Hvordan kapitalisere p? ditt intranett av Pia FischerSolv AS
Foredraget til Pia Fischer fra Sparebank 1 Sr-Bank p? seminaret Brilliant Collaboration 4. desember 2014.
Sparebank 1 SR-Bank har ved hjelp av nytt intranet redusert avstanden mellom avdelinger og knyttet de ulike virksomhetsomr?dene sammen i ett, stort felleskap. SR-Bank sitt spesialutviklede intranet gir innsikt om kunden, konsernet og kulturen.
El documento presenta los principales aspectos a considerar en la educación sexual. La sexualidad es fundamental para las relaciones interpersonales y se construye a lo largo de la vida. Un docente de educación sexual debe promover el respeto a las diferencias individuales, fomentar habilidades para la vida e inspirar confianza. Asimismo, se enfatiza la importancia de planificar actividades mixtas y cooperativas que valoren por igual a todos los estudiantes.
Riak at The NYC Cloud Computing Meetup Groupsiculars
Riak is a distributed key-value store inspired by Dynamo. It is homogeneous, with a single key space and is distributed and replicated across nodes. Riak aims to provide predictable scalability and high availability while allowing for some flexibility in consistency versus availability tradeoffs. It uses a ring topology and vector clocks to manage data distribution and conflict resolution. Riak supports schemaless data storage and provides features like links for basic graph capabilities and map/reduce functions for querying data.
This document discusses various topics related to startups including a potential new startup combining features of Bloomberg, Nasdaq and AngelList called Funderbeam, a time management app called Hourdini, and challenges with user needs, privacy, and overcoming inertia to drive adoption. It emphasizes finding solutions people really want by addressing their pains and highlighting the gains, ideally with solutions that are 10 times better than existing options.
N?in rakennat kiinnostavaa omaa mediaa - ammattilaisten 9 vinkki?Kubo Finland
N?in rakennat kiinnostavaa omaa media - ammattilaisten 9 vinkki? ja ty?kalua paremman oman median rakentamiseen.
Museoliiton Miljoona uutta k?vij?? - markkinointiseminaarin esitys, slideshare-tuunattuna
Per 6 donne su 10 l'abbigliamento è fonte di piacere e soddisfazione, per le altre 4 motivo di insicurezza e ansia. La nostra ricerca presentata in occasione del lancio del nuovo Lenor, ammorbidente di P&G, svela il rapporto delle donne con il proprio guardaroba, fatto di emozioni forti senza mezze misure.
Non conta però solo il look, il piacere di indossare passa anche da capi morbidi e profumati.
Ospite d’eccezione l'attrice Claudia Gerini, che ha raccontato la propria esperienza
Enterprise 3.0: Podnik chycen? v sociální siti vyznam?Josef Holy
Prezentace z konference Znalosti 2010. http://www2.fm.vse.cz/znalosti/
Presentation I gave at the Czech knowledge management conference.
Presentación canciones y ele (orán, noviembre2011)gorilabonachon
El documento describe cómo las canciones pueden usarse en la clase de espa?ol para mejorar la pronunciación, ritmo y motivación de los estudiantes. Explica que las canciones ofrecen contenido cultural y léxico en contexto, y permiten trabajar habilidades integradas. Además, detalla un proceso de 5 pasos para explotar canciones en clase, incluyendo actividades antes, durante y después de escuchar la canción.
Programul national de stagiatura Stagii pe Bune propune plasarea studentilor facultatilor cu profil IT&C in stagii de practica, desfasurate pe durata verii, in companiile din domeniul IT&C. Stagii pe Bune 2012 este a opta editie a programului si este si in acest an programul oficial de stagiatura al celor mai importante centre educationale IT&C din Romania: Bucuresti, Timisoara, Iasi si Cluj.
VV Mineral Explanation about spreading false News against VV Mineral with doc...Nithya Kalyani
Due to Business rivalry some unwanted antisocial elements spread false News against VV Mineral and Mr.S.Vaikundarajan by engaging some Retd. Officials and some media personals. All the allegation and complaints were verified by the competent authorities and reported as False. The documentary evidences and the nexus between the Antisocial elements in video forms are available in www.beachminerals.org. The short history about the Business motive and about the False complaint etc., are given in the Enclosed document.
This document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers and organizations. It includes 12 photos with captions crediting photographers and organizations like DFAT photo library, markus spiske, Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club, and more. The document encourages the reader to create their own presentation on 狠狠撸Share.
This document discusses how Generation Y employees and future workers will impact the workplace. It notes that Gen Y desires flexibility and mobile access to work, uses social media, and expects a collaborative culture with open communication. The workplace of the future will cater to these preferences through virtual and mobile connectivity, communities, and spaces that foster creativity and collaboration over rigid hours or face time in the office. An open culture where knowledge sharing is valued will be key to engaging Gen Y and beyond.
Caracteristici avansate ale punctului de v?nzareOdooRomania
Afl? cum po?i seta un client ?n punctul de v?nzare, cum po?i s? urm?re?ti cump?r?turile pe care le face, s? faci o factur? sau s? rambursezi produsele.
El documento presenta los principales aspectos a considerar en la educación sexual. La sexualidad es fundamental para las relaciones interpersonales y se construye a lo largo de la vida. Un docente de educación sexual debe promover el respeto a las diferencias individuales, fomentar habilidades para la vida e inspirar confianza. Asimismo, se enfatiza la importancia de planificar actividades mixtas y cooperativas que valoren por igual a todos los estudiantes.
Riak at The NYC Cloud Computing Meetup Groupsiculars
Riak is a distributed key-value store inspired by Dynamo. It is homogeneous, with a single key space and is distributed and replicated across nodes. Riak aims to provide predictable scalability and high availability while allowing for some flexibility in consistency versus availability tradeoffs. It uses a ring topology and vector clocks to manage data distribution and conflict resolution. Riak supports schemaless data storage and provides features like links for basic graph capabilities and map/reduce functions for querying data.
This document discusses various topics related to startups including a potential new startup combining features of Bloomberg, Nasdaq and AngelList called Funderbeam, a time management app called Hourdini, and challenges with user needs, privacy, and overcoming inertia to drive adoption. It emphasizes finding solutions people really want by addressing their pains and highlighting the gains, ideally with solutions that are 10 times better than existing options.
N?in rakennat kiinnostavaa omaa mediaa - ammattilaisten 9 vinkki?Kubo Finland
N?in rakennat kiinnostavaa omaa media - ammattilaisten 9 vinkki? ja ty?kalua paremman oman median rakentamiseen.
Museoliiton Miljoona uutta k?vij?? - markkinointiseminaarin esitys, slideshare-tuunattuna
Per 6 donne su 10 l'abbigliamento è fonte di piacere e soddisfazione, per le altre 4 motivo di insicurezza e ansia. La nostra ricerca presentata in occasione del lancio del nuovo Lenor, ammorbidente di P&G, svela il rapporto delle donne con il proprio guardaroba, fatto di emozioni forti senza mezze misure.
Non conta però solo il look, il piacere di indossare passa anche da capi morbidi e profumati.
Ospite d’eccezione l'attrice Claudia Gerini, che ha raccontato la propria esperienza
Enterprise 3.0: Podnik chycen? v sociální siti vyznam?Josef Holy
Prezentace z konference Znalosti 2010. http://www2.fm.vse.cz/znalosti/
Presentation I gave at the Czech knowledge management conference.
Presentación canciones y ele (orán, noviembre2011)gorilabonachon
El documento describe cómo las canciones pueden usarse en la clase de espa?ol para mejorar la pronunciación, ritmo y motivación de los estudiantes. Explica que las canciones ofrecen contenido cultural y léxico en contexto, y permiten trabajar habilidades integradas. Además, detalla un proceso de 5 pasos para explotar canciones en clase, incluyendo actividades antes, durante y después de escuchar la canción.
Programul national de stagiatura Stagii pe Bune propune plasarea studentilor facultatilor cu profil IT&C in stagii de practica, desfasurate pe durata verii, in companiile din domeniul IT&C. Stagii pe Bune 2012 este a opta editie a programului si este si in acest an programul oficial de stagiatura al celor mai importante centre educationale IT&C din Romania: Bucuresti, Timisoara, Iasi si Cluj.
VV Mineral Explanation about spreading false News against VV Mineral with doc...Nithya Kalyani
Due to Business rivalry some unwanted antisocial elements spread false News against VV Mineral and Mr.S.Vaikundarajan by engaging some Retd. Officials and some media personals. All the allegation and complaints were verified by the competent authorities and reported as False. The documentary evidences and the nexus between the Antisocial elements in video forms are available in www.beachminerals.org. The short history about the Business motive and about the False complaint etc., are given in the Enclosed document.
This document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers and organizations. It includes 12 photos with captions crediting photographers and organizations like DFAT photo library, markus spiske, Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club, and more. The document encourages the reader to create their own presentation on 狠狠撸Share.
This document discusses how Generation Y employees and future workers will impact the workplace. It notes that Gen Y desires flexibility and mobile access to work, uses social media, and expects a collaborative culture with open communication. The workplace of the future will cater to these preferences through virtual and mobile connectivity, communities, and spaces that foster creativity and collaboration over rigid hours or face time in the office. An open culture where knowledge sharing is valued will be key to engaging Gen Y and beyond.
Caracteristici avansate ale punctului de v?nzareOdooRomania
Afl? cum po?i seta un client ?n punctul de v?nzare, cum po?i s? urm?re?ti cump?r?turile pe care le face, s? faci o factur? sau s? rambursezi produsele.
3. The old town of Kaifeng 開封老城區
With the influence of a long history over 2,700 years, various
cultural relics and historic sites are remained in the city.
Therefore, the city became an importance tourist destination
in China. It is also the famous 'Northern Water Town' in
China. You can appreciate many historical and cultural
landscapes there, including Iron Pagoda, Dragon Pavilion,
Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden (Millennium City
Park), Imperial Street of Song Dynasty, Memorial Temple of
Lord Bao, Kaifeng Yamun, Xiangguo Temple as well as
Kaifeng Museum.
5. This Daliang City Gate reconstruction in 1998, is currently the only reconstruction of
Kaifeng city gate, has become an important symbol of the ancient capital.
7. 開封 「城摞城」
Kaifeng City stacked Cities
There are several ancient Kaifeng Cities
buried deep below ground, 3-12 m under the
surface, from upper to lower stacked total of
six cities.
於地面之下,地下 3 米至 12 米處,上下疊壓
著6座城池,其中包括 3 座國都、2 座省城及 1
所謂的城摞城:在如今地面下 10 余米深有魏
國國都大樑城,距地面 10 米左右為唐汴州城,
約 8 米處北宋東京城,約 6 米深金汴京城,而
5~6 米深明開封城和 3 米深左右的清開封城,
6 座開封城像塔樣層層疊壓,特別是從唐代到
現在的 2000 多年間,這座城市的中軸線沒有
14. Iron Pagoda Introduction 鐵塔簡介
Iron Pagoda Located in the Iron Pagoda Park, northeastern corner of Kaifeng City. It's
also known as "Kaibao Temple Pagoda. The surface of the pagoda was covered with
iron-colored glazed tiles, which made it look like an Iron Pagoda, hence its present name.
The octagonal-shaped pagoda has 13 floors with a height of 55.88 meters, the width
of each side at the base is 4.16 meters, and it is decreasing from the base to the top
levels. Although it was constructed of glazed bricks of different shapes and sizes, it looks
very much like a huge wooden pillar, with carved patterns of Buddhas, flowers, human
figures and legendary animals, all representing the highly developed workmanship of the
Song Dynasty.
The Iron Pagoda is well known at home and abroad with its unique art of architecture,
the design is fine and excellent, strong in structure, it withstands numerous attacks of
earthquake, the great flood of 1642, which buried the base under several meters of silt,
storms, and man-made damages since its construction and now it still firmly stands
there magnificently.
八角形塔有 13 層,高度 55.88 米,每一側的基部的寬度為 4.16 米,從基座到塔頂逐
1642 年大洪水基地埋在數米厚的淤泥下,建築遭到風暴和人為的破壞,現今它仌然輝煌
15. The Iron Pagoda is a thirteen-storey pagoda, named for its iron-brown appearance.
17. Thousands of Buddha figures carved all over the glazed bricks.
18. The glazed-bricks on the surface layer are exquisitely engraved. More than 50 distinct patterns
are used, such as figures of Buddha and Bodhisattva, different flowers, and lions and kylins, to
name just a few. Each pattern is of a high artistic standard show excellent craftsmanship.
琉璃磚上有精美的雕刻,有佛陀、菩薩、不同的花卉、獅子、麒麟、飛天、樂伎等圖案 50
22. Dragon Pavilion 龍亭
Dragon Pavilion is a typical representative of the cultural and historical heritages
of Kaifeng. It is the main part of the constructions in Dragon Pavilion Park. It is not
only a pavilion but a huge imperial palace complex built during the Song Dynasty
In fact, the pavilion is a grand hall built on a 13-meter (43 feet) marble terrace with
72 steps. This hall, a wooden structure built facing south, holds many rare cultural
relics, and dragons playing with pearls are carved on the ceilings and walls.
The pavilion is also a favorable place to overlook all the sceneries of Kaifeng City.
In a word, travelers can have a visual feast here.
其實這不是亭子,而是一座雄偉的殿堂建築在 13 米高的大理石台上,共有 72 級
23. Dragons playing with pearls are
carved in the center of 72 marble
在 72 級大理石台階中央,雕刻著
24. The Dragon Pavilion Hall 龍亭大殿
The main hall, built on a thirteen-meter-high marble terrace, is the highlight of the complex. It is
somewhat like Beijing's Forbidden City but on a smaller scale.
正殿建在 13 米高的大理石台上,是整個綜合體的亮點。有點像北京的故宮,但規模較小。
30. Imperial Street is an imitation of the Song Dynasty capital street, built on the top of
originally Song Imperial Street.
39. Introduction to Millennium City Park 清明上河園 簡介
Millennium City Park (also called Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden) located in the old
city of Kaifeng (the former Bianjing) in Henan Province.
The built area consists of several architectural complexes which are re-creations based on
the famous 12 century painting by Zhang Zeduan of 'The Qingming Festival by the Riverside'.
This picture is a painted scroll depicting life along Bian River during the Qingming Festival.
A majestic pavilion of 31.99 meters (about 105 feet) will draw our attention. It is so tall and
seems to be able to touch the clouds. This is how it got the name of Fuyun (whisking the
cloud) Pavilion. It was also the place where important royal documents and traditional
Chinese painting and books are stored during the Song Dynasty.
Rainbow Bridge is a well-known feature in the Park. It is a replica of one of the ten ancient
timber bridges. The bridge is 5 meters (about 16 feet) high.
40. Zhang Zeduan, The painter of ‘The Qingming Festival by the Riverside’
800 多年的歷史。
42. Rainbow Bridge In the painting of
"The Qingming Festival by the Riverside"
52. Boat games in the lake of China imperial garden during the Northern Song,
an early 12th-century painting depicting Kaifeng, by Zhang Zeduan.
皇家林園湖中的舟戲,張擇端12 世紀早期描繪開封的繪畫。
59. The Brief Introduction of Kaifeng Government Hall 開封府簡介
The location of Kaifeng Government Hall (Kaifeng Prefecture) is in the northern band of
the east lake of Bao?s Lake in Kaifeng.
Having a long history, Kaifeng Fu (Kaifeng Prefecture) is well-known both home and
abroad. It was the capital and the most important prefecture of the whole country in
Northern Song Dynasty. The large-scale buildings are magnificent, dignified and elegant.
Historic celebrities Bao Zheng was the prefect, he enforced the law strictly and was
impartial and incorruptible.
The rebuilt Kaifeng Prefecture today covers an area of over 60 mu (about 4 hectares, with
the floor area of 13.6 thousand square meters “1.36 hectares”). Kaifeng Prefecture looks
solemn, and spectacular and in great harmony with the Bao?s Temple by the west lake of
Bao?s Lake. This is called “East Prefecture and West Temples”. The green and rippling
lake adds more beauty to the buildings.
今日重建的開封府,佔地面積 60 畝 (約 4 公頃,包含 13,600 平方米《1.36公頃》的建築面
60. “Gate of Rite” is a reception hall or the guest temporary resting place.
61. The drum people beat at court to lodge
a complaint against some injustice
63. Huge "Stone of Admonition" in the square of the Main Hall, is to encouraged
officials to serve the people.
64. Main hall is a place where the Kaifeng Prefect issued decree,
deal with government affairs and review public cases .
65. 三口鍘刀 Three guillotines
"Dragon guillotine" designed for royal.
"Tiger guillotine" designed for corrupt civil and military officials.
"Dog guillotine" designed for trouble-making bullies.
68. Wax statues of Bao Zheng interrogating in the South Yamun.
72. Fu Si West Prison Scenic Spot
There are prison warder's
room, Temple of the God of
Prison, dead cells, jail cells for
males and females and so on.
76. Daxiango Temple 大相國寺
Daxiango Temple is one of the ten famous temples in Chinese history and plays an important
role in the development of Buddhism in China.
The temple was rebuilt in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), and was bestowed the name Xiangguo
Temple by Emperor Ruizong. The temple reached its heyday in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). It
became an international Buddhism center, attracting many foreign envoys and great monks. It
contributed a lot to the cultural exchanges between China and other countries.
該廟重修於唐代(公元 618-907 年),睿宗皇帝賜名相國寺。該廟於宋代(公元 9601279 年)達到鼎盛時期。它成為一個國際性的佛教中心,吸引了許多外國使節和高僧。
Coming here, you will be surprised at the magnificent architecture and the well-arranged
layout of the temple. The existing structures were mainly built in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
The buildings include Mountain Gate, Paifang, Heavenly Kings Hall, Daxiongbaodian Hall (Hall
of Sakyamuni), Arhat Hall and Sutra Hall. They are set on the north-south central axis with
some other annexes built symmetrically on both sides.
天王殿,大雄寶殿 (釋迦牟尼殿),羅漢堂,藏經樓。它們被設置在南北中軸線上,兩側
82. Canon House
Canon House has two layers, upper layer save the
sutras and the lower layer enshrined white jade
Buddha Sakyamuni.
86. The bell hanging here weighs five tons and is 2.23
meters (7.3 feet) tall. Its grazioso sound echoes all over
the city, especially in winter. Xiangguo Shuang Zhong
(the beautiful sound of the bell on a frosty day) is one of
the Eight Scenes of Bianjing (nowadays Kaifeng).
2.2 3