Development of learning on Momentum and Collision for Mathayomsuksa 4/1 stude...Nalai Rinrithการพัฒนาการเรียนรู้เรื่องโมเมนตัมและการชน สำหรับนักเรียน
ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 4/1 ปีการศึกษา 2563 โรงเรียนเมืองปานพัฒนวิทย์
2. ข
Title Increasing academic achievement using a sound learning activity package
for Mathayomsuksa 5/1 students,AcademicYear2021,Muangpanpattanawit
Researcher Mrs. Nalai Rinrith
Research facility Muangpanpattanawit School.
Year of Research 2021
This classroom action research aimed to: 1) For students to have higher academic
achievement at the .01 level. 2) To study the satisfaction of students learning by using sound
learning activities package. The target group is students in Mathayomsuksa 5/1 in the second of
academic year 2021, Muangpanpattanawit School, Muangpan district, Lampang province,
there are 15 students who are studying about sound.The research instruments were the sound
learning activities package, the achievement on sound learning activities package, the satisfaction
assessment form on studying and the learning plan. The statistics used in the data analysis
were percentage, mean, standard deviation, efficiency of sound learning activities package,
and t value (t-test, the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rang test).
The results of the research showed that efficiency of process and outcome were
75.28/70.22. The achievement means of the post-test scores of the students taught by using
the sound learning activities package were higher than the mean of the pre-test scores at the
.01 level of significant. Student satisfaction with learning activities by using sound learning
activities package, the mean was 3.62 which in the very satisfied level. The number of
students who can explain by reasoning increases.