Daglig leder Eli K. Saastad i Tønsberg Næringsforening deltok på gründernes felles mandagsmøte på Gründerhuset Hi5. Hun orienterte om næringsforeningens aktiviteter , og oppfordret samtlige til å melde sine bedrifter inn i foreningen. Det var enighet om at Tønsberg Næringsforening og Gründerhuset Hi5 sammen skal sette oppstartsbedrifter og gründerskap skikkelig på dagsorden i Tønsbergregion
This document discusses Norway's strategy for the future of tourism. It outlines a vision to make tourism important for Norway by creating travel desire within Norway and stimulating experiencing Norway all year round. The strategy focuses on sustainable growth and increasing the number of jobs in tourism. It identifies six strategic directions: working with all industries that create experiences; promoting all of Norway all year; shifting focus from demographics to motivations; driving experience development; creating an open innovation environment; and measuring, sharing, and learning. The goal is to strengthen Norway's national brand and increase the number of tourism-related jobs in the country by 2025.
The document discusses creating experiences and experiential realms. It provides information on an experience expert who has received several certifications and awards for their work creating experiences, particularly in Rovaniemi, Finland, the official hometown of Santa Claus. Tools and elements discussed for creating experiences include themes, senses, memorabilia, impressions, and dramatic story arcs.
Trondheimkajakk offers kayaking trips down the Nidelven river in Trondheim, Norway. They provide day trips to see the fall colors and hidden views along the river, as well as night trips for more excitement and impressive nighttime views. They began operations in October 2012 and have since gained popularity, receiving over 1,800 Facebook likes and featuring in Norwegian and Latvian television programs. They welcome customers from over 46 countries and offer kayaking trips 365 days per year.
This document discusses Norway's strategy for the future of tourism. It outlines a vision to make tourism important for Norway by creating travel desire within Norway and stimulating experiencing Norway all year round. The strategy focuses on sustainable growth and increasing the number of jobs in tourism. It identifies six strategic directions: working with all industries that create experiences; promoting all of Norway all year; shifting focus from demographics to motivations; driving experience development; creating an open innovation environment; and measuring, sharing, and learning. The goal is to strengthen Norway's national brand and increase the number of tourism-related jobs in the country by 2025.
The document discusses creating experiences and experiential realms. It provides information on an experience expert who has received several certifications and awards for their work creating experiences, particularly in Rovaniemi, Finland, the official hometown of Santa Claus. Tools and elements discussed for creating experiences include themes, senses, memorabilia, impressions, and dramatic story arcs.
Trondheimkajakk offers kayaking trips down the Nidelven river in Trondheim, Norway. They provide day trips to see the fall colors and hidden views along the river, as well as night trips for more excitement and impressive nighttime views. They began operations in October 2012 and have since gained popularity, receiving over 1,800 Facebook likes and featuring in Norwegian and Latvian television programs. They welcome customers from over 46 countries and offer kayaking trips 365 days per year.
3. Naturbasert reiseliv er ikke noe nytt
Mange prosjekter gjennom årene:
• Verneområder som grunnlag for økt lokal
• Laksefiske i Namsen
• Naturarven
• Wild Norway
• Midt-Norsk Natur
• Skarvan-Roltdalen
• ……..
5. Hvordan kan det offentlige bidra?
• Ikke motor, men gjødsel
• Kontaktforum Reiseliv Trøndelag
• Finansiering av utviklingsprosjekter
• Kanskje tiden er inne til å
gjøre noen valg?
Laksefiske i Namsen