vista molteplici aspetti. Il mondo 竪 disponibile sotto gli
occhi di tutti.
Possiamo ora capire meglio alcuni aspetti del cinema
Alla fine dell800 aumentano gli stimoli visivi ma si ha anche limpressione di non
riuscire pi湛 ad afferrare la realt.
Ex. 1 i primi viaggi in treno: il viaggiatore 竪 sottoposto a un bombardamento di sensazioni ma allo stesso
tempo non arriva pi湛 a distinguere con precisione il paesaggio che gli scorre sotto gli occhi.
Ex. 2 la metropoli: la luce che penetra nei palazzi in ferro e vetro come il Crystal Palace rivela agli
spettatori i segreti dellambiente ma allo stesso tempo fa smarrire loro il senso degli spazi e dei volumi.
Ex. 3 lesperienza della folla: lindividuo immerso nella moltitudine si eccita per il numero e la variet di
coloro che la compongono ma non riesce a distinguere i volti e a conoscere davvero chi gli sta attorno
Il cinema moltiplica ulteriormente gli scorci visibili (opera una INTENSIFICAZIONE) ma
allo stesso tempo li rende pienamente afferrabili (opera una RESTITUZIONE)
Condivide la natura delle tecnologie del suo tempo, capaci di domare le energie naturali
e di restituirle sotto forma di esperienza lavorativa, ma capaci anche di essere dispositivi
spettacolari (pensate alle locomotive a vapore)