There is an abundant number of minerals around the world, one of which is on the category called oxide minerals. Lets dig in through the depths of the world among the 5 examples of oxide minerals and their properties and purposes.
This document summarizes how rocks are classified based on their formation. There are three main classes of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Within each class, rocks can be further classified based on their composition, texture, and grain size. Igneous rocks form from cooled lava or magma, and can be intrusive or extrusive based on where they solidify underground or above ground, affecting their grain size. Sedimentary rocks form from cemented sediments like grains, shells, and fossils. Metamorphic rocks have foliated or non-foliated textures indicating the process that altered the original rock.
Chemostratigraphy is the study of chemical variations in rock sequences based on elemental or isotopic composition. It provides a useful tool for unconventional resource exploration. Some chemical signatures in rocks, like stable isotopes, can be used as accurate stratigraphic markers because they record global environmental changes over thousands of years. Common tools in chemostratigraphy include oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope analysis, with strontium isotopes widely used for correlation due to long ocean residence times allowing identification of major shifts in the isotopic curve.
This document summarizes research on esthetic restorations for anterior primary (baby) teeth. It discusses various restoration options like stainless steel, composite strip crowns, and preformed metal crowns. It also describes restoring teeth with severe decay using posts and composites. Alternative fixed and removable esthetic options are evaluated. Biological restorations using natural tooth fragments as crowns and posts are described as providing excellent esthetics, function and preserving tooth structure, though obtaining matching fragments can be difficult. Overall, the document evaluates different esthetic restoration techniques for restoring decayed primary anterior teeth.
This document provides a summary of the porphyry copper deposit model. It describes porphyry copper deposits as large-scale hydrothermal systems centered on porphyritic intrusions. Key points include:
- Porphyry copper deposits form in arc settings and are associated with porphyritic intrusions emplaced at depths between 1-4 km.
- Deposits can extend laterally over 1-4 km and vertically over 1-2 km. They contain both hypogene copper-bearing sulfide minerals and supergene copper oxide and sulfate minerals.
- Deposits display hydrothermal alteration assemblages including potassic, phyllic, argillic, and propylitic zones
This document summarizes the metamorphism of different rock types including ultramafic, mafic, pelitic, and calcareous rocks. Ultramafic rocks like peridotite and serpentinite can transform into serpentine, anthophyllite, olivine, and pyroxene minerals. Mafic rocks like basalt metamorphose into amphiboles and chlorite at low grades and amphibolite at intermediate grades, and granulite at highest grades. Pelitic rocks contain chlorite, muscovite, quartz and albite. Calcareous rocks like limestone coarsen but change little, while impure limestone forms diverse calcium-magnesium-sil
- Freud developed the psychoanalytic theory, which proposes that unconscious forces, especially sexual and aggressive drives, shape human behavior.
- He proposed three parts of the mind: the id, ego, and superego. The id operates based on the pleasure principle, the ego balances the id with reality, and the superego incorporates societal values and morals.
- Freud believed that early childhood experiences, especially relationships with parents, have a profound influence on personality development and mental health later in life. His theory focused on the importance of sexuality in psychological development.
Mineralogy and crystallography notes notes PRAMODA G
This document provides information on the mineral olivine and includes:
1) A description of olivine's crystal structure, composition, and optical properties.
2) Details on common species of olivine defined by their magnesium and iron content.
3) Explanations of olivine's formation, alteration products, and typical geological environments.
The document discusses various types of corrosion that can occur in dental materials including crevice corrosion, galvanic corrosion, pitting corrosion, stress corrosion, and concentration cell corrosion. It also discusses tarnish, which is the dulling or discoloration of metal surfaces through chemical film formation. Factors that can lead to corrosion and tarnish of dental restorations include dietary and oral hygiene habits, bacterial activity, and presence of acids, chlorides, and other chemicals in the oral environment. Protection against corrosion involves use of alloys with noble metals, polishing of surfaces, and application of protective coatings.
The document discusses the amphibole group of minerals. It describes their structure as hydroxylated chain silicates with substitutions of F and Cl. There are three main groups - Ca-poor, Ca-rich, and alkali amphiboles. The Ca-rich amphiboles are monoclinic and include tremolite-ferroactinolite and common hornblendes. Amphiboles occur in a wide range of geological environments in igneous and metamorphic rocks. They are commonly found in plutonic rocks but less so in volcanic rocks.
1_ Introduction to Optical Mineralogy, Light & Theories-converted.pdfAdnanKhan153072
This document provides an overview of the course contents and objectives for an Optical Mineralogy course. The course covers topics such as the optical properties of minerals in plane and cross-polarized light, interference figures, optical indicatrices, and the determination of optical constants. Laboratory work involves using a polarizing microscope to study mineral samples and determine their optical properties. The course aims to enable students to identify and classify minerals based on their optical characteristics.
The document discusses the mica group of minerals, including their structure, occurrence, properties, uses, and members. The main members are phlogopite, annite, biotite, and muscovite. Micas have a monoclinic crystal structure and basal cleavage. They commonly occur in metamorphic rocks and India is a major producer. Micas are used for their dielectric, elastic, light weight, and heat conducting properties and stability at high temperatures.
Certain Phenomenon of Chemical Mineralogy was presented by Dr. Narendra Joshi. The presentation covered several key topics:
Solid solutions - where two or more elements occupy crystal sites in variable proportions. Types include substitutional, omission, and interstitial. Solid solutions have applications like increasing alloy strength.
Exsolution - the separation of a solid solution into distinct mineral phases during cooling. Examples include perthite formation in feldspar.
Polymorphism - the ability of substances to crystallize in different structures. Types are reconstructive, displacive, and order-disorder transformations. Quartz exhibits displacive polymorphism.
Isomorphism - where
Composites in dentistry /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian denta...Indian dental academy
Welcome to Indian Dental Academy
The Indian Dental Academy is the Leader in continuing dental education , training dentists in all aspects of dentistry and offering a wide range of dental certified courses in different formats.
Indian dental academy has a unique training program & curriculum that provides students with exceptional clinical skills and enabling them to return to their office with high level confidence and start treating patients
State of the art comprehensive training-Faculty of world wide repute &Very affordable.
Crevice corrosion is a localized form of corrosion that occurs in confined, shielded areas where solutions can stagnate, such as under gaskets, fasteners, or deposits. It results from differences in concentration of oxygen and chlorides between the crevice (anode) and outside of it (cathode), which sets up an electrochemical cell. Factors like crevice geometry and chemistry, material composition, and environmental conditions affect its occurrence. It is a significant issue for corrosion-resistant alloys in systems with pure water chemistry and can cause component failure while appearing as minimal overall material loss, making it difficult to detect. Methods to prevent it include eliminating crevices, using solid gaskets, employing higher-alloy materials,
This report provides an overview of the graphite sector, including the fundamentals of supply and demand pointing to potential shortages, properties and types of graphite deposits, uses of graphite, and exploration companies exploring for graphite. It separates 36 exploration companies into three risk groups - top tier with advanced projects, mid tier with established targets, and lower tier being highest risk. The report reviews supply/demand trends suggesting new mines needed by 2020, and provides descriptions and statistics for six exploration companies.
1) Dental amalgam is a mixture of liquid mercury and a silver alloy powder composed of silver, tin, and copper, sometimes with zinc. When the alloy powder and mercury are mixed through the amalgamation process, it forms a malleable plastic mass that can be condensed into a cavity.
2) There are different types of amalgam depending on factors like copper and zinc content, particle shape and size. Spherical particles are preferred as they require less mercury, amalgamate more easily and have better early strength.
3) Potential disadvantages include dimensional changes during setting, creep over time, inadequate tensile strength, low edge strength, thermal conductivity and corrosion; but proper manipulation can minimize many of these issues.
Indian Dental Academy: will be one of the most relevant and exciting training center with best faculty and flexible training programs for dental professionals who wish to advance in their dental practice,Offers certified courses in Dental implants,Orthodontics,Endodontics,Cosmetic Dentistry, Prosthetic Dentistry, Periodontics and General Dentistry.
This document provides an introduction and overview of geriatric dentistry. It discusses that geriatric dentistry involves the diagnosis, treatment, and care of senior citizens age 60 and older, including safely treating medically compromised patients and providing palliative care. It notes the need for geriatric dentistry is increasing as the aging population grows and lives longer. The course overview indicates it is a six-month program for dentists interested in prosthodontics, periodontics, public health, and oral cancer screening, and covers approaches to medically compromised patients and aging oral tissues. The cost of the program is $6,000 plus an additional $265 for membership in the American Society of Geriatric Dentistry.
Mineralogy is the study of naturally occurring crystalline substances called minerals. Key points about minerals include:
- They have a definite chemical composition and ordered atomic arrangement giving them a crystalline structure.
- The earliest studies of minerals date back thousands of years, but it emerged as a science in the 16th century. Important early contributors included Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Georgius Agricola.
- Minerals have great economic importance as resources for construction, manufacturing, medicine, and more. Their naming and classification is based on chemical composition and physical properties.
- Minerals exhibit physical properties related to their crystal structure and chemistry, including crystal form and habit, light interactions, mechanical properties, mass properties, and other
Bowens Reaction Series
There are three kinds of rocks, that are defined on the basis of how they formed.
Igneous Rocks:
油are formed from the solidification of molten rock or magma.
Sedimentary Rocks:油
form through when materials at the earth's surface (sediments) are buried and hardened (lithified).
Metamorphic Rocks:
油are formed when older rocks are changed by heat and pressure without being melted.
This document discusses different types of drainage sediments that can contain anomalies indicative of mineral deposits: sediments from springs and seepage areas, active stream sediments, floodplain sediments, and lake sediments. It describes how metals may be incorporated into these sediments from mineralized bedrock or transported by water. Drainage sediments are useful in geochemical exploration for mining because they allow large areas to be surveyed as sediments are carried by surface and groundwater flows.
This document provides an overview of dental ceramics. It discusses the historical perspective of dental ceramics dating back 23,000 years. It also covers the classification, composition, properties, processing methods like condensation and firing, and advances in all-ceramic and metal-ceramic dental systems. The document contains detailed information on the composition, properties and processing of various dental ceramic materials like feldspathic porcelain, leucite-reinforced porcelain, and glass ceramics. It compares conventional powder-slurry ceramics with newer CAD/CAM and machinable ceramic materials.
Earth Resources
Reserves and resources
Nonrenewable Mineral Resources
What are industrial minerals?
Why are industrial minerals so important?
Geology of Industrial Minerals Deposits
Classification of industrial minerals
General characteristics of Non-metallic Deposits
Factors important in evaluating an industrial minerals deposit
Selected industrial rocks and minerals
Asbestos Deposits
Graphite Deposits
Talc, Soapstone, and Pyrophyllite
Selected Some Ornamental Metamorphic Stones
Selection and arrangement of artificial teeth for normal cases and modified cases that need special ways in teeth setting and the common errors in teeth setting that may be done by beginners and how to fix them
Mineralogy and crystallography notes notes PRAMODA G
This document provides information on the mineral olivine and includes:
1) A description of olivine's crystal structure, composition, and optical properties.
2) Details on common species of olivine defined by their magnesium and iron content.
3) Explanations of olivine's formation, alteration products, and typical geological environments.
The document discusses various types of corrosion that can occur in dental materials including crevice corrosion, galvanic corrosion, pitting corrosion, stress corrosion, and concentration cell corrosion. It also discusses tarnish, which is the dulling or discoloration of metal surfaces through chemical film formation. Factors that can lead to corrosion and tarnish of dental restorations include dietary and oral hygiene habits, bacterial activity, and presence of acids, chlorides, and other chemicals in the oral environment. Protection against corrosion involves use of alloys with noble metals, polishing of surfaces, and application of protective coatings.
The document discusses the amphibole group of minerals. It describes their structure as hydroxylated chain silicates with substitutions of F and Cl. There are three main groups - Ca-poor, Ca-rich, and alkali amphiboles. The Ca-rich amphiboles are monoclinic and include tremolite-ferroactinolite and common hornblendes. Amphiboles occur in a wide range of geological environments in igneous and metamorphic rocks. They are commonly found in plutonic rocks but less so in volcanic rocks.
1_ Introduction to Optical Mineralogy, Light & Theories-converted.pdfAdnanKhan153072
This document provides an overview of the course contents and objectives for an Optical Mineralogy course. The course covers topics such as the optical properties of minerals in plane and cross-polarized light, interference figures, optical indicatrices, and the determination of optical constants. Laboratory work involves using a polarizing microscope to study mineral samples and determine their optical properties. The course aims to enable students to identify and classify minerals based on their optical characteristics.
The document discusses the mica group of minerals, including their structure, occurrence, properties, uses, and members. The main members are phlogopite, annite, biotite, and muscovite. Micas have a monoclinic crystal structure and basal cleavage. They commonly occur in metamorphic rocks and India is a major producer. Micas are used for their dielectric, elastic, light weight, and heat conducting properties and stability at high temperatures.
Certain Phenomenon of Chemical Mineralogy was presented by Dr. Narendra Joshi. The presentation covered several key topics:
Solid solutions - where two or more elements occupy crystal sites in variable proportions. Types include substitutional, omission, and interstitial. Solid solutions have applications like increasing alloy strength.
Exsolution - the separation of a solid solution into distinct mineral phases during cooling. Examples include perthite formation in feldspar.
Polymorphism - the ability of substances to crystallize in different structures. Types are reconstructive, displacive, and order-disorder transformations. Quartz exhibits displacive polymorphism.
Isomorphism - where
Composites in dentistry /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian denta...Indian dental academy
Welcome to Indian Dental Academy
The Indian Dental Academy is the Leader in continuing dental education , training dentists in all aspects of dentistry and offering a wide range of dental certified courses in different formats.
Indian dental academy has a unique training program & curriculum that provides students with exceptional clinical skills and enabling them to return to their office with high level confidence and start treating patients
State of the art comprehensive training-Faculty of world wide repute &Very affordable.
Crevice corrosion is a localized form of corrosion that occurs in confined, shielded areas where solutions can stagnate, such as under gaskets, fasteners, or deposits. It results from differences in concentration of oxygen and chlorides between the crevice (anode) and outside of it (cathode), which sets up an electrochemical cell. Factors like crevice geometry and chemistry, material composition, and environmental conditions affect its occurrence. It is a significant issue for corrosion-resistant alloys in systems with pure water chemistry and can cause component failure while appearing as minimal overall material loss, making it difficult to detect. Methods to prevent it include eliminating crevices, using solid gaskets, employing higher-alloy materials,
This report provides an overview of the graphite sector, including the fundamentals of supply and demand pointing to potential shortages, properties and types of graphite deposits, uses of graphite, and exploration companies exploring for graphite. It separates 36 exploration companies into three risk groups - top tier with advanced projects, mid tier with established targets, and lower tier being highest risk. The report reviews supply/demand trends suggesting new mines needed by 2020, and provides descriptions and statistics for six exploration companies.
1) Dental amalgam is a mixture of liquid mercury and a silver alloy powder composed of silver, tin, and copper, sometimes with zinc. When the alloy powder and mercury are mixed through the amalgamation process, it forms a malleable plastic mass that can be condensed into a cavity.
2) There are different types of amalgam depending on factors like copper and zinc content, particle shape and size. Spherical particles are preferred as they require less mercury, amalgamate more easily and have better early strength.
3) Potential disadvantages include dimensional changes during setting, creep over time, inadequate tensile strength, low edge strength, thermal conductivity and corrosion; but proper manipulation can minimize many of these issues.
Indian Dental Academy: will be one of the most relevant and exciting training center with best faculty and flexible training programs for dental professionals who wish to advance in their dental practice,Offers certified courses in Dental implants,Orthodontics,Endodontics,Cosmetic Dentistry, Prosthetic Dentistry, Periodontics and General Dentistry.
This document provides an introduction and overview of geriatric dentistry. It discusses that geriatric dentistry involves the diagnosis, treatment, and care of senior citizens age 60 and older, including safely treating medically compromised patients and providing palliative care. It notes the need for geriatric dentistry is increasing as the aging population grows and lives longer. The course overview indicates it is a six-month program for dentists interested in prosthodontics, periodontics, public health, and oral cancer screening, and covers approaches to medically compromised patients and aging oral tissues. The cost of the program is $6,000 plus an additional $265 for membership in the American Society of Geriatric Dentistry.
Mineralogy is the study of naturally occurring crystalline substances called minerals. Key points about minerals include:
- They have a definite chemical composition and ordered atomic arrangement giving them a crystalline structure.
- The earliest studies of minerals date back thousands of years, but it emerged as a science in the 16th century. Important early contributors included Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Georgius Agricola.
- Minerals have great economic importance as resources for construction, manufacturing, medicine, and more. Their naming and classification is based on chemical composition and physical properties.
- Minerals exhibit physical properties related to their crystal structure and chemistry, including crystal form and habit, light interactions, mechanical properties, mass properties, and other
Bowens Reaction Series
There are three kinds of rocks, that are defined on the basis of how they formed.
Igneous Rocks:
油are formed from the solidification of molten rock or magma.
Sedimentary Rocks:油
form through when materials at the earth's surface (sediments) are buried and hardened (lithified).
Metamorphic Rocks:
油are formed when older rocks are changed by heat and pressure without being melted.
This document discusses different types of drainage sediments that can contain anomalies indicative of mineral deposits: sediments from springs and seepage areas, active stream sediments, floodplain sediments, and lake sediments. It describes how metals may be incorporated into these sediments from mineralized bedrock or transported by water. Drainage sediments are useful in geochemical exploration for mining because they allow large areas to be surveyed as sediments are carried by surface and groundwater flows.
This document provides an overview of dental ceramics. It discusses the historical perspective of dental ceramics dating back 23,000 years. It also covers the classification, composition, properties, processing methods like condensation and firing, and advances in all-ceramic and metal-ceramic dental systems. The document contains detailed information on the composition, properties and processing of various dental ceramic materials like feldspathic porcelain, leucite-reinforced porcelain, and glass ceramics. It compares conventional powder-slurry ceramics with newer CAD/CAM and machinable ceramic materials.
Earth Resources
Reserves and resources
Nonrenewable Mineral Resources
What are industrial minerals?
Why are industrial minerals so important?
Geology of Industrial Minerals Deposits
Classification of industrial minerals
General characteristics of Non-metallic Deposits
Factors important in evaluating an industrial minerals deposit
Selected industrial rocks and minerals
Asbestos Deposits
Graphite Deposits
Talc, Soapstone, and Pyrophyllite
Selected Some Ornamental Metamorphic Stones
Selection and arrangement of artificial teeth for normal cases and modified cases that need special ways in teeth setting and the common errors in teeth setting that may be done by beginners and how to fix them
1. MIN 05
Chemick辿 vlastnosti
Vnitn鱈 struktura
pyropu v prohl鱈転ei
Katedra chemie FP TUL
Studuje vztah mezi vnitn鱈 stavbou krystal哲 a jejich vlastnostmi
Zkoum叩 uspo叩d叩n鱈 atom哲 a iont哲 v krystalech a s鱈ly mezi nimi.
mineralogick箪 syst辿m
struktura krystal哲
vazby v krystalech
anal箪za miner叩l哲
Paul von GROTH
Hlavn鱈 叩st prezentace zpracoval 息 Pavel Jakub哲, 2005, doplnil a upravil 2011 J. Gr辿gr
4. ABSTRAKCE: krystaly vybudovan辿 z pravideln ulo転en箪ch
kulovit箪ch stavebn鱈ch 叩stic (atom哲/iont哲; r 0,XX,0 ; = 1010 m),
kter辿 se vz叩jemn dot箪kaj鱈.
Faktory r:
elektronov叩 konfigurace Li 0,59 Na 0,99
n叩boj iontu Pb4+ 0,65 Pb2+ 0,98
koordinace iontu Al3+/4 0,39 Al3+/6 0,54
REALITA: deformovan辿 stavebn鱈 叩stice d鱈ky elektrostatick箪m
Krystal ~ soubor jednodu邸邸鱈ch
rovinn箪ch i prostorov箪ch 炭tvar哲 tzv.
polygon哲 i polyedr哲, v jejich転 stedech
a roz鱈ch se nach叩zej鱈 atomy nebo ionty.
Tyto polyedry se 鱈d鱈 Paulingov箪mi
Struktura sfaleritu (ZnS) pravidly.
5. Paulingova pravidla
1. koordinan鱈 鱈slo (K) a tvar polyedru lze odhadnout na z叩klad
pomru polomru kationtu a aniontu rkat/ran
K rkat/ran
2* do 0,155
3 0,1550,225
4 0,2250,414
6 0,4140,732
8 > 0,732
12 1,000
* r哲zn箪 koordinan鱈
6. 2. stabilnj邸鱈 jsou struktury s mal箪mi a v鱈cevazn箪mi kationty ne転
s velk箪mi a m辿nvazn箪mi kationty
3. spolen辿 hrany a plochy polyedr哲 sni転uj鱈 stabilitu struktury, a to t鱈m
v鱈ce, 鱈m vy邸邸鱈 je n叩boj centr叩ln鱈ho kationtu a 鱈m men邸鱈 je jeho K
a) b) c)
Modifikace TiO2
a) rutil
b) brookit
c) anatas
a) b) c)
7. tvrd辿 tvrd辿
vysok叩 tt vysok叩 tt
kehk辿 nerozpustn辿
邸tpn辿 nevodie i
nevodiv辿 polovodie
NaCl (iontov叩) diamant (kovalentn鱈)
elektrick叩 mkk辿
i tepeln叩
n鱈zk叩 tt
Au (kovov叩) lesk grafit (van der Waals)
8. DEFINICE Izomorfn鱈 ady Faktory Hranice V箪znam
Izomorfie je schopnost atom哲 dvou nebo v鱈ce prvk哲 i jejich skupin
vz叩jemn se zastupovat ve struktur叩ch krystal哲.
dialogit (Mn) siderit (Fe)
v叩penec / CaCO3
magnesit (Mg) smithsonit (Zn)
M鱈転kov辿 parametry:
CaCO3 0,8543 / 74属55'
MnCO3 0,8184 / 73属00'
FeCO3 0,8184 / 73属00'
MgCO3 0,8112 / 72属36'
ZnCO3 0,8063 / 72属20'
9. Definice IZOMORFN ADY Faktory Hranice V箪znam
FeWO4 (ferberit) (Fe,Mn)WO4 (wolframit) MnWO4 (h端bnerit)
krajn鱈 len pechodn箪 len krajn鱈 len
ZnS (sfalerit) FeS
Izomorfn鱈 ada
ne炭pln叩 ?
11. Definice IZOMORFN ADY FAKTORY Hranice V箪znam
MgAl2O4 (spinel) BaSO4 (baryt) Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
ada chalkantitu (CuSO4揃5H2O) Skupina skalic:
ada hexahydritu (MgSO4揃6H2O) ada melanteritu (FeSO4揃7H2O)
A a) vnitn鱈 b) vnj邸鱈
K geometrick箪 teplota
O chemick箪 tlak
R fyzik叩ln鱈 chemick辿 vlastnosti
Y krystalizan鱈ho prosted鱈
12. Definice Izomorfn鱈 ady Faktory HRANICE V箪znam
1) homogenita izomorfn鱈 smsi
CaMn(CO3)2 (kutnohorit)
pevn箪 roztok inkluze
2) neuspo叩danost izomorfn鱈 (Ca,Mn)CO3
ano 叩sten叩 ne
13. Definice Izomorfn鱈 ady Faktory Hranice VZNAM
systematick叩 mineralogie Al2O3 + Cr
geotermometry a geobarometry
z鱈sk叩v叩n鱈 vz叩cn箪ch prvk哲
polovodie, lasery
sfalerit zirkon pyrit
Ge Hf Tl
14. DEFINICE Polymorfn鱈 pemny V箪znam & Polytypie
Polymorfie je jev, kdy jedna chemick叩 slouenina (prvek) tvo鱈
krystaly ve dvou nebo v鱈ce krystalick箪ch m鱈転k叩ch.
C/diamant C/grafit C/fulleren SiO2 / kemen
kubick箪 hexagon叩ln鱈 tetragon叩ln鱈
CaCO3 / trigon叩ln鱈 kalcit CaCO3 / rombick箪 aragonit
15. Definice POLYMORFN PEMNY V箪znam & Polytypie
870属C 1470属C
enantiotropn鱈: SiO2 kemen tridymit cristobalit
monotropn鱈: T [属C]
C diamant grafit
pT diagram modifikac鱈 C
p [kbar]
18. metody tradin鱈 metody modern鱈
reakce s kyselinami 0
rozpustnost ve vod 0
barven鱈 plamene 0
barven鱈 perliek 0
19. metody tradin鱈 metody modern鱈
Rozpustnost ve vod
vt邸ina miner叩l哲 je ve vod nerozpustn叩
ve vod je dobe rozpustn箪 halit (s哲l kamenn叩, NaCl)
nitronatrit (ilsk箪 ledek, NaNO3)
nitrokalit (sanytr, KNO3)
ve vod nepatrn rozpustn辿 kalcit (v叩penec, CaCO3)
aragonit (CaCO3)
s叩drovec (CaSO4 揃2H2O)
20. metody tradin鱈 metody modern鱈
Reakce s kyselinami
nejastji se pou転鱈v叩 reakce se zednou kyselinou
chlorovod鱈kovou (HCl) k d哲kazu uhliitan哲.
pi t辿to reakci se uvoluj鱈 bubliny CO2 (邸umn鱈)
reakce prob鱈h叩 u nkter箪ch uhliitan哲 za studena (kalcit, aragonit)
jindy je teba 炭lomek miner叩lu v kyselin zah叩t (ve zkumavce)
k d哲kazu karbon叩t哲, kter辿 reaguj鱈 s HCl za studena, m哲転eme
pou転鱈t m鱈sto HCl b転n箪 kuchysk箪 ocet
zlato se rozpou邸t鱈 v luavce kr叩lovsk辿, sms kyseliny dusin辿
(HNO3) a kyseliny chlorovod鱈kov辿 (HCl) 1:3
21. metody tradin鱈 metody modern鱈
Zbarven鱈 plamene
erven辿 cihlov箪 v叩pn鱈k Ca
purpurov箪 lithium Li
karm鱈nov箪 stroncium Sr
転lut辿 転lut箪 sod鱈k Na
zelen辿 svtle 転luto zelen箪 baryum Ba
zelen箪 m Cu
velmi slab zelen箪 antimon Sb
modr辿 邸edomodr箪 arsen As
fialov辿 bledfialov箪 drasl鱈k K
邸edofialov箪 rtu泥 Hg
22. metody tradin鱈 metody modern鱈
Alkalick辿 kovy v plameni