This document summarizes the anatomy of cerebral arteries. It describes the segments of the internal carotid artery (ICA) from C1 to C7 as it passes through structures of the neck and skull. It then discusses the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries and their branches. Finally, it shows the circle of Willis, where the ICAs connect with the vertebrobasilar system to supply the brain.
This document summarizes the anatomy of cerebral arteries. It describes the segments of the internal carotid artery (ICA) from C1 to C7 as it passes through structures of the neck and skull. It then discusses the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries and their branches. Finally, it shows the circle of Willis, where the ICAs connect with the vertebrobasilar system to supply the brain.
The document discusses the impact of fluctuations in the value of the Indian rupee on various economic sectors. It explains that a depreciating rupee increases costs for sectors that rely on imports, such as infrastructure, manufacturing, and IT. However, export-oriented sectors such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and tourism benefit from a weaker currency. The real estate and financial sectors are also affected as construction costs rise and capital becomes more expensive. A variety of short-term measures are proposed to support the rupee including raising oil import tariffs and liberalizing bank deposit schemes.
This document summarizes medical imaging findings and provides a diagnosis for an 8 month old female patient presenting with high fever, cough, and wheezing. Chest x-ray and CT scans revealed a large heterogeneous mass in the left upper lobe filling and compressing the lung, with associated pleural effusion. Based on these findings and the patient's young age, the diagnosis was determined to be a type II pleuro-pulmonary blastoma, a rare and aggressive malignant tumor of the pleural lung mesenchyme occurring in early childhood. Differential diagnoses including rhabdomyosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma were considered and ruled out.
A 5-year-old male presented with swelling of the frontal and temporal bones bilaterally for 1 year. CT and MRI findings revealed an expansive bone lesion involving the frontal, orbital, sphenoid wings, and zygomatic bones, with hyperintensity compared to normal bone. Following contrast administration, strong and diffuse enhancement was seen. The diagnosis was craniofacial fibrous dysplasia, a rare abnormal bone growth where normal bone is replaced with fibrous bone tissue. There is no known cure, though treatment may include surgery for visual loss or deformity, medication to strengthen bones or manage pain, and treatment for associated conditions.
Factory smoke rises into the ozone layer and damages it. China has over 200 polluting factories with little green space, and many of its rivers are contaminated, killing plants and animals. Five New Zealand birds and three other species are endangered due to pollution harming the environment, trees, plants, and people. Factories produce smoke that harms the ozone layer and living things.
Derechos fundamentales en el derecho de la informaci¨®nJohaquin Bartra
Los Derechos Fundamentales son aplicables a todas las materias no solo del derecho sino a todas aquellas que se encuentran vinculadas de alguna manera y otra con la sociedad y espec¨ªficamente con las personas, por tanto el Derecho a la Informaci¨®n no se encuentra ajeno a la necesidad de regularlo de acuerdo a los Derechos Fundamentales planteados inicialmente, para ello es necesario cuestionarnos cu¨¢l es la fuente de informaci¨®n activa m¨¢s potente, barata y ¨²til, no es necesario realizar un exhaustivo an¨¢lisis para concluir que es el internet, un medio de informaci¨®n que ha demostrado a lo largo de los ¨²ltimos a?os que es efectivo y adem¨¢s necesario por las exigencias actuales de adaptarse a la modernidad, por tanto iniciaremos con definir espec¨ªficamente qu¨¦ es el internet, viene a ser un conjunto descentralizado de redes de comunicaci¨®n interconectadas que utilizan la familia de protocolos TCP/IP, lo cual garantiza que las redes f¨ªsicas heterog¨¦neas que la componen como una red l¨®gica ¨²nica de alcance mundial estableciendo un intercambio de informaci¨®n constante entre diversos usuarios en un tiempo reducido, si bien es cierto, Internet ya no es un fen¨®meno nuevo, ha revolucionado el mundo tal y como se conoc¨ªa hace 30 a?os. Es un fen¨®meno global, vinculado estrechamente con la comunicaci¨®n, pero que influye en gran medida sobre casi todos los ¨¢mbitos de la sociedad. Poco pod¨ªan imaginar sus creadores que en apenas 20 a?os ser¨ªa un invento tan imprescindible como el tel¨¦fono o la televisi¨®n.
This document discusses threats to common sparrows and blackbirds from predators like cats, weasels, and men. It also discusses dangers faced by stray cats from vehicles like cars and trains that can hit them if they freeze on the road. The document concludes by mentioning threats faced by dogs, including being shot, drowned or abandoned, which can result in them being taken to the dog pound where some may be killed after a week if not adopted.
This document discusses key performance indicators for biotechnology companies. It defines biotechnology as using living systems to develop useful products. It then discusses three key performance indicators for biotechnology companies: high technology, capital intensity, and public relationships. High technology is measured by advancements in research and development. Capital intensity emphasizes the large investments required to develop products, sometimes over $100 million for a single product. Public relationships and transparency are important for maintaining investor confidence and a positive public image.
Animals become endangered due to hunting by humans, starvation, and disease. Some farm animals and zoo animals like Harold the giraffe are endangered. Kiwis are threatened by dogs, cats, and other imported pets in New Zealand, where they have no natural predators. Tigers are endangered because humans kill them for fur and recreation. Polar bears, kiwis, sharks, and certain birds are listed as endangered species.
A 9-year-old male presented with abdominal pain and fever. Imaging showed a large cyst in the spleen. CT and ultrasound findings were consistent with an epidermoid cyst based on the solitary, well-defined mass with thin walls and septations, fluid density, and lack of enhancement or calcification. Differential diagnoses included splenic cyst from prior trauma, lymphangioma, or abscess, but features were most consistent with a congenital epidermoid cyst.
1) The document reports on MRI findings for two patients. For the first patient, a 5-year-old boy, the MRI found bilateral schizencephaly and corpus callosum hypoplasia.
2) For the second patient, a 15-month-old boy with a history of subarachnoid hematoma, the MRI found a giant saccular aneurysm of the left middle cerebral artery and posterior communicating artery that had hemorrhaged and thrombosed, leading to hypoplasia of the left middle cerebral artery and left fronto-temporal lobe.
3) The document also provides background information on schizencephaly, describing it as clefts in the brain paren
This report describes a 22-month old female patient presenting with an abdominal tumor. CT scans revealed a large heterogeneous mass arising from the left suprarenal region, measuring 122x120x82mm with areas of necrosis, calcification and hypodensity in the liver. The mass enhanced heterogeneously, surrounded and engulfed nearby blood vessels. No lung or bone metastases were seen. The diagnosis was neuroblastoma with liver metastases, a type of childhood cancer that most commonly arises in the adrenal gland.
A 5-year-old male presented with a 1 month history of headache and vomiting. Imaging showed a hyperintense solid mass in the fourth ventricle with surrounding edema and hydrocephalus. MRI revealed a heterogeneous mass in the posterior fossa filling the fourth ventricle and invading the vermis, with areas of necrosis and decreased diffusion. The mass strongly enhanced with contrast. Based on these findings, the diagnosis was medulloblastoma, a highly malignant pediatric brain tumor originating in the cerebellum.
A 4-year-old male presented with abdominal pain, mild fever, vomiting and a palpable abdominal mass. An MRI revealed a large cystic mass in the abdomen measuring 12.5 x 5.8 cm. The mass displayed multiseptations and compressed nearby bowel loops. A diagnosis of mesenteric cystic lymphangioma was made based on imaging and clinical findings. Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma is a rare cyst arising in the mesentery, most often seen in children and young adults. Surgical excision is typically the treatment with a good prognosis.
A 5-year-old female presented with coughing and vomiting blood. Imaging showed an oval mass in her right posterior mediastinum compressing her right lung and superior vena cava. CT and ultrasound imaging characterized the mass as well-defined, homogeneous and hypoechoic without calcification or necrosis. She was diagnosed with ganglioneuroma, a benign sympathetic ganglion tumor most common in older children.
A 4-year-old female presented with visual disturbance and headache. An MRI found a 22x24x34mm suprasellar and intrasellar mass with cystic and solid parts, including calcification. The mass displaced the chiasm and enlarged and compressed the sella turcica. Post-contrast imaging showed heterogeneous enhancement of the solid portion and strong enhancement of the cyst wall. The diagnosis was craniopharyngioma, a benign epithelial tumor arising from the pituitary gland that is most common in children aged 8-12 and typically appears cystic with calcification and enhancement of the cyst wall on imaging.
This imaging report summarizes the findings of a CT scan for a 10-year-old boy who was in a traffic accident 2 weeks prior and was experiencing abdominal pain and vomiting. The CT scan showed evidence of grade 2-3 pancreatic injury and grade 2-3 duodenal injury, though ductal injuries could not be confirmed. There was also possible active bleeding from the superior mesenteric vein. The report provides background on pancreatic and duodenal trauma, outlines the imaging protocols and findings, and describes the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma classification system for pancreatic and duodenal injuries.
Biliary atresia is a condition where the bile ducts outside and inside the liver are damaged, leading to cirrhosis and liver failure. It is characterized by obstruction of the extrahepatic bile ducts. The primary treatment is surgical. Diagnosis involves ultrasound to detect gallbladder abnormalities and the triangular cord sign near the portal vein, hepatobiliary scintigraphy to check for bile excretion, and cholangiography to directly image the bile ducts. The definitive treatment is a Kasai portoenterostomy surgery in infants under 3 months of age.
This document discusses myelin and its development and appearance on MRI scans. It begins by defining myelin as the insulating phospholipid layer surrounding neuron axons, produced by oligodendrocytes in the CNS and Schwann cells in the PNS. Myelin is 80% lipid and 20% protein. It wraps around axons to increase impulse propagation speed.
Normal myelination progresses from caudal to cephalad, dorsal to ventral, and central to peripheral areas of the brain. On MRI, myelinated white matter appears hyperintense on T1-weighted images and hypointense on T2-weighted images. The document then outlines the typical timing and appearance of myelination in various brain structures from
This report discusses imaging findings for a 19-month-old female patient being evaluated for a suspected lung abscess. The imaging shows a hiatal hernia where part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm. Specifically, it appears to be a paraesophageal type hernia where the gastroesophageal junction remains in the normal position but part of the stomach herniates into the chest. The report further describes the diagnosis and types of diaphragmatic and hiatal hernias seen on various imaging modalities like ultrasound, chest radiograph, CT and MRI.
1. Congenital neck masses are abnormal growths present from birth between the clavicles and mandible. The most common congenital neck mass is a thyroglossal cyst, which forms from a persistent thyroglossal duct during development.
2. Other congenital neck masses include branchial cysts, dermoid cysts, cystic hygromas, hamartomas, and teratomas.
3. Evaluation of congenital neck masses involves inspection, imaging like ultrasound or CT to determine if the mass is solid or cystic in nature, and biopsy if needed to arrive at a definitive diagnosis. Surgical excision is usually the treatment for congenital neck masses.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) provides biochemical information about metabolites in tissues. It differs from MRI in that it analyzes spectra rather than anatomy. Common nuclei analyzed include hydrogen (proton MRS), which is most common. MRS can detect metabolites like N-acetylaspartate, creatine, choline, myoinositol, and lactate. Abnormal levels of these metabolites can indicate conditions like tumors, infections, demyelination, and more. MRS is used to study many neurological diseases and assess treatment response. It provides a non-invasive way to analyze brain chemistry.