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By Rahul Nawab
        Academy for Decision Science & Analytics

Academy for Decision Science & Analytics         http://www.adsa.in
Analytics is not just pure science; it is part art as well. Organizations that master
the fine art of using analytical tools realize increased revenues and enjoy cost

The scientific approach involves the following four key steps:

    Observe/define the business problem: Observation is either an activity
     consisting of receiving knowledge, or the recording of data using scientific
     instruments. The term may also refer to any data collected during this

       Analytics begins with observing the phenomenon and setting up the right
       business problem. It requires understanding the facts, to which you have
       ready access, and then drawing conclusions from it to identify the business
       problem which needs to be solved. For example, a manufacturing company
       is suffering from declining profits. By looking at their balance sheet we
       realize that revenues have declined while the costs have remained
       constant. Through these two facts, we can identify a simple business
       problem  the manufacturing company must reduce costs or increase
       revenue if it wants to have the same profitability as before.

    Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observable
     phenomenon. People refer to a trial solution to a problem as a hypothesis
      often called an "educated guess" because it provides a suggested
     solution based on the evidence. Researchers may test and reject several
     hypotheses before solving the problem. Taking the above mentioned
     example of the manufacturing company, the business may have two sets of
      Increase Revenue: Within increasing revenue, the firm might think of
        many different avenues:
        o Focus on Marketing  Increasing the marketing budget will enable
           us to increase sales and hence increase revenue.
        o Focus on Price  By reducing the price of our product we would be
           more competitive and hence increase sales, which might offset the
           decrease in sales/unit.

Academy for Decision Science & Analytics                           http://www.adsa.in
 Reduce Costs: Within reducing cost bucket, the organization has
         various alternatives:
         o Operations cost  By reducing the operations budget (e.g. staff,
            electricity etc.), we will reduce costs.
         o Reduce Marketing budget  By reducing the marketing budget, we
            will save on costs.

       As you can see, you can achieve increased profitability by both increasing
       and decreasing marketing budgets. There are several implications of each
       action beyond the primary implication and all need to be evaluated. The
       key element of the hypothesis-building phase is that you should have a
       mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive set of hypothesis. This
       means we should think about all the possible sets of relevant hypothesis
       for the situation at hand and ensure they do not overlap and that together
       they are complete.

    Test/Experimentation: An experiment is the step in the scientific method
     that arbitrates between competing models or hypotheses.
     Experimentation is also used to test existing theories or new hypotheses in
     order to support them or disprove them. An experiment or test can be
     carried out using the scientific method to answer a question or investigate
     a problem. First, an observation is made and then a question is asked, or a
     problem arises. Next, a hypothesis is formed and an experiment is used to
     test that hypothesis. The results are analyzed, a conclusion is drawn,
     sometimes a theory is formed, and results are communicated through
     business cases.

       A good experiment usually tests a hypothesis. However, an experiment
       may also test a question or test previous results. The fundamental reason
       for following this process is to ensure the results and observations are
       repeatable and can be closely replicated given similar circumstances. Lets
       continue with the example above and set up a test for the manufacturing
       company to learn whether increasing the marketing budget would affect
       revenue. In this case, we would set up a TEST where we run the EXISTING
       marketing programs and call it GROUP A while in GROUP B we run the
       increased marketing program. At the end of the observation time frame
       (assume 2-3 months), we would measure revenue for GROUP A and
Academy for Decision Science & Analytics                         http://www.adsa.in
GROUP B and understand the differences. As long as the groups have a
       statistically significant size we should be able to repeat these results.

    Learning is acquiring new knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, preferences
     or understanding, and may involve synthesizing different types of

       Continuing our manufacturing company example, lets assume that GROUP
       B performed far better than GROUP A. Lets also assume that at the same
       time we increased marketing our competitors decreased it in the GROUP B
       target market. Now the question becomes, was the incremental benefit
       driven by our increased marketing or the fact that competitors reduced
       their marketing? Assimilating all possible and relevant information is
       extremely important in order to reach a good decision.

       As you can tell, while scientists have been utilizing the above mentioned
       technique for a long time, businesses are just beginning to use it. This
       requires a strong commitment to the scientific process and a systematic
       approach to create a TEST & LEARN environment where you are
       constantly testing, learning and evolving to create increased bottom line
       benefits for a company.

Academy for Decision Science & Analytics                       http://www.adsa.in

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Science of analytics

  • 1. By Rahul Nawab Academy for Decision Science & Analytics www.adsa.in Academy for Decision Science & Analytics http://www.adsa.in
  • 2. Analytics is not just pure science; it is part art as well. Organizations that master the fine art of using analytical tools realize increased revenues and enjoy cost savings. The scientific approach involves the following four key steps: Observe/define the business problem: Observation is either an activity consisting of receiving knowledge, or the recording of data using scientific instruments. The term may also refer to any data collected during this activity. Analytics begins with observing the phenomenon and setting up the right business problem. It requires understanding the facts, to which you have ready access, and then drawing conclusions from it to identify the business problem which needs to be solved. For example, a manufacturing company is suffering from declining profits. By looking at their balance sheet we realize that revenues have declined while the costs have remained constant. Through these two facts, we can identify a simple business problem the manufacturing company must reduce costs or increase revenue if it wants to have the same profitability as before. Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon. People refer to a trial solution to a problem as a hypothesis often called an "educated guess" because it provides a suggested solution based on the evidence. Researchers may test and reject several hypotheses before solving the problem. Taking the above mentioned example of the manufacturing company, the business may have two sets of hypothesis: Increase Revenue: Within increasing revenue, the firm might think of many different avenues: o Focus on Marketing Increasing the marketing budget will enable us to increase sales and hence increase revenue. o Focus on Price By reducing the price of our product we would be more competitive and hence increase sales, which might offset the decrease in sales/unit. Academy for Decision Science & Analytics http://www.adsa.in
  • 3. Reduce Costs: Within reducing cost bucket, the organization has various alternatives: o Operations cost By reducing the operations budget (e.g. staff, electricity etc.), we will reduce costs. o Reduce Marketing budget By reducing the marketing budget, we will save on costs. As you can see, you can achieve increased profitability by both increasing and decreasing marketing budgets. There are several implications of each action beyond the primary implication and all need to be evaluated. The key element of the hypothesis-building phase is that you should have a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive set of hypothesis. This means we should think about all the possible sets of relevant hypothesis for the situation at hand and ensure they do not overlap and that together they are complete. Test/Experimentation: An experiment is the step in the scientific method that arbitrates between competing models or hypotheses. Experimentation is also used to test existing theories or new hypotheses in order to support them or disprove them. An experiment or test can be carried out using the scientific method to answer a question or investigate a problem. First, an observation is made and then a question is asked, or a problem arises. Next, a hypothesis is formed and an experiment is used to test that hypothesis. The results are analyzed, a conclusion is drawn, sometimes a theory is formed, and results are communicated through business cases. A good experiment usually tests a hypothesis. However, an experiment may also test a question or test previous results. The fundamental reason for following this process is to ensure the results and observations are repeatable and can be closely replicated given similar circumstances. Lets continue with the example above and set up a test for the manufacturing company to learn whether increasing the marketing budget would affect revenue. In this case, we would set up a TEST where we run the EXISTING marketing programs and call it GROUP A while in GROUP B we run the increased marketing program. At the end of the observation time frame (assume 2-3 months), we would measure revenue for GROUP A and Academy for Decision Science & Analytics http://www.adsa.in
  • 4. GROUP B and understand the differences. As long as the groups have a statistically significant size we should be able to repeat these results. Learning is acquiring new knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, preferences or understanding, and may involve synthesizing different types of information. Continuing our manufacturing company example, lets assume that GROUP B performed far better than GROUP A. Lets also assume that at the same time we increased marketing our competitors decreased it in the GROUP B target market. Now the question becomes, was the incremental benefit driven by our increased marketing or the fact that competitors reduced their marketing? Assimilating all possible and relevant information is extremely important in order to reach a good decision. As you can tell, while scientists have been utilizing the above mentioned technique for a long time, businesses are just beginning to use it. This requires a strong commitment to the scientific process and a systematic approach to create a TEST & LEARN environment where you are constantly testing, learning and evolving to create increased bottom line benefits for a company. Academy for Decision Science & Analytics http://www.adsa.in