The document summarizes the agenda for the t44u User & Partner Conference 2010 held at the Guinness Store House in Dublin. Over 160 attendees from various industries in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland and the USA were expected. The conference included presentations on new features of TERMINALFOUR Site Manager 7.0, a company update, and themes on rollout strategies, mobile technologies, personalization and metrics, and future trends. There were also focus groups held on the second day to discuss services, support, training, and the TERMINALFOUR roadmap.
Training Manual On Human Rights Monitoring - Chapter On Children's RightsThomas M端ller
The document discusses children's rights and how human rights officers can promote and protect them. It notes that children have specific vulnerabilities and rights compared to adults. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the key international instrument protecting children's rights. It establishes that children have individual rights, and these rights are closely linked to the rights of those caring for the child such as parents and guardians. The document outlines how the Convention comprehensively covers civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for children.
[際際滷share] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) -introdn #1 a -(16-february-...Zhulkeflee Ismail
This document summarizes a story told by the leader of the dogs to defend dogs from criticism by other animals on the farm. The leader explains that dogs bark at night to protect the property, seem arrogant but are actually disciplined guards, and mark their territory strategically. The story then discusses pigs, saying they eat garbage efficiently as "environmental supervisors" and cover themselves in mud modestly rather than being vain like dogs. The leader advises all animals to understand their nature and be grateful to Allah for how they were created.
A m炭sica expressa o desejo do cantor de se comunicar melhor com sua amada, agradecendo-a por mostrar-lhe o significado do sucesso e felicidade. Ele pede que ela o mantenha perto de seu cora巽達o e entenda a crian巽a dentro dele, j叩 que sua felicidade depende dela.
Client Support Update: TERMINALFOUR tforum 2013Terminalfour
Client Support: Laura Murphy, Head of Client Relations & Support, gives an overview of our new community engagement resources including the community extranet, self-service and the recently launched TERMINALFOUR Forum.
Lorena is a 3-year-old classmate of the author who they share some things in common with like enjoying the appearance of fish, but they also have some differences as friends do not share everything.
An Overview on PROV-AQ: Provenance Access and QueryOlaf Hartig
The slides which I used at the Dagstuhl seminar on Principles of Provenance (Feb.2012) for presenting the main contributions and open issues of the PROV-AQ document created by the W3C provenance working group.
The document discusses engaging millennials through conversational search. It notes that millennials value two-way dialogue, relevant conversations, and messaging that is consistent with where they are and what they are saying. The document also shares that the conversational search platform ChaCha is growing virally through word-of-mouth, with a new user every 7 seconds who on average uses the service 21 times per month.
This document provides an overview of a beginner's course on Islam being conducted in Singapore. The course, titled "Fardhu 'Ain in English for Adults", is taught every Friday night by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail using a textbook and curriculum he developed for Muslim converts and young English-speaking Muslims. It aims to be a refresher for Muslim parents and educators as well. The document outlines the course content which includes lessons on the pillars of Islam, Shahadah, belief, faith, obedience, righteousness and more. It provides contact information for those interested in registering.
The story describes the selfish king Janakinath who had a large bath built for the people of his town of Mohenjo-Daro. Over time, Janakinath became more self-centered and limited bath access to only the upper classes. In response, the townspeople devised a plan to get revenge by luring Janakinath away and switching the lever to drain the bath, unintentionally sucking his new wife Yogita into the drain tunnel. Overcome with grief and guilt, Janakinath ordered his servants to seal him in a priest's container to atone for his sins.
The document discusses strategies for reducing "Red", which refers to work in progress or unfinished tasks. It provides examples of refactoring patterns like parallel change and narrowed change that can be used to limit Red. It emphasizes measuring and visualizing Red to understand its causes and learn from tests. Reducing context switching and using small batch sizes are advised. Refactoring code incrementally using techniques like extracting methods and removing control flags is recommended to introduce changes gradually.
A Rights Based Approach To Monitoring The Well Being Of Children In South AfricaThomas M端ller
This document discusses establishing a framework for a rights-based approach to monitoring child well-being in South Africa. It proposes aligning the system with international and national priorities like the Millennium Development Goals and NEPAD goals. It also highlights two key issues impacting South African children - poverty and HIV/AIDS. The final section will present a conceptual framework for a rights-based approach to monitoring child well-being in the country.
This document is a lesson plan for an intermediate Islamic studies course in English for adults. It discusses controlling one's inner self or nafs, and focuses on verses from the Quran about Allah granting favor to those who are grateful and changing the condition of people when they change what is within themselves. The lesson emphasizes developing good character traits like wisdom, courage, chastity and justice by achieving balance in one's faculties. It also discusses the story of Adam's fall from grace and repentance as an example of traits like shame, remorse and submitting to guidance.
Client Support Update: TERMINALFOUR tforum 2013Terminalfour
Client Support: Laura Murphy, Head of Client Relations & Support, gives an overview of our new community engagement resources including the community extranet, self-service and the recently launched TERMINALFOUR Forum.
Lorena is a 3-year-old classmate of the author who they share some things in common with like enjoying the appearance of fish, but they also have some differences as friends do not share everything.
An Overview on PROV-AQ: Provenance Access and QueryOlaf Hartig
The slides which I used at the Dagstuhl seminar on Principles of Provenance (Feb.2012) for presenting the main contributions and open issues of the PROV-AQ document created by the W3C provenance working group.
The document discusses engaging millennials through conversational search. It notes that millennials value two-way dialogue, relevant conversations, and messaging that is consistent with where they are and what they are saying. The document also shares that the conversational search platform ChaCha is growing virally through word-of-mouth, with a new user every 7 seconds who on average uses the service 21 times per month.
This document provides an overview of a beginner's course on Islam being conducted in Singapore. The course, titled "Fardhu 'Ain in English for Adults", is taught every Friday night by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail using a textbook and curriculum he developed for Muslim converts and young English-speaking Muslims. It aims to be a refresher for Muslim parents and educators as well. The document outlines the course content which includes lessons on the pillars of Islam, Shahadah, belief, faith, obedience, righteousness and more. It provides contact information for those interested in registering.
The story describes the selfish king Janakinath who had a large bath built for the people of his town of Mohenjo-Daro. Over time, Janakinath became more self-centered and limited bath access to only the upper classes. In response, the townspeople devised a plan to get revenge by luring Janakinath away and switching the lever to drain the bath, unintentionally sucking his new wife Yogita into the drain tunnel. Overcome with grief and guilt, Janakinath ordered his servants to seal him in a priest's container to atone for his sins.
The document discusses strategies for reducing "Red", which refers to work in progress or unfinished tasks. It provides examples of refactoring patterns like parallel change and narrowed change that can be used to limit Red. It emphasizes measuring and visualizing Red to understand its causes and learn from tests. Reducing context switching and using small batch sizes are advised. Refactoring code incrementally using techniques like extracting methods and removing control flags is recommended to introduce changes gradually.
A Rights Based Approach To Monitoring The Well Being Of Children In South AfricaThomas M端ller
This document discusses establishing a framework for a rights-based approach to monitoring child well-being in South Africa. It proposes aligning the system with international and national priorities like the Millennium Development Goals and NEPAD goals. It also highlights two key issues impacting South African children - poverty and HIV/AIDS. The final section will present a conceptual framework for a rights-based approach to monitoring child well-being in the country.
This document is a lesson plan for an intermediate Islamic studies course in English for adults. It discusses controlling one's inner self or nafs, and focuses on verses from the Quran about Allah granting favor to those who are grateful and changing the condition of people when they change what is within themselves. The lesson emphasizes developing good character traits like wisdom, courage, chastity and justice by achieving balance in one's faculties. It also discusses the story of Adam's fall from grace and repentance as an example of traits like shame, remorse and submitting to guidance.
Nikke Lindqvists presentationsmaterial till workshop om s旦kmotoroptimering p奪 Webbstrategi 2009, 1 december 2009.
PDF-version av den ursprungliga presentationen som var gjord i Keynote.
F旦rel辰sning och diskussionsunderlag f旦r tr辰ff med gymnasiebibliotekarier inom Stockholms stad. 5/9 2012. Baseras p奪 Kolla k辰llans webbsidor om sociala medier:
This document discusses the "digital smorgasbord", which refers to the variety of tools available for use on tablets like the iPad. It presents several categories of digital tools for activities like filming, presenting, assessing students, writing, communicating, collaborating, and publishing. For each category, specific apps and websites are provided as examples. The document also discusses models for integrating technology into teaching and provides contact information for the author.
P奪 Gunneboskolan i Lund har man i m奪nga 奪r arbetat med elevdrivna utvecklingssamtal. Varf旦r har man valt att jobba s奪? Hur ser f旦rberedelserna ut f旦r att ro detta i land? Vilka effekter har det f旦r eleven och l辰raren? Tr辰ffa Jonas H辰llebrand, l辰rare p奪 Gunneboskolan, och hans elever n辰r de tillsammans ber辰ttar och beskriver arbetss辰ttet.
F旦r vem? Rektorer, pedagoger F旦rberedelser: egna funderingar kring ett elevdrivet arbetss辰tt runt utvecklingssamtalet.
15. Vem har gjort webbsidan?
r det en myndighet?
r det en organisation?
r det ett f旦retag?
r det en privatperson?
r det n奪gon som kan 辰mnet?
r det n奪gon du litar
18. Varf旦r 辰r webbsidan gjord?
F旦r att informera om n奪got?
F旦r att presentera fakta?
F旦r att propagera f旦r
en 奪sikt?
F旦r att s辰lja n奪got?
F旦r att underh奪lla?
21. Hur ser webbsidan ut?
Finns det n奪gon kontaktinformation?
Verkar texten seri旦s?
Fungerar l辰nkarna?
H辰nvisas det till k辰llor?
Finns det n奪got
datum p奪 sidan?
23. Kan du f奪 information
fr奪n andra st辰llen?
Har du letat p奪 andra st辰llen?
Har du letat i skolbiblioteket?
Har du letat i L辰nkskafferiet?
Har du j辰mf旦rt med andra webbsidor?
Vilken var den b辰sta k辰llan?
25. Vem som helst kan l辰gga ut
webbsidor p奪 internet!
Var kritisk!
#4: KONULTER inom Tänk Om. Apple skolåterförsäljares samarbetspartner i Sverige. TänkOm är utbildningskonsulter för skolan.\nHandlar om att utveckla skolor som valt att satsa på 1-1, både vad gäller KUNSKAPSSYN och ARBETSSÄTT, så att man på bästa sätt förbereder eleverna för den FRAMTID som de kommer att möta.\n\n