1. 莫斯科的克里姆林宮是伊凡雷帝、列寧、史達林和勃列日涅夫的俄羅斯帝國或前蘇聯
的遺存,當今普京統治下的總部。它是一個堅固的城堡,即使部分允許大 參觀,也眾
是不准拍照的。通過認識賄賂門衛伊利亞 · 瓦爾拉莫夫,(這些照片右下有他的署
Kremlin unknown ... (+ Photos) Kremlin in Moscow in which Ivan the Terrible, Lenin, Stalin or
Brezhnev to the current Putin led the Russian Empire and Soviet reins, is a fortified citadel where
even partially allowed public access is not allowed shooting. Recognizing bribing a guard, Ilya
Varlamov provides Internet a series of photos with somptous halls of the Grand Kremlin Palace.
鮮為人知的克里姆林宮 部內