Este documento contiene informaci坦n sobre planes de negocio. Define un plan de negocio como una gu鱈a que describe un negocio y establece estrategias y acciones futuras. Luego, enumera los pasos para realizar un exitoso plan de negocio, como definir las actividades del negocio, el mercado, objetivos y riesgos. Tambi辿n describe caracter鱈sticas como priorizar factores clave de 辿xito y ser breve y estructurado. Por 炭ltimo, define una microempresa como peque単a y administrada por sus due単os y una peque単a y mediana empresa como con
The document summarizes a charity drive organized by a group of 5 students to raise funds for refugee education. They sold custom and pre-made stickers, with 200 diverse designs. A total of RM 2349 was raised and donated. Their objectives included raising awareness of refugee issues and gaining experience in business marketing. Target customers were young adults aged 18-25 on campus. While other groups sold food, the stickers provided a unique product. Competition analysis found food stalls attracted more at lunch, so the group actively promoted their stall.
El documento describe los riesgos el辿ctricos, incluyendo contacto el辿ctrico directo e indirecto, y los factores que afectan la gravedad de una descarga el辿ctrica. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo prevenir riesgos a trav辿s del uso de equipo de protecci坦n personal aislado y cortando la corriente el辿ctrica en caso de emergencia. Adem叩s, proporciona instrucciones sobre qu辿 hacer si alguien sufre una descarga el辿ctrica.
Rural marketing targets customers in rural areas where agriculture is the main profession. Rural areas are defined as towns with populations under 15,000. Rural customers tend to be less socially mobile and have less complex relationships than urban customers. Rural customers are also more diverse, with many being illiterate and unable to identify brands. Poverty can also lead rural customers to only buy products in small quantities. However, rural markets are becoming more viable due to their large population size, higher consumption growth rates, lower marketing costs, and market growth outpacing urban areas. Factors like lack of infrastructure and self-reliance still impact rural customers. Changes from government programs, civil society, and migration are transforming rural India. One success story is
2. Hugtakaskilgreiningar
Pers坦nuuppl箪singar: S辿rhverjar pers坦nugreindar e丹a pers坦nugreinanlegar
uppl箪singar sem beint e丹a 坦beint m叩 rekja til tiltekins einstaklings, l叩tins e丹a
Vinnsla pers坦nuuppl箪singa: S辿rhver a丹ger丹 e丹a r旦丹 a丹ger丹a 綻ar sem unni丹
er me丹 pers坦nuuppl箪singar, hvort heldur sem vinnslan er handvirk e丹a rafr脱n.
byrg丹ara丹ili: Hver og einn grunnsk坦li sem notast vi丹 vefkerfi丹 Mentor og
skr叩ir pers坦nuuppl箪singar um nemendur s鱈nar 鱈 vefkerfi丹.
Vinnslua丹ili: Mentor ehf., sem h箪singar- og rekstrara丹ili vefkerfisins er
vinnslua丹ilinn sem vinnur me丹 pers坦nuuppl箪singar 叩 vegum hvers
Sk坦lastj坦ri grunnsk坦la ber 叩byrg丹 叩 me丹fer丹 og v旦rslu uppl箪singa
3. L旦gm脱ti vinnslu pers坦nuuppl箪singa
Uppl箪singaskylda foreldra gagnvart grunnsk坦la.
Heimild 鱈 regluger丹 897/2009 fyrir grunnsk坦la til a丹 skr叩 鱈
Lagaheimildin er til sta丹ar.
Hva丹 m叩 skr叩? Hvernig skal standa a丹 skr叩ningu? Hvernig 叩
a丹 haga fr脱丹slu til notenda? Hver g脱tir 旦ryggis
4. Tilm脱li Pers坦nuverndar
Skr叩ning vi丹kv脱mra pers坦nuuppl箪singa 鱈 Mentor ver丹i h脱tt n炭
Sk坦lastj坦rar eiga ekki a丹 hreyfa vi丹 綻eim uppl箪singum sem 綻egar
eru til.
Uppl箪singar um nemendur ver丹i geymdar 鱈 pers坦num旦ppu
A丹rar skr叩ningar 鱈 Mentor skulu vera m叩lefnalegar og sanngjarnar.
Ger丹 verklagsreglna
Vinnslusamningar og 綻agnarskylduyfirl箪singar
5. Starfsh坦pur vinnur a丹 lausn
Frestur til a丹 breg丹ast vi丹 tilm脱lum Pers坦nuverndar til 1. apr鱈l 2016.
Forma丹ur starfsh坦psins: Gu丹r炭n Sigtryggsd坦ttir l旦gfr., a丹rir eru: Flosi H.
Kristj叩nsson verkefnastj坦ri, sgeir Beinteinsson sk坦lastj坦ri og Vigd鱈s
H辰sler l旦gfr.
Br辿f hefur veri丹 sent 炭t me丹 tilm脱lum og lei丹beiningum til allra
Menntam叩lar叩丹uneyti丹 er uppl箪st um st旦丹una og f脱r ni丹urst旦丹ur
starfsh坦psins 綻egar 綻脱r liggja fyrir.