1. Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) and excessive dynamic airway collapse (EDAC) are conditions characterized by weakness and collapse of the trachea and main bronchi.
2. TBM involves weakness of the tracheal cartilage, surrounding muscles, and elastic fibers, leading to tracheal stenosis, increased secretions, coughing, wheezing, and recurrent infections. EDAC involves weakness of the elastic membrane on the dorsal side of the trachea not covered by cartilage, allowing collapse.
3. Diagnosis involves detecting airway collapse on expiratory CT scans or fluoroscopy. A decrease in tracheal cross-sectional area of over 18% in the upper airway or over
The document describes a case of a 79-year-old female patient who fell down the stairs after suddenly losing consciousness. She has a history of diabetes and hypertension. Upon examination, her left radial pulse was weak and there was a 20 mmHg difference in blood pressure between the left and right arms, suggesting subclavian steal syndrome. Further tests such as CT angiography would be needed to confirm.
cvpaper.challenge の Meta Study Group 発表スライド
cvpaper.challenge はコンピュータビジョン分野の今を映し、トレンドを創り出す挑戦です。論文サマリ?アイディア考案?議論?実装?論文投稿に取り組み、凡ゆる知識を共有します。2019の目標「トップ会議30+本投稿」「2回以上のトップ会議網羅的サーベイ」
The document describes a case of a 79-year-old female patient who fell down the stairs after suddenly losing consciousness. She has a history of diabetes and hypertension. Upon examination, her left radial pulse was weak and there was a 20 mmHg difference in blood pressure between the left and right arms, suggesting subclavian steal syndrome. Further tests such as CT angiography would be needed to confirm.
cvpaper.challenge の Meta Study Group 発表スライド
cvpaper.challenge はコンピュータビジョン分野の今を映し、トレンドを創り出す挑戦です。論文サマリ?アイディア考案?議論?実装?論文投稿に取り組み、凡ゆる知識を共有します。2019の目標「トップ会議30+本投稿」「2回以上のトップ会議網羅的サーベイ」
The document discusses modern criteria for evaluating tumor response in oncology, including RECIST, mRECIST, Choi, and other criteria.
It notes that treatment options have evolved from "one size fits all" chemotherapy to personalized medicine using targeted therapies, endovascular therapies, and ablation. Evaluation criteria must also adapt to account for different treatment effects, such as tumor necrosis from anti-angiogenic drugs rather than just size reduction.
RECIST evaluates only tumor size changes with chemotherapy but other criteria like Choi and mRECIST incorporate tumor enhancement/attenuation changes from treatments like anti-angiogenics. Follow-up imaging also evaluates the extent and changes after local ablation therapies. Proper
患者報告アウトカム(patient-reported outcome, PRO)は、quality of life (QOL)や満足度を含む概念であり、健康状態や治療に対する患者自身による評価を指す。患者の視点からの評価という点で、従来の合併症率など医療提供者の視点からの評価を補完しうる。特に形成外科の治療の多くが、機能とともに患者のQOLを改善させることが本質的な目的であることから、治療から生じるコスト?侵襲を正当化するためにも、PROは重要な評価指標となりえる。外科系学会社会保険委員会連合でも、手術の新たな評価指標としてPROを取り入れて、診療報酬の改定に反映させる試みが行われている。PROは抽象的な概念であり、現在は曖昧な用語として頻用されているが、計量心理学的な手法によりその構成要素を明確化させ、客観的に点数化することが可能となっている。本講演では、形成外科におけるPRO研究の基礎、現況と課題につき紹介する。
8. 脳腫瘍の治療効果の標準評価基準施行例
(RECIST,MacDonard and RANO etc)
WHO,RECIST1.0 RECIST1.1,ir-RECIST (MacDonard Criteria or RANO etc.)
Quated from The radiology assistant Website.
Image coutesy of T.Hirano, Sapporo, Japan
Developed by Mint Medical
Presented by LISIT
10. Two or Three dimensional measurement for glioma.
Morphorogical and density tomor index:
Tumor Analysis modified using WatchinGGO
Brain Imag coutesy of T.Hirano, Sapporo
Specific measure converting single diameter or orthogonal diameter measurements to a volume
assuming a spheric lesion using the formula V 4/3πr 3
3D diameter
Auto orthogonal
1D measure
Statistical Mesure
Density Mesure
15. リファレンス論文とretrospective studyによる判定
? Galanis E, Buckner JC, Maurer MJ, et al. Validation of neuroradiologic response assessment in gliomas:
measurement by RECIST, two-dimensional, computer-assisted tumor area, and computer-assisted tumor volume
methods.Neuro Oncol2006;8:156–65
? Shah GD, Kesari S, Xu R, et al. Comparison of linear and volumetric criteria in assessing tumor response in adult
high-grade gliomas.Neuro Oncol2006;8:38–46
? Sorensen AG, Patel S, Harmath C, et al. Comparison of diameter and perimeter methods for tumor volume
calculation.J Clin Oncol2001;19:551–57
? Warren KE, Patronas N, Aikin AA, et al. Comparison of one-, two-, and three-dimensional measurements of
childhood brain tumors.J Natl Cancer Inst2001;93:1401–05
?RECIST, Mcdonard およびVolume measureとの間で応答の検出に差がない
?コンピュータ支援のVolume Measureは、特に小さな病変のPDの早期検出によ
?PR would have been declared in 8% of patients ( n = 284 studies) by using
the 1D measurement compared with 17% PR rate by using the volumetric
16. RANO Criteriaについて
? The Revised Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO)
criteria は、MacDonald criteriaを2010年にアップデータした
評価基準(Print Version:
? “Updated Response Assessment Criteria for High-Grade Gliomas: Response
? Assessment in Neuro-Oncology Working Group.” Journal of Clinical Oncology.
? 2010 Apr 10; 28(11):1963-72.)
? glioblastoma multiforme (GBM:多形成膠芽腫)に適応
■ 非造影 T1, T2/FLAIR
■ T1造影, (Axial, Colonal and Saginal) (or a volume acquisition)
Diffusion (DWI, ADC)を補助撮像してもよい。
21. DICOM data from
Procedure (CT,
Image Quality
Test using
First Server
First Image
Sever is
managed by
Dicom Cleaning and
Normlization (KeyStone
(DICOM select
And Transfer)
Taiwan: tWAN
Biotech Company
Lesion management software (mint Lesion
2.0.2) RECIST1.1, irRC, Choi, Cheson2007,
Japan: LISIT Co.Ltd.
Korea, Singapore imaging
Taiwan, Korea, Japan Asian Grobal Cloud
Taiwan, Korea, Japan
Resultant Storge
PDF approved report,
ROI-DB and Data.
CRO company
Technical partner