The Data-Intensive Visual Analytics (DIVA) projectKai Xu
1) The document discusses the DIVA project which aims to help analyze uncertain human terrain data using visual analytics and provenance.
2) It introduces different types of provenance including data, computation, visual exploration, and reasoning provenance.
3) Key aspects of the project include developing a ProveML schema for representing data and provenance, prototyping a human terrain visual analytics system, and constructing narratives from the analysis.
This document provides steps for setting up a good web development workspace using Firefox. It recommends updating Firefox regularly, removing unnecessary toolbars, and bookmarking documentation websites. Useful Firefox add-ons include Firebug, FirePhp, FireFTP, and Web Developer for testing, as well as online tools like JSHint for JavaScript validation. For efficient development, it suggests using an IDE like NetBeans or Eclipse, version control like Git or Subversion, and a Debian distribution instead of WAMP or XAMP.
The Data-Intensive Visual Analytics (DIVA) projectKai Xu
1) The document discusses the DIVA project which aims to help analyze uncertain human terrain data using visual analytics and provenance.
2) It introduces different types of provenance including data, computation, visual exploration, and reasoning provenance.
3) Key aspects of the project include developing a ProveML schema for representing data and provenance, prototyping a human terrain visual analytics system, and constructing narratives from the analysis.
This document provides steps for setting up a good web development workspace using Firefox. It recommends updating Firefox regularly, removing unnecessary toolbars, and bookmarking documentation websites. Useful Firefox add-ons include Firebug, FirePhp, FireFTP, and Web Developer for testing, as well as online tools like JSHint for JavaScript validation. For efficient development, it suggests using an IDE like NetBeans or Eclipse, version control like Git or Subversion, and a Debian distribution instead of WAMP or XAMP.
The document discusses the challenges international students face in obtaining employment in their host country after completing their degree. It identifies three main obstacles: 1) obtaining a work visa, 2) achieving language proficiency, and 3) adapting to local communication and workplace cultural norms. The author overcame these obstacles by engaging a career coach, modifying how they presented themselves in interviews to conform to French norms, and exploiting their personal network to find an internship that led to a full-time job offer. The document provides tips for international students to successfully find employment in their host country after graduation.
This document discusses Quality Growth at a Reasonable Price (Quality GARP) investing. It notes that Quality GARP portfolios tend to avoid companies that are laggards in managing environmental, social and governance issues, demonstrating lower associated risks. Quality GARP investing favors companies with sound business practices and an ability to deliver strong long-term earnings growth, often found in less cyclical sectors. The approach also tends to have a structural bias away from resource-intensive industries due to sustainability concerns increasingly being interwoven with fundamental business issues.
This curriculum vitae summarizes Vipin R's personal and professional details. It outlines his current and permanent addresses in Bangalore and Kannur, as well as his objective to secure a challenging finance or banking position. It then details his MBA in finance and marketing from Bangalore University, as well as his work experience as a team member in regulatory reporting services at JP Morgan Services India Pvt Ltd since 2013. It also lists his role as an audit team leader at Progress Partners, an auditing firm, from 2011 to 2013. Finally, it provides personal details and references.
Visual Analytics - Makingn Sense of Big DataKai Xu
Visual analytics combines human cognition with machine computation to help make sense of big data through data visualization and analytics. Dr. Kai Xu's research focuses on developing visual analytic techniques, including the DIVA project which uses visual analytics and analytic provenance to help ground troops understand local social structures in human terrain analysis. The research aims to capture how users make sense of data through provenance and narrative to help with sensemaking and decision making when analyzing large, complex datasets.
Legal Translation as Knowledge MediationJanEngberg
This document summarizes a presentation on legal translation as knowledge mediation between different target groups. The presentation discusses two main frameworks - knowledge communication and distinguishing between operations at the text level versus the system level in translation. It argues that legal translation involves purposefully selecting relevant aspects of conceptual knowledge in the source text to present in the target text in a way that is relevant to the target context and situation. The presentation also discusses how translators can and should take responsibility as knowledge mediators for the social consequences of their translation choices and decisions.
This document discusses graph visualization techniques. It covers tree and hierarchy representations like indented, treemap, and sunburst diagrams. It also discusses layout algorithms for undirected and directed graphs like force-directed and layered methods. Evaluation of different representations and algorithms is discussed. Finally, popular graph visualization software and libraries are mentioned.
X-ray diffraction is a technique used in nanoscale technology that involves generating X-rays and using them to detect the internal structure of materials. Key developments included Bragg's law in 1912, the Debye-Scherrer camera in 1925 for use with powders, and the powder diffractometer developed in 1945-1947. Modern X-ray diffraction is performed using either a Debye-Scherrer camera or X-ray diffractometer.
2. ABALAR 辿 o proxecto que substancia a estratexia para
a integraci坦n plena das TIC na pr叩ctica educativa en
ABALAR 辿 unha estratexia educativa global e
integradora que coordina e impulsa un cambio de
modelo educativo en Galicia apoiado na formaci坦n
do profesorado e na modernizaci坦n do ensino.
4. Garantirase a dotaci坦n e o mantemento da
infraestrutura TIC para todos os centros educativos.
5. Como elemento fundamental do novo modelo
educativo que formula o proxecto ABALAR,
dotarase o profesorado e o resto da comunidade
educativa de contidos e recursos educativos
6. O proxecto ABALAR busca a adopci坦n e
integraci坦n cultural das TIC en todos os 叩mbitos do
proceso educativo:
Nos docentes, dese単ando un plan de formaci坦n espec鱈fico para a
s炭a habilitaci坦n no uso das TIC na pr叩ctica docente e
proporcion叩ndolles recursos educativos dixitais para empregar nas
distintas materias.
Nas familias, difundindo as novas canles e soportes audiovisuais de
comunicaci坦n, favorecendo con isto o acceso aos servizos que
proporciona a eadministraci坦n.
7. O proxecto ABALAR dispor叩 dun portal propio,
espazoABALAR, que ser叩 o referente dos servizos
educativos en Galicia para toda a comunidade:
s familias informaci坦n directa do:
absentismo e seguimento acad辿mico dos fillos
Comunicaci坦n directa e multicanle co profesorado e os titores.
Xesti坦n telem叩tica de todos os tr叩mites relacionados coa educaci坦n.
Aos alumn@s:
Teleasistencia 叩 clase do alumnado con baixas de longa duraci坦n, dende
a s炭a casa ou mesmo desde o hospital.
Facilidades para o seguimento da actividade escolar a alumnado discapacitado.
Ferramentas e mecanismos para o acceso aos materiais e recursos para a actividade escolar no
centro educativo dixital