Interactive Music II ProcessingとSuperColliderの連携 -2Atsushi Tadokoro
This document provides instructions and examples for connecting Processing and SuperCollider using the SuperCollider client for Processing. It begins with assignments for a final project using SuperCollider and/or Processing with SuperCollider to create musical expressions or expressions with sound and visuals. It then reviews how to define Synths in SuperCollider and play them from Processing using the client. Several examples are provided, including circles expanding in response to mouse clicks and playing tones, bouncing balls that play tones when hitting edges, growing rectangles with FM synthesis, and moving bars with sustained tones. The document concludes by suggesting directions for the final project assignments.
10. WWWに至る道
? ダグラス?エンゲルバート(Douglas Carl Engelbart)
? NLSシステム(1968)
? ハイパーテキストインタフェース(と初の実用的なGUI)の
? "The Mother of All Demos"「すべてのデモの母」