Use of algorithm in IHCLawrence RichardsThe document discusses the use of diagnostic algorithms and antibody panels to identify tumor types through immunohistochemistry (IHC). It provides examples of algorithms that use sequential testing of antibodies to differentiate between common tumor types like carcinoma vs sarcoma, or to identify the primary origin of a metastatic tumor. The algorithms aim to increase diagnostic accuracy and guide treatment by narrowing down the possible tumor types. Key details about specific antibodies, their targets, and staining patterns are also presented.
Breast copyAnilaSharma2This document discusses the anatomy, histology, genetics, epidemiology, risk factors, histopathology, and molecular classification of breast cancer. It provides details on the normal anatomy of the breast and describes various precursor lesions and histological types of both in situ and invasive breast carcinomas. It discusses genetic factors like BRCA1/2 mutations and their associated risks. Prognostic markers like grade, stage, hormone receptors and HER2 are summarized. Molecular classification of breast cancer into intrinsic subtypes is introduced, along with the concept of cancer stem cells.
Review and Updates of Immunohistochemistry inSelected Salivary Gland and Hea...imrana tanvirThis document provides an overview of immunohistochemistry markers that can help diagnose various salivary gland and head and neck tumors. It discusses the cell types that stain positively for different markers in normal salivary gland tissue and then examines the immunohistochemistry profiles of tumors like acinic cell carcinoma, mammary analogue secretory carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, myoepithelial carcinoma, salivary duct carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma. Having an understanding of the typical marker expression in these tumors can aid pathologists in making accurate diagnoses.
Carcinoma of unknown primary IHC ApproachDeeksha Sikri1. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) remains the gold standard for diagnosing carcinomas of unknown primary site (CUPs). IHC uses antibodies to keratins and organ-specific markers to determine the cell line of differentiation and potentially identify the primary site.
2. Key IHC markers that can help identify primary sites include TTF-1 for lung cancer, CK7/CK20 patterns for gastrointestinal cancers, PAX-8 for ovarian cancer, PSA for prostate cancer, and GCDFP-15 for breast cancer. ER and WT-1 can also help distinguish cancers arising in the female reproductive system.
3. While individual markers may not be entirely specific, using antibody panels and
CYTOLOGY OF BREAST LESIONS??! Ashish JawarkarThis is a presentation on the topic of cytology of the breast, prepared by Dr Ashish Jawarkar, he is MD in pathology and a teacher at Parul institute of Medical sciences and research Vadodara.
Update on soft tissue tumors Manoj Madakshira GopalSoft tissue pathology is rapidly changing
Novel molecular findings
Tumors previously known under one rubric are reclassified with relative frequency
Lesions that for decades were thought to be reactive now are discovered to possess gene rearrangements
Features of previously unknown or incompletely described tumors are coalesced and synthesized into new entities
Relative rarity of soft tissue tumors only adds to the challenge
of keeping abreast of all of these advances
Artifacts in Tissue processingAkhil sThis document discusses various artifacts that can occur during biopsy and tissue processing. It defines an artifact as a defect or distortion resulting from how the tissue was handled from biopsy to fixation. Artifacts can occur during tissue manipulation, transport, fixation, processing, embedding and sectioning. Specific artifacts discussed include squeeze artifacts from improper forceps use, heat artifacts from electrosurgery, autolysis artifacts from delayed fixation, curling artifacts from thin specimens, and orientation artifacts from unlabeled specimens. Proper techniques such as gentle tissue handling, rapid fixation in adequate formalin volume, and specimen orientation labeling can prevent many artifacts.
Grossing of kidney tumorsDr. Pritika NehraHistopathological Grossing of Kidney Tumors with the common gross differentials encountered,
reference - TATA memorial grossing techniques , Rosai and ackerman surgical pathology , Fletcher , Springer histopathology Specimen
Yokohama system cytologyBPS GMC (W) KHANPUR KALAN SONEPATThe document summarizes the International Academy of Cytology (IAC) System for classifying breast malignancy based on fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) results. The system was developed at a meeting in Yokohama in 2016. It aims to standardize breast cytology reporting to improve diagnosis and patient management. The system categorizes FNAC results as insufficient, benign, atypical, suspicious of malignancy, or malignant, with associated risks of malignancy. Cytological features and management recommendations are provided for each category. The goal is to link cytology reports to optimal breast care.
Grossing procedure for ovaryMonika NemaThis document provides guidance on examining and processing specimens from the ovary and fallopian tubes. It describes measuring and examining the organs, noting any abnormalities. It details cutting and fixing specimens of different sizes. It also describes examining cyst fluid and cyst walls. Key details to document include size, surface characteristics, solid or cystic areas, and contents. Sections are outlined for different specimen types. Various pathological conditions are defined by their presentations.
GLEASON SCORING . Dr. Abhinav Golla , Associate Professor , Lab Director & C...Aadhya Medicure Pathlabs Vijayanagar colony.hyderabadThis document discusses the Gleason grading system for prostate cancer. It provides details on the original Gleason patterns from 1 to 5 based on tumor architecture, with pattern 1 being the most differentiated and pattern 5 being undifferentiated. The Gleason score is determined by adding the primary and secondary patterns. The document reviews reporting of Gleason scores for different specimen types like biopsies and radical prostatectomies. It also discusses modifications to the Gleason system over time with new discoveries in prostate cancer.
01 Potpouri Of Asc H ShidhamvshidhamThis document summarizes research on the morphological evaluation of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) in cervical cytology samples. It identifies six cytological patterns associated with ASC-US interpretations and correlates them with biopsy and HPV test results. These patterns include MGH-like, repair-like, atrophy-like single cells, atrophy-like parabasal cell groups, ASC-US not otherwise specified, and small atypical parakeratotic cells. The document also discusses cases showing low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) co-existing with ASC-US features.
Epithelial tumor markersvarun suryaThis document discusses epithelial tumor markers. It begins by introducing the topic and defining tumor markers as substances produced by or in response to tumors that can be used to detect or characterize tumors. It then describes the ideal properties of tumor markers and various ways to classify them, including as cell surface markers, intracellular markers, types associated with tumor growth, suppression, angiogenesis, and invasion. Specific epithelial and other markers are outlined. Finally, uses of tumor markers are summarized, including for screening, diagnosis, staging, prognosis, evaluating treatment response, and detecting recurrence. Cytokeratins are highlighted as important epithelial markers.
Utility of cell block in cytology.Manan ShahThe document discusses cell blocks, which are used in cytopathology to provide tissue samples from fluid specimens for histological examination. Cell blocks allow for maintaining tissue architecture, performing ancillary tests, and archiving samples. Various cell block preparation methods are described. Cell blocks provide diagnostic advantages over smears for certain tumor types and body fluids. While cell blocks increase diagnostic accuracy, some methods can result in low cellularity or inadequate samples for ancillary testing. Overall, the document provides an overview of the utility and methods of cell block preparation in cytopathology.
GROSSING OF BREAST.pptxaditisikarwar2This document provides information on grossing of breast specimens. It discusses the anatomy of the breast and lymphatic drainage. It describes different types of breast specimens including excisions, lumpectomies, quadrantectomies, mastectomies, and microdochectomies. Key steps for grossing include examining the specimen, measuring tumor size and margins, slicing and sectioning the tumor and breast tissue, evaluating lymph nodes, and describing other findings. Special considerations for grossing lumpectomy, mastectomy, and mammocalization specimens are also outlined. The goal of gross examination is to accurately stage the tumor and assess margins, lymph nodes, and other important pathological features.
Cancer de mama y Aspectos CitologicosjohnnyalexanderaguilarmontalvanEste documento presenta información sobre el cáncer de mama, incluyendo: 1) El cáncer de mama es el resultado de alteraciones genéticas que causan un crecimiento anormal y descontrolado de células mamarias, las cuales pueden invadir otros tejidos y metastatizarse. 2) Se describen diferentes tipos de cáncer de mama como carcinoma ductal y lobulillar, así como sus características citológicas en biopsias aspirativas con aguja fina. 3) La biopsia aspirativa con aguja fina es un proced
Pancreas cytologySansar Babu TiwariThe slide presentation summarizes cytology findings of pancreatic cytology from a 28-year-old female. Smears showed loosely cohesive tissue fragments and scattered cells in a clean background with absent or scanty cytoplasm. Nuclei were round to oval with stippled chromatin. Features were consistent with pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm rather than solid pseudopapillary tumor. The presentation reviewed pancreatic development, indications for FNA, reporting systems, and findings associated with primary pancreatic neoplasms including neuroendocrine tumors.
Yokohama System-Reporting Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB).pptxGeoffreyMutale3The document describes the International Academy of Cytology's Yokohama System for reporting breast fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytology. It was developed in 2016 to standardize breast cytology reporting, improve practices, and facilitate optimal patient management. The system has five diagnostic categories - insufficient/inadequate, benign, atypical, suspicious of malignancy, and malignant - stratified by risk of malignancy. It emphasizes skilled biopsy techniques and provides descriptions and examples for each diagnostic category. The goal is to enhance communication between cytopathologists and clinicians.
Tensins 123Spoorthy GurajalaTensins are proteins located at focal adhesions that link integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. There are four tensin family members that play important roles in cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and survival. Tensins help maintain tissue integrity but can also contribute to disease when their expression is altered, as seen in various cancers where different tensins may act as either tumor suppressors or oncogenes depending on the context. The functions and regulation of individual tensins can vary between tissues and disease states.
Grossing thyroid glandSansar Babu TiwariThe document provides an overview of thyroid gland embryology, anatomy, common pathologies, and the steps for grossing a thyroid specimen in the laboratory. The thyroid gland develops from an endodermal outpouching in the embryo and normally descends to the anterior neck. Common pathologies include Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease, multinodular goiter, and various thyroid cancers. When grossing a thyroid specimen, the pathologist examines, describes, weighs, measures, and sections the gland to identify any lesions for histological analysis.
Pitfalls in soft tissue tumor diagnosisKIRAN KUMAR EPARIThis document discusses potential pitfalls in diagnosing soft tissue tumors in children. It begins by noting key differences between pediatric and adult tumors. The main diagnostic challenges are the histological diversity of pediatric soft tissue sarcomas and their infrequent occurrence. Misclassifying tumor subtypes can impact treatment. Potential misdiagnoses include mistaking inflammatory lesions for sarcomas or hematolymphoid malignancies for sarcomas. Careful histological examination and use of immunohistochemistry are important to arrive at an accurate diagnosis.
Thyroid 2017Manan ShahThe data on thyroid tumors in the fourth edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of endocrine tumors published in 2017 contain significant revisions.
These revisions of the 2004 WHO classification were based on new knowledge about pathology, clinical behavior, and most importantly the genetics of the thyroid tumors.
Molecular diagnostics of colorectal cancerAddisu AlemuThis document provides an outline for a presentation on colorectal cancer (CRC). It discusses the etiology, types, molecular pathogenesis and diagnosis of CRC. Key points include: CRC accounts for 9% of cancer deaths worldwide and arises through genetic and epigenetic changes. The main types are sporadic, inherited syndromes like Lynch syndrome, and familial CRC. Molecularly, CRC arises through chromosomal instability, mismatch repair defects, and epigenetic silencing. Important genes mutated include APC, KRAS, BRAF, p53 and DCC. Familial adenomatous polyposis and Lynch syndrome are inherited CRC syndromes associated with APC and mismatch repair gene mutations respectively.
Error Trapping and Error Avoidance in HistopathologydrshameeraPathologists typically become aware of making a serious diagnostic error about once a year, with an overall diagnostic error rate of 3-4% and clinically significant error rate of 1-2%. Errors are rarely due to incompetence and can be caused by factors like heavy workload. Pathologists should engage in continuing education, audit their performance, and communicate effectively with colleagues to help reduce errors. Quality improvement systems like clinical audits, multidisciplinary team meetings, and external reviews can help detect errors and improve diagnostic standards.
Cancer cervixANDRES MendozaEste documento describe los factores de riesgo, tipos y características del cáncer de cuello uterino, incluyendo el carcinoma microinvasor de células escamosas, los diferentes tipos de carcinoma invasor como de células grandes no queratinizantes y queratinizantes, y los tipos de adenocarcinoma como el in situ, mucinoso y de células claras. También menciona otros tumores menos comunes como el seroso, adenoidesquamocelular, de células vitreas y mesenquimales.
Cervix bethesda systemDr. Sobia Khalid1) The document describes the Bethesda System for reporting cervical cytology results, which standardizes terminology for specimen adequacy, interpretation, and epithelial cell abnormalities.
2) Key cell types of the cervix are described along with non-neoplastic and reactive findings like organisms, inflammation, and hormonal changes.
3) Epithelial cell abnormalities are classified as either squamous or glandular, ranging from atypical/precancerous lesions to carcinoma. Nuclear and architectural criteria are provided to distinguish between low and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions.
Grossing of breastSmritiSingh171This document provides guidance on grossing (examining) different types of breast specimens in pathology. It describes how to properly collect, orient, measure, sample and submit lumpectomy, mastectomy, microdochectomy and lymph node specimens. Key steps include fixation in formalin, inking, slicing, measuring margins, evaluating tumors and lymph nodes, and submitting representative sections for histology. The goal is to thoroughly examine specimens and obtain high quality samples for accurate diagnosis.
Grossing of kidney tumorsDr. Pritika NehraHistopathological Grossing of Kidney Tumors with the common gross differentials encountered,
reference - TATA memorial grossing techniques , Rosai and ackerman surgical pathology , Fletcher , Springer histopathology Specimen
Yokohama system cytologyBPS GMC (W) KHANPUR KALAN SONEPATThe document summarizes the International Academy of Cytology (IAC) System for classifying breast malignancy based on fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) results. The system was developed at a meeting in Yokohama in 2016. It aims to standardize breast cytology reporting to improve diagnosis and patient management. The system categorizes FNAC results as insufficient, benign, atypical, suspicious of malignancy, or malignant, with associated risks of malignancy. Cytological features and management recommendations are provided for each category. The goal is to link cytology reports to optimal breast care.
Grossing procedure for ovaryMonika NemaThis document provides guidance on examining and processing specimens from the ovary and fallopian tubes. It describes measuring and examining the organs, noting any abnormalities. It details cutting and fixing specimens of different sizes. It also describes examining cyst fluid and cyst walls. Key details to document include size, surface characteristics, solid or cystic areas, and contents. Sections are outlined for different specimen types. Various pathological conditions are defined by their presentations.
GLEASON SCORING . Dr. Abhinav Golla , Associate Professor , Lab Director & C...Aadhya Medicure Pathlabs Vijayanagar colony.hyderabadThis document discusses the Gleason grading system for prostate cancer. It provides details on the original Gleason patterns from 1 to 5 based on tumor architecture, with pattern 1 being the most differentiated and pattern 5 being undifferentiated. The Gleason score is determined by adding the primary and secondary patterns. The document reviews reporting of Gleason scores for different specimen types like biopsies and radical prostatectomies. It also discusses modifications to the Gleason system over time with new discoveries in prostate cancer.
01 Potpouri Of Asc H ShidhamvshidhamThis document summarizes research on the morphological evaluation of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) in cervical cytology samples. It identifies six cytological patterns associated with ASC-US interpretations and correlates them with biopsy and HPV test results. These patterns include MGH-like, repair-like, atrophy-like single cells, atrophy-like parabasal cell groups, ASC-US not otherwise specified, and small atypical parakeratotic cells. The document also discusses cases showing low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) co-existing with ASC-US features.
Epithelial tumor markersvarun suryaThis document discusses epithelial tumor markers. It begins by introducing the topic and defining tumor markers as substances produced by or in response to tumors that can be used to detect or characterize tumors. It then describes the ideal properties of tumor markers and various ways to classify them, including as cell surface markers, intracellular markers, types associated with tumor growth, suppression, angiogenesis, and invasion. Specific epithelial and other markers are outlined. Finally, uses of tumor markers are summarized, including for screening, diagnosis, staging, prognosis, evaluating treatment response, and detecting recurrence. Cytokeratins are highlighted as important epithelial markers.
Utility of cell block in cytology.Manan ShahThe document discusses cell blocks, which are used in cytopathology to provide tissue samples from fluid specimens for histological examination. Cell blocks allow for maintaining tissue architecture, performing ancillary tests, and archiving samples. Various cell block preparation methods are described. Cell blocks provide diagnostic advantages over smears for certain tumor types and body fluids. While cell blocks increase diagnostic accuracy, some methods can result in low cellularity or inadequate samples for ancillary testing. Overall, the document provides an overview of the utility and methods of cell block preparation in cytopathology.
GROSSING OF BREAST.pptxaditisikarwar2This document provides information on grossing of breast specimens. It discusses the anatomy of the breast and lymphatic drainage. It describes different types of breast specimens including excisions, lumpectomies, quadrantectomies, mastectomies, and microdochectomies. Key steps for grossing include examining the specimen, measuring tumor size and margins, slicing and sectioning the tumor and breast tissue, evaluating lymph nodes, and describing other findings. Special considerations for grossing lumpectomy, mastectomy, and mammocalization specimens are also outlined. The goal of gross examination is to accurately stage the tumor and assess margins, lymph nodes, and other important pathological features.
Cancer de mama y Aspectos CitologicosjohnnyalexanderaguilarmontalvanEste documento presenta información sobre el cáncer de mama, incluyendo: 1) El cáncer de mama es el resultado de alteraciones genéticas que causan un crecimiento anormal y descontrolado de células mamarias, las cuales pueden invadir otros tejidos y metastatizarse. 2) Se describen diferentes tipos de cáncer de mama como carcinoma ductal y lobulillar, así como sus características citológicas en biopsias aspirativas con aguja fina. 3) La biopsia aspirativa con aguja fina es un proced
Pancreas cytologySansar Babu TiwariThe slide presentation summarizes cytology findings of pancreatic cytology from a 28-year-old female. Smears showed loosely cohesive tissue fragments and scattered cells in a clean background with absent or scanty cytoplasm. Nuclei were round to oval with stippled chromatin. Features were consistent with pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm rather than solid pseudopapillary tumor. The presentation reviewed pancreatic development, indications for FNA, reporting systems, and findings associated with primary pancreatic neoplasms including neuroendocrine tumors.
Yokohama System-Reporting Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB).pptxGeoffreyMutale3The document describes the International Academy of Cytology's Yokohama System for reporting breast fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytology. It was developed in 2016 to standardize breast cytology reporting, improve practices, and facilitate optimal patient management. The system has five diagnostic categories - insufficient/inadequate, benign, atypical, suspicious of malignancy, and malignant - stratified by risk of malignancy. It emphasizes skilled biopsy techniques and provides descriptions and examples for each diagnostic category. The goal is to enhance communication between cytopathologists and clinicians.
Tensins 123Spoorthy GurajalaTensins are proteins located at focal adhesions that link integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. There are four tensin family members that play important roles in cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and survival. Tensins help maintain tissue integrity but can also contribute to disease when their expression is altered, as seen in various cancers where different tensins may act as either tumor suppressors or oncogenes depending on the context. The functions and regulation of individual tensins can vary between tissues and disease states.
Grossing thyroid glandSansar Babu TiwariThe document provides an overview of thyroid gland embryology, anatomy, common pathologies, and the steps for grossing a thyroid specimen in the laboratory. The thyroid gland develops from an endodermal outpouching in the embryo and normally descends to the anterior neck. Common pathologies include Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease, multinodular goiter, and various thyroid cancers. When grossing a thyroid specimen, the pathologist examines, describes, weighs, measures, and sections the gland to identify any lesions for histological analysis.
Pitfalls in soft tissue tumor diagnosisKIRAN KUMAR EPARIThis document discusses potential pitfalls in diagnosing soft tissue tumors in children. It begins by noting key differences between pediatric and adult tumors. The main diagnostic challenges are the histological diversity of pediatric soft tissue sarcomas and their infrequent occurrence. Misclassifying tumor subtypes can impact treatment. Potential misdiagnoses include mistaking inflammatory lesions for sarcomas or hematolymphoid malignancies for sarcomas. Careful histological examination and use of immunohistochemistry are important to arrive at an accurate diagnosis.
Thyroid 2017Manan ShahThe data on thyroid tumors in the fourth edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of endocrine tumors published in 2017 contain significant revisions.
These revisions of the 2004 WHO classification were based on new knowledge about pathology, clinical behavior, and most importantly the genetics of the thyroid tumors.
Molecular diagnostics of colorectal cancerAddisu AlemuThis document provides an outline for a presentation on colorectal cancer (CRC). It discusses the etiology, types, molecular pathogenesis and diagnosis of CRC. Key points include: CRC accounts for 9% of cancer deaths worldwide and arises through genetic and epigenetic changes. The main types are sporadic, inherited syndromes like Lynch syndrome, and familial CRC. Molecularly, CRC arises through chromosomal instability, mismatch repair defects, and epigenetic silencing. Important genes mutated include APC, KRAS, BRAF, p53 and DCC. Familial adenomatous polyposis and Lynch syndrome are inherited CRC syndromes associated with APC and mismatch repair gene mutations respectively.
Error Trapping and Error Avoidance in HistopathologydrshameeraPathologists typically become aware of making a serious diagnostic error about once a year, with an overall diagnostic error rate of 3-4% and clinically significant error rate of 1-2%. Errors are rarely due to incompetence and can be caused by factors like heavy workload. Pathologists should engage in continuing education, audit their performance, and communicate effectively with colleagues to help reduce errors. Quality improvement systems like clinical audits, multidisciplinary team meetings, and external reviews can help detect errors and improve diagnostic standards.
Cancer cervixANDRES MendozaEste documento describe los factores de riesgo, tipos y características del cáncer de cuello uterino, incluyendo el carcinoma microinvasor de células escamosas, los diferentes tipos de carcinoma invasor como de células grandes no queratinizantes y queratinizantes, y los tipos de adenocarcinoma como el in situ, mucinoso y de células claras. También menciona otros tumores menos comunes como el seroso, adenoidesquamocelular, de células vitreas y mesenquimales.
Cervix bethesda systemDr. Sobia Khalid1) The document describes the Bethesda System for reporting cervical cytology results, which standardizes terminology for specimen adequacy, interpretation, and epithelial cell abnormalities.
2) Key cell types of the cervix are described along with non-neoplastic and reactive findings like organisms, inflammation, and hormonal changes.
3) Epithelial cell abnormalities are classified as either squamous or glandular, ranging from atypical/precancerous lesions to carcinoma. Nuclear and architectural criteria are provided to distinguish between low and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions.
Grossing of breastSmritiSingh171This document provides guidance on grossing (examining) different types of breast specimens in pathology. It describes how to properly collect, orient, measure, sample and submit lumpectomy, mastectomy, microdochectomy and lymph node specimens. Key steps include fixation in formalin, inking, slicing, measuring margins, evaluating tumors and lymph nodes, and submitting representative sections for histology. The goal is to thoroughly examine specimens and obtain high quality samples for accurate diagnosis.
Adneksiyal kitlelere yaklaşım dr aydın köşüşAydın KöşüşAdneksiyal kitlelerde izlenecek yöntem nasıl olmalıdır? Laparoskopinin yönetimde yeri nedir? Her adneksiyal kitleye cerrahi gerekir mi? Çocuklardaki adneksiyal kitlelerde yönetim nasıl olmalıdır?
Nöroradyolojik lokasyon paternleri, arka fossa tümörleriUludag University, School of Medicine, Neurosurgery DepartmentPosterior Fossa Tümörleri
James G. Smirniotopoulos, M.D.
Radiology, Neurology, Biomedical Informatics
Uniformed Services University
Bethesda, Maryland
Meme kanseri ve GenetikOğuzhan AyMeme kanseri etyopatogenezinde genetik faktörlerin,genetik patolojinin açıklanması.Meme Kanserinde genetik danışmanlık,ailesel vakalara genetik danışmanlık.
Erken meme kanserinde_cerrahi_tedaviUğur GürayTürk jinekoloji ve Obstetri Derneği Antalya şubesi ilk bilimsel toplantısını, 22 Ocak 2015 tarihinde Porto Bello Hotel'de yaptı. Toplantıya, çoğunluğunu Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Uzmanları'nın oluşturduğu yaklaşık 100 Uzman hekim katıldı. Bende konuşmacı olarak davetli olduğum bu toplantıda "Meme Kanseri ve Fertilite Prezervasyonu" başlıklı bir konuşma yaptım.
5. Kist içine bir ağaç
gibi dallanarak
uzanan papiller
Epitelle döşeli kist duvarı
8. Papillary lesions of the breast: selected diagnostic and management
issues Collins L C & Schnitt S J (2008) Histopathology 52, 20–29
9. Olguda kullanılan myoepitelyal
• P63
• CD10 Tüm myoepitelyal
belirteçler ile aynı sonuç
• Kalponin
alındı: Hem kist
• SMA duvarında hem de
papiller yapılarda
myoepitelyal hücre
23. Papillary lesions of the breast: selected diagnostic and management
issues Collins L C & Schnitt S J (2008) Histopathology 52, 20–29
25. Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma of the Breast: An Invasive Tumor With Excellent
Prognosis Rakha E, Gandhi N, Climent F, et al. Am J Surg Pathol Volume 35, Number
8, August 2011
30. Molecular Classification of Estrogen Receptor-positive/Luminal Breast Cancers.
Felipe C. Geyer, MD,* Daniel N. Rodrigues, et al. Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:39–53)
31. • İnvaziv tümörler daha çok luminal tip A
• DKİS daha çok luminal tip B ve HER 2 zengin
• Yüksek gradeli invaziv ve in situ tümörler daha
çok HER 2 zengin ve bazal tip
Comparison of molecular phenotypes of ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive
breast cancer Tamimi R, Baer HJ, Marotti J, et al. Breast Cancer Research
2008, 10:R67
33. • Rakha ve ark:
3 enstitüden toplam 302 olgudan oluşan
papiller meme karsinomu serisinde;
208 tanesi intrakistik papiller meme ca
30 tanesi solid papiller meme ca
9 tanesi papiller DKİS
30 vakada İHK +: Tümü ER+, CERB B2 -
Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma of the Breast: An Invasive Tumor With
Excellent Prognosis Rakha E, Gandhi N, Climent F, et al. Am J Surg Pathol
Volume 35, Number 8, August 2011
35. Gene expression profiling in breast cancer: classification, prognostication
and prediction. Reis-Filho J,Pusztai L. Lancet 2011; 378: 1812–23.
Apokrin tümörler ER – , AR +
Encapsulated apocrine papillary carcinoma of the breast-a tumour of
uncertain malignant potential: report of five cases. Seal M, Wilson C, Naus
G, et al Virchows Arch (2009) 455:477–483
5 vakanın 3’üne İHK+ 3’ünde de ER, PR, CERB B2-
Encapsulated Apocrine Papillary Carcinoma of the Breast: Case Report
With Clinicopathologic and Immunohistochemical Study Laforga J.B,
Gasent J.M, Sanchez M. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2011;39:288–293
ER, PR-, CERB B2- (+1), AR+
36. • ER: ER α ve ER ß olmak üzere 2 izoform
• ER ß:
5 tane ER-B1-B5 olmak üzere 5 izoform
Kolon, özofagus, mide, pankreas, testis, akciğer, beyin
ER α negatif meme tümörlerinde ER ß + olabiliyor
(Tamoksifene yanıt)
Apokrin meme kanserlerinde iyi prognoz ile ilişkili
Tedavide hedef molekül?
Estrogen Receptor Beta. Younes M, Honma N. Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 135,
January 2011