Si棚u 但m kh畉o s叩t tu畉n hon n達o ngoi s畛
ThS.BS. TR畉N TH畛 TUY畉T LAN-Vi畛n tim tp.HCM
N畉m 動畛c Gi畉i ph畉u h畛c v Tu畉n hon bng h畛 c畛a
tu畉n hon n達o.
Nh畉n di畛n 動畛c c叩c d畉ng ph畛 M c畉nh b狸nh th動畛ng
v b畉t th動畛ng
- Hi畛u v suy lu畉n 動畛c v畛 tr鱈 M n達o t畛n th動董ng
-Ph但n 畛 h畉p M c畉nh
- Nh畉n di畛n 動畛c b畛nh l箪 c畛a MCS v MD
-Th畛c hi畛n 動畛c kh畉o s叩t M c畉nh v MCS tr棚n l但m
Tu畉n hon n達o tr動畛c: M c畉nh trong
-Tu畉n hon n達o sau: M c畛t s畛ng
- Tu畉n hon bng h畛: M m畉t, a gi叩c Willis
Si棚u 但m kh畉o s叩t tu畉n hon n達o ngoi s畛
ThS.BS. TR畉N TH畛 TUY畉T LAN-Vi畛n tim tp.HCM
N畉m 動畛c Gi畉i ph畉u h畛c v Tu畉n hon bng h畛 c畛a
tu畉n hon n達o.
Nh畉n di畛n 動畛c c叩c d畉ng ph畛 M c畉nh b狸nh th動畛ng
v b畉t th動畛ng
- Hi畛u v suy lu畉n 動畛c v畛 tr鱈 M n達o t畛n th動董ng
-Ph但n 畛 h畉p M c畉nh
- Nh畉n di畛n 動畛c b畛nh l箪 c畛a MCS v MD
-Th畛c hi畛n 動畛c kh畉o s叩t M c畉nh v MCS tr棚n l但m
Tu畉n hon n達o tr動畛c: M c畉nh trong
-Tu畉n hon n達o sau: M c畛t s畛ng
- Tu畉n hon bng h畛: M m畉t, a gi叩c Willis
1. The document discusses various cardiovascular conditions involving abnormalities of the aorta including aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, and aortic regurgitation.
2. Different types of aortic aneurysms are described such as saccular, fusiform, and false aneurysms. Classification schemes for aortic dissection including DeBakey and Stanford types are provided.
3. Imaging findings of various aortic conditions on techniques such as CT, MRI, and angiography are presented with examples of intimal flaps, true and false lumens, calcifications, and complications like rupture.
The document describes x-ray findings of mitral stenosis of varying severity. For mild mitral stenosis, chest x-rays may be normal but show an enlarged left atrium. Moderate to severe mitral stenosis is seen as an enlarged left atrium, elevated left main bronchus, and displaced descending aorta on chest x-rays. Severe mitral stenosis additionally shows enlarged pulmonary arteries and veins as well as displacement of the esophagus. Differential diagnoses include pectus excavatum and partial absence of the pericardium.