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Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela
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The School that Trains for Life
P-10 Los Angeles, Butuan City
Media and Information technology
This module on cultures, communities, and technologies introduces the concept of media,
information, and technology literacy in a fashion that is highly relatable to a learner like you.
This module starts with the presentation of the basic principles that will help you in your
understanding and appreciation of what it is to be a media and information literate individual.
In order to efficiently and effectively be benefited of the worlds vast and competing
information and ideas, you should acquire the skills needed to contend with media,
communication, and information. To acquire these skills, you are to familiarize yourself
with the terms and definitions of related and relevant concepts, typologies and categories,
issues and realities, and trends and opportunities.
The topics in this module will prepare you to be more efficient and effective producers,
consumers, and transmitters of information and media messages.
Describe how communication is influence by media and information
Identify the similarities and differences between and among media literary, information
literacy, and technology literacy.
Discuss responsible use of media and information
IFL: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without
finding fault, and it will be given to you. JAMES 1:5
What is the message in this illustration?
Do you agree with this illustration regarding communication? Why or why not?
Knowledge can be created and disseminated in all forms and formats. Media and information
increases everyday and it becomes so abundant that it can be found anywhere, anytime especially in the
booming era of data and information explosion. Becoming media and information literate individuals will
Picture Analysis
Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela
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test our patience on how we deal with information. It includes a certain level of respect towards those who
need and request for it. Respect for information need means we allow each and everyone to express
their ideas, opinions and expressions fully without any judgment or prejudice. MIL teaches us to
use information and media content in an ethical, efficient and effective manner.
The communication is a dynamic process that begins with the conceptualizing of ideas by the
sender who then transmits the message through a channel to the receiver, who in turn gives the feedback
in the form of some message or signal within the given time frame. Thus, there are seven major elements
of communication process:
 Sender: The sender or the communicator is the person who initiates the conversation and has
conceptualized the idea that he intends to convey it to others.
 Encoding: The sender begins with the encoding process wherein he uses certain words or non-
verbal methods such as symbols, signs, body gestures, etc. to translate the information into a
message. The senders knowledge, skills, perception, background, competencies, etc. has a great
impact on the success of the message.
 Message: Once the encoding is finished, the sender gets the message that he intends to convey. The
message can be written, oral, symbolic or non-verbal such as body gestures, silence, sights, sounds,
etc. or any other signal that triggers the response of a receiver.
 Communication Channel: The Sender chooses the medium through which he wants to convey his
message to the recipient. It must be selected carefully in order to make the message effective and
correctly interpreted by the recipient. The choice of medium depends on the interpersonal
relationships between the sender and the receiver and also on the urgency of the message being sent.
Oral, virtual, written, sound, gesture, etc. are some of the commonly used communication mediums.
 Receiver: The receiver is the person for whom the message is intended or targeted. He tries to
comprehend it in the best possible manner such that the communication objective is attained. The
degree to which the receiver decodes the message depends on his knowledge of the subject matter,
experience, trust and relationship with the sender.
 Decoding: Here, the receiver interprets the senders message and tries to understand it in the best
possible manner. An effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the message in
exactly the same way as it was intended by the sender.
 Feedback: The Feedback is the final step of the process that ensures the receiver has received the
message and interpreted it correctly as it was intended by the sender. It increases the effectiveness of
the communication as it permits the sender to know the efficacy of his message. The response of the
receiver can be verbal or non-verbal. https://businessjargons.com/communication-process.html
As we know, communication is the process of sending messages from sender to receiver. So,
there are many ways to send messages and with the advanced technology today, the way of
Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela
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communicating with others also changing. The media act as the tool for the sending of information and
it can be mass media which is information that you can get from the news in television or just a small
talk between you and your colleagues. Media today provide many platform for us to send information
and also give feedback for instance the uses of social media like Twitter or Facebook. Mimiana
Sumsudin, studied Public Relations & Communication at International Islamic University Malaysia
Answered September 19, 2018.
Factors that affect how communicators are influenced when they send and receive a
message. These factors include the following:
 Communication skills such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, and watching
 Knowledge about a subject or topic
 Attitude toward the topic and the audience
 Social and cultural aspects that influence the content of the message and the manner by which it
is sent.
Source: Read more on Brainly.ph - https://brainly.ph/question/640345#readmore
Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are all similar in terms of goals. They
all share the common goal of cultivating peoples ability to access, understand, use, evaluate, and
create media messages, information, or content using information technology.
 Media literacy provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and participate with
media messages in a variety of forms from print to video to the internet. It builds an understanding
of the role of media in society as well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression needed for
democratic citizens.
 Information literacy is the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively.
Students learn how to evaluate the quality, credibility, validity of websites, and give proper credit
from effective search strategies to evaluation techniques. It is also referred to as digital literacy.
 Technology literacy is the ability to help one to communicate, solve problems, and enhance life-
long learning skills for future progress. Also, it is the ability to effectively use technology to access,
evaluate, integrate, create, and communicate information to enhance the learning process through
problem-solving and critical thinking.
 Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are all similar to the mastery and
understanding of a thing. Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacys
differences are:
 Media literacy uses forms of communication and produces ways of communication. It is about
media content.
 Information literacy is using, managing, gathering, and verifying information. It is about library
 Technology literacy is applying new found knowledge from digital environments, participating
in digital media, organizing, and evaluating information.
Two factors that can influence you to become a media and information literate individual
 Clarifying your goals and motivations for seeking information. The greater your need, the more
effort you exert to become selective of the information at your disposal.
 Acquiring more skills in discerning, appreciating and filtering information. This involves being
more media savvy and better acquainted with information sources.
How to be a responsible user of media and information technology.
Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela
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 Be respectful- we should consider this for there are real persons out there whom were sharing
information with. This could also be a great tool for socializing with other users.
 Learn how to forgive- if someone have done something wrong, forgive them, they also human who
make mistake. Be kind, dont judge, dont hate.
 Be aware- Let us be aware for what everything we do in using media and technology and in sharing
information, because most of the users are strangers.
 Dont spread fake news- Apparently, fake news has its widespread and we should be responsible
on preventing it to become worse.
 Post something that will give a positive impact- Share something that will give lie lessons, good
vibes, and things that will be helpful to other users.
Are we able to comply with the ways of being a responsible user of Media and Information
You must take personal responsibility, you cannot change the circumstances, the seasons or the
wind, but you can change yourself that is something you have change of.
Formative Assessment: Essay
How can you achieve an effective communication with other
Why do we
How do we
Media and information are necessities of your communicative lives. When you understand and use
various media forms to access information, you consider yourself media literate person, on the other hand,
is able to recognize when is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use, and communicate it in its
various formats. When you are technologically literate, you are able to utilize different digital
technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use, and create information. Critical
thinking is necessary for discerning the media source and the kind of information that you use.
PERFORMANCE TASK: The learner organizes a creative and informative brochure for the community,
focusing on being a media and information technology.
Nowadays, different media forms are
accessible as aid or platform in
Always use them wisely.
Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela
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Brochure & Explanation Rubric
Criteria Excellent
Needs Improvement
 How students
can be a
user and
producer of
Messages is clear,
accurate, and
Messages is clear
and accurate
Messages is
clear and
Messages is unclear
and/or inaccurate
Graphics and Text
 Relevance and
All graphics and
text are related to
the topic and make
it easier to
understand. All
borrowed graphics
have a source
All graphics and
text are related to
the topic and make
it easier to
understand. One
borrowed graphics
have a source
All graphics and
text are related
to the topic.
Two borrowed
graphics have a
source citation.
All graphics and text
are related to the
topic and/or three or
more borrowed
graphics have a
source citation.
Design and Layout The poster is
attractive in terms
of layout, and
The poster is
attractive in terms
of layout, and
The poster is
though layout is
The poster poorly
designed and the
layout is cluttered.
Explanation Explanation is very
Explanation is
Explanation lacks
Explanation is unclear or
irrelevant to the
Total Points 30
Media and Information Technology Book 2nd
Mimiana Sumsudin, studied Public Relations & Communication at International Islamic University
Malaysia Answered September 19, 2018.
https://businessjargons.com/communication-process.html .

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  • 1. Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela Page | 1 NORTHEASTERN MINDANAO ACADEMY The School that Trains for Life P-10 Los Angeles, Butuan City Media and Information technology INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY Introduction This module on cultures, communities, and technologies introduces the concept of media, information, and technology literacy in a fashion that is highly relatable to a learner like you. This module starts with the presentation of the basic principles that will help you in your understanding and appreciation of what it is to be a media and information literate individual. In order to efficiently and effectively be benefited of the worlds vast and competing information and ideas, you should acquire the skills needed to contend with media, communication, and information. To acquire these skills, you are to familiarize yourself with the terms and definitions of related and relevant concepts, typologies and categories, issues and realities, and trends and opportunities. The topics in this module will prepare you to be more efficient and effective producers, consumers, and transmitters of information and media messages. OBJECTIVES: Describe how communication is influence by media and information Identify the similarities and differences between and among media literary, information literacy, and technology literacy. Discuss responsible use of media and information IFL: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. JAMES 1:5 https://www.ovrdrv.com/.../10-levels-of-intimacy-in-todays-communication What is the message in this illustration? Do you agree with this illustration regarding communication? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Knowledge can be created and disseminated in all forms and formats. Media and information increases everyday and it becomes so abundant that it can be found anywhere, anytime especially in the booming era of data and information explosion. Becoming media and information literate individuals will Picture Analysis MODULE 1
  • 2. Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela Page | 2 test our patience on how we deal with information. It includes a certain level of respect towards those who need and request for it. Respect for information need means we allow each and everyone to express their ideas, opinions and expressions fully without any judgment or prejudice. MIL teaches us to use information and media content in an ethical, efficient and effective manner. The communication is a dynamic process that begins with the conceptualizing of ideas by the sender who then transmits the message through a channel to the receiver, who in turn gives the feedback in the form of some message or signal within the given time frame. Thus, there are seven major elements of communication process: Sender: The sender or the communicator is the person who initiates the conversation and has conceptualized the idea that he intends to convey it to others. Encoding: The sender begins with the encoding process wherein he uses certain words or non- verbal methods such as symbols, signs, body gestures, etc. to translate the information into a message. The senders knowledge, skills, perception, background, competencies, etc. has a great impact on the success of the message. Message: Once the encoding is finished, the sender gets the message that he intends to convey. The message can be written, oral, symbolic or non-verbal such as body gestures, silence, sights, sounds, etc. or any other signal that triggers the response of a receiver. Communication Channel: The Sender chooses the medium through which he wants to convey his message to the recipient. It must be selected carefully in order to make the message effective and correctly interpreted by the recipient. The choice of medium depends on the interpersonal relationships between the sender and the receiver and also on the urgency of the message being sent. Oral, virtual, written, sound, gesture, etc. are some of the commonly used communication mediums. Receiver: The receiver is the person for whom the message is intended or targeted. He tries to comprehend it in the best possible manner such that the communication objective is attained. The degree to which the receiver decodes the message depends on his knowledge of the subject matter, experience, trust and relationship with the sender. Decoding: Here, the receiver interprets the senders message and tries to understand it in the best possible manner. An effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the message in exactly the same way as it was intended by the sender. Feedback: The Feedback is the final step of the process that ensures the receiver has received the message and interpreted it correctly as it was intended by the sender. It increases the effectiveness of the communication as it permits the sender to know the efficacy of his message. The response of the receiver can be verbal or non-verbal. https://businessjargons.com/communication-process.html As we know, communication is the process of sending messages from sender to receiver. So, there are many ways to send messages and with the advanced technology today, the way of
  • 3. Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela Page | 3 communicating with others also changing. The media act as the tool for the sending of information and it can be mass media which is information that you can get from the news in television or just a small talk between you and your colleagues. Media today provide many platform for us to send information and also give feedback for instance the uses of social media like Twitter or Facebook. Mimiana Sumsudin, studied Public Relations & Communication at International Islamic University Malaysia Answered September 19, 2018. Factors that affect how communicators are influenced when they send and receive a message. These factors include the following: Communication skills such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, and watching Knowledge about a subject or topic Attitude toward the topic and the audience Social and cultural aspects that influence the content of the message and the manner by which it is sent. Source: Read more on Brainly.ph - https://brainly.ph/question/640345#readmore Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are all similar in terms of goals. They all share the common goal of cultivating peoples ability to access, understand, use, evaluate, and create media messages, information, or content using information technology. Media literacy provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and participate with media messages in a variety of forms from print to video to the internet. It builds an understanding of the role of media in society as well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression needed for democratic citizens. Information literacy is the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively. Students learn how to evaluate the quality, credibility, validity of websites, and give proper credit from effective search strategies to evaluation techniques. It is also referred to as digital literacy. Technology literacy is the ability to help one to communicate, solve problems, and enhance life- long learning skills for future progress. Also, it is the ability to effectively use technology to access, evaluate, integrate, create, and communicate information to enhance the learning process through problem-solving and critical thinking. Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are all similar to the mastery and understanding of a thing. Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacys differences are: Media literacy uses forms of communication and produces ways of communication. It is about media content. Information literacy is using, managing, gathering, and verifying information. It is about library science. Technology literacy is applying new found knowledge from digital environments, participating in digital media, organizing, and evaluating information. Two factors that can influence you to become a media and information literate individual Clarifying your goals and motivations for seeking information. The greater your need, the more effort you exert to become selective of the information at your disposal. Acquiring more skills in discerning, appreciating and filtering information. This involves being more media savvy and better acquainted with information sources. How to be a responsible user of media and information technology.
  • 4. Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela Page | 4 Be respectful- we should consider this for there are real persons out there whom were sharing information with. This could also be a great tool for socializing with other users. Learn how to forgive- if someone have done something wrong, forgive them, they also human who make mistake. Be kind, dont judge, dont hate. Be aware- Let us be aware for what everything we do in using media and technology and in sharing information, because most of the users are strangers. Dont spread fake news- Apparently, fake news has its widespread and we should be responsible on preventing it to become worse. Post something that will give a positive impact- Share something that will give lie lessons, good vibes, and things that will be helpful to other users. Are we able to comply with the ways of being a responsible user of Media and Information Technology? You must take personal responsibility, you cannot change the circumstances, the seasons or the wind, but you can change yourself that is something you have change of. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?tv-hO_2PR-3V9s) Formative Assessment: Essay How can you achieve an effective communication with other people?______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Why do we communicate?________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How do we communicate?_________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Media and information are necessities of your communicative lives. When you understand and use various media forms to access information, you consider yourself media literate person, on the other hand, is able to recognize when is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use, and communicate it in its various formats. When you are technologically literate, you are able to utilize different digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use, and create information. Critical thinking is necessary for discerning the media source and the kind of information that you use. PERFORMANCE TASK: The learner organizes a creative and informative brochure for the community, focusing on being a media and information technology. BIG IDEA Nowadays, different media forms are accessible as aid or platform in communication. Always use them wisely.
  • 5. Media and Information Literacy|Bon Rudela Page | 5 Brochure & Explanation Rubric Criteria Excellent (10) Good (8) Fair (5) Needs Improvement (2) Content How students can be a responsible user and producer of media information. Messages is clear, accurate, and resilient. Messages is clear and accurate Messages is clear and questionable Messages is unclear and/or inaccurate Graphics and Text Relevance and Citation All graphics and text are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics and text are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. One borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics and text are related to the topic. Two borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics and text are related to the topic and/or three or more borrowed graphics have a source citation. Design and Layout The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of layout, and neatness. The poster is attractive in terms of layout, and neatness. The poster is acceptable attractive though layout is cluttered. The poster poorly designed and the layout is cluttered. Explanation Explanation is very comprehensive. Explanation is comprehensive. Explanation lacks details. Explanation is unclear or irrelevant to the question. Total Points 30 References: Media and Information Technology Book 2nd Edition Mimiana Sumsudin, studied Public Relations & Communication at International Islamic University Malaysia Answered September 19, 2018. https://www.ovrdrv.com/.../10-levels-of-intimacy-in-todays-communication https://www.youtube.com/watch?tv-hO_2PR-3V9s https://businessjargons.com/communication-process.html .