The document provides examples to distinguish the meanings and usage of several English word pairs:
1) Bank and shore - Bank refers to the land beside a river, while shore refers to the land beside the sea or ocean.
2) Before and in front of - Before refers to time or order, while in front of refers to physical position or presence.
3) Beside and besides - Beside refers to location, while besides means "in addition to".
4) Between and among - Between is used for two items or groups, while among is used for more than two items or groups.
The document provides instructions for students to practice basic HTML skills like creating web pages, adding text and formatting, inserting links and images. It outlines 10 steps for students to take that include making their first web page, adding colors and headings, inserting paragraphs and lists, linking pages internally and externally, and including images. The goal is for students to gain experience with fundamental HTML elements and page structure.
The document summarizes information presented by Two Sides, an initiative promoting sustainability in the print and paper industry. It discusses Two Sides' membership of over 1,000 organizations, survey results showing consumer preferences for paper and concerns about deforestation, and efforts to address misleading claims about paper's environmental impacts. The presentation outlines Two Sides' messaging emphasizing paper's renewability and the industry's improving sustainability performance, and calls on members to help correct anti-paper messages and promote responsible paper usage.
Triton is a god and messenger of the deep sea in Greek mythology. He is the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, sea gods. Triton is usually depicted with the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish. One of his attributes is a snail shell that he could play like a trumpet to calm or raise ocean waves. The sound was so terrible that when played loudly, it could make giants flee by sounding like a mighty wild beast.
This document discusses how social networking sites can provide social proof marketing for a mortgage banker. It recommends using Active|Rain, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Zillow to communicate mortgage rates and services to potential clients and build networks of realtors and professionals. By posting blogs, quotes, and client successes across these sites, the mortgage banker can establish expertise and gain referrals without meeting clients in person.
This document discusses relational databases and Microsoft Access. It explains that a relational database uses tables to organize related data and that Access is an example of a relational database management system (RDBMS) that can create, manage and query databases. It provides details on database objects in Access like tables, queries, forms and reports and how to work with tables, including adding fields and records.
Comunicare e promuovere un territorio in s¨¦ non serve, se non vi ¨¨ alle spalle un prodotto-destinazione in grado di rispondere e di soddisfare le esigenze dei turisti. Oggi fare destination marketing significa essere nella mente del turista, ossia vedere, sentire e parlare come lui.
El documento describe c¨®mo Jesucristo logr¨® la salvaci¨®n para la humanidad a trav¨¦s de su muerte y resurrecci¨®n, permitiendo que las personas tengan vida eterna en la felicidad con Dios. Explica que los disc¨ªpulos inicialmente estaban tristes despu¨¦s de la muerte de Jes¨²s, pero se alegraron cuando Dios lo resucit¨® y se les apareci¨®, lo que les hizo comprender el misterio de la resurrecci¨®n.
Here are completed sentences using linking words and phrases:
1. I understood what she was saying although she spoke very quickly.
2. I was able to follow what she was saying whereas the others couldn't.
3. We enjoyed the holiday in spite of the bad weather.
4. If you buy a season ticket, you can go when you like. What's more, it's much cheaper.
5. The exam was very difficult. However, I think they'll probably pass.
6. Although it's a long film, I wasn't bored at all.
Dawn is pregnant with another man's child but has fallen in love with Gabe. She is afraid to tell Gabe about the pregnancy, fearing he will reject her. During a passionate moment with Gabe, Dawn panics and pushes him away from going further physically. Gabe senses Dawn is hiding something from him and pushes her to open up, but she refuses. Their day is tense as Dawn delays telling Gabe the truth about her pregnancy and Gabe tries to understand what is troubling Dawn.
Corso di formazione "Informazione e Accoglienza 2.0 per Responsabili degli In...FTourism & Marketing
Il turista ora cerca le informazioni in rete, ascolta i commenti degli altri utenti sui Social Media e Peer Raccomandazioni. Ma non solo: usa il mobile e vuole informazioni geolocalizzate, personalizzate, in mobilit¨¤. Utilizza tutti quei canali dove gli enti di accoglienza ed informazione turistica di fatto non sono presenti. Oggi, quando il turista arriva nella destinazione ha gi¨¤ in mano gran parte delle informazioni che gli servono.
Questi profondi cambiamenti della domanda inevitabilmente modificano le funzioni, i ruoli e i tempi di azione degli enti del turismo.
Assumpta Haro ens va explicar com va sorgir i es va desenvolupar el projecte ¡°Llegim el Riu¡± a la Biblioteca Salvador Vives Casajuna, que tenia com a objectius principals la creaci¨® d¡¯espais d¡¯innovaci¨® social, la millora del coneixement dels ecosistemes aqu¨¤tics per generar dades i contribuir a la conservaci¨® i, finalment la promoci¨® de la participaci¨® ciutadana.
The document provides instructions for students to practice basic HTML skills like creating web pages, adding text and formatting, inserting links and images. It outlines 10 steps for students to take that include making their first web page, adding colors and headings, inserting paragraphs and lists, linking pages internally and externally, and including images. The goal is for students to gain experience with fundamental HTML elements and page structure.
The document summarizes information presented by Two Sides, an initiative promoting sustainability in the print and paper industry. It discusses Two Sides' membership of over 1,000 organizations, survey results showing consumer preferences for paper and concerns about deforestation, and efforts to address misleading claims about paper's environmental impacts. The presentation outlines Two Sides' messaging emphasizing paper's renewability and the industry's improving sustainability performance, and calls on members to help correct anti-paper messages and promote responsible paper usage.
Triton is a god and messenger of the deep sea in Greek mythology. He is the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, sea gods. Triton is usually depicted with the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish. One of his attributes is a snail shell that he could play like a trumpet to calm or raise ocean waves. The sound was so terrible that when played loudly, it could make giants flee by sounding like a mighty wild beast.
This document discusses how social networking sites can provide social proof marketing for a mortgage banker. It recommends using Active|Rain, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Zillow to communicate mortgage rates and services to potential clients and build networks of realtors and professionals. By posting blogs, quotes, and client successes across these sites, the mortgage banker can establish expertise and gain referrals without meeting clients in person.
This document discusses relational databases and Microsoft Access. It explains that a relational database uses tables to organize related data and that Access is an example of a relational database management system (RDBMS) that can create, manage and query databases. It provides details on database objects in Access like tables, queries, forms and reports and how to work with tables, including adding fields and records.
Comunicare e promuovere un territorio in s¨¦ non serve, se non vi ¨¨ alle spalle un prodotto-destinazione in grado di rispondere e di soddisfare le esigenze dei turisti. Oggi fare destination marketing significa essere nella mente del turista, ossia vedere, sentire e parlare come lui.
El documento describe c¨®mo Jesucristo logr¨® la salvaci¨®n para la humanidad a trav¨¦s de su muerte y resurrecci¨®n, permitiendo que las personas tengan vida eterna en la felicidad con Dios. Explica que los disc¨ªpulos inicialmente estaban tristes despu¨¦s de la muerte de Jes¨²s, pero se alegraron cuando Dios lo resucit¨® y se les apareci¨®, lo que les hizo comprender el misterio de la resurrecci¨®n.
Here are completed sentences using linking words and phrases:
1. I understood what she was saying although she spoke very quickly.
2. I was able to follow what she was saying whereas the others couldn't.
3. We enjoyed the holiday in spite of the bad weather.
4. If you buy a season ticket, you can go when you like. What's more, it's much cheaper.
5. The exam was very difficult. However, I think they'll probably pass.
6. Although it's a long film, I wasn't bored at all.
Dawn is pregnant with another man's child but has fallen in love with Gabe. She is afraid to tell Gabe about the pregnancy, fearing he will reject her. During a passionate moment with Gabe, Dawn panics and pushes him away from going further physically. Gabe senses Dawn is hiding something from him and pushes her to open up, but she refuses. Their day is tense as Dawn delays telling Gabe the truth about her pregnancy and Gabe tries to understand what is troubling Dawn.
Corso di formazione "Informazione e Accoglienza 2.0 per Responsabili degli In...FTourism & Marketing
Il turista ora cerca le informazioni in rete, ascolta i commenti degli altri utenti sui Social Media e Peer Raccomandazioni. Ma non solo: usa il mobile e vuole informazioni geolocalizzate, personalizzate, in mobilit¨¤. Utilizza tutti quei canali dove gli enti di accoglienza ed informazione turistica di fatto non sono presenti. Oggi, quando il turista arriva nella destinazione ha gi¨¤ in mano gran parte delle informazioni che gli servono.
Questi profondi cambiamenti della domanda inevitabilmente modificano le funzioni, i ruoli e i tempi di azione degli enti del turismo.
Assumpta Haro ens va explicar com va sorgir i es va desenvolupar el projecte ¡°Llegim el Riu¡± a la Biblioteca Salvador Vives Casajuna, que tenia com a objectius principals la creaci¨® d¡¯espais d¡¯innovaci¨® social, la millora del coneixement dels ecosistemes aqu¨¤tics per generar dades i contribuir a la conservaci¨® i, finalment la promoci¨® de la participaci¨® ciutadana.
Campanya per a promoure el consum responsable de peix i marisc. Guia per con¨¨ixer la proced¨¨ncia de cada esp¨¨cie de peix i quins impactes es generen en la seva captura i comercialitzaci¨®
Campanya que pret¨¦n, a trav¨¦s la participaci¨® de la poblaci¨® del Ripoll¨¨s en el proc¨¦s d¡¯avaluaci¨® dels ecosistemes aqu¨¤tics, valoritzar i sensibilitzar sobre aquests ecosistemes
vitals, entendre la metodologia del seu estudi i avaluaci¨® de l¡¯estat, i fomentar mesures que puguin ajudar a preservar
els seus valors. Aquest proc¨¦s participatiu es realitzar¨¤
en diferents rius i rieres de la Vall de Ribes, la Vall de Camprodon i el Baix Ripoll¨¨s.
Jornada de presentaci¨® dels projectes d¡¯educaci¨® i sensibilitzaci¨® ambiental 2014-2015.
Promotora: Meandre / S¨°cia: Fundaci¨® Aig¨¹es de Manresa - Junta de la S¨¨quia.
Presentaci¨® realitzada per Carles Ib¨¢?ez (IRTA) a la jornada "La lluita contra el canvi clim¨¤tic al Delta de l'Ebre: mesures d'adaptaci¨® i mitigaci¨®" (25/05/2018)
Sant Jordi 2015. Lectures recomanades. Guia per a les fam¨ªliesreporteducacio
El seminari de biblioteques escolars del Servei Educatiu Baix Llobregat-6 ha elaborat una guia de lectures recomanades per a les fam¨ªlies de les escoles de Cervell¨®, Corbera de Llobregat, La Palma de Cervell¨®, Pallej¨¤, Sant Vicen? dels Horts, Torrelles de Llobregat i Vallirana
Una proposta de construcci¨® del propi h¨¤bit lector de la compet¨¨ncia d¡¯autono...reporteducacio
Una proposta de construcci¨® del propi h¨¤bit lector
de la compet¨¨ncia d¡¯autonomia i iniciativa personal. Presentaci¨® de l'escola ?ngel Guimer¨¤ de Pallej¨¤ en el marc del seminari El Pla de Lectura de Centre
Lectures recomanades (Nadal 2014-2015). Guia per a fam¨ªliesreporteducacio
Guia de lectures recomanades per les fam¨ªlies de les escoles de Cervell¨®, Corbera de Llobregat, La Palma de Cervell¨®, Pallej¨¤, Sant Vicen? dels Horts, Torrelles de Llobregat i Vallirana
Sessi¨® de treball amb Caps d'estudi d'educaci¨® prim¨¤ria i coordinacions pedag¨°giques d'educaci¨® secund¨¤ria dels centres de la demarcaci¨® territorial del Servei Educatiu Baix Llobregat-6 sobre l'organitzaci¨® del temps de lectura al centre.
El dia de la dona treballadora / ?????? ?? ????? ?? /????? ?????? ??????JosepRamonGregoriMuo
El 8 de mar? ¨¦s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici¨® comen?a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer¨¨ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa?sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R¨²ssia van organitzar una manifestaci¨® per la pau i la just¨ªcia. Avui, el 8 de mar? hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m¨®n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just¨ªcia social.
Exhibici¨® p¨²blica - Programa de m¨¤ - 2425 2TLes Vinyes
Servei Comunitari. Projecte Rius
1. El Servei Comunitari amb el Projecte
Con¨¨ixer, compartir i conservar els ecosistemes fluvials,
l¡¯experi¨¨ncia d¡¯
2. ?ndex
El Projecte Rius
Servei Comunitari
L¡¯Associaci¨® H¨¤bitats
Qu¨¨ farem a les inspeccions?
Com entenem el Projecte Rius dins
el Servei Comunitari?
Qu¨¨ oferim?
4. Associaci¨® H¨¤bitats ¨¦s una entitat sense ¨¤nim de lucre creada el 1997
amb l¡¯objectiu de fomentar l¡¯apropament de les persones a l¡¯entorn
natural convertint-les en protagonistes de la conservaci¨® del territori.
Per tal de complir aquesta missi¨®, l¡¯Entitat empra eines i estrat¨¨gies com
l¡¯educaci¨® ambiental, el voluntariat i la participaci¨® social, eixos
fonamentals que orienten tots els projectes i iniciatives sota la
premissa: con¨¨ixer, conservar i compartir.
L¡¯Associaci¨® H¨¤bitats
6. El Servei Comunitari
El Servei Comunitari ¨¦s una proposta educativa que combina
processos d'aprenentatge i de servei a la comunitat en un sol
projecte ben articulat en el qual els participants es formen tot
treballant sobre necessitats reals de l'entorn amb l'objectiu de
El Servei Comunitari ¨¦s
un projecte educatiu
amb utilitat social
8. Projecte Rius
El Projecte Rius ¨¦s una iniciativa de l¡¯Associaci¨® H¨¤bitats.
T¨¦ com a objectiu principal estimular la participaci¨® activa de la
societat en la conservaci¨® i millora dels rius.
Les seves l¨ªnies d¡¯actuaci¨® principals s¨®n tres:
> L¡¯educaci¨® ambiental
> El voluntariat ambiental
> La participaci¨® ciutadana
Hi formen part tota mena de grups: amics, associacions, escoles,
entitats p¨²bliques, empreses, etc.. Que mitjan?ant les inspeccions
del seu tram de riu ens proporcionen la informaci¨® necess¨¤ria per a
con¨¨ixer i divulgar l¡¯estat dels rius i rieres a Catalunya.
9. Projecte Rius - Grups de voluntaris
Familia Can Camadall, Seguer Escola Enric Cassasses, Sabadell
Empresa Surkana, riu Congost Associaci¨® Martinet, Aiguafreda
12. Qu¨¨ farem a les inspeccions?
Mostreig de camp. Passos de la
inspecci¨® del tram escollit de 500 m:
1. Qualitat hidromorfol¨°gica
2. Qualitat fisicoqu¨ªmica
3. Qualitat biol¨°gica
13. ? Freq¨¹¨¨ncia de r¨¤pids i categories del tram
? Substrat del riu
? Ombra sobre el riu
? Cobertura de vegetaci¨® aqu¨¤tica
? Amplada del riu
? Fond¨¤ria del riu
? Velocitat de l¡¯aigua
? Cabal del riu
? Qualitat del bosc de ribera (¨ªndex QRSI)
? Alteracions de l¡¯aigua (color, olor,
Qu¨¨ farem a les inspeccions?
15. Determinem la qualitat biol¨°gica
mitjan?ant l¡¯an¨¤lisi de la fauna
macroinvertebrada del riu: Bioindicadors
Es completa amb un recull de la
biodiversitat del nostre tram (vegetaci¨®,
mam¨ªfers, aus, amfibis, r¨¨ptils i peixos)
Qu¨¨ farem a les inspeccions?
17. Com entenem el Projecte Rius dins el Servei Comunitari?
El Projecte Rius s'emmarca dins el Servei Comunitari donat que:
Retorn cap a
la societat
Dels alumnes sobre el
coneixement i l¡¯estat del riu
De l¡¯alumnat fent
accions de difusi¨®
De l¡¯alumnat fent possible
l¡¯elaboraci¨® de l¡¯informe
De l¡¯alumnat fent accions
de conservaci¨® i millora del
18. Com entenem el Projecte Rius dins el Servei Comunitari?
M¨¦s enll¨¤ de les inspeccions.....
Accions de
Diari local
del Medi
19. Com entenem el Projecte Rius dins el Servei Comunitari?
21. Com entenem el Projecte Rius dins el Servei Comunitari?
Projecte Rieres rialleres Water watchers
Proper al PN Montseny Plana agr¨ªcola de Lleida
Objectiu del
Sensibilitzar Controlar i informar
Destinataris Ciutadania Comunitat de regants
?s del riu Recreatiu, natural Recurs agr¨ªcola
Ajuntament de
Consell Comarcal de la Segarra
Empresa d¡¯aig¨¹es de Cervera
23. Qu¨¨ oferim?
Visita personalitzada
per fer inspecci¨®
Grup de professors/es
Formant part de la Xarxa de Voluntaris
mediambientals m¨¦s gran de Catalunya