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Self-organization of social networks
  in emergency & crisis response
              in Russia
         PhD, Tatiana A. Indina
     Wilson Center, Kennan Institute
 How social networks become organized in
  crisis situations? Russian cases
 Crowdsourcing movements: Can government
  trust crowds?
 How on line crowds can be enabled for
  emergency respond?
Disaster and crisis management
 How individuals interact within network and with the government?
  How they become self-organized? How to increase effectiveness of
  the crisis response?
 How to connect crowd and crown in crisis? how can we use social
  media and crowd to help ? Improving communication between
  crowd and crown; how would government enable and disable
 Distribution of information in crisis: how does information flow?
  How to make communication and information exchange more
 How to make message work? Which are access points to the
  network? Developing successful messaging strategies;
 How to bring action offline - how to engage volunteers? Creating
  crowd sourcing regional leadership teams.
Research questions:
 Social media as a catalyst of crowd self-organization in
  emergency; how does s- media effects crowd behavior;
 Self-organized group behavior (Mechanisms of online
  and offline self-organization of social media users);
 Levels of engagement of online social media users to
  offline behavior;
 Communication and messaging inside the network
  (information gathering and dissemination);
 Identification and profiling of online leaders as a key
  access points to self-organized networks;
 Interaction between crowd and crown through social
  media in crisis;
Research steps: 1. Develop model of group
Memory              behavior and self- organization in
                                  crisis situations
                                                     CONSIOUSS SELF 
                                                      REGULATION MODEL OF
                              Criteria                BEHAVIOR AND DECISION
   Modeling                   system                  MAKING

                                Result               (Self regulation lab, PI RAO,
                             achievement             Russia)
  Programmi                                          STRUCTURE-FUNCTIONAL
      ng                                              APPROACH:
                            Result information
                                                    Goal of the activity;

                                                    Subjective model and
              Correction                             conditions;

                                                    Program of the actions;
               Program                              Evaluation of results;
2. Investigate which role Social networks play in
             group self-organization
       how does social media affects group self-organization?
     which factors determine social networks self-organization ?
3. Analyze social networks self-organization in crisis response
(communication patterns, information exchange, behavior and
Study of social networks behavior:
 What make people engaged in crowdsourcing
 How social networks become self-organized in
  crisis situations? (key factors of success and
  failure of crowd mobilization);
 Mechanisms and group dynamics of
  communication within networks?
 Information flow and access points to the
 Switching from online to action: How can
  government enable crowds?
4. Study of on line activism:
 Online activists and their role in enabling
  social networks;
 Motives which drive online leaders actions;
 Liability of their messaging and information;
 Psychological profiling and typology of online
Russian case studies:
   Social media monitoring (open source data);
   Content analysis of user generated content;
   Social network analysis;
   Structure equation models of users communication &
   Group sociometry;
   Experimental behavior models and observations;
   Psychological profiling of network leaders;
   Case studies (post event analysis);
 Model of self-organized behavior of social
  networks in crisis situation;
 Methods of identification and assessment
  online leaders (key competences model);
 Methods to evaluate and improve networks
  self-organization (communication, action,
  information exchange) in crisis response.
Where can be applied:
   New solutions for emergency communications increasing situational
    awareness and reactivity;
   Crowdsourcing alerts monitoring and evaluation;
   Communicating risks & disaster notifications (broadcast alerts; notification
    service; crisis mapping);
   Communication with communities; diaspora mobilization;
   Improving communication platforms for social media and government;
   Coordination citizen gathered information;
   Improving humanitarian and emergency response;
   Increasing citizen science &public involvement;
   Connecting state and local agencies, relief organizations, government
    agencies, social enterprise; researchers, general public and media for
    protecting human security;
   Global mapping (evaluation of indexes of self-organization potential of
    social networks across the countries: Russia, FSU, CA, USA);
   Training and development programs for specialists;

Tatiana A. Indina
E-mail: tatiana.indina@wilsoncenter.org
skype: tatiana.indiana
tel: 202-904-0941

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Self organization of social networks study Tatiana Indina 2012

  • 1. Self-organization of social networks in emergency & crisis response in Russia PhD, Tatiana A. Indina Wilson Center, Kennan Institute March-2012
  • 2. SELF-ORGANIZED NETWORKS: How social networks become organized in crisis situations? Russian cases Crowdsourcing movements: Can government trust crowds? How on line crowds can be enabled for emergency respond?
  • 3. Disaster and crisis management problems: How individuals interact within network and with the government? How they become self-organized? How to increase effectiveness of the crisis response? How to connect crowd and crown in crisis? how can we use social media and crowd to help ? Improving communication between crowd and crown; how would government enable and disable crowds? Distribution of information in crisis: how does information flow? How to make communication and information exchange more efficient? How to make message work? Which are access points to the network? Developing successful messaging strategies; How to bring action offline - how to engage volunteers? Creating crowd sourcing regional leadership teams.
  • 4. Research questions: Social media as a catalyst of crowd self-organization in emergency; how does s- media effects crowd behavior; Self-organized group behavior (Mechanisms of online and offline self-organization of social media users); Levels of engagement of online social media users to offline behavior; Communication and messaging inside the network (information gathering and dissemination); Identification and profiling of online leaders as a key access points to self-organized networks; Interaction between crowd and crown through social media in crisis;
  • 5. Research steps: 1. Develop model of group Memory behavior and self- organization in crisis situations Goal CONSIOUSS SELF REGULATION MODEL OF Criteria BEHAVIOR AND DECISION Modeling system MAKING Result (Self regulation lab, PI RAO, achievement Russia) estimation Programmi STRUCTURE-FUNCTIONAL ng APPROACH: Result information Goal of the activity; Subjective model and Correction conditions; Program of the actions; Program Evaluation of results; realization
  • 6. 2. Investigate which role Social networks play in group self-organization how does social media affects group self-organization? which factors determine social networks self-organization ?
  • 7. 3. Analyze social networks self-organization in crisis response (communication patterns, information exchange, behavior and interaction)
  • 8. Study of social networks behavior: What make people engaged in crowdsourcing activism? How social networks become self-organized in crisis situations? (key factors of success and failure of crowd mobilization); Mechanisms and group dynamics of communication within networks? Information flow and access points to the network; Switching from online to action: How can government enable crowds?
  • 9. 4. Study of on line activism: Online activists and their role in enabling social networks; Motives which drive online leaders actions; Liability of their messaging and information; Psychological profiling and typology of online leaders.
  • 11. Methodology: Social media monitoring (open source data); Content analysis of user generated content; Social network analysis; Structure equation models of users communication & behavior; Group sociometry; Experimental behavior models and observations; Psychological profiling of network leaders; Case studies (post event analysis);
  • 12. Results: Model of self-organized behavior of social networks in crisis situation; Methods of identification and assessment online leaders (key competences model); Methods to evaluate and improve networks self-organization (communication, action, information exchange) in crisis response.
  • 13. Where can be applied: New solutions for emergency communications increasing situational awareness and reactivity; Crowdsourcing alerts monitoring and evaluation; Communicating risks & disaster notifications (broadcast alerts; notification service; crisis mapping); Communication with communities; diaspora mobilization; Improving communication platforms for social media and government; Coordination citizen gathered information; Improving humanitarian and emergency response; Increasing citizen science &public involvement; Connecting state and local agencies, relief organizations, government agencies, social enterprise; researchers, general public and media for protecting human security; Global mapping (evaluation of indexes of self-organization potential of social networks across the countries: Russia, FSU, CA, USA); Training and development programs for specialists;
  • 14. Contacts: Tatiana A. Indina E-mail: tatiana.indina@wilsoncenter.org skype: tatiana.indiana tel: 202-904-0941