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The Web Dogma

          10 basic rules
for web communications
 and when to break them

             Eric Reiss
             IA Summit
          15 April 2010
        Warsaw, Poland
Gus the cat
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
User Centered Design

          Innovate >





User Driven Design

         Innovate >





best prac揃tice
    1 : best way of doing a thing
2 : a tested idea, method, or device
1 : the introduction of something new
  2 : a new idea, method, or device
Three bad reasons to innovate

    To differentiate your product
    To be different
    To satisfy your ego
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"

15 April 1912
There is only one reason to innovate

to solve a problem!
Innovation Lifecycle
                                              Best practice


                             Best practice

                Innovation                               Habit

best practice
      vs. innovation
  1 : a tenent or code of tenents

2 : a doctrine or body of doctrines
formally proclaimed by a church
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
What the experts say...
   Links should be blue and underlined
   Flash is 98% bad
   Text should be no more than 10 lines


The concept

 Create a set of best practices
that transcend both technology
          and fashion
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
1. Wszystko, thatistnieje only to
1. Anything   co exists jedynie
   satisfy the internal politics
   w celu zaspokojenia wewntrznej
   of the site owner must be
   polityki waciciela firmy
   musi zosta wyeliminowane.
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
2. Wszystko, thatistnieje only to
1. Anything   co exists jedynie
   w celu zaspokojenia the
   satisfy the ego of dumy
   designer must be eliminated.
   projektanta musi zosta
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
3. Wszystko, thatjest irrelevant w
1. Anything   co is nieistotne
   kontekcie strony musi the page
   within the context of zosta
   must be eliminated.
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
4. Ka甜da funkcja lub technika,
1. Any feature or technique that
   reduces the visitors ability
   kt坦ra zmniejsza zdolno
   to navigate freely must be
   odwiedzajcych do swobodnego
   poruszania si musi ulec
   zmianie bd添 zosta
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
5. Wszelkie interaktywne obiekty,
1. Any interactive object that
   forces the visitor to guess
   kt坦re zmuszaj u甜ytkownika do
   its meaning must be
   odgadnicia ich funkcji lub
   znaczenia musz ulec zmianie
   bd添 zosta wyeliminowane.
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
6. 纏adne oprogramowanie, z the
1. No software, apart from
   browser itself, must be
   wyjtkiem samej przegldarki,
   required to get the site to
   nie powinno by wymagane by
   work correctly.
   strona funkcjonowaa
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
7. Tre musi by na pierwszym
1. Content must be readable
   first, printable second,
   miejscu: czytelna, na drugim:
   downloadable third.
   mo甜liwa do wydrukowania, na
   trzecim: mo甜liwa do pobrania.
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
8. U甜yteczno nie never by nigdy
1. Usability must   mo甜e be
   sacrificed for the sake of a
   powicona dla zasad
   style guide.
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
9. 纏aden u甜ytkownik be forced by
1. No visitor must   nie mo甜e to
   register or surrender
   zmuszany do rejestracji lub
   podawania data unless the site
   personal danych osobowych,
   chyba 甜e waciciel provide a
   owner is unable to witryny
   nie jest or stanie wiadczy
   service w complete a
   usugi lub zakoczy it.
   transaction without
   transakcji bez tych danych.
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"
10. Prdzej zr坦b co otwarcie
 1. Break any of these rules
    barbarzyskiego anything
    sooner than do ni甜 spr坦buj
    outright barbarous!
    zama, kt坦r z tych regu.
George Orwell

Author: Animal Farm, 1984
Please visit: www.wordsatplay.com
If we do not demand better websites,
           we will never get them.

Dont just prevent bad things from happening,
  you can make wonderful things happen.
Eric Reiss can (usually) be found at:
The FatDUX Group ApS
Strand淡re 15
2100 Copenhagen

Office: (+45) 39 29 67 77
Mobil: (+45) 20 12 88 44
Twitter: @elreiss

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Web Dogma presentation - "Killer content or content that kills"

  • 1. The Web Dogma 10 basic rules for web communications and when to break them Eric Reiss IA Summit 15 April 2010 Warsaw, Poland
  • 5. User Centered Design Innovate > > Users ch De ear sig s n Re >
  • 6. User Driven Design Innovate > > Users ch De ear sig s n Re >
  • 7. best prac揃tice noun 1 : best way of doing a thing 2 : a tested idea, method, or device
  • 8. 庄稼揃稼看揃厩温揃岳庄看稼 noun 1 : the introduction of something new 2 : a new idea, method, or device
  • 9. Three bad reasons to innovate To differentiate your product To be different To satisfy your ego
  • 19. There is only one reason to innovate to solve a problem!
  • 20. Innovation Lifecycle Best practice Innovation Fashion Best practice Progress Innovation Habit Invention Old-fashioned Time
  • 21. best practice vs. innovation
  • 22. 糸看乙揃馨温 noun 1 : a tenent or code of tenents 2 : a doctrine or body of doctrines formally proclaimed by a church
  • 24. What the experts say... Links should be blue and underlined Flash is 98% bad Text should be no more than 10 lines
  • 25. People Technologies Processes
  • 26. The concept Create a set of best practices that transcend both technology and fashion
  • 35. 1. Wszystko, thatistnieje only to 1. Anything co exists jedynie satisfy the internal politics w celu zaspokojenia wewntrznej of the site owner must be polityki waciciela firmy eliminated. musi zosta wyeliminowane.
  • 55. SE
  • 57. 2. Wszystko, thatistnieje only to 1. Anything co exists jedynie w celu zaspokojenia the satisfy the ego of dumy designer must be eliminated. projektanta musi zosta wyeliminowane.
  • 61. 3. Wszystko, thatjest irrelevant w 1. Anything co is nieistotne kontekcie strony musi the page within the context of zosta must be eliminated. wyeliminowane.
  • 66. 4. Ka甜da funkcja lub technika, 1. Any feature or technique that reduces the visitors ability kt坦ra zmniejsza zdolno to navigate freely must be odwiedzajcych do swobodnego eliminated. poruszania si musi ulec zmianie bd添 zosta wyeliminowana.
  • 70. 5. Wszelkie interaktywne obiekty, 1. Any interactive object that forces the visitor to guess kt坦re zmuszaj u甜ytkownika do its meaning must be odgadnicia ich funkcji lub eliminated. znaczenia musz ulec zmianie bd添 zosta wyeliminowane.
  • 75. 6. 纏adne oprogramowanie, z the 1. No software, apart from browser itself, must be wyjtkiem samej przegldarki, required to get the site to nie powinno by wymagane by work correctly. strona funkcjonowaa poprawnie.
  • 79. 7. Tre musi by na pierwszym 1. Content must be readable first, printable second, miejscu: czytelna, na drugim: downloadable third. mo甜liwa do wydrukowania, na trzecim: mo甜liwa do pobrania.
  • 83. 8. U甜yteczno nie never by nigdy 1. Usability must mo甜e be sacrificed for the sake of a powicona dla zasad style guide. projektowania.
  • 91. 9. 纏aden u甜ytkownik be forced by 1. No visitor must nie mo甜e to register or surrender zmuszany do rejestracji lub podawania data unless the site personal danych osobowych, chyba 甜e waciciel provide a owner is unable to witryny nie jest or stanie wiadczy service w complete a usugi lub zakoczy it. transaction without transakcji bez tych danych.
  • 103. 10. Prdzej zr坦b co otwarcie 1. Break any of these rules barbarzyskiego anything sooner than do ni甜 spr坦buj outright barbarous! zama, kt坦r z tych regu.
  • 106. If we do not demand better websites, we will never get them. Dont just prevent bad things from happening, you can make wonderful things happen.
  • 108. Eric Reiss can (usually) be found at: The FatDUX Group ApS Strand淡re 15 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Office: (+45) 39 29 67 77 Mobil: (+45) 20 12 88 44 Twitter: @elreiss info@fatdux.com www.fatdux.com