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NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Marketing Research
Assignment Marks: 30
 All Questions carry equal marks.
 All Questions are compulsory
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2
and for question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far aspossible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not
 Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for
attempting theirassignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is
from the source of reference.
 Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of
assignments from otherstudents is not allowed.
 Students should follow the following parameter for answering the assignment
For Theoretical Answer For Numerical Answer
AssessmentParameter Weightage AssessmentParameter Weightage
of the formula 20%
relatedtothe question 60%
Procedure /Steps
Conclusion 20% Correct Answer& 30%
June 2021 Examination
1. As a researcher, you need to identify as to how many Supermarket stores in
Bengaluru sell HULs Nature Protect Range. Which non-probabilistic sampling
method would you use to complete your research? Also state the reasons behind
choosing that method. Also explain as to how you will proceed ahead with choosing
the areas / localities in Bengaluru to conduct your research along with timelines. (10
Answer 1.
While undergoing any research study or project, researchers generally select a group of
people termed as the sample. These are the ones who help in conducting the research. There
are different methods of selecting the sample based upon various factors. The main
categorization of sampling methods is probability sampling and non-probability sampling. It
generally depends upon the size of the sample to be selected. It may either for a population or
sample. Probability sampling generally involves
2. You are the Head of a Market Research Organization. Your FMCG client ITC has
recently introduced NimWash, a new type of fruits and vegetable wash owing to
Covid- 19 pandemic. The FMCG Company wants to understand how customers are
reacting to their recently launched product across India. Draft a Questionnaire
containing not more than 20 questions that would succinctly address the query posed by
the FMCG client. (10 Marks)
Answer 2.
The recent pandemic has brought most things to a halt. It has made people develop new
habits acting as a precautionary measure to fight against the virus. Multiple items were
adopted commonly adopted by people to stop the spread of the virus. One of such was
washing the fruits and vegetables very thoroughly. Many companies introduced their washing
product that was effective in cleaning them. Apart from launching the product in the market,
it must have insights into the customer reaction to the new product. What all are the
challenges and issues faced after launching the product in the market? What all changes need
to be made further to increase the sales of the product in the market? These are some of the
questions that come to market developers'
3. You have been recently appointed as a New Product Development Head for
Micromax India. You have been asked to develop a brand-new innovative product
namely 5G enabled affordable Smartphone as part of their product portfolio.
a. Explain the process in detail to arrive at the creation of your new product (5 Marks)
Answer 3a.
Whenever a new product is launched in the market, it has to follow a series of steps. This
ensures that the product is introduced in the market as and when desired. To compete in any
market, firms continuously strive to bring out some innovation or launch new products to
attract customers.
b. Is there a need to conduct Test Marketing? If Yes or No, please state your reasons to
support your answer. (5 Marks)
Answer 3b.
To check the viability of the launch of the new product in the market, a campaign is launched
in the target market. This is known as test marketing. It is similar to a trial before launching
the final product in the market. This ensures that the launched product is ready to be sold in
the market.
Concept and application:
Dear students, get latest Solved NMIMS assignments and case study help by
Mail us at : help.mbaassignments@gmail.com
Call us at : 08263069601

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Marketing research

  • 1. Dear students, get latest Solved NMIMS assignments and case study help by professionals. Mail us at : help.mbaassignments@gmail.com Call us at : 08263069601 NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE) Course: Marketing Research Assignment Marks: 30 Instructions: All Questions carry equal marks. All Questions are compulsory All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far aspossible. All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable. Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting theirassignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference. Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from otherstudents is not allowed. Students should follow the following parameter for answering the assignment questions. For Theoretical Answer For Numerical Answer AssessmentParameter Weightage AssessmentParameter Weightage Introduction 20% Understandingandusage of the formula 20% ConceptsandApplication relatedtothe question 60% Procedure /Steps 50% Conclusion 20% Correct Answer& 30%
  • 2. Interpretation June 2021 Examination 1. As a researcher, you need to identify as to how many Supermarket stores in Bengaluru sell HULs Nature Protect Range. Which non-probabilistic sampling method would you use to complete your research? Also state the reasons behind choosing that method. Also explain as to how you will proceed ahead with choosing the areas / localities in Bengaluru to conduct your research along with timelines. (10 Marks) Answer 1. Introduction: While undergoing any research study or project, researchers generally select a group of people termed as the sample. These are the ones who help in conducting the research. There are different methods of selecting the sample based upon various factors. The main categorization of sampling methods is probability sampling and non-probability sampling. It generally depends upon the size of the sample to be selected. It may either for a population or sample. Probability sampling generally involves 2. You are the Head of a Market Research Organization. Your FMCG client ITC has recently introduced NimWash, a new type of fruits and vegetable wash owing to Covid- 19 pandemic. The FMCG Company wants to understand how customers are reacting to their recently launched product across India. Draft a Questionnaire containing not more than 20 questions that would succinctly address the query posed by the FMCG client. (10 Marks) Answer 2.
  • 3. Introduction: The recent pandemic has brought most things to a halt. It has made people develop new habits acting as a precautionary measure to fight against the virus. Multiple items were adopted commonly adopted by people to stop the spread of the virus. One of such was washing the fruits and vegetables very thoroughly. Many companies introduced their washing product that was effective in cleaning them. Apart from launching the product in the market, it must have insights into the customer reaction to the new product. What all are the challenges and issues faced after launching the product in the market? What all changes need to be made further to increase the sales of the product in the market? These are some of the questions that come to market developers' 3. You have been recently appointed as a New Product Development Head for Micromax India. You have been asked to develop a brand-new innovative product namely 5G enabled affordable Smartphone as part of their product portfolio. a. Explain the process in detail to arrive at the creation of your new product (5 Marks) Answer 3a. Introduction: Whenever a new product is launched in the market, it has to follow a series of steps. This ensures that the product is introduced in the market as and when desired. To compete in any market, firms continuously strive to bring out some innovation or launch new products to attract customers. b. Is there a need to conduct Test Marketing? If Yes or No, please state your reasons to support your answer. (5 Marks) Answer 3b. Introduction: To check the viability of the launch of the new product in the market, a campaign is launched in the target market. This is known as test marketing. It is similar to a trial before launching
  • 4. the final product in the market. This ensures that the launched product is ready to be sold in the market. Concept and application: Dear students, get latest Solved NMIMS assignments and case study help by professionals. Mail us at : help.mbaassignments@gmail.com Call us at : 08263069601