Heilsueflandi skoli3ingileif2507Glærur sem kynntar voru á fundir Mý-deildar DKG og byggir á kynningu sem haldin hafði verið áður meðal Samskólanna við Eyjafjörð.
Richmond HUG Meet-Up 12/2/2015: Enhancing Social Media PublishingDanielle LongThis document summarizes a presentation about enhancing social media publishing. It discusses defining SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. It also discusses considering the buyer's journey and creating content for awareness, consideration and decision stages. Additionally, it discusses setting publishing times based on the audience, thinking outside the box by repurposing content with different messaging, tips for executing the social media plan, analyzing results, and refining the process. The overall message is that social media goals should align with company goals and each part of the process relies on and improves the others.
CommunicationKatie HackerThe document outlines a lesson plan to improve students' communication skills. It describes the class of 21 second grade students. The main objectives are for students to communicate clearly, answer questions, identify sight words, write legibly, and spell correctly. Students will be assigned a classmate, write them letters for a week using sight words, and then present what they learned about their classmate to the class.
EmployergestionhumanacomEl documento discute estrategias para atraer y retener talento, incluyendo definir la cultura corporativa, alinear la percepción de la marca con las campañas de comunicación, y enviar mensajes que resalten los beneficios únicos de trabajar para la compañía. Un caso destacado es la campaña de Google que atrajo talento matemático mediante el uso de acertijos.
Taxaton 303Mia ManikThis document provides an overview of the tax system in Bangladesh. It defines key terms like tax and income tax. It outlines the characteristics and objectives of taxation, including generating revenue, redistributing income, and facilitating economic development. It classifies different types of taxes like direct and indirect taxes. It also describes the different authorities involved in income tax collection and dispute resolution in Bangladesh, including the National Board of Revenue and various appellate commissions and tribunals.
My magazine annotationErnestBloggingThe school magazines that you are seeing are the magazines I picked out, So that I can analyse them and get some ideas for my actual School magazine which I will be producing later on. I have put a lot of effort into analysing these school magazines, I have looked at the colours used, fonts used, camera angles, pictures and mainly the effect it has on its audience. The reason i have picked the three magazines because one of the magazines are from my sixth form (The BUZZ) and the other two had loads of detail which I could write about while I am trying to analyse it.
Adith_resumeAdith RajuAdith V Raju is a senior software engineer at Infosys with over 2.7 years of experience in technologies like Java, Pig, Hive, HDFS and MapReduce. He is currently working on the BASF MANGLIS project for Infosys which involves processing agricultural data from weather stations to help farmers with crop planning. Prior to this, he worked on the RBS-RAINBOW2 project, which involved creating a new bank by divesting branches from RBS. He has a B-Tech in IT from TOC-H Institute of Science and Technology and is looking for new challenges to further develop his skills.
Gbd measureFondation BrocherThis document discusses issues with using the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study methodology to measure health. It notes that the GBD asks participants to compare different health states based on physical and mental limitations, but that health involves more than just limitations. There is no clear explanation of how to construct a scalar measure of limitations. Additionally, the types of comparisons people make in the studies do not actually seem focused on limitations. The document raises questions about what the high correlations in disability weights across countries actually represent.
Как настроить динамический ретаргетингHiconversionПовышайте эффективность рекламы с нашим бесплатным сервисом: http://goo.gl/ORY69s в 3-5 раз.
Рассказываем от А до Я про таргетированную рекламу:
В этом презентации рассматривается, как настроить динамический ретаргетинг. Мы расскажем о том, как вконтакте рекламировать свою группу, как прорекламировать группу вконтакте, о размещении рекламы вконтакте, как сделать рекламу вконтакте, как разместить рекламу вконтакте, как создать рекламу вконтакте, как разместить рекламу в социальной сети, как настроить таргетированную рекламу, о настройке таргетированной рекламы вконтакте, о размещении рекламы в социальных сетях, о видах рекламы в социальных сетях, как дать рекламу в одноклассниках, как оплатить рекламу вконтакте, как работает реклама в контакте, как создать рекламу в контакте.
TaraGillam NEN2015Hayley WilliamsThe West of England has created a Growth Hub called We Are Growth to provide business support across the region through an interactive website. The interim website is now live at www.wearegrowth.co.uk and aims to get businesses involved. A full website will launch in December 2015 featuring digital marketing strategies, social media channels, and taxonomies to deliver business solutions through information, training links, and expertise links. The Growth Hub hopes to add more services based on demand from local businesses in key sectors.
Kafka Streams: The Stream Processing Engine of Apache KafkaEno ThereskaThis document discusses Kafka Streams, which is the stream processing engine of Apache Kafka. It provides an overview of Kafka Streams and how it can be used to build real-time applications and services. Some key features of Kafka Streams include its declarative programming model using the Kafka Streams DSL, ability to perform continuous computations on data streams and tables, and building event-driven microservices without external real-time processing frameworks. The document also provides examples of how to build applications that perform operations like joins, aggregations and filtering using the Kafka Streams API.
Historia Del TelefonoDaniel David Hernandez OlayaEl documento describe la historia del teléfono. Antonio Meucci construyó el primer teléfono en la década de 1850 pero no pudo patentarlo. Alexander Graham Bell patentó el teléfono en 1876, aunque no fue realmente el inventor. El teléfono ha evolucionado desde su concepción original, con mejoras como el micrófono de carbón y la marcación por tonos.
Hybrid vehiclenpk74Internal combustion engines produce appreciable emissions and are also less efficient at part loads. On other hand electric drives have zero emissions, but also very limited range. It is thus logical to combine the best aspects of both and the result is a hybrid vehicle. Optimum strategy would then be to use electric drive during slow moving city traffic, for acceleration and for hill climbing and IC engines at cruising speeds on highways. This would also results in reduced pollution in cities, along with improved mileage.
The engine on the conventional car is sized for the peak power requirement, which is seldom required in actual practice. The hybrid car uses a much smaller engine, whose size is kept closer to the average power requirement rather than the peak power. A smaller engine is always more efficient due to the reason that it would run at its optimum capacity most of the time as compared to a bigger engine running at part load most of the time.
Electric motor helps in several ways:
1. Provides extra power when the car is accelerating or climbing a hill.
2. Starts the engine, eliminating the need for a separate starter.
3. Provide regenerative braking to capture energy during braking
Richmond HUG Meet-Up 12/2/2015: Enhancing Social Media PublishingDanielle LongThis document summarizes a presentation about enhancing social media publishing. It discusses defining SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. It also discusses considering the buyer's journey and creating content for awareness, consideration and decision stages. Additionally, it discusses setting publishing times based on the audience, thinking outside the box by repurposing content with different messaging, tips for executing the social media plan, analyzing results, and refining the process. The overall message is that social media goals should align with company goals and each part of the process relies on and improves the others.
CommunicationKatie HackerThe document outlines a lesson plan to improve students' communication skills. It describes the class of 21 second grade students. The main objectives are for students to communicate clearly, answer questions, identify sight words, write legibly, and spell correctly. Students will be assigned a classmate, write them letters for a week using sight words, and then present what they learned about their classmate to the class.
EmployergestionhumanacomEl documento discute estrategias para atraer y retener talento, incluyendo definir la cultura corporativa, alinear la percepción de la marca con las campañas de comunicación, y enviar mensajes que resalten los beneficios únicos de trabajar para la compañía. Un caso destacado es la campaña de Google que atrajo talento matemático mediante el uso de acertijos.
Taxaton 303Mia ManikThis document provides an overview of the tax system in Bangladesh. It defines key terms like tax and income tax. It outlines the characteristics and objectives of taxation, including generating revenue, redistributing income, and facilitating economic development. It classifies different types of taxes like direct and indirect taxes. It also describes the different authorities involved in income tax collection and dispute resolution in Bangladesh, including the National Board of Revenue and various appellate commissions and tribunals.
My magazine annotationErnestBloggingThe school magazines that you are seeing are the magazines I picked out, So that I can analyse them and get some ideas for my actual School magazine which I will be producing later on. I have put a lot of effort into analysing these school magazines, I have looked at the colours used, fonts used, camera angles, pictures and mainly the effect it has on its audience. The reason i have picked the three magazines because one of the magazines are from my sixth form (The BUZZ) and the other two had loads of detail which I could write about while I am trying to analyse it.
Adith_resumeAdith RajuAdith V Raju is a senior software engineer at Infosys with over 2.7 years of experience in technologies like Java, Pig, Hive, HDFS and MapReduce. He is currently working on the BASF MANGLIS project for Infosys which involves processing agricultural data from weather stations to help farmers with crop planning. Prior to this, he worked on the RBS-RAINBOW2 project, which involved creating a new bank by divesting branches from RBS. He has a B-Tech in IT from TOC-H Institute of Science and Technology and is looking for new challenges to further develop his skills.
Gbd measureFondation BrocherThis document discusses issues with using the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study methodology to measure health. It notes that the GBD asks participants to compare different health states based on physical and mental limitations, but that health involves more than just limitations. There is no clear explanation of how to construct a scalar measure of limitations. Additionally, the types of comparisons people make in the studies do not actually seem focused on limitations. The document raises questions about what the high correlations in disability weights across countries actually represent.
Как настроить динамический ретаргетингHiconversionПовышайте эффективность рекламы с нашим бесплатным сервисом: http://goo.gl/ORY69s в 3-5 раз.
Рассказываем от А до Я про таргетированную рекламу:
В этом презентации рассматривается, как настроить динамический ретаргетинг. Мы расскажем о том, как вконтакте рекламировать свою группу, как прорекламировать группу вконтакте, о размещении рекламы вконтакте, как сделать рекламу вконтакте, как разместить рекламу вконтакте, как создать рекламу вконтакте, как разместить рекламу в социальной сети, как настроить таргетированную рекламу, о настройке таргетированной рекламы вконтакте, о размещении рекламы в социальных сетях, о видах рекламы в социальных сетях, как дать рекламу в одноклассниках, как оплатить рекламу вконтакте, как работает реклама в контакте, как создать рекламу в контакте.
TaraGillam NEN2015Hayley WilliamsThe West of England has created a Growth Hub called We Are Growth to provide business support across the region through an interactive website. The interim website is now live at www.wearegrowth.co.uk and aims to get businesses involved. A full website will launch in December 2015 featuring digital marketing strategies, social media channels, and taxonomies to deliver business solutions through information, training links, and expertise links. The Growth Hub hopes to add more services based on demand from local businesses in key sectors.
Kafka Streams: The Stream Processing Engine of Apache KafkaEno ThereskaThis document discusses Kafka Streams, which is the stream processing engine of Apache Kafka. It provides an overview of Kafka Streams and how it can be used to build real-time applications and services. Some key features of Kafka Streams include its declarative programming model using the Kafka Streams DSL, ability to perform continuous computations on data streams and tables, and building event-driven microservices without external real-time processing frameworks. The document also provides examples of how to build applications that perform operations like joins, aggregations and filtering using the Kafka Streams API.
Historia Del TelefonoDaniel David Hernandez OlayaEl documento describe la historia del teléfono. Antonio Meucci construyó el primer teléfono en la década de 1850 pero no pudo patentarlo. Alexander Graham Bell patentó el teléfono en 1876, aunque no fue realmente el inventor. El teléfono ha evolucionado desde su concepción original, con mejoras como el micrófono de carbón y la marcación por tonos.
Hybrid vehiclenpk74Internal combustion engines produce appreciable emissions and are also less efficient at part loads. On other hand electric drives have zero emissions, but also very limited range. It is thus logical to combine the best aspects of both and the result is a hybrid vehicle. Optimum strategy would then be to use electric drive during slow moving city traffic, for acceleration and for hill climbing and IC engines at cruising speeds on highways. This would also results in reduced pollution in cities, along with improved mileage.
The engine on the conventional car is sized for the peak power requirement, which is seldom required in actual practice. The hybrid car uses a much smaller engine, whose size is kept closer to the average power requirement rather than the peak power. A smaller engine is always more efficient due to the reason that it would run at its optimum capacity most of the time as compared to a bigger engine running at part load most of the time.
Electric motor helps in several ways:
1. Provides extra power when the car is accelerating or climbing a hill.
2. Starts the engine, eliminating the need for a separate starter.
3. Provide regenerative braking to capture energy during braking
2. Núverandi reglur um sértækan
stuðning - 1. flokkur
• í fyrsta flokki eru börn sem eru komin með
fullnaðargreiningu frá t.d. GRR, ÞHS,
barnalækni og þurfa á verulegri aðstoð að
halda í daglegu lífi
• fjölfötlun, þroskahömlun, veruleg
hreyfihömlun, einhverfa (dæmigerð og
ódæmigerð) blinda, heyrnarleysi og
alvarlega langveik börn.
3. 2.flokkur
• í 2. flokk eru börn sem þurfa reglulega á aðstoð
að halda
• væg þroskahömlun, væg hreyfihömlun, sjón og
heyrnarskerðing, málhömlun (<70),
einhverfurófsröskun og langtímaveik börn (t.d.
sykursýki), mjög erfiðar félagslegar aðstæður
(barn komið í skammtímavistun), alvarleg
• Þegar grunur um alvarleg frávik er að ræða
(niðurstöður sálfræðings)
4. núverandi reglur - almennt
• 0,5% stg. á barn
• skóli með 80 börn fær 40% stöðugildi
• flestir skólar nýta þetta fjármagn í að greiða
ábyrgðarmann stuðnings (sérkennslustjóra)
5. Þróunin undanfarin ár – sértækur
ár fj. barnam. stuðning fjármagn afgreidd erindi
2011 473 594.000.000
2012 499 688.000.000
2013 544 795.000.000 627
2014 598 813 auk hegðunarr
2015 556 575 auk hegðunarr
8. Tillögur sviðsins að breytingu á
Ábyrgðarmaður stuðnings/Sérkennslustjóri
1. lagt er til að auka stöðu ábyrgðarmanns
stuðnings/sérkennslustjóra í leikskólunum
• tillögur að hlutfalli verði 50% - 75% eða
• undantekning Sólborg, Suðurborg og
Múlaborg og leikskólar með yfir 200 börn
fái 200%
9. ábyrgðarmaður
2. viðbótar stöðugildi
• 10 stg. (eða fjármagn) verði að auki til umsókna
og verði þeim úthlutað eftir samsetningu skóla
horft verður til fj. barna með úthlutaðan
stuðning, fj. barnaverndarmála í leikskóla, fj.
barna af erlendum uppruna (úthlutunarpottur
v/barna af erlendum uppruna fari að auki inn í
þetta fjármagn).
• úthlutað 1 sinni á ári að hausti – aukaúthlutun
um áramót
10. ábyrgðarmaður
• starfslýsing þeirra verði gerð skýrari en nú er,
þeir ættu að sinna ákveðnum hópi barna
• skerpt verður á hlutverki þeirra sem faglegs
leiðtoga og áhersla á að horfa á stuðning við
barnið inn í barnahópnum
• Fræðsla til þeirra verður aukin m.a. með aðkomu
sérkennsluráðgjafa, leikskólaráðgjafa,
hegðunarráðgjafa, miðju máls og læsis ofl.
12. 2.flokkur
3. börn með málþroskaraskanir
stuðningur við börn með málþroskaraskanir verða í
höndum ábyrgðarmanns stuðnings/sérkennslustjóra
4. stuðningur úr 2. flokki
annar stuðningur við börn í 2.flokki yrði í fjármagni en ekki
Kostir þess að úthluta í fjármagni:
• leikskólinn hefur frjálsari hendur með hvernig fjármagnið
er nýtt
• ráðgjöf
• aðföng
• auðveldar fjárhagsáætlun sérkennslupotts
• auðveldar launaskráningu leikskólanna
13. breyting á reglum – samantekt
• 1. flokkur breytist ekkert
• 2. flokkur væg þroskahömlun, væg hreyfihömlun, sjón og
heyrnarskerðing, málhömlun (<70), einhverfurófsröskun
og langtímaveik börn (t.d. sykursýki), mjög erfiðar
félagslegar aðstæður (barn komið í skammtímavistun),
alvarleg hegðunarfrávik
• Leikskóli fær fjármagn í 2. flokki í stað tíma áður
• við ákvörðun fjármagns verður horft til mats á
þjónustuþörf sem m.a. er byggt á fjölda barna og
samsetningu hópsins ásamt fjárhagsáætlun
• aukið stöðugildi ábyrgðarmanns sérkennslu
Editor's Notes
#4: skimanir eins og TRAS eða HLJÓM-2 eru ekki gild greiningartæki, þau geta verið vísbending um frávik
Íslenski þroskalistinn er skimunartæki
#5: af 63 leikskólum er eingöngu 5 sem eru ekki með skráðan ábyrgðarmann sérkennslu
#6: Fækkun milli áranna 2014 og 2015 getur m.a. skýrst af því að 2014 voru tveir síðustu árgangarnir þ. 2009 og 2010 börn voru inni
greining á vægari þroskafrávikum liggur oft ekki fyrir fyrr en við 4 til 5 ára aldurinn.
#7: árið 2005 voru það 33 börn sem fengu úthlutun v/einhverfu
Af börnum sem fá úthlutun vegna málþroskaraskana eru um 50% af erlendum uppruna.
#8: Þetta er það sem einstaklingsmiðaða námið gengur út á. Öll börn fái jöfn tækifæri til þátttöku á forsendum hvers og eins
Jafnrétti er þegar við jöfnum stöðu hvers og eins, sumir þurfa meira en aðrir
Equity=samheiti er fairness
#11: Sem dæmi:
Barn sem úthlutað í dag 1 tíma vegna málþroskaröskunar, er tekinn út úr hópnum í vinnustund einu sinni á dag, oft með öðrum börnum, Barnið fær örugglega heilmikið út úr þessari vinnustund, ef hún er vegna þess að það eru veikindi í húsi og stuðningurinn fellir niður vinnustundina.
Ekki er markvisst skipulagt önnur vinna með málþroska þessa barns, hvorki samverustund, matartími, né tími í fataklefa,
er mögulegt að barnið fengi meira út úr því að skipulagt væri málörvun sem fram færi í matartímanum, samverustundinni og fataklefanum, er möguleiki að örvunin yrði markvissari?
#13: við viljum auka ráðgjöfina við börn með málþroskaraskanir, reiknum með að jafnframt dragi úr ósk um greiningar
50% barna sem eru að fá úthlutun vegna málþroskaraskana eru af erlendum uppruna, við vitum alveg hver niðurstaðan verður, er ekki endilega um málþroskaröskun að ræða, þau eiga eftir að ná tökum á íslenskunni. Fer oft of mikill tími í bið eftir greiningu, fjármagn í greiningu gæti verið betur varið.