Web sessions (April 2005 January 2009)
Directorate General for Citizen
Attention (Ministry of Presidential) and Centre for Legal Studies and Specialised Training (Ministry of Justice). You can re-use them because the Creative Commons license allows you to download this work and share it with others as long as you mention the author (Generalitat de Catalunya. Government of Catalonia) and link back to him (even you can change it in any way or use it commercially).
The document summarizes a presentation given at the CEJFE on transitioning from an industrial to a knowledge-based society and economy. It discusses how Catalonia needs to improve education, adapt business models, and better integrate globally to succeed in the 21st century knowledge economy. The presentation analyzed where Spain and Catalonia currently stand compared to other countries and highlighted challenges ahead.
e-Catalunya, platform for cooperation workgencat .
e-Catalunya is a platform for cooperation work. Within a portal, its members can interact, contribute, increase their social network or collaborate using tools like blogs, wikis, forums, email distribution lists, etc.
General Directorate for Citizen Services and Publicitygencat .
The General Directorate for Citizen Services and Publicity provides multichannel citizen care services and institutional dissemination through various channels including in-person, phone, website, mobile apps, and social media. It aims to improve access to government information and services for citizens. Key activities include developing the virtual citizen care office with over 1,000 government procedures available online, managing social media accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers, and operating a telephone service that receives millions of calls per year. The directorate also leads institutional campaigns and manages an exhibition gallery that attracts over a million visitors.
e-Catalunya: boosting eGov innovation by Communities of Practicegencat .
The document describes e-Catalunya, a platform launched by the Catalan government to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing between government professionals. It allows professionals to join communities of practice organized by topic. The platform has grown to include 53 portals and over 1,100 groups with 15,000 registered users. It aims to make government more transparent, improve services, and encourage participation and sharing of knowledge between professionals to better serve citizens.
Navigation guide. e-Catalunya: boosting eGov innovation by Communities of Pra...gencat .
This document provides a navigation guide for e-Catalunya, a website run by the Government of Catalonia's Directorate General of Citizen Attention to boost innovation in eGovernment through Communities of Practice. The guide lists pages on e-Catalunya's homepage, a map of Communities of Practice, the Justice CoP site and map, an e-Catalunya social network, tools for measuring CoP activity, and a demonstration portal called qu竪Cat.
La Generalitat obre dades per al benefici de ciutadans i empresesajterrassa
La Generalitat obre dades per al benefici de ciutadans i empreses a crrec de Jordi Graells, coordinador de Continguts i Innovaci坦 de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
La Generalitat obre dades per al benefici de ciutadans i empresesajterrassa
La Generalitat obre dades per al benefici de ciutadans i empreses a crrec de Jordi Graells, coordinador de Continguts i Innovaci坦 de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Transformaci坦 de les oficines datenci坦 ciutadanagencat .
Reuni坦 delegacions territorials
Tortosa, 28 de setembre de 2018
Cartera de servicios de atenci坦n ciudadanagencat .
Este documento presenta la cartera de servicios de atenci坦n ciudadana del Gobierno de Catalu単a. Describe los servicios digitales, telef坦nicos y presenciales que ofrece para mejorar la experiencia del ciudadano y facilitar el acceso a la informaci坦n y los tr叩mites. Entre los servicios digitales se incluyen las webs, dominios, im叩genes, v鱈deos, boletines, formularios y tr叩mites. Los servicios telef坦nicos incluyen mensajer鱈a instant叩nea y tel辿fono de atenci坦n al ciudadano. Finalmente
S鱈ntesi 46a sessi坦 web: 's possible un pa鱈s amb govern obert?gencat .
What is Open Data Gencat
1. What is
Open Data Gencat
Open Knowledge Foundation
DGACD, 9th July 2012
Aquesta obra est subjecta a una llic竪ncia Reconeixement 3.0 de Creative Commons. Se'n permet la reproducci坦, la distribuci坦, la comunicaci坦 p炭blica i la
transformaci坦 per generar una obra derivada, sense cap restricci坦 sempre que se'n citin els autors i no es contradigui amb la llic竪ncia espec鱈fica que pugui
tenir una imatge i que 辿s la que preval. La llic竪ncia completa es pot consultar a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/legalcode.ca.
2. Open Data World Map
A lot of Open Data Iniatives around the world.
2 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
3. In Europe
Reuse of Public Sector Information (RPSI)
- Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
3 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
4. Gencat Open Data project
- Gencat Open Data (dadesobertes.gencat.cat/en) is the
Government of Catalonias portal, managed by the Directorate-
General for Citizens Attention.
- The data derive from different public organizations of the
Government of Catalonia and are grouped into a data
- It is committed to the progressive opening up of the public
data it has available, with the privacy, safety and intellectual
property limitations that apply in each case, according to the
government agreement of 16th November 2010.
4 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
5. Government agreement
16th November 2010
- Goals:
To improve public information and guarantee its access to all.
To promote value creation with the reuse of public information.
To increase information transparency.
To facilitate the internal organization of information within the
To foster interoperability between public sector services.
5 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
6. Strong points of 2012
- Making a catalogue using the data received from the ministries
every 6 months.
- Developing an Open Data guide.
- Responsibilities for the Directorate-General for Citizens
Attention and for the ministries.
6 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
7. Current legal notice
in gencat web
7 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
8. Next legal notice in gencat web
In accordance with the Law 37/2007 (which incorporates into national
law Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and Council) on
the reuse of public sector information, the Government of Catalonia
permits the reproduction, distribution and public communication of the
work and, furthermore, the transformation of the work in order to
make derived works, all over the world and without limitations in time.
In order to re-use the information, the following conditions must be
a) Not distort the meaning of the information.
b) Always quote the source of the information.
c) State the date of the latest update of the information.
8 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
9. Editorial Council
of the Government of Catalonia
Editorial regulation of the Government (2009): all the publications
of the Government of Catalonia with CC licences (BY-NC-ND or
any other).
9 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
10. Open Data Gencat Portal
10 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
11. Pictures for Saint George festivity
11 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
12. Applications made by the citizens
mobile apps
Augmented reality channel Catalan Catalonia weather forecast for Android
Desenvolupat per
Joan Pujol.
Desenvolupat per
Gynoid Apps,
12 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
13. Applications made by citizens
web apps
Population statistics (http://eixos.planol.info/)
Rodalies.info Rodalia.info
Desenvolupat per Desenvolupat per
Pimpampum.net i planol.info
Roger Melcior
13 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
14. Social media accounts based
on open data
Job offers through Twitter
23 Twitter profiles Twitter profiles:
14 T鱈tol presentaci坦. Direcci坦 General dAtenci坦 Ciutadana i Difusi坦. [Data XX de XXXX de 2011CC BY 3.0
15. Thanks!
What is open data gencat
Open Knowledge Foundation
DGACD, 9th July 2012
Aquesta obra est subjecta a una llic竪ncia Reconeixement 3.0 de Creative Commons. Se'n permet la reproducci坦, la distribuci坦, la comunicaci坦 p炭blica i la
transformaci坦 per generar una obra derivada, sense cap restricci坦 sempre que se'n citin els autors i no es contradigui amb la llic竪ncia espec鱈fica que pugui
tenir una imatge i que 辿s la que preval. La llic竪ncia completa es pot consultar a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/legalcode.ca.