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Lessons learn from top mobile
application in Vietnam
Most outstanding points
? Tr?n Vinh Quang (aka QuangRock)
? 8 n?m kinh nghi?m trong l?nh v?c mobile ? VN
? Sale/Marketing/Business Development/Management
? COO Appota
? C?ng ty
? Th¨¤nh l?p th¨¢ng 12 n?m 2011, DN ?o?t gi?i ¡°??t ph¨¢ nh?t¡± trong FI network 2012
? Deliver Mobile Content (ph?n ph?i n?i dung s? di ??ng)
? N?n t?ng ph?n ph?i n?i dung Smartphone l?n nh?t Vi?t Nam
? H? th?ng h? tr? developer to¨¤n di?n: SDK, Payment, CMS, Ads¡­
? T?p ng??i d¨´ng smartphone l?n nh?t VN: h?n 7.6M (iOS: 4.8M, 2.7M Android)
? ?ang h?p t¨¢c v?i h¨¤ng ngh¨¬n developers v¨¤ ph?n ph?i 2000+ ?ng d?ng/game
? H?n 200 ?ng d?ng ??t doanh thu l?n h?n 200tr
N?i dung chia s?
? Th?ng tin th? tr??ng
? M?t s? h?c h?i t? nh?ng ?ng d?ng
mobile made-in-Vi?t Nam th¨¤nh c?ng
? H?i ?¨¢p
? Li¨ºn h?
(*) Vietnam VAS 2013 Market size (est): ~ 15 ng¨¤n t? ??ng
Th?ng tin th? tr??ng
(*) T?ng s? game/app c?a VN: > 15k app/game ?? publish cho iOS, Android, WP
FROM 2008
Th?ng tin th? tr??ng
? L¨¤m app ph?c v? ?¨²ng 1 nhu c?u c? b?n
? Branding (n?u team b?n c¨® l¨¤m outsourcing
th¨¬ vi?c c¨® 1 ?ng d?ng ??ng TOP l¨¤ minh
ch?ng r? nh?t v? n?ng l?c)
Ho¨¤n h?o
cho 1 nhu
c?u ??n
? L¨¤m 1 app/game v¨¤ chau chu?t t?t nh?t
? Game ?n theo nh?n v?t n?i ti?ng
? Ph?n kh¨²c kh¨¢ch h¨¤ng t?t (Kid, Game)
Over 5M
up to now
? ?¨²ng l¨²c (ch?a c¨® c¨¢i app pro n¨¤o c?)
? ?¨¢p ?ng t?m l? ng??i d¨´ng, t?p kh¨¢ch h¨¤ng
? Pricing model h?p l?: $4.99, $3.99. $0.99
?t nh?t
25k pay
? T?t: kh?ng ai ti?c 15k VN?
? Vui v¨¤ c¨® th? mang ni?m vui cho ng??i kh¨¢c
? Model thu ti?n t?t: IAP (in-app purchase)
?t nh?t
100k t?i
thu l?n
h?n 500
? Gameplay & h¨¬nh ?nh quen thu?c (thi?t k?)
? Lu?t ch?i ??n gi?n v¨¤ kh?ng t?n th?i gian
B?n t¨¤u by Twin Dragons & Gold Miner Ultimate by Afoli
? ?t ??i th? c?nh tranh
? Ph?n kh¨²c nh? nh?ng nhu c?u r?t l?n
(kh?ng b? m? n¨¤o ti?c con 10k ?? mua Video
Trial & buy full or unlock full
? ?¨¤o s?u v¨¤ l¨¤m t?t nh?t: USER EXPERIENCE
? S?n ph?m l¨¤ ?u ti¨ºn s? m?t
? Ki¨ºn ??nh, ch?a c¨® ti?n s?m th¨¬ s? c¨® nhi?u
ti?n v? sau (??ng user l¨¤m g¨¬ ch? ???c)
? ? t??ng KH?NG quan tr?ng, quan tr?ng l¨¤ MAKE IT HAPPEN
? ??ng l¨¤m s?n ph?m b?n th¨ªch. H?y l¨¤m s?n ph?m user th¨ªch
? Content is the KING, user is the QUEEN (h?y ??i x? v?i user nh?
l¨¤ n? ho¨¤ng: n?ng niu, s?n s¨®c, ch?m b¨®n¡­)
? C? g?ng l¨¤m ?a n?n t?ng v¨¤ maximize c? h?i c?a m¨¬nh
? Ch?n m?t ph?n kh¨²c kh¨¢ch h¨¤ng & t?p trung l¨¤m s?n ph?m t?t
nh?t ph?c v? h? (l?u ? v? y?u t? th?i ?i?m)
? Ch?u kh¨® l?ng nghe v¨¤ ti?p thu (??ng ngh? m¨¬nh NGON)
? L¨¤m s?n ph?m m¨¤ b?n mu?n tr? ti?n
? ??ng phung ph¨ª c? h?i v¨¤ ngu?n l?c, c? h?i kh?ng c¨® nhi?u
Over 8M millions smartphone
users is waiting for your
Email: biz@appota.com

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Thi¨ºn ??c
[Qu?n tr? h? th?ng Marketing T¨ªch H?p - IMC] L?p k? ho?ch IMC cho Sony Experia
[Qu?n tr? h? th?ng Marketing T¨ªch H?p - IMC] L?p k? ho?ch IMC cho Sony Experia[Qu?n tr? h? th?ng Marketing T¨ªch H?p - IMC] L?p k? ho?ch IMC cho Sony Experia
[Qu?n tr? h? th?ng Marketing T¨ªch H?p - IMC] L?p k? ho?ch IMC cho Sony Experia
Vu Huy
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[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
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AiTi Education
Vietnam mobile internet_2014_mwork_vietnam_mobile_day
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] T?ng doanh thu qu?ng c¨¢o cho mobile site v¨¤ ?ng d?n...
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[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] T?ng doanh thu qu?ng c¨¢o cho mobile site v¨¤ ?ng d?n...
AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] Mobile money - Xu h??ng thanh to¨¢n nh? tr¨ºn mobile ...
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] Mobile k?t n?i th? gi?i s? v¨¤ th? gi?i th?c v¨¤ vai ...
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] The new mobile marketing channel: Social Wifi Marke...
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] C¨¢ nh?n h¨®a v¨¤ x¨¢c ??nh Kh¨¢ch h¨¤ng m?c ti¨ºu trong q...
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] Chi?n l??c thu h¨²t ng??i d¨´ng cho ?ng d?ng t?i th? ...
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] Thanh to¨¢n mobile, hi?n t?i v¨¤ xu h??ng- Nguy?n Chi...
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[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] Thanh to¨¢n b?ng th? ng?n h¨¤ng tr¨ºn mobile ch?a bao ...
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] How to build a mobile store app in 5 minutes - Ng...
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] Xu h??ng trong Mobile Learning, 2014 - Nguy?n Th¨¤n...
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AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
AiTi Education
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2014] To¨¤n c?nh th? tr??ng game smartphone Vi?t Nam 2013....
AiTi Education

[Vietnam mobile Day 2013] - Lessons learn from top mobile app in vietnam

  • 1. Lessons learn from top mobile application in Vietnam Most outstanding points
  • 2. Introduction ? Tr?n Vinh Quang (aka QuangRock) ? 8 n?m kinh nghi?m trong l?nh v?c mobile ? VN ? Sale/Marketing/Business Development/Management ? COO Appota ? C?ng ty ? Th¨¤nh l?p th¨¢ng 12 n?m 2011, DN ?o?t gi?i ¡°??t ph¨¢ nh?t¡± trong FI network 2012 ? Deliver Mobile Content (ph?n ph?i n?i dung s? di ??ng) ? N?n t?ng ph?n ph?i n?i dung Smartphone l?n nh?t Vi?t Nam ? H? th?ng h? tr? developer to¨¤n di?n: SDK, Payment, CMS, Ads¡­ ? T?p ng??i d¨´ng smartphone l?n nh?t VN: h?n 7.6M (iOS: 4.8M, 2.7M Android) ? ?ang h?p t¨¢c v?i h¨¤ng ngh¨¬n developers v¨¤ ph?n ph?i 2000+ ?ng d?ng/game ? H?n 200 ?ng d?ng ??t doanh thu l?n h?n 200tr
  • 3. N?i dung chia s? ? Th?ng tin th? tr??ng ? M?t s? h?c h?i t? nh?ng ?ng d?ng mobile made-in-Vi?t Nam th¨¤nh c?ng ? H?i ?¨¢p ? Li¨ºn h?
  • 4. 3 (*) Vietnam VAS 2013 Market size (est): ~ 15 ng¨¤n t? ??ng Th?ng tin th? tr??ng
  • 5. 4 (*) T?ng s? game/app c?a VN: > 15k app/game ?? publish cho iOS, Android, WP FROM 2008 Th?ng tin th? tr??ng
  • 6. 4 LESSON LEARN Simple ? L¨¤m app ph?c v? ?¨²ng 1 nhu c?u c? b?n ? Branding (n?u team b?n c¨® l¨¤m outsourcing th¨¬ vi?c c¨® 1 ?ng d?ng ??ng TOP l¨¤ minh ch?ng r? nh?t v? n?ng l?c) Ho¨¤n h?o cho 1 nhu c?u ??n gi?n
  • 7. 4 LESSON LEARN Focus ? L¨¤m 1 app/game v¨¤ chau chu?t t?t nh?t ? Game ?n theo nh?n v?t n?i ti?ng ? Ph?n kh¨²c kh¨¢ch h¨¤ng t?t (Kid, Game) Over 5M Download up to now
  • 8. 4 LESSON LEARN Right time ? ?¨²ng l¨²c (ch?a c¨® c¨¢i app pro n¨¤o c?) ? ?¨¢p ?ng t?m l? ng??i d¨´ng, t?p kh¨¢ch h¨¤ng ? Pricing model h?p l?: $4.99, $3.99. $0.99 ?t nh?t 25k pay to download
  • 9. 4 LESSON LEARN Follow event ? T?t: kh?ng ai ti?c 15k VN? ? Vui v¨¤ c¨® th? mang ni?m vui cho ng??i kh¨¢c ? Model thu ti?n t?t: IAP (in-app purchase) ?t nh?t 100k t?i Doanh thu l?n h?n 500 tri?u
  • 10. 4 LESSON LEARN Classic ? Gameplay & h¨¬nh ?nh quen thu?c (thi?t k?) ? Lu?t ch?i ??n gi?n v¨¤ kh?ng t?n th?i gian ? FUN & JOY B?n t¨¤u by Twin Dragons & Gold Miner Ultimate by Afoli
  • 11. 4 LESSON LEARN Niche market ? ?t ??i th? c?nh tranh ? Ph?n kh¨²c nh? nh?ng nhu c?u r?t l?n (kh?ng b? m? n¨¤o ti?c con 10k ?? mua Video ??u) Trial & buy full or unlock full
  • 12. 4 LESSON Consistent ? ?¨¤o s?u v¨¤ l¨¤m t?t nh?t: USER EXPERIENCE ? S?n ph?m l¨¤ ?u ti¨ºn s? m?t ? Ki¨ºn ??nh, ch?a c¨® ti?n s?m th¨¬ s? c¨® nhi?u ti?n v? sau (??ng user l¨¤m g¨¬ ch? ???c)
  • 13. 4 T?NG K?T ? ? t??ng KH?NG quan tr?ng, quan tr?ng l¨¤ MAKE IT HAPPEN ? ??ng l¨¤m s?n ph?m b?n th¨ªch. H?y l¨¤m s?n ph?m user th¨ªch ? Content is the KING, user is the QUEEN (h?y ??i x? v?i user nh? l¨¤ n? ho¨¤ng: n?ng niu, s?n s¨®c, ch?m b¨®n¡­) ? C? g?ng l¨¤m ?a n?n t?ng v¨¤ maximize c? h?i c?a m¨¬nh ? Ch?n m?t ph?n kh¨²c kh¨¢ch h¨¤ng & t?p trung l¨¤m s?n ph?m t?t nh?t ph?c v? h? (l?u ? v? y?u t? th?i ?i?m) ? Ch?u kh¨® l?ng nghe v¨¤ ti?p thu (??ng ngh? m¨¬nh NGON) ? L¨¤m s?n ph?m m¨¤ b?n mu?n tr? ti?n ? ??ng phung ph¨ª c? h?i v¨¤ ngu?n l?c, c? h?i kh?ng c¨® nhi?u
  • 14. Over 8M millions smartphone users is waiting for your products Email: biz@appota.com PLEASE CONTACT US! THANK YOU 11