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Chapter 2.1 and 2.2
      By: Emma Cohen

 A process that separates substances in a
  solution by their boiling points.

 The process in which a liquid becomes a
 A process used to isolate a solid dissolved
  in a liquid property: solubility
Evidence of a Chemical
 A change in color
 The formation of a gas
 A formation of a precipitate
 A change in the temperature

 materials that burn and can be used as fuel.
How to classify matter

      pure substance   mixture

             homogenous      heterogenous
      Compound mixture          mixture

 Two or more substances that are not
  chemically combined with each other and
  be separated by Physical means. The
  substances in a mixture retain their
  characteristic properties.

 The simplest form of pure substances.
 A element has a 鍖xed composition because
  it contains only one type of atom
Physical Properties
 Melting Point
 Boiling Point

 Two or more elements that are chemically
  combined. In a 鍖xed proportion.

 A mixture that is uniform throughout.

   A process that separates the substances in
    a solution based on boiling points.

 A process that separates materials based
  on the size of their particles and or
Physical v. Chemical

 Physical change does not have any change in
 Chemical change does have a change in the
Reactivity of Hydrogen
     and Oxygen

 Hydrogen is explosive, and the density of it
  is less so the air rises.
 Oxygen will ignite an embruing 鍖ame, and
  the density is greater so the air sinks.
   Test Questions!!!!!
 What is the difference between a physical
  change and a chemical change?
 How can you tell if it is a chemical change?
 How would you test for a physical
 What is the difference between a pure
  substance and a mixture?
 What are 3 examples of physical

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  • 1. Chapter 2.1 and 2.2 By: Emma Cohen
  • 2. Distillation A process that separates substances in a solution by their boiling points.
  • 3. Evaporation The process in which a liquid becomes a gas. A process used to isolate a solid dissolved in a liquid property: solubility
  • 4. Evidence of a Chemical Reaction A change in color The formation of a gas A formation of a precipitate A change in the temperature
  • 5. Flammability materials that burn and can be used as fuel.
  • 6. How to classify matter Matter pure substance mixture homogenous heterogenous Element Compound mixture mixture
  • 7. Mixtures Two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other and be separated by Physical means. The substances in a mixture retain their characteristic properties.
  • 8. Elements The simplest form of pure substances. A element has a 鍖xed composition because it contains only one type of atom
  • 9. Physical Properties Viscosity Conductivity Malleability Hardness Melting Point Boiling Point Density
  • 10. Compound Two or more elements that are chemically combined. In a 鍖xed proportion.
  • 11. Colloid A mixture that is uniform throughout.
  • 12. Distillation A process that separates the substances in a solution based on boiling points.
  • 13. Filtration A process that separates materials based on the size of their particles and or solubility
  • 14. Physical v. Chemical Change Physical change does not have any change in composition. Chemical change does have a change in the composition.
  • 15. Reactivity of Hydrogen and Oxygen Hydrogen is explosive, and the density of it is less so the air rises. Oxygen will ignite an embruing 鍖ame, and the density is greater so the air sinks.
  • 16. Test Questions!!!!!
  • 17. What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change?
  • 18. How can you tell if it is a chemical change?
  • 19. How would you test for a physical property?
  • 20. What is the difference between a pure substance and a mixture?
  • 21. What are 3 examples of physical properties?

Editor's Notes