El documento proporciona ejemplos de c坦mo a単adir aclaraciones entre comas a oraciones, y luego pide completar tres oraciones con aclaraciones. Tambi辿n presenta un texto sin puntuaci坦n y pide puntuarlo correctamente con un l叩piz de color.
Un grupo numeroso de maestros y alumnos participaron en una manifestaci坦n a las once y media de esta ma単ana en el patio de la escuela para protestar de las malas condiciones del patio de la escuela. El alcalde naci坦 en la plaza del ayuntamiento para promocionar el deporte entre la juventud. Un delf鱈n macho ha inaugurado un nuevo pabell坦n de gimnasia ayer por la tarde en el parque zool坦gico de nuestra ciudad aumentando, de esta manera, el numero de ejemplares de esta familia.
El documento contiene preguntas sobre una conferencia sobre el coche del futuro. Ra炭l G坦mez es el orador principal y asegura que el coche ser叩 totalmente el辿ctrico y aut坦nomo. G坦mez avanzar叩 las partes de su conferencia, hablando primero sobre los avances tecnol坦gicos actuales y luego analizando las tendencias futuras de la industria automotriz.
El documento habla sobre la ciencia del sonido. Explica que todos los sonidos implican movimiento y que se transmiten a trav辿s del aire, como demostr坦 Robert Boyle en el siglo XVII al encerrar un timbre sonando dentro de una campana de cristal y hacer el vac鱈o, observando que el sonido dejaba de o鱈rse. Tambi辿n menciona que el nivel de intensidad del sonido se mide en decibelios y proporciona ejemplos como una conversaci坦n de 50-65 dB y una taladradora de 100-120 dB.
Este documento contiene 10 preguntas sobre un programa de radio en el que se debate un tema de educaci坦n. Las preguntas identifican que el tema central es la educaci坦n, que el programa se produce los d鱈as de semana, y que discuten propuestas como aumentar el n炭mero de alumnos por aula y el papel de las asociaciones de padres y madres de alumnos.
1) The document is about matter and its properties. It defines matter as anything that has mass and volume and discusses the general and specific properties of different materials.
2) It describes experiments students can do to observe the properties of matter, including whether air is matter and how to measure the density of solids and liquids.
3) The document explains the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and changes between them with heating and cooling. It also distinguishes between physical and chemical changes in matter.
This document discusses machines and simple machines. It provides examples of simple machines like levers, inclined planes, wedges, screws, wheels and axles, and pulleys. Levers are classified into three classes based on the position of the fulcrum and effort/load. Inclined planes make forces bigger or smaller by using slopes, making difficult lifting jobs easier by spreading out the force required over a distance.
This document provides an introduction to energy, electricity, and magnetism. It discusses different forms of energy including light, sound, heat, movement, and electricity. Examples are given of how these forms of energy cause everyday changes. The document also discusses renewable and non-renewable energy sources, electricity and static electricity, and properties of magnets. Forms of energy, energy sources, and concepts of electricity and magnetism are explained through text, diagrams, examples, and questions.
This document provides an introduction to the topic of matter, materials, and forces. It defines matter as anything that takes up space and has mass. There are two types of substances: elements, made of atoms of the same type, and compounds, made of atoms of different types. All matter has general properties like mass, volume, and density, as well as specific properties that distinguish one substance from another. Forces can cause objects to move, change speed or direction, or change shape. The three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas - are described based on how tightly or loosely packed the particles are and how they move. Pure substances consist of only one type of matter, while mixtures contain two or more substances that can
Este documento contiene 10 preguntas sobre un programa de radio en el que se debate un tema de educaci坦n. Las preguntas identifican que el tema central es la educaci坦n, que el programa se produce los d鱈as de semana, y que discuten propuestas como aumentar el n炭mero de alumnos por aula y el papel de las asociaciones de padres y madres de alumnos.
1) The document is about matter and its properties. It defines matter as anything that has mass and volume and discusses the general and specific properties of different materials.
2) It describes experiments students can do to observe the properties of matter, including whether air is matter and how to measure the density of solids and liquids.
3) The document explains the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and changes between them with heating and cooling. It also distinguishes between physical and chemical changes in matter.
This document discusses machines and simple machines. It provides examples of simple machines like levers, inclined planes, wedges, screws, wheels and axles, and pulleys. Levers are classified into three classes based on the position of the fulcrum and effort/load. Inclined planes make forces bigger or smaller by using slopes, making difficult lifting jobs easier by spreading out the force required over a distance.
This document provides an introduction to energy, electricity, and magnetism. It discusses different forms of energy including light, sound, heat, movement, and electricity. Examples are given of how these forms of energy cause everyday changes. The document also discusses renewable and non-renewable energy sources, electricity and static electricity, and properties of magnets. Forms of energy, energy sources, and concepts of electricity and magnetism are explained through text, diagrams, examples, and questions.
This document provides an introduction to the topic of matter, materials, and forces. It defines matter as anything that takes up space and has mass. There are two types of substances: elements, made of atoms of the same type, and compounds, made of atoms of different types. All matter has general properties like mass, volume, and density, as well as specific properties that distinguish one substance from another. Forces can cause objects to move, change speed or direction, or change shape. The three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas - are described based on how tightly or loosely packed the particles are and how they move. Pure substances consist of only one type of matter, while mixtures contain two or more substances that can
1. 1. Observa la llegenda, pinta el mapa dEspanya i despr辿s contesta:
Com 辿s la densitat de poblaci坦 a la zona central del mapa dEspanya? Hi ha cap
I a les rees costaneres? _________________________________________________
Perqu竪 creus que 辿s aix鱈?_________________________________________________
2. 2. Llegeix i contesta:
Syldavia 辿s un pa鱈s imaginari de 2.000 km2 de superf鱈cie. En aquest pa鱈s shan fet varis
censos de poblaci坦:
Lany 1960 hi vivien:
95.000 naturals
12.000 immigrants procedents dsia
7.000 immigrants procedents dfrica
Daquests habitants, 47.000 eren menors de 25 anys (23.000 homes i 24.000 dones),
51.000 tenien entre 25 i 65 anys (26.000 homes i 25.000 dones) i 16.000 tenien m辿s de
65 anys (7.000 homes i 9.000 dones).
Entre el 1961 i el 2014:
Hi van n辿ixer 198.000 nens.
Hi van morir 72.000 persones.
Van emigrar a lestranger 92.000 persones.
Van venir a viure-hi 37.000 persones dsia, 55.000 persones dfrica i 29.000
68.000 s坦n menors de 25 anys (34.000 homes i 34.000 dones).
140.000 tenen entre 25 i 65 anys (65.000 homes i 75.000 dones).
61.000 tenen m辿s de 65 anys (30.000 homes i 31.000 dones).
Quants habitants tenia Syldavia lany 1960? _____________________________
Quin ha estat el creixement natural de la poblaci坦? _______________________
Quin ha estat el saldo migratori? ______________________________________
Quin ha estat el creixement real? _____________________________________
Quants habitants tenia lany 2014? ____________________________________
Quina densitat de poblaci坦 tenia lany 2014? ____________________________