El documento presenta la identificaci坦n de un grupo y una instituci坦n llamada Agrupaci坦n 16/18. La agrupaci坦n tiene como misi坦n apoyar y orientar laboralmente a j坦venes de 16 a 18 a単os en la provincia de Buenos Aires y la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Su objetivo principal es ayudar a los j坦venes trabajadores a insertarse en el mercado laboral de manera segura y respaldada.
Codes and conventions of radio trailersKarolina019
Radio trailers follow certain codes and conventions to summarize and promote documentaries, including providing the title of the documentary, facts from it, quotes and sound clips within a voiceover narrative set to music that reflects the tone of the program, with the air time and channel listed at the end.
The document is a resume for Bill Savidge applying for a position as a Mortgage Loan Consultant. It summarizes his experience over 15 years working in mortgage lending and as a private business owner. Savidge's qualifications include a track record of achieving sales goals, developing long-term business relationships, and providing excellent customer service in both mortgage lending and business ownership roles.
ECO MAX, tinta eco solvente de 3捉 generaci坦n totalmente compatible con las tintas originales Eco-Sol-MAX de Roland, Eco-Ultra de Mutoh y equipos con cabezal Epson DX4, DX5, DX6 y DX7
Se instalaron tres laboratorios de computaci坦n con acceso a Internet a trav辿s de un solo router. Cada laboratorio recibi坦 una direcci坦n IP 炭nica para evitar conflictos de red. El router recibi坦 su propia direcci坦n IP distinta, la cual fue configurada en todas las computadoras para proporcionar acceso a Internet sin errores.
The document describes a class of students who become interested in insects after finding a bee in the schoolyard. They go on to find various other insects like grasshoppers, worms, and spiders. The students closely observe the insects, look them up in books, and add what they learn about each one to a guide about insects they find during the school year that they share with other classes. Their curiosity leads them to continue investigating and discovering more insects.
1) A group of students investigated why snakes shed their skin after finding a shed snake skin.
2) Through research in books, online, and by contacting experts, they learned that as snakes grow, their skin does not stretch so they shed it to make room for new skin underneath.
3) On a class trip to a farm with exotic animals, they were able to see a boa constrictor and get their question answered directly by the guide.
This document describes a project carried out by a group of young students to create a guide of insects and small animals found in their school patio. Over the course of several months, the students observe, collect, and study different insects, discussing and sharing what they learn. They create drawings and write descriptions to include in their guide. The project sparks the children's curiosity and engagement in learning about the natural world.
El documento presenta la identificaci坦n de un grupo y una instituci坦n llamada Agrupaci坦n 16/18. La agrupaci坦n tiene como misi坦n apoyar y orientar laboralmente a j坦venes de 16 a 18 a単os en la provincia de Buenos Aires y la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Su objetivo principal es ayudar a los j坦venes trabajadores a insertarse en el mercado laboral de manera segura y respaldada.
Codes and conventions of radio trailersKarolina019
Radio trailers follow certain codes and conventions to summarize and promote documentaries, including providing the title of the documentary, facts from it, quotes and sound clips within a voiceover narrative set to music that reflects the tone of the program, with the air time and channel listed at the end.
The document is a resume for Bill Savidge applying for a position as a Mortgage Loan Consultant. It summarizes his experience over 15 years working in mortgage lending and as a private business owner. Savidge's qualifications include a track record of achieving sales goals, developing long-term business relationships, and providing excellent customer service in both mortgage lending and business ownership roles.
ECO MAX, tinta eco solvente de 3捉 generaci坦n totalmente compatible con las tintas originales Eco-Sol-MAX de Roland, Eco-Ultra de Mutoh y equipos con cabezal Epson DX4, DX5, DX6 y DX7
Se instalaron tres laboratorios de computaci坦n con acceso a Internet a trav辿s de un solo router. Cada laboratorio recibi坦 una direcci坦n IP 炭nica para evitar conflictos de red. El router recibi坦 su propia direcci坦n IP distinta, la cual fue configurada en todas las computadoras para proporcionar acceso a Internet sin errores.
The document describes a class of students who become interested in insects after finding a bee in the schoolyard. They go on to find various other insects like grasshoppers, worms, and spiders. The students closely observe the insects, look them up in books, and add what they learn about each one to a guide about insects they find during the school year that they share with other classes. Their curiosity leads them to continue investigating and discovering more insects.
1) A group of students investigated why snakes shed their skin after finding a shed snake skin.
2) Through research in books, online, and by contacting experts, they learned that as snakes grow, their skin does not stretch so they shed it to make room for new skin underneath.
3) On a class trip to a farm with exotic animals, they were able to see a boa constrictor and get their question answered directly by the guide.
This document describes a project carried out by a group of young students to create a guide of insects and small animals found in their school patio. Over the course of several months, the students observe, collect, and study different insects, discussing and sharing what they learn. They create drawings and write descriptions to include in their guide. The project sparks the children's curiosity and engagement in learning about the natural world.
Los alumnos han mostrado mucho inter辿s en los p叩jaros. Han decorado el aula con flores y hecho dibujos. Algunos han tra鱈do casetas para p叩jaros que han observado y descrito. Quieren construir casetas propias y atraer p叩jaros al patio con pan. Han identificado plumas y aprendido nombres de aves. Buscar叩n m叩s informaci坦n sobre los p叩jaros que pueden encontrarse en su zona a trav辿s de libros y expertos.
El documento describe una clase de estudiantes discutiendo posibles explicaciones para las l鱈neas blancas en el cielo, como aviones, nubes o estrellas fugaces. Los estudiantes crean una cuenta de correo electr坦nico para comunicarse con un cient鱈fico y obtener m叩s informaci坦n. El cient鱈fico Daniel Closas visita la clase y explica que las l鱈neas son causadas por la condensaci坦n del vapor de agua en los motores de los aviones que vuelan a gran altura. Los estudiantes quedan impresionados y anotan algunas de sus
El resumen analiza un documento sobre una clase de primaria que estudia f坦siles. Los ni単os traen f坦siles de casa y los observan con lupas, libros e internet para identificarlos. Al principio creen que el f坦sil de la Ci坦 es de un escarabajo, pero luego piensan que puede ser una concha o erizo de mar. Finalmente, reciben una carta de un museo paleontol坦gico que identifica el f坦sil como de un erizo de mar del per鱈odo Eoceno.
This document discusses a weekly story time activity for children. Each week, children will enjoy both well-known and new stories. These stories help children develop their imagination, thinking, speaking, creativity and ability to express themselves through drawing and sharing.
The story discussed is "El petit globus vermell", a wordless picture book where children can describe what they see in the images and imagine what might happen next. After viewing the story together, the children had many ideas about what objects resemble a globe, such as the sun, a face, balls, a rock, and a snail shell. The children in the class then created their own globes and circles as artists.
El documento describe una clase de estudiantes discutiendo posibles explicaciones para las l鱈neas blancas en el cielo, como aviones, nubes o estrellas fugaces. Los estudiantes crean una cuenta de correo electr坦nico para comunicarse con un cient鱈fico y obtener m叩s informaci坦n. El cient鱈fico Daniel Closas visita la clase y explica que las l鱈neas son causadas por la condensaci坦n del vapor de agua en los motores de los aviones que vuelan a gran altura.
Les l鱈nies blanques del cel pastanaguesEscola11set
Este documento narra la historia de un grupo de ni単os que se preguntaron qu辿 eran las l鱈neas blancas que ve鱈an en el cielo. Investigaron el tema consultando libros, internet y contactando a un cient鱈fico llamado Daniel Closa. Finalmente, Daniel Closa visit坦 la escuela y les explic坦 que las l鱈neas blancas son nubes formadas por la condensaci坦n del vapor de agua en el paso de los aviones. Los ni単os quedaron satisfechos con la respuesta y el cient鱈fico agradeci坦 el regalo que le hicieron
Este documento describe una lecci坦n sobre por qu辿 se puede ver la luna durante el d鱈a. Los estudiantes observan y aprenden que la luna tiene cuatro fases (nueva, creciente, llena y menguante) y que siempre se ve una parte diferente dependiendo de su posici坦n entre la Tierra y el Sol. A trav辿s de la observaci坦n, experimentos y lectura, los estudiantes comprenden que la luna se mueve alrededor de la Tierra y ambos se mueven alrededor del Sol.
The document discusses fruits that are typical of autumn in Catalonia. Students brought in examples of seasonal fruits like chestnuts, walnuts, pumpkins, grapes, apples, avocados, lemons, oranges, mandarins, quinces, almonds and figs. The class enjoyed tasting, comparing and discussing the characteristics, forms and colors of the different fruits. Unexpectedly, a medlar tree in the schoolyard was flowering, which is unusual for this time of year.
The students in a preschool class were asked how they would like to decorate their classroom to make it beautiful. They all agreed that they wanted many flowers to make the classroom smell nice and some pictures hung on the walls. The children were then asked to bring flowers from home if they had any. They started bringing flowers in and observed and painted them. They also brought photographs of flowers and made a nice composition.
1. Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament dEnsenyament
Escola Font de lOrpina
Benvolgudes fam鱈lies,
Us fem saber que el dia 3 de desembre es convoquen eleccions per renovar la
meitat dels membres dels diferents sectors representats en el Consell Escolar de
A lentrada de lescola estar penjat el cens electoral de tots els pares i mares per a
que pugueu comprovar si les vostres dades s坦n correctes.
En cas que alg炭 vulgui presentar-se com a candidat a les eleccions pel sector de
pares i mares, caldr que passi per la secretaria de lescola a buscar limpr竪s.
Tota la informaci坦 ser exposada a la cartellera del centre a lentrada principal, en
les dates que la llei preveu, i tamb辿 ho anirem penjant a la pgina web de lescola.
renovaci坦 Calendari Escola Font de lOrpina
El/la director/a convoca les eleccions: dies, hores de
votaci坦 i lloc.
3 de desembre
Publicaci坦 del cens electoral provisional de cada sector
Publicaci坦 del nombre de representants de cada sector
que shan de renovar
4-5 i 10 de
desembre Reclamacions al cens electoral
Del 10 al 14 de
desembre Presentaci坦 de candidatures
11 de SORTEIG per tal de designar els membres vocals de
9:15 hores
desembre les meses electorals
Constituci坦 de les meses electorals: pares i mestres
13 de
Resoluci坦 de les reclamacions i aprovaci坦 del cens
definitiu Publicaci坦 del cens definitiu
Fins el 14 Presentaci坦 de sol揃licituds per actuar com a supervisor
desembre de les meses electorals respectives
17 de
desembre Publicaci坦 candidatures
Fins l11 de Els candidats poden donar a con竪ixer les seves
gener propostes
2. 14 de gener Elecci坦 de mestres (2) 12:30 hores
15 de gener Elecci坦 de mares i pares (2) De 15h a 18h
15 de gener Elecci坦 PAS (1) 14:30 hores
Fins 18 de
Notificaci坦 del representant de l'Ajuntament
Notificaci坦 del representant de l'AMPA
Dimarts 22 de
Constituci坦 del Consell Escolar resultant
Des de lescola us animem a participar del proc辿s.
La direcci坦
Vacarisses, 29 de novembre de 2012