How the pending Agreement on Trade in Services between China and Taiwan would impact Taiwan's economy and sovereignty.
更多鄭秀玲教授及台大公共經濟研究中心分享的服貿分析簡報: (鄭秀玲教授) (台大公經中心)
How the pending Agreement on Trade in Services between China and Taiwan would impact Taiwan's economy and sovereignty.
更多鄭秀玲教授及台大公共經濟研究中心分享的服貿分析簡報: (鄭秀玲教授) (台大公經中心)
The Roman Empire reached its height under Emperor Diocletian in the late 3rd century AD, controlling territory from Britain to Egypt. Facing external threats and internal divisions, Diocletian split the empire administratively into eastern and western halves. Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople in the East. The Western Roman Empire declined due to invasions by barbarian tribes in the 5th century, culminating with the deposition of the last emperor in 476 AD. However, the Eastern Roman Empire, centered in Constantinople, continued to thrive under emperors like Justinian in the 6th century, reconquering parts of the West. It survived until the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman
This document provides a curriculum vitae for Professor Loutfy Hamid Madkour. It includes biographical information, educational background, employment history, scientific activities, qualifications, conferences attended, publications, and contact information. The CV outlines Professor Madkour's career as a physical chemist working in Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, including current positions as a professor at Al Baha University in Saudi Arabia and Tanta University in Egypt. It lists over 100 publications in international journals.
The document discusses issues with completing discharge summaries in a timely and complete manner, including financial losses, decreased productivity, non-compliance, and continuity of care issues. It then introduces the Discharge Summary Xcelerator (DSX), a solution that uses natural language processing to assimilate diagnosis information from patient charts into summary format for physician review. The DSX aims to improve cash flow, increase physician productivity, ensure regulatory compliance, and enhance continuity of care. It requires minimal upfront investment and infrastructure changes. The document estimates there are over 35 million discharge summaries completed annually in the US market.
While home prices have increased 12% year-over-year in 2013, the fastest rate since 2006, prices remain below the peak levels seen during the housing bubble and are still undervalued compared to historic norms. Mortgage rates remain low but access to credit has tightened significantly compared to the bubble years, with average borrower credit scores much higher now. Some experts are concerned about the rise in home flipping but others note that investors are putting more of their own money at risk this time rather than relying on easy credit. Overall most data suggests that while the housing recovery is gaining momentum, conditions do not yet point to a new bubble forming across the market.
This document provides an overview of the components that make up a personal computer. It discusses both internal components like the motherboard, CPU, memory, hard drive, and expansion cards. It also covers external components such as the computer case, monitors, printers, keyboards, mice, ports and connectors, networking devices, and audio devices. The document is intended to give readers an understanding of PC hardware.
The document consists of the repeated text "" over 200 times. It provides no other information besides this repeated website URL address.
Ever wonder what it takes to be the recipient of an award, more specifically a customer satisfaction award? Look no further! This PowerPoint gives you a step by step "how to" guide to catch the judges attention.
The document outlines an agenda for a presentation on Servlet 3, Java configuration, Spring 3.2, properties, data sources, MyBatis 3, MongoDB, caching with Infinispan, and SiteMesh. It includes details on annotations and Java configuration for Servlets, Filters, properties configuration, data sources, MyBatis integration, MongoDB integration using a MongoTemplate, caching with Spring and Infinispan, and configuring SiteMesh decorators. The presentation concludes with a demo, Q&A section, and thanks.
This document provides an agenda for a sales training seminar focused on improving sales conversion rates using customer survey data. The agenda covers exclusive survey findings on top reasons customers don't buy, how to manage lead providers and queues more effectively, and best practices for improving results such as giving prices over the phone, fitting into the customer's process, and selling additional products. Attendees will learn how customizing their approach based on lead source details can increase sales by addressing customer needs.
Analysis of the arguments for and against corporate social ranglo99
This document analyzes the arguments for and against corporate social responsibilities in Nigeria. It discusses the concept of social responsibility and outlines reasons why businesses have social responsibilities, such as promoting social welfare and protecting the environment. The document also outlines arguments in favor of social responsibilities, such as that large corporations influence politics, and arguments against, such as that it is difficult to define social responsibilities. The document discusses the historical development of social responsibilities and problems that can arise from social responsibilities in national economic development.
Managerial Economics (Break Even Point)Sandeep Patel
The document summarizes the expenditure profile of Fidaato Software Solutions in Bhopal, India from October 2011 to September 2012. It categorizes expenses as fixed and variable. The highest expense month was September 2012 due to business expansion and increased website usage. The lowest was October 2011 as the business started with limited capital. The break-even point is estimated to be at 24 units or Rs. 2,38,200 in sales based on the existing cost structure. Suggestions to further improve the analysis are welcome.
Ralph Paglia "CRM: What is Your CRM Process?"Sean Bradley
This document discusses best practices for managing customer leads from online inquiries through the sales process. It provides data showing the importance of quickly responding to leads, providing price quotes, and following up with phone calls. Responding within 24 hours with a price quote doubles the closing rate compared to responses after 5 hours. Setting proper lead management processes and supervising salesperson activity is key to maximizing lead conversions.
EC Chemistry (ECCH) journal publishes peer-reviewed open access articles in all the arenas of chemistry that includes inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biological chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, industrial and engineering chemistry, nanochemistry, computational chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, phytochemistry and all the relevant topics. The journal desires to publish quality articles in all the thirst areas of chemistry.
Confirmation is a sacrament where young people make a mature commitment to faith. It involves choosing to become "Soldiers of Christ" and spreading the word of God. The rituals include presentation of candidates, renewal of baptismal promises, laying on of hands by the bishop, and anointing with sacred chrism oil. Confirmation strengthens recipients with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to live as witnesses of their faith.
The document discusses the importance of an automating customer relationship management (CRM) system for internet lead management and outlines some of the most important metrics and processes an automotive dealership should track to optimize internet sales, including lead response times, oldest leads, lost opportunities, and a proposed monthly sales projection model based on call and appointment volumes.
The Israelites emerged as a group of herders in the Middle East between 2000-1500 BC. According to their sacred text, the Torah, their founding father Abraham migrated from Ur to Canaan in 2000 BC due to famine. His descendants later left for Egypt but were enslaved by the Pharaoh. In 1200 BC, Moses demanded the Pharaoh free the Israelites, who fled Egypt in an exodus and received the Ten Commandments from God at Mount Sinai, establishing their moral laws and monotheistic religion. After years wandering, they conquered Canaan and settled there in scattered communities governed by judges.
Recently, President Trump mentioned about returning Trans Pacific Partnership in a meeting with Japan president Abe. These slides take a deep dive into TPP and RCEP, the 2 main FTAs in discussion in APAC market.
This document appears to be a reflection on how one's perspective of the world changes throughout different stages of life from ages 10 to 80 in 8 brief sections. It aims to convey in a concise format how one's view of themselves and their place in the world evolves as they grow older through life experiences.