The document provides examples of common phrases used to make suggestions in English, including "Why don't we...", "Let's...", and "How about...". It then gives an exercise for the reader to practice making suggestions by filling in the blanks with appropriate suggestion phrases for three scenarios: 1) suggesting a zoo to watch monkeys and giraffes, 2) suggesting going to the library to cure boredom, and 3) suggesting going to a cooking store to buy a present for a math teacher.
Teachers develop tiered lessons to accommodate students at different proficiency levels. This document describes a tiered English lesson that teaches job interview skills. It provides three levels of difficulty - a regular level (X), and easier (X-2) and harder (X+2) level. At each level, students practice forming and answering job interview questions. The regular level scaffolds the questions, while the easier level completes templates and the harder level creates questions independently. Conducting mock interviews allows students to apply their new skills.
The document provides examples of common phrases used to make suggestions in English, including "Why don't we...", "Let's...", and "How about...". It then gives an exercise for the reader to practice making suggestions by filling in the blanks with appropriate suggestion phrases for three scenarios: 1) suggesting a zoo to watch monkeys and giraffes, 2) suggesting going to the library to cure boredom, and 3) suggesting going to a cooking store to buy a present for a math teacher.
Teachers develop tiered lessons to accommodate students at different proficiency levels. This document describes a tiered English lesson that teaches job interview skills. It provides three levels of difficulty - a regular level (X), and easier (X-2) and harder (X+2) level. At each level, students practice forming and answering job interview questions. The regular level scaffolds the questions, while the easier level completes templates and the harder level creates questions independently. Conducting mock interviews allows students to apply their new skills.
The document discusses the Healthy Eating Pyramid, which is based on scientific evidence linking diet and health. It sits on a foundation of daily exercise and weight control. The pyramid includes whole grains, healthy fats and oils, vegetables and fruits, nuts/seeds/beans/tofu, fish/poultry/eggs, dairy, and recommends using red meat, refined grains, and sweets sparingly. A multivitamin with extra vitamin D is also recommended.
Xmss ict lesson template (sec 2 vol n surf area of pyramid)bryan
This lesson plan teaches students about the volume and surface area of pyramids. Students will use an Ace Learning software to explore how volume and surface area of pyramids are derived. They will then complete practice questions in the software. The teacher will assess students' understanding through a pen and paper test or by using an ATT system. Students are expected to understand how to calculate the volume and surface area of pyramids with different base shapes.
This document provides information about a webquest for 3rd grade students on creating healthy meal plans. It includes an introduction outlining the importance of healthy eating. The task is for students to create a weekly meal plan consisting of balanced and healthy meals for each day. The process involves students researching food groups and healthy foods on various websites and recording this information. They then create their weekly meal plan and post it online. The document provides evaluation criteria and concludes by emphasizing students have learned about food groups and creating a plan to improve health.
Alex is a 35-year-old father of 3 who leads a busy social life. He wastes about 30% of the food he buys each week because he is an impulsive shopper and doesn't take the time to plan meals. His son and collecting data on Alex's personal food waste could help influence Alex's behavior and raise awareness of more sustainable practices. Opportunities for intervention could help people like Alex reduce food waste.
The document provides information about using graphic novels in primary school classrooms. It defines graphic novels as a combination of words and images that tell a story in book format. Graphic novels can attract students' interest in reading, especially reluctant readers, and help students struggling with language comprehension through the use of visual clues. The document discusses various visual features of graphic novels, including panels, word balloons, fonts, and gutters, and provides examples from The Jungle Book graphic novel. It also provides a synopsis of the story and discusses characters, setting, message, and suggested classroom activities.
An aquaponic system combines a fish tank with a plant environment to create a symbiotic relationship where the fish provide nutrients to the plants through their waste. As the water flows from the fish tank, the fish waste acts as fertilizer for the plants. In turn, the plants clean the water and improve its quality for the fish, benefiting both in a sustainable system.
Hydroponic systems allow plants to grow without soil by delivering nutrients dissolved in water directly to their roots. Nutrients are put into water and delivered to plant roots, with the water doing the work of nutrient transport instead of soil. Examples of hydroponic farming include growing plants with their roots submerged in or sprayed with nutrient-rich water.
The document outlines the draft Standard-based English Language Curriculum for Malaysian primary schools, which is divided into two stages. Stage One covers Years 1-3 and focuses on developing basic language skills through fun and meaningful activities. Stage Two covers Years 4-6 and builds on these foundations. The curriculum consists of five interrelated modules: Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing, Language Arts, and Grammar. It aims to equip students with strong English communication skills and foster a love of learning the language.
Year 1 KSSR Unit 25 (How Do You Get Around)Hidayah Salleh
The document lists different modes of transportation including bicycle, motorcycle, car, bus, ambulance, fire engine, truck, train, boat, ship, helicopter and aeroplane. It groups transportation into land vehicles like bicycles, motorcycles, cars, buses, ambulances, fire engines and trucks as well as rail vehicles like trains and water vehicles like boats, ships along with air vehicles such as helicopters and aeroplanes.
Dokumen ini berisi analisis hasil ujian PKSR 1 dan UPP1 tahun 2011 di Sekolah Kebangsaan Lembah Bidor. Ia menunjukkan perbandingan peratusan murid yang lulus dan gagal dalam ujian tersebut setiap tahun, serta masalah yang dihadapi dan cara mengatasinya dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggeris. Beberapa masalah utama ialah murid yang tidak faham bahasa Inggeris, kurang minat, dan tah
The daily lesson plan is for a Year 3 class on being healthy. The 60 minute lesson will involve students singing a song about foods, filling in blanks in the song lyrics, and discussing examples of healthy and unhealthy foods in groups. The objectives are for students to sing the song with correct pronunciation, list examples of healthy and junk foods, and fill in 4 out of 6 blanks in the song correctly. The lesson will begin with an introduction on foods, presenting pictures, playing the song twice while students fill in the worksheet, discussing the filled worksheet, and ending by having student groups list examples of healthy and junk foods.
Isu/Masalah : 1. Murid belum menguasai kemahiran membaca
2. Tidak dapat membina ayat mudah
3. Sukar untuk memahami perkataan
4. Tidak dapat bertutur dalam BI
Objektif : 1. Memastikan murid dapat menguasai kemahiran membaca
2. Murid dapat membina ayat mudah dan seterusnya dapat
menjawab soalan 22 dalam peperiksaan UPSR
3. Menigkatkan peratus kelulusan UPSR
Program/Aktiviti : 1. Ujian bulanan
2. Kelas tambahan
3. Kelas pemulihan
4. Aktivit membaca bahan bacaan BI
Proses kerja : 1. Bahagikan murid mengikut tahap penguasaan
2. Mengulangi kemahiran yang tidak/sukar dikuasai murid
3. Menyediakan BBM yang berkesan bagi membantu murid memahami
kemahiran tertentu
4. Pertandingan membaca setiap kelas
5. Klinik membina ayat mudah bagi tahun 6 (4 kali seminggu) , tahun 4 dan
5 (3 kali seminggu)
6. Menyediakan alat bantu mengajar
7. Menyediakan lembaran kerja mengikut tahap kebolehan murid
Sasaran UPSR 2000 – 2005
TAHUN 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
SASARAN 25% 35% 50% 65% 85% 100%