A turtle family decided to go on a picnic but forgot the salt. The youngest turtle was chosen to retrieve it from home, but whined about going. He agreed if the family wouldn't eat until his return. Seven years later, as the oldest turtle was unwrapping a sandwich, the youngest turtle appeared, having never left, accusing them of not waiting as promised.
"Draw More, Talk Less" was a hands-on sketching workshop for managers, developers, designers, and pretty much anybody with hands and eyes.
During the workshop we learned:
- Why sketching is so important
- More than just the basics of sketching interfaces and interactions
- Integrating sketching into your workflow
- How to get your colleagues to draw more (and talk less)
At the time of publishing this presentation, Jason is an independent designer and illustrator. He builds prototypes, designs websites and web apps, and creates large-scale visual notes at conferences. He's worked for a bunch of design agencies, startups, and businesses both big and small. And he thinks you're just swell.
Your job depends on you making design decisions every day. I'm not talking about the kind of design that uses color theory, typography, or spacer gifs (joking).
Here are the kinds of things that have made me a better designer. I think they'll help you, too:
Pencils before pixels will save you tons of time.
Understanding how to start design projects where the end result isn't quite defined yet.
How to nurture (or destroy) relationships with your clients and colleagues.
How to think in extremes to help you know where the boundaries are.
Sketching is an activity, not a just deliverable.
Asking the right questions tease out the most important details.
How do you know when you're asking the wrong questions?
And lots more...
New materials for barrels in a climate change scenarioLuca Risso
1. Clayver is a new ceramic container designed for winemaking that allows lower oxygen transmission than steel tanks. Experiments showed it allows 5-13 mg/L/year of oxygen versus standard steel tanks' 5 mg/L/year rate.
2. The container can be cleaned with acid or basic solutions, steam, or high pressure water jets. It can also be rotated or turned upside down for easier cleaning.
3. The material must not contain lead or cadmium according to EU regulations, and other elements like aluminum may be allowed at low concentrations to receive food grade certification.
Contenitori Ceramici e Gestione dell'Ossigeno in EnologiaLuca Risso
Si descrive il problema dell'affinamento del vino nei nuovi materiali porosi (ceramica, cemento, terracotta) e si illustrano alcuni risultati sperimentali preliminari di uno studio svolto insieme all'Universit di Valladolid
Some facts about oxygen diffusion in porous systemsLuca Risso
This document discusses oxygen diffusion and fluid flow through porous materials like clay bricks and wood barrels used for aging wine. It provides calculations of:
1) Oxygen flow rate through a clay barrel which is estimated to be around 0.6 mlO2/liter/month, lower than the typical 2.2 mlO2/liter/month for an oak barrel.
2) Fluid loss rate through a clay barrel which is calculated to be around 0.0035 liters/hour, much lower than rates for other materials like concrete or clay bricks.
3) Characteristics of a porous clay material called "Clayver" including average pore size, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, and estimated oxygen flow
El documento compara los pros y los contras del acero, la madera y la terracota para su uso en la fabricaci坦n de contenedores alimentarios. El acero tiene ventajas como su durabilidad y facilidad de mantenimiento, pero puede afectar el sabor de los alimentos. La madera tiene un aspecto natural pero su durabilidad es limitada y requiere mantenimiento dif鱈cil. La terracota es econ坦mica y f叩cil de obtener, pero es fr叩gil y porosa. Luego, el documento proporciona detalles t辿cnicos sobre un producto de cer叩
The document discusses fabrication technologies for complex shaped diamond tools using powder injection moulding (DIM), including its advantages over traditional methods. DIM allows fabrication of tools with intricate geometries not previously possible. It involves mixing diamond powder with temporary and backbone binders, injection moulding, debinding, and sintering. DIM provides higher yields than traditional bead production, with no reassembly needed. Further improvements to DIM include developing new powder varieties and equipment for granulation and moulding.
Garage Wines Contest, ovvero Vino in GarageLuca Risso
This document discusses a garage wine contest in Italy. It focuses on three key topics: experiencing home wine production, conserving local territory, and preserving winemaking traditions. The document includes numerous photos taken by different photographers of the contest and participants.
The document discusses various fabrication technologies for diamond beads used in cutting tools, including traditional methods like electroplating, hot pressing, and pressureless sintering. It then introduces a new technology called Diamond Injection Moulding that allows intricate bead geometries and has advantages over traditional methods like lower costs and higher performance. Testing of a bead with a new double bulge geometry in a full-scale plant found it could cut wires at a higher speed, resulting in over a 15% cost savings despite slightly reduced lifetime.
This document discusses key factors that influence the performance of sintered diamond tools used for stone sawing. It examines properties like toughness index, grain size distribution, inclusion morphology, thermal stability, hardness, abrasivity, and sawability. The document also acknowledges groups that provided samples and funding for the research.
Este documento lista varios elementos utilizados en la producci坦n de aceite de oliva, incluyendo maquinaria para prensar las aceitunas, equipos de acero inoxidable y resina para almacenar el aceite, y dispositivos manuales para sellar las botellas.
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025. https://www.aib.it/eventi/dichiarazione-dubai-oer-unesco/
Economia degli intermediari finanziari 4属 Edition Loris Nadottitominapuica44
Economia degli intermediari finanziari 4属 Edition Loris Nadotti
Economia degli intermediari finanziari 4属 Edition Loris Nadotti
Economia degli intermediari finanziari 4属 Edition Loris Nadotti
Get Global Marketing 9th Edition Keegan Solutions Manual free all chaptersvliegkoukas
Download Global Marketing 9th Edition Keegan Solutions Manual right after payment at https://testbankfan.com/product/global-marketing-9th-edition-keegan-solutions-manual. Discover additional solution manuals and test banks in https://testbankfan.com Get full chapter PDF.
El documento compara los pros y los contras del acero, la madera y la terracota para su uso en la fabricaci坦n de contenedores alimentarios. El acero tiene ventajas como su durabilidad y facilidad de mantenimiento, pero puede afectar el sabor de los alimentos. La madera tiene un aspecto natural pero su durabilidad es limitada y requiere mantenimiento dif鱈cil. La terracota es econ坦mica y f叩cil de obtener, pero es fr叩gil y porosa. Luego, el documento proporciona detalles t辿cnicos sobre un producto de cer叩
The document discusses fabrication technologies for complex shaped diamond tools using powder injection moulding (DIM), including its advantages over traditional methods. DIM allows fabrication of tools with intricate geometries not previously possible. It involves mixing diamond powder with temporary and backbone binders, injection moulding, debinding, and sintering. DIM provides higher yields than traditional bead production, with no reassembly needed. Further improvements to DIM include developing new powder varieties and equipment for granulation and moulding.
Garage Wines Contest, ovvero Vino in GarageLuca Risso
This document discusses a garage wine contest in Italy. It focuses on three key topics: experiencing home wine production, conserving local territory, and preserving winemaking traditions. The document includes numerous photos taken by different photographers of the contest and participants.
The document discusses various fabrication technologies for diamond beads used in cutting tools, including traditional methods like electroplating, hot pressing, and pressureless sintering. It then introduces a new technology called Diamond Injection Moulding that allows intricate bead geometries and has advantages over traditional methods like lower costs and higher performance. Testing of a bead with a new double bulge geometry in a full-scale plant found it could cut wires at a higher speed, resulting in over a 15% cost savings despite slightly reduced lifetime.
This document discusses key factors that influence the performance of sintered diamond tools used for stone sawing. It examines properties like toughness index, grain size distribution, inclusion morphology, thermal stability, hardness, abrasivity, and sawability. The document also acknowledges groups that provided samples and funding for the research.
Este documento lista varios elementos utilizados en la producci坦n de aceite de oliva, incluyendo maquinaria para prensar las aceitunas, equipos de acero inoxidable y resina para almacenar el aceite, y dispositivos manuales para sellar las botellas.
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025. https://www.aib.it/eventi/dichiarazione-dubai-oer-unesco/
Economia degli intermediari finanziari 4属 Edition Loris Nadottitominapuica44
Economia degli intermediari finanziari 4属 Edition Loris Nadotti
Economia degli intermediari finanziari 4属 Edition Loris Nadotti
Economia degli intermediari finanziari 4属 Edition Loris Nadotti
Get Global Marketing 9th Edition Keegan Solutions Manual free all chaptersvliegkoukas
Download Global Marketing 9th Edition Keegan Solutions Manual right after payment at https://testbankfan.com/product/global-marketing-9th-edition-keegan-solutions-manual. Discover additional solution manuals and test banks in https://testbankfan.com Get full chapter PDF.
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane...izmarmelum
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
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Graphic Visual Recording - Facilitazione visuale e SketchnotesWise Ing
Non serve essere degli abili disegnatori per imparare ed applicare con soddisfazione
le tecniche visuali!!!
Il corso offre un'esperienza pratica e coinvolgente che permetter anche a chi ritiene
di non saper disegnare di acquisire competenze nel linguaggio grafico e
sperimentarsi in questa tecnica/arte per rendersi conto di come sia preziosa nel
rendere trasferibili e semplici temi complessi, allineare i team creando delle road map
parlanti, strutturare le informazioni in infografiche, sintetizzare e rendere memorabili
gli esiti del lavoro di un team, agevolando nei fatti la collaborazione all'interno dei
Si esploreranno diverse modalit di utilizzo delle immagini, sperimentando nei fatti
l'efficacia dei processi di apprendimento attraverso forma, colore e spazio, nonch辿 le
varie applicazioni delle infografiche, degli sketchnotes, della facilitazione visuale e
della registrazione grafica. I partecipanti saranno accompagnati nella scelta di tools
fisici e digitali e materiali. Una
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2. Usiamo la formula di Darcy per la portata di un fluido in un materiale poroso
kA P( y)
Q( y)= 亮
dQ (y )=
Q( y)=
V=225 l
k=permeabilit (m2) (*) viscosit liquido
k2 Rdy gy
2Rk g H
0 ydy
Per il fianco della Barrique
k g K=Conducibilit idraulica (m/sec) (**)
se K = 亮
K max (cemento)=7.7 1013 m/sec
( fianco)+
( fondo)
K max (clay brick )=3.8 109 m/ sec
Se R= 0.267m
H=1 m
L=2.7 cm
(valori assimilabili a una barrique)
Qcemento =104 l/ h
Qclay brick =0.54 l /h
(*) Per sistemi a porosit aperta di particelle impaccate risulta che k=Cd2 dove d
竪 il diametro delle particelle e C una costante che tiene conto della geometria
del poro. In questi sistemi d 竪 proporzionale alla dimensione del poro.
(**) K tiene conto sia delle caratteristiche del sistema poroso che del fluido che
lo attraversa.
(***) The University of Edinburgh, Division of Engineering, Session 2001-2002,
Materials Science and Engineering
3. Consideriamo una barrique di terracotta come nel caso precedente e usiamo la
legge di Fick
陸O2=D eff
D eff =D
C O2
DMAX D MIN = DGeometrico
= costrittivit ~ 0.7
器= tortuosit ~ 1.4
= porosit ~ 0.2
D Aritmetico
Spazio percorso da A a B
Distanza( AB)
Sono valori tipici per mattoni di terracotta (*)
DO2H20 = 2*10-9 m2/sec
Deff ~ 7*10-11 m2/sec
CO2 = 0 dentro il vino
CO2 = 7.2 mg/l sulla pellicola esterna
Spessore barrique = 2.7 cm
Superficie barrique ~ 2 m2
Volume barrique = 225 l
O2~0.6 mlO2/litro/mese
Il valore tipico di una barrique di legno 竪 2.2 ml O2/litro/mese (**)
(*) M.Raimondo, M.Dondi, D.Gardini, G.Guarini, F.Mazzanti, Predicting the initial rate of water
absorption in
clay bricks, Construction and Building Materials, 23 (2009) 2623-2630.
(**) Micro-oxygenation of Wine in Barrels, Mark Kelly and David Wollan, The Australian & New
Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker, 2003 Annual Technical Issue
4. Relazione tra l'espressione di Darcy e Poiseuille (sistemi porosit aperta)
Q= Qi
Qi =
r4 P
8亮 L
r 4 gy
8亮 L
Se 竪 la porosit, risulta che il n属 dei pori nella sezione A 竪 n(pori)=A/r2
Q( y)=
Qi =
竜 Ar 2 gy
4亮 L
竜 r2 g R H
0 ydy
2亮 L
Tornando al caso della barrique cilindrica A=2Rdy
Ricordiamo che L=*L' con 器tortuosit
g 竜 r 2 RH 2
g 竜 r 2 R2 H
( fianco)+
( fondo)
4亮 L '
4亮 L '
Per Darcy valeva
K RH 2
K R2 H
( fianco)+
( fondo )
Siccome L'=L Si ottiene k =
竜 r2
Dove r 竪 il raggio (medio) dei pori
5. Dati tecnici caratteristici di Clayver
Assorbimento di Acqua
Peso a secco del contenitore
95 Kg
Porosit Aperta
Volume contenuto
235 l
Bulk Density
2.34 g/cm3
Diametro Pori Medio
0.04 mm
4.6010-18 m2
Conducibilit Idraulica
2.5010-11 m/sec
Flusso O2
(Barrique Equivalenti)
0.2 mlO2/litro/mese
Perdita Idraulica
0.0035 l/h