Este documento describe las propiedades de los campos en Microsoft Access 2003. Explica propiedades como el tama単o del campo, formato, m叩scara de entrada, valor predeterminado, requerido e indexado. Tambi辿n cubre la creaci坦n de 鱈ndices simples y compuestos para mejorar el rendimiento de las b炭squedas en las tablas.
Este documento presenta un manual r叩pido de Access 2010. Explica los siete bloques de contenido que componen el manual, incluyendo introducciones a bases de datos, Microsoft Access, la construcci坦n de bases de datos, tablas, consultas, informes e informaci坦n general sobre dise単o y uso. Tambi辿n incluye ejercicios y recomienda recursos adicionales en l鱈nea para reforzar los conocimientos sobre el uso de Access 2010.
Jornada dels equips t竪cnics de menors: assessorament t竪cnic, mediaci坦/reparaci坦 i atenci坦 a la v鱈ctima.
L'assetjament escolar, un repte a superar per a la conviv竪ncia. Claus per entendre'l i eines per intervenir-hi.
Assetjament escolar: una mirada mediadora. Neus Camacho, responsable del Servei de Mediaci坦 de l'Ajuntament de Sabadell
Centre d'Estudis Jur鱈dics i Formaci坦 Especialitzada, 25 de novembre de 2015
Durante la conferencia internacional "Dual-Use Technologies and RIS3 Strategies in Europe", y tras el trabajo previo realizado por un grupo de expertos (entre el que se ha encontrado CITIC representado por Andr辿s M辿ndez), se llev坦 a cabo el "Focus Group 3. Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection. An example of dual-use Tech".
Dicho grupo de trabajo estuvo liderado por Javier Candau (Jefe de Pol鱈tica y Servicios del Centro Criptol坦gico Nacional) y Vi鱈ctor Manuel Iglesias (Gabinete de Seguridad y Calidad de la Consejer鱈a de Innovaci坦n, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andaluc鱈a).
En estas diapositivas se muestran las conclusiones obtenidas por el grupo de debate y que se expusieron en el plenario el 28 de octubre de 2015.
Presentaci坦n de ngel Mart鱈n, socio fundador de SecureKids, durante la jornada "Presentaci坦n del Cap鱈tulo Andaluz de la AEI Ciberseguridad y de la certificaci坦n de proveedores de ciberseguridad" celebrada el 22 de septiembre de 2015 en el Centro Andaluz de Innovaci坦n y Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y las Comunicaciones (CITIC).
HCS Contact Center - Driving Customer Experience Excellence with Your Contact...Cisco Powered
This eBook dives into the importance of your Contact Center and a step-by-step breakdown of how to make the most of it for excellent customer satisfaction.
The document describes an alumni leadership masterclass event focused on building alumni identity, engagement, and networks. The one-day event in New Delhi includes sessions on alumni relations best practices, branding, use of technology, communications strategies, and a case study. Speakers include experts from educational and alumni relations backgrounds. The target audience is educational institutions seeking to strengthen alumni ties and engagement. Attendees will learn how to better utilize alumni relationships and build influential alumni networks.
SIGMA - MATERIALES EN LA IE. Registrar la informaci坦n de recepci坦n, devoluci坦n, reposici坦n y entrega de materiales educativos en las instituciones educativas.
Presentaci坦n de Nuria Garc鱈a, Responsable del Programa EBTIC, durante la jornada "Presentaci坦n del Cap鱈tulo Andaluz de la AEI Ciberseguridad y de la certificaci坦n de proveedores de ciberseguridad" celebrada el 22 de septiembre de 2015 en el Centro Andaluz de Innovaci坦n y Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y las Comunicaciones (CITIC).
A Greener Office: 5 Things You Can Do to be Kinder to the EnvironmentBrightCarbon
Companies are often vocal about what they're doing to reduce their environmental impact, but what can we do as individuals? Here are five things you can do as an individual to be kinder to the environment.
This document discusses the 8 primitive data types in Java - byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, and char. It provides details on the bit size and possible values for each primitive type, and notes that primitive types do not have methods while reference types are used to access objects. It also briefly introduces literals as fixed values in source code and escape sequences for strings and characters.
The document provides guidelines for naming conventions in Java including capitalization rules for class and method names, requirements for the main method, how to compile and run a Java program, that Java is case sensitive, naming the program file to match the class, identifiers in Java, Java keywords, single and multi-line comments, and blank lines. Key points covered include uppercase first letters for class names, lowercase first letters for method names, the main method must be public and static, and examples are provided for class and file names.
Using Your Camera Phone to Create Awesome PresentationsBrightCarbon
Stock photography is commonly used but can look similar across presentations. This presentation was created using only an iPhone and PowerPoint to take unique city background photos. Effective techniques include taking photos on sunny days for drama, blurring detailed photos so content is clear, using the rule of thirds composition, and removing backgrounds from photos for interaction with drawn shapes.
Luonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan opintomahdollisuudetOuLUMA
Opintoasiainp辰辰llikk旦 Heikki Kuoppalan esitys Oulun yliopiston luonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan opintomahdollisuuksista. Esitys on pidetty opinto-ohjaajien koulutusp辰iv辰ss辰 Oulun yliopistolla 28.1.2011.
Ty旦n tekemisen tapa ja osaamistarpeet muutoksessaOuLUMA
Taloudellisen tiedotustoimiston koulu-coach Heikki Piilonen kertoi ty旦n tekemisen tavan muutoksista opinto-ohjaajien koulutusp辰iv辰ss辰 28.1.2011 Oulun yliopistolla.
Oulun yliopiston vara- ja koulutusrehtori Olli Silv辿n luennoi opettajan keinoista parantaa kurssien l辰p辰isy辰 Tukea LUMA-aineiden opiskeluun -koulutuksessa 4.9.2010.
HCS Contact Center - Driving Customer Experience Excellence with Your Contact...Cisco Powered
This eBook dives into the importance of your Contact Center and a step-by-step breakdown of how to make the most of it for excellent customer satisfaction.
The document describes an alumni leadership masterclass event focused on building alumni identity, engagement, and networks. The one-day event in New Delhi includes sessions on alumni relations best practices, branding, use of technology, communications strategies, and a case study. Speakers include experts from educational and alumni relations backgrounds. The target audience is educational institutions seeking to strengthen alumni ties and engagement. Attendees will learn how to better utilize alumni relationships and build influential alumni networks.
SIGMA - MATERIALES EN LA IE. Registrar la informaci坦n de recepci坦n, devoluci坦n, reposici坦n y entrega de materiales educativos en las instituciones educativas.
Presentaci坦n de Nuria Garc鱈a, Responsable del Programa EBTIC, durante la jornada "Presentaci坦n del Cap鱈tulo Andaluz de la AEI Ciberseguridad y de la certificaci坦n de proveedores de ciberseguridad" celebrada el 22 de septiembre de 2015 en el Centro Andaluz de Innovaci坦n y Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y las Comunicaciones (CITIC).
A Greener Office: 5 Things You Can Do to be Kinder to the EnvironmentBrightCarbon
Companies are often vocal about what they're doing to reduce their environmental impact, but what can we do as individuals? Here are five things you can do as an individual to be kinder to the environment.
This document discusses the 8 primitive data types in Java - byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, and char. It provides details on the bit size and possible values for each primitive type, and notes that primitive types do not have methods while reference types are used to access objects. It also briefly introduces literals as fixed values in source code and escape sequences for strings and characters.
The document provides guidelines for naming conventions in Java including capitalization rules for class and method names, requirements for the main method, how to compile and run a Java program, that Java is case sensitive, naming the program file to match the class, identifiers in Java, Java keywords, single and multi-line comments, and blank lines. Key points covered include uppercase first letters for class names, lowercase first letters for method names, the main method must be public and static, and examples are provided for class and file names.
Using Your Camera Phone to Create Awesome PresentationsBrightCarbon
Stock photography is commonly used but can look similar across presentations. This presentation was created using only an iPhone and PowerPoint to take unique city background photos. Effective techniques include taking photos on sunny days for drama, blurring detailed photos so content is clear, using the rule of thirds composition, and removing backgrounds from photos for interaction with drawn shapes.
Luonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan opintomahdollisuudetOuLUMA
Opintoasiainp辰辰llikk旦 Heikki Kuoppalan esitys Oulun yliopiston luonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan opintomahdollisuuksista. Esitys on pidetty opinto-ohjaajien koulutusp辰iv辰ss辰 Oulun yliopistolla 28.1.2011.
Ty旦n tekemisen tapa ja osaamistarpeet muutoksessaOuLUMA
Taloudellisen tiedotustoimiston koulu-coach Heikki Piilonen kertoi ty旦n tekemisen tavan muutoksista opinto-ohjaajien koulutusp辰iv辰ss辰 28.1.2011 Oulun yliopistolla.
Oulun yliopiston vara- ja koulutusrehtori Olli Silv辿n luennoi opettajan keinoista parantaa kurssien l辰p辰isy辰 Tukea LUMA-aineiden opiskeluun -koulutuksessa 4.9.2010.
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