This document provides tips and strategies for negotiating, developing assertiveness, managing stress and pressure, developing organizational skills, prioritizing tasks, reflecting on experiences, taking effective notes, and giving oral presentations. It discusses separating people from problems in negotiations, focusing on interests not positions, generating options before decisions, and agreeing on solution criteria. For managing stress, it suggests identifying stress sources and reactions as well as finding healthier coping mechanisms like exercise. Good organizational habits include spending time wisely, avoiding time wasters, and setting clear to-do targets.
This Brochure about Cancer Screening Modalities. I prepared this brochure for Turkish Audience. It is giving basic information about cancer, how is it developing, ways to prevent it, giving insights and motivating for healthy lifestyles and of course importance of screening modalities, adherence to regular examinations, assurance and giving message of early detection can save lives. In Turkey and Globe 3 cancer are part of screening programs which are Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer. I wished to inform and raise awareness about cancer and preventive efforts at primary and secondary levels.
Üriner İnkontinansta Değerlendirme, Tanı Testleri ve Yönetim-Prof. Dr. Omer L...Omer Lutfi Tapisiz
Her iki kadından biri (%50) hayatlarının bir döneminde üriner inkontinansı deneyimlemektedir. Kadınlarda semptomatik üriner inkontinans görülme sıklığı %25-61 arasında değişmekte olup bu oran >65 yaş olan kadınlarda yüzde ellinin üzerine çıkmaktadır. Görüldüğü üzere kadınlarda üriner inkontinans; hayat kalitesini ciddi derecede etkileyen, sık görülen bir toplum sağlığı sorunudur.
Bu sunumda kadınlarda üriner inkontinansta değerlendirme, tanı testleri ve yönetim konusu her yönü ile ele alınacaktır. Prof. Dr. Omer Lutfi TAPISIZ
This document provides tips and strategies for negotiating, developing assertiveness, managing stress and pressure, developing organizational skills, prioritizing tasks, reflecting on experiences, taking effective notes, and giving oral presentations. It discusses separating people from problems in negotiations, focusing on interests not positions, generating options before decisions, and agreeing on solution criteria. For managing stress, it suggests identifying stress sources and reactions as well as finding healthier coping mechanisms like exercise. Good organizational habits include spending time wisely, avoiding time wasters, and setting clear to-do targets.
This Brochure about Cancer Screening Modalities. I prepared this brochure for Turkish Audience. It is giving basic information about cancer, how is it developing, ways to prevent it, giving insights and motivating for healthy lifestyles and of course importance of screening modalities, adherence to regular examinations, assurance and giving message of early detection can save lives. In Turkey and Globe 3 cancer are part of screening programs which are Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer. I wished to inform and raise awareness about cancer and preventive efforts at primary and secondary levels.
Üriner İnkontinansta Değerlendirme, Tanı Testleri ve Yönetim-Prof. Dr. Omer L...Omer Lutfi Tapisiz
Her iki kadından biri (%50) hayatlarının bir döneminde üriner inkontinansı deneyimlemektedir. Kadınlarda semptomatik üriner inkontinans görülme sıklığı %25-61 arasında değişmekte olup bu oran >65 yaş olan kadınlarda yüzde ellinin üzerine çıkmaktadır. Görüldüğü üzere kadınlarda üriner inkontinans; hayat kalitesini ciddi derecede etkileyen, sık görülen bir toplum sağlığı sorunudur.
Bu sunumda kadınlarda üriner inkontinansta değerlendirme, tanı testleri ve yönetim konusu her yönü ile ele alınacaktır. Prof. Dr. Omer Lutfi TAPISIZ
Tissue engineering involves removing cells from a source, expanding the cells in culture, transferring the cells onto a scaffold in optimum medium, placing the scaffold in culture to grow new tissue, and reimplanting the engineered tissue. Scaffolds degrade as the new tissue regenerates. Tissue engineered products could be regenerated from pluripotent stem cells before differentiation into mesenchymal, neural, or hematopoietic cells that form bone, cartilage, connective tissue, the nervous system, or blood cells. 3D printing of tissues is done by printing layers on biopaper gel, adding additional layers to create a 3D structure, fusing the layers, and allowing the biopaper to dissolve leaving the
The document discusses the basic structural and functional properties of cells. It describes cells as the fundamental unit of living organisms, which can exist as single-celled prokaryotes like bacteria or multicellular eukaryotes. All cells are capable of communication, movement, reproduction, and produce extracellular environments, with prokaryotes reproducing asexually and eukaryotes sexually.
Sleep occurs in stages, with the deepest stages characterized by paralysis of voluntary muscles and rapid eye movements. Sleep apnea is a disorder where breathing stops briefly during sleep, often due to airway obstruction, which interrupts sleep quality. The main types are obstructive sleep apnea, caused by relaxation of throat muscles blocking the airway, and central sleep apnea, caused by failure of the brain to signal breathing muscles. Risk factors include obesity, large neck size, and family history. Treatment options include devices that use air pressure to keep the airway open as well as surgery in severe cases. Untreated sleep apnea can increase health risks like hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes.
Optical microscopy was invented by Robert Hooke in 1665 and uses optical light to magnify samples for examination. Key definitions are resolution, the ability to see two adjacent objects separately, and magnification, the ratio of the image produced to the actual sample dimensions. Optical microscopy is used to examine cervical smears, breast cancer imprints, frozen and paraffin sections, and culture cover slips. Stains or fluorescent labels are required to visualize transparent cells and tissues. Confocal microscopes focus and detect light for very sharp 3D images, while live cell imaging uses green fluorescent protein.
Nanoparticles have unique properties due to their large surface area to weight ratio and are used in a variety of sectors including medicine and automobiles. They can be engineered to have tailored electronic, chemical and optical properties and are available in different carrier formulations which help prevent the coarsening of products.
General surgery and abdominal emergencies revisionULVAN OZAD
Due to embryonic development, the gastrointestinal tract can be divided into three sections - the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. Pain is localized to different abdominal regions depending on the affected section: epigastric for foregut, umbilical for midgut, and suprapubic for hindgut. Common acute abdominal conditions present with pain in specific locations and include appendicitis in the right lower quadrant, cholecystitis in the right upper quadrant, and diverticulitis in the left lower quadrant. These conditions are diagnosed based on symptoms, physical exam findings, and imaging studies, and treated through medications, surgery, or both.
Electron microscopy uses electrons instead of light to view specimens. The first transmission electron microscope was created in 1931 by Rusta and Knoll. An electron microscope works by firing electrons from an electron gun through a vacuum, using electric and magnetic fields to focus the electrons through an electron column onto a specimen. When the electrons interact with the specimen, they can be absorbed, scattered, reflected, or cause emission of other electrons or photons, allowing the microscope to image the specimen at high magnifications. Biological specimens often require fixation to preserve their structure for electron microscopy examination. Scanning electron microscopes use a focused beam of electrons to scan across and generate signals from the specimen surface.
Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become less dense and more prone to fractures over time. It occurs when bone resorption exceeds bone formation, removing more calcium than can be replaced. Risk factors include older age, female gender, family history, smoking, excessive alcohol, medications, and lack of exercise. Symptoms may include fractures from minor falls or injuries, loss of height, back pain, and stooped posture. It is diagnosed using DEXA scans to measure bone mineral density. Treatment focuses on lifestyle changes like exercise, calcium/vitamin D supplements, and medications like bisphosphonates, denosumab, or raloxifene to slow bone loss and increase bone strength.
This document provides information on various contraceptive methods, including condoms, diaphragms, combined oral contraceptive pills, progestogen-only pills, emergency pills, intrauterine devices, intrauterine systems, hormonal injections, implants, vaginal rings, patches, surgical sterilization, and the rhythm method. It describes how each method works, effectiveness rates, proper usage, and potential side effects. A wide range of reversible and permanent contraceptive options are presented.
Pre-eclampsia is a condition that occurs in the second half of pregnancy or within 6 weeks of delivery. It causes high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Risk factors include a woman's first pregnancy, family history, previous pre-eclampsia, age over 40, or multiple babies. The cause is unclear but involves problems with the placenta. Signs include swelling, headaches, and abdominal pain. Management involves monitoring and delivering the baby early if severe, between 37-38 weeks. Untreated pre-eclampsia can lead to serious complications for both mother and baby.
This document discusses mastectomy, which is the surgical removal of all or part of the breast tissue. It describes different types of mastectomies, including simple, skin-sparing, and radical mastectomies. Indications for mastectomy include large cancerous tumors, inflammatory breast conditions, and high risk of invasive cancer. Potential complications include lymphedema, nerve damage, infection, and changes in body image or quality of life. Reconstruction options are also discussed.
A maxillectomy is the surgical removal of part or all of the maxilla bone in the upper jaw. The document describes a partial anterior maxillectomy procedure performed to remove cancerous tissue from the front part of the patient's hard palate. An obturator was fitted to seal the opening between the mouth and nose caused by the maxilla removal. Risks of the surgery include bleeding, infection, and possible nerve damage. Future problems may include issues with speech, swallowing, pain, infection, and eating/drinking.
This document discusses asthma, including:
1. Airway inflammation causes symptoms like wheezing, coughing, breathlessness and chest tightness due to airway wall muscle hypertrophy, increased mucus production, and inflammatory cell infiltration.
2. Asthma is triggered by factors like allergens, infections, exercise and irritants and treated with bronchodilators, inhaled steroids, and other medications to relieve symptoms and prevent future attacks.
3. Poorly managed asthma can lead to serious conditions like COPD, disability and death. Health promotion aims to prevent asthma progression through education and increasing awareness.
This document contains information about heart valves, including their positions and number of cusps in each valve. It describes common valve diseases like stenosis and regurgitation and their causes such as degeneration or congenital heart disease. Symptoms of valve diseases include shortness of breath, tiredness and chest pain. Diagnosis is usually done through echocardiography or cardiac catheterization. Treatment options range from medication to surgery depending on severity.
- Breast cancer is a condition where breast cells grow uncontrollably and can spread to other parts of the body. It has various stages from non-invasive to invasive metastatic cancer.
- Current treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy, but these have side effects. New treatments are being researched to provide minimum side effects, costs and maximum survival and quality of life.
- Successful new treatments would improve outcomes for individuals, families and society through increased survival rates, decreased costs and improved psychology and life quality.
A varicose ulcer is a painful lesion that develops on the skin of the legs when underlying veins are unable to efficiently pump blood due to malfunctioning venous valves. This causes blood to pool in the legs. Risk factors include immobility, obesity, varicose veins, and age. Treatment involves cleaning and dressing the wound along with compression bandages to control blood pressure in the legs. Larger ulcers may take longer to heal but 70% of small ulcers will heal within 12 weeks of starting treatment.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting over 60% of people over 65 years old. It involves the breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage in one or more joints. Risk factors include age, female gender, joint injuries, genetics, and obesity. Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of motion. Treatment focuses on pain management through medications, physical therapy, weight loss, and sometimes joint replacement surgery.
A skin graft involves surgically removing a patch of skin from one area of the body and transplanting it to another area. There are two main types of skin grafts: partial-thickness grafts which contain the epidermis and part of the dermis, and full-thickness grafts which contain the entire dermis. Skin grafts are used to treat large wounds, burns, ulcers, and other conditions where there has been significant skin loss or damage. Recovery from a skin graft procedure may take several weeks and involve dressing changes and restricted activity. While skin grafts are usually successful, complications can include infection, scarring, or only partial healing of the grafted area.