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Kennan Institute, Wilson Center
     Washington DC,
     Moscow, Russia

Russian academy of education,
       Moscow, Russia
Wilson center, Kennan
Institute, Washington DC
Specifics of tribal education
                 Indigenous education is the
                realization that ritual, myth,
                vision, art, and learning the art
                of relationship in a particular
                environment, facilitating the
                health and wholeness of the
                individual, family, and
                community. Education for
                wholeness, by striving for a
                level of harmony between
                individuals and their world, is
                an ancient foundation. The
                main goals are wholeness,
                self-knowledge and wisdom.
Culture specific instruments
 Storytelling  using metaphors, fairytales,
  legends as a source of information;
 Tribal leaders experience;
 Games and competitions;
 Art projects; festivals;
 Creative tasks on synthesizing traditions and
Methods for training & practical work
 Meditations, visualizations; reflections;
 Expectations, questions, feedback;
 Warming up games and psycho techniques;
 Communicative games (group, team games);
 Cases, tests, individual tasks; discussions;
 Presentations; modeling, constructions;
 Practical tasks; role and strategic games, project
 Work with documents; papers; ideas;
 Creative tasks;
Psychological challenges for tribal
   Establishing a dialogue full of trust;
   Mentorship and personal coaching;
   Motivation and personality growth;
   Psychotherapy in crisis situations;
   Career guidance;
   Life coaching;
   Peer relations correction;
   Teacher-teacher relationship;
   Establishing relationship with family;
   Student  Teacher relationship;
   Individual approach;
   Choosing an effective style of education
Tribal education challenges
 Which are biggest education challenges you
  face in your work?
 Which discoveries, insights you had regarding
  in tribal education process  share;
 Which tools/instruments you use in your
 What are culture- specific instruments you use
  in your work?
   Students motivation;
   Style of communication;
   Assessment methods;
   Improving academic performance;
   New methods of education;
   Connecting past and future;
   Personality of the teacher.
Challenges of native culture education
            in Kyrgyzstan
   Lack of finance and governmental support;
   Lack of supplies; facilities and methodological base (computers,
   books in libraries etc);
   Translation of materials and textbooks to native language;
   Lack of qualified teachers;
   Establishment of educational standards;
   Low academic performance;
   Education-work balance;
   Intercultural problems of communication (conflicts, fights);
   Problematic families; low income families;
   Cultural differences in meanings and understanding ;
   Modernization and correspondence to national and international standards;
   High costs of education for low income families, private funding;
   Conflicts of values and motivation brought by school and media;
   Conflict between values brought by educational systems and modern society;
Kyrgyzstan experience;
   Deeper discussions;
   Surveys, evaluations;
   Student and faculty focus groups;
   Campus media for informational exchange and communication;
    website, blogs;
   Developing philosophy of teaching and learning;
   Student research projects;
   Native language courses and curriculum;
   Events and conferences; Incentives;
   Student organizations;
   Mentor programs;
   Teambuilding and training programs;
   Development of shared governance;
Challenges of cultural education
    in Russian republics of Chechnya and Ossetia
   Nationalism due to religious differences;
   Dress code for students;
   Strict family education;
   Different values systems;
   Informal, radical (fan) groups;
   Women rights;
   Correspondence to Russian Federation education
    standards; diplomas, certificates;
   Establishing connection between cultures;
   Traditional and modern values;
   Development of intercultural tolerance;
   Freedom and consciousness of choice
Methods to improve cultural
     education implemented in Ossetia
   Lessons of nation history; literature; culture
   National holidays and celebrations;
   National music songs, dances, costumes ;
   Native language exams;
   Religious education;
   Meetings with native famous people;
   Summer camps; schools;
   Contests; Olympiads; conferences
   on national culture
Ways to improve cultural intelligence
       & Intercultural competence
   Learning more about native and other cultures;
   Development of personal identity;
   Development of systematic thinking and analysis,
   Providing education on cultural differences and traditions;
    national character and ethno psychology;
   Training conflict management skills;
   Lessons of history, politics, culture of other countries;
   Knowing norms of behavior, etiquette, taboos, rituals, life styles; specifics
    of nonverbal communication in other cultures;
   Learning to be informed; conscious; respectful and open minded;
   Cultural exchanges; meeting students from other cultures; travelling; tv
   Developing correct attitudes towards other cultures;
   Lessons of language  not only about language but
   about culture;
Methods, tools, instruments
 Problematic learning (team work, research, questions);
 Cases, examples, stories, illustrations, facts;
 Audio visual instruments; movies; video courses; distant
 Practical work; home work;
 Positive experience; group support;
 Stories of success; interviews;
 Excursions, impression experience;
 Demonstration; personal experience;
 Reflection, brain storms;
 Mind maps; art projects;
 Establishing dialogue; asking questions;
Types of Problematic-Developing
    education (Elkonin-Davydov school)
 Monologue method; (lecture)
 Dialogue method of education; (discussion)
 Heuristic method of education; (Q&A)
 Research method; (Problem solving);
 Algorithmic method of education; (algorithm and
 Programming method
 (self-learning, computer based
Model of developing education

       Social            Learning           Social
    environment                          environment


           Personality               Cultural
          development               education
Comparison of traditional and
          developing education systems
Parameters Traditional      Developing education
Goals       Learning        General development
            (knowledge,     (personality, moral and
            information,    spiritual education)
Methods     Illustrative,   Development through
            demonstrative   practical Activity,
            methods         problematic learning
Teacher     Knowledge       Organizer of students
            transmitter     research activity
Student     Object,         Active change manager,
            participant     transformat0r
Culture-historical theory of
            development (L.S. Vygotsky)
   2 lines of human development: natural and
   Higher, social psychic functions (intelligence,
    memory, speech, abstract thinking, attention,
    imagination) are developed through education
    in socium and culture;
   Role of sighs and words in mediating
    of intelligence and higher psychic functions;
   Signs are s
   Culture is interiorized through language
   In children games ;
   Role of the game in learning;
   Development of cognitive functions through
   Zones of nearest development;
   Children psychic development;
   Development is determined by interaction with
    social environment;
   Education is the mechanism of development;
   Development is formation of personality
    through culture;
Luria theory of historical development
         of cognitive functions
 1930 亳 1931 expeditions to
  Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan;
 Influence of cultural factors
  on psychic processes in
  Illiterate population and low
  level educated farmers;
 Development of system of
  meanings through language
  and culture;
Tools: personal coaching for leaders
 Opportunity to discuss
  vision, actions and ideas;
 Receive professional
  expertise and advise;
 Objective feedback;
 Reflection and
 Analysis and improvement;


     INFRASTR      NAL
Tools: Leadership training programs

 Assessment seminars;
 Project management;
 Athletic competitions
  and outdoor activities;
  administrative functions.
 MBS, Mirbis, Arsenal,
  NES, etc..
Building professional career
Corporate career                          Business career
Higher education;                            Higher education;
MBA;                     Career              Entrepreneurship
CV and interviews;                            opportunities;
                       consulting            Laws and policies for
Management skills;
                                              small business;
Teamwork and
personal goals.                              Creative ideas;
                    Research career         Fundraising and Investor
                    Higher education;        relations;
                    Choosing a field;       Management
                    Getting PhD;             &marketing skills
                    Postdoc opportunities;
                    Teaching and research;
                    Publications and
                     reputation in academia
Case: Startuppoint, Russia
Case: Skolkovo project, Russia
Case: First Robotics, USA (www.usfirst.org)
Tool: webinars and distant learning

 Changing work, social and
  education patterns..
 Broader geography (optimal
  for education in remote area);
 Adult learning;
 Children, middle school
 Media programs;
 Disabled and homebound;
 International education;
 Non native language speakers;
Using media and social media to create opportunities
Tools: NGOs and professional organizations
   Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

   National Council for the Social Sciences (NCSS)

   National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

   Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)

   The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

   The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

   National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

   National Education Association (NEA)

   Center For International Cooperation

    Worldwide Network of The Experiment in International Living

   The Secretariat of Youth for Habitat International Network


Tools: Professional societies
 and conferences
Tools: Grants and scholarships
   NSF Specialized Funding Programs;
   Minority Research Fellowships;
   Ford foundation diversity fellowship;
   SOROS programs; Peace corps;
   American council of learned societies;
   American council for international education;
   NRSA (National Research Service Award);
   American Academy of Arts and Sciences;
   AAS- National Endowment for the Humanities;
   US department of Health and Human services;
   Universities programs and scholarships;
   www.hih.gov; www.nsf.gov; etc..
Tools: international education
 Student international exchange programs Fulbright;
  AESEC; work and travel
 American Overseas Research Centers
 Business and International Education
 Centers for International Business Education
 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships
 Institute for International Public Policy
 International Research and Studies
 Language Resource Centers
 National Resource Centers
 Summer schools;

 Academic quality;
 Physical infrastructure of the university;
 Curricula development that reflects social
 Setting clear standards for faculty and student
 Access for low-income students;
 Defining reasonable conditions for foreign
 Intellectual capacity building;
 Improving academic performance; student success or
  academic excellence;
 Creating teaching and learning initiative;
 Building a dialogue between students and faculty;
 Providing mutual understanding and better communication
  in multicultural institutions;
 Native scholarship and leadership programs;
 Cultural diversity and equal rights for learning;
 Leadership and community development based on
  traditional practice;
 Integration of traditions and innovation;
 Culture specific educational programs;
Trends in international education

In Russia and USA
- Globalization;
- Sophistication;
- Implementation of technological innovations;
- International partnership; exchange programs;
   increasing number of students studying abroad;
- Standardization of degrees worldwide;
- High competition;

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亠亞仍仂仆亠 仂仆仂于 仗亳仆亳 亠亠仆亳亶_丐.仆亟亳仆舒, 亳仂仍仂亞亳亠从亳亶 仆亳 , ...
Tatiana Indina
舒亰于亳亳亠 仂仂亰仆舒仆仆仂亶 舒仄仂亠亞仍亳亳 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳 仆亟亳仆舒, 仂仂舒仆仂于舒, 2011
舒亰于亳亳亠 仂仂亰仆舒仆仆仂亶 舒仄仂亠亞仍亳亳 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳 仆亟亳仆舒, 仂仂舒仆仂于舒,   2011舒亰于亳亳亠 仂仂亰仆舒仆仆仂亶 舒仄仂亠亞仍亳亳 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳 仆亟亳仆舒, 仂仂舒仆仂于舒,   2011
舒亰于亳亳亠 仂仂亰仆舒仆仆仂亶 舒仄仂亠亞仍亳亳 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳 仆亟亳仆舒, 仂仂舒仆仂于舒, 2011
Tatiana Indina
仆亳从亳亰亳 舒亶舒从 - 舒从 仄仆亠 仍ミ莞 亳 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 仗亠仗亠于舒仍亳 于 弍仍亠仆仆亠 于亠...
仆亳从亳亰亳 舒亶舒从 - 舒从 仄仆亠 仍ミ莞 亳 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 仗亠仗亠于舒仍亳 于 弍仍亠仆仆亠 于亠...仆亳从亳亰亳 舒亶舒从 - 舒从 仄仆亠 仍ミ莞 亳 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 仗亠仗亠于舒仍亳 于 弍仍亠仆仆亠 于亠...
仆亳从亳亰亳 舒亶舒从 - 舒从 仄仆亠 仍ミ莞 亳 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 仗亠仗亠于舒仍亳 于 弍仍亠仆仆亠 于亠...
Tatiana Indina
舒仂 亠亠亞仂于仂仂于 丐舒礌舒 仆亟亳仆舒 (丐亠仆亳从亳 亳 舒仍亞仂亳仄 仗亠仆 仗亠亠亞仂于仂仂于)
舒仂 亠亠亞仂于仂仂于 丐舒礌舒 仆亟亳仆舒 (丐亠仆亳从亳 亳 舒仍亞仂亳仄 仗亠仆 仗亠亠亞仂于仂仂于)舒仂 亠亠亞仂于仂仂于 丐舒礌舒 仆亟亳仆舒 (丐亠仆亳从亳 亳 舒仍亞仂亳仄 仗亠仆 仗亠亠亞仂于仂仂于)
舒仂 亠亠亞仂于仂仂于 丐舒礌舒 仆亟亳仆舒 (丐亠仆亳从亳 亳 舒仍亞仂亳仄 仗亠仆 仗亠亠亞仂于仂仂于)
Tatiana Indina
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Tatiana Indina
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Tatiana Indina
弌亠 亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆 仆舒 舒弍仂亠仄 仄亠亠 丐舒礌舒 仆亟亳仆舒 2013
弌亠 亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆 仆舒 舒弍仂亠仄 仄亠亠 丐舒礌舒 仆亟亳仆舒 2013弌亠 亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆 仆舒 舒弍仂亠仄 仄亠亠 丐舒礌舒 仆亟亳仆舒 2013
弌亠 亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆 仆舒 舒弍仂亠仄 仄亠亠 丐舒礌舒 仆亟亳仆舒 2013
Tatiana Indina
舒从亠从仂亠 仄舒亠于仂 于 弍亳亰仆亠亠 舒礌舒 亳仆亟亳仆舒
舒从亠从仂亠 仄舒亠于仂 于 弍亳亰仆亠亠 舒礌舒 亳仆亟亳仆舒舒从亠从仂亠 仄舒亠于仂 于 弍亳亰仆亠亠 舒礌舒 亳仆亟亳仆舒
舒从亠从仂亠 仄舒亠于仂 于 弍亳亰仆亠亠 舒礌舒 亳仆亟亳仆舒
Tatiana Indina
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Tatiana Indina
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Tatiana Indina

Similar to Challenges of international and multicultural education / Tatiana Inidina/ Fulbright program 2011, Heritage University (20)

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Challenges of international and multicultural education / Tatiana Inidina/ Fulbright program 2011, Heritage University

  • 1. TATIANA A. INDINA Kennan Institute, Wilson Center Washington DC, Moscow, Russia 1
  • 2. Russian academy of education, Moscow, Russia
  • 4. Specifics of tribal education Indigenous education is the realization that ritual, myth, vision, art, and learning the art of relationship in a particular environment, facilitating the health and wholeness of the individual, family, and community. Education for wholeness, by striving for a level of harmony between individuals and their world, is an ancient foundation. The main goals are wholeness, self-knowledge and wisdom.
  • 5. Culture specific instruments Storytelling using metaphors, fairytales, legends as a source of information; Tribal leaders experience; Games and competitions; Art projects; festivals; Creative tasks on synthesizing traditions and innovations
  • 6. Methods for training & practical work Meditations, visualizations; reflections; Expectations, questions, feedback; Warming up games and psycho techniques; Communicative games (group, team games); Cases, tests, individual tasks; discussions; Presentations; modeling, constructions; Practical tasks; role and strategic games, project work; Work with documents; papers; ideas; Creative tasks;
  • 7. Psychological challenges for tribal education Establishing a dialogue full of trust; Mentorship and personal coaching; Motivation and personality growth; Psychotherapy in crisis situations; Career guidance; Life coaching; Peer relations correction; Teacher-teacher relationship; Establishing relationship with family; Student Teacher relationship; Individual approach; Choosing an effective style of education
  • 8. Tribal education challenges Which are biggest education challenges you face in your work? Which discoveries, insights you had regarding in tribal education process share; Which tools/instruments you use in your work; What are culture- specific instruments you use in your work?
  • 9. Discussion Students motivation; Style of communication; Assessment methods; Improving academic performance; New methods of education; Connecting past and future; Personality of the teacher.
  • 10. Challenges of native culture education in Kyrgyzstan Lack of finance and governmental support; Lack of supplies; facilities and methodological base (computers, books in libraries etc); Translation of materials and textbooks to native language; Lack of qualified teachers; Establishment of educational standards; Low academic performance; Education-work balance; Intercultural problems of communication (conflicts, fights); Problematic families; low income families; Cultural differences in meanings and understanding ; Modernization and correspondence to national and international standards; High costs of education for low income families, private funding; Conflicts of values and motivation brought by school and media; Conflict between values brought by educational systems and modern society;
  • 11. Kyrgyzstan experience; Deeper discussions; Surveys, evaluations; Student and faculty focus groups; Campus media for informational exchange and communication; website, blogs; Developing philosophy of teaching and learning; Student research projects; Native language courses and curriculum; Events and conferences; Incentives; Student organizations; Mentor programs; Teambuilding and training programs; Development of shared governance;
  • 12. Challenges of cultural education in Russian republics of Chechnya and Ossetia Nationalism due to religious differences; Dress code for students; Strict family education; Different values systems; Informal, radical (fan) groups; Women rights; Correspondence to Russian Federation education standards; diplomas, certificates; Establishing connection between cultures; Traditional and modern values; Development of intercultural tolerance; Freedom and consciousness of choice
  • 13. Methods to improve cultural education implemented in Ossetia Lessons of nation history; literature; culture National holidays and celebrations; National music songs, dances, costumes ; Native language exams; Religious education; Meetings with native famous people; Summer camps; schools; Contests; Olympiads; conferences on national culture
  • 14. Ways to improve cultural intelligence & Intercultural competence Learning more about native and other cultures; Development of personal identity; Development of systematic thinking and analysis, Providing education on cultural differences and traditions; national character and ethno psychology; Training conflict management skills; Lessons of history, politics, culture of other countries; Knowing norms of behavior, etiquette, taboos, rituals, life styles; specifics of nonverbal communication in other cultures; Learning to be informed; conscious; respectful and open minded; Cultural exchanges; meeting students from other cultures; travelling; tv programs; Developing correct attitudes towards other cultures; Lessons of language not only about language but about culture;
  • 15. Methods, tools, instruments Problematic learning (team work, research, questions); Cases, examples, stories, illustrations, facts; Audio visual instruments; movies; video courses; distant learning; Practical work; home work; Positive experience; group support; Stories of success; interviews; Excursions, impression experience; Demonstration; personal experience; Reflection, brain storms; Mind maps; art projects; Establishing dialogue; asking questions;
  • 16. Types of Problematic-Developing education (Elkonin-Davydov school) Monologue method; (lecture) Dialogue method of education; (discussion) Heuristic method of education; (Q&A) Research method; (Problem solving); Algorithmic method of education; (algorithm and example); Programming method (self-learning, computer based learning)
  • 17. Model of developing education Social Learning Social environment environment Correction Personality Cultural development education
  • 18. Comparison of traditional and developing education systems Parameters Traditional Developing education education Goals Learning General development (knowledge, (personality, moral and information, spiritual education) skills) Methods Illustrative, Development through demonstrative practical Activity, methods problematic learning Teacher Knowledge Organizer of students transmitter research activity Student Object, Active change manager, participant transformat0r
  • 19. Culture-historical theory of development (L.S. Vygotsky) 2 lines of human development: natural and cultural; Higher, social psychic functions (intelligence, memory, speech, abstract thinking, attention, imagination) are developed through education in socium and culture; Role of sighs and words in mediating development; of intelligence and higher psychic functions; Signs are s Culture is interiorized through language In children games ; Role of the game in learning; Development of cognitive functions through culture; Zones of nearest development; Children psychic development; Development is determined by interaction with social environment; Education is the mechanism of development; Development is formation of personality through culture;
  • 20. Luria theory of historical development of cognitive functions 1930 亳 1931 expeditions to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan; Influence of cultural factors on psychic processes in Illiterate population and low level educated farmers; Development of system of meanings through language and culture;
  • 21. Tools: personal coaching for leaders Opportunity to discuss vision, actions and ideas; Receive professional expertise and advise; Objective feedback; Reflection and understanding; Analysis and improvement; 弌OACHING COUNTRY PROFESSIO INFRASTR NAL UCTURE NETWORK
  • 22. Tools: Leadership training programs Assessment seminars; Project management; Athletic competitions and outdoor activities; Professional competition; Delegating administrative functions. MBS, Mirbis, Arsenal, NES, etc..
  • 23. Building professional career Corporate career Business career Higher education; Higher education; MBA; Career Entrepreneurship CV and interviews; opportunities; consulting Laws and policies for Management skills; small business; Teamwork and personal goals. Creative ideas; Research career Fundraising and Investor Higher education; relations; Choosing a field; Management Getting PhD; &marketing skills Postdoc opportunities; Teaching and research; Publications and reputation in academia
  • 26. Case: First Robotics, USA (www.usfirst.org)
  • 27. Tool: webinars and distant learning Changing work, social and education patterns.. Broader geography (optimal for education in remote area); Adult learning; Children, middle school students; Media programs; Disabled and homebound; International education; Non native language speakers;
  • 28. Tools: Using media and social media to create opportunities
  • 29. Tools: NGOs and professional organizations Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) National Council for the Social Sciences (NCSS) National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) National Education Association (NEA) Center For International Cooperation Worldwide Network of The Experiment in International Living The Secretariat of Youth for Habitat International Network UNICEF UNESCO
  • 30. Tools: Professional societies and conferences
  • 31. Tools: Grants and scholarships NSF Specialized Funding Programs; Minority Research Fellowships; Ford foundation diversity fellowship; SOROS programs; Peace corps; American council of learned societies; American council for international education; NRSA (National Research Service Award); American Academy of Arts and Sciences; AAS- National Endowment for the Humanities; US department of Health and Human services; Universities programs and scholarships; www.hih.gov; www.nsf.gov; etc..
  • 32. Tools: international education programs Student international exchange programs Fulbright; AESEC; work and travel American Overseas Research Centers Business and International Education Centers for International Business Education Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Institute for International Public Policy International Research and Studies Language Resource Centers National Resource Centers Summer schools;
  • 33. ISSUES CONFRONTING HIGHER EDUCATION Academic quality; Physical infrastructure of the university; Curricula development that reflects social problems; Setting clear standards for faculty and student conduct; Access for low-income students; Defining reasonable conditions for foreign students
  • 34. Global CHALLENGES Intellectual capacity building; Improving academic performance; student success or academic excellence; Creating teaching and learning initiative; Building a dialogue between students and faculty; Providing mutual understanding and better communication in multicultural institutions; Native scholarship and leadership programs; Cultural diversity and equal rights for learning; Leadership and community development based on traditional practice; Integration of traditions and innovation; Culture specific educational programs;
  • 35. Trends in international education In Russia and USA - Globalization; - Sophistication; - Implementation of technological innovations; - International partnership; exchange programs; increasing number of students studying abroad; - Standardization of degrees worldwide; - High competition;