The document provides instructions for viewing a slideshow presentation, stating that the slides will automatically advance every 7 seconds or can be advanced manually, and that the presentation can be ended by waiting for the music to finish or pressing Esc, concluding by saying it hopes the viewer enjoyed the show.
The document discusses the growth of cost-per-lead (CPL) advertising and how it benefits advertisers and publishers. It provides two examples of companies that successfully used CPL advertising: HUGGIES deployed a branding campaign through CPL advertising that increased ROI by over 50%, and connected with new advertisers through CPL, monetizing untapped revenue streams and gaining complete control over ad revenue. The document concludes that CPL advertising is driving explosive demand as it provides increased returns for advertisers and increased revenue for publishers.
The document discusses limiting work in progress (WIP) or "Red" by measuring and visualizing it. Red refers to tasks that are not completed and in a work in progress state. It provides several patterns for fighting Red like parallel change, narrowed change, sequence change and graceful retreat. It emphasizes measuring Red to learn from test metrics and adapt practices accordingly to keep Red limited and work in smaller batch sizes.
The document is a lesson on studying 'ilm al-akhlaq (the science of ethics) and the human nafs (self). It discusses the nafs, how it is formed according to its purpose, and how maintaining its purity is important for spiritual growth. It also examines the faculties and powers within humans, comparing them to other beings, and how properly nurturing these can help or hinder development. The goal is to understand the nature and state of the nafs in order to cultivate good character and virtues.
This document is a beginner's guide to Twitter that discusses what Twitter is, who uses it including politicians, celebrities, news outlets, and inanimate objects. It provides an overview of useful Twitter terminology like @replies, direct messages, and hashtags. The guide also offers tips on how to use Twitter effectively and lists some Twitter tools.
This document discusses the "digital smorgasbord", which refers to the variety of tools available for use on tablets like the iPad. It presents several categories of digital tools for activities like filming, presenting, assessing students, writing, communicating, collaborating, and publishing. For each category, specific apps and websites are provided as examples. The document also discusses models for integrating technology into teaching and provides contact information for the author.
En till En är mer än en dator. Det är ett nytt förhållningsätt till hur vi ställer uppgifter i skolan och hur eleverna kan redovisa sina kunskaper.
På Gunneboskolan i Lund har man i många år arbetat med elevdrivna utvecklingssamtal. Varför har man valt att jobba så? Hur ser förberedelserna ut för att ro detta i land? Vilka effekter har det för eleven och läraren? Träffa Jonas Hällebrand, lärare på Gunneboskolan, och hans elever när de tillsammans berättar och beskriver arbetssättet.
För vem? Rektorer, pedagoger Förberedelser: egna funderingar kring ett elevdrivet arbetssätt runt utvecklingssamtalet.
This document discusses the "digital smorgasbord", which refers to the variety of tools available for use on tablets like the iPad. It presents several categories of digital tools for activities like filming, presenting, assessing students, writing, communicating, collaborating, and publishing. For each category, specific apps and websites are provided as examples. The document also discusses models for integrating technology into teaching and provides contact information for the author.
En till En är mer än en dator. Det är ett nytt förhållningsätt till hur vi ställer uppgifter i skolan och hur eleverna kan redovisa sina kunskaper.
På Gunneboskolan i Lund har man i många år arbetat med elevdrivna utvecklingssamtal. Varför har man valt att jobba så? Hur ser förberedelserna ut för att ro detta i land? Vilka effekter har det för eleven och läraren? Träffa Jonas Hällebrand, lärare på Gunneboskolan, och hans elever när de tillsammans berättar och beskriver arbetssättet.
För vem? Rektorer, pedagoger Förberedelser: egna funderingar kring ett elevdrivet arbetssätt runt utvecklingssamtalet.