3. Khi 畉y, c坦 nhi畛u 叩m
担ng c湛ng i v畛i
Ch炭a Gi棚su, Ng動畛i
ngo畉nh l畉i b畉o h畛
Great crowds
accompanied Jesus on
his way and he turned
and spoke to them
4. If any man comes to
me without hating his
father, mother, wife,
children, brothers,
sisters, yes and his
own life too, he
cannot be my disciple.
N畉u ai 畉n v畛i Ta m
kh担ng b畛 cha m畉,
v畛 con, anh ch畛 em
v c畉 m畉ng s畛ng
m狸nh, th狸 kh担ng
th畛 lm m担n 畛
5. C嘆n ai kh担ng v叩c
th畉p gi叩 m狸nh m
theo Ta, th狸 kh担ng
th畛 lm m担n 畛 Ta.
Anyone who does
not carry his cross
and come after me
cannot be my
6. C坦 ai trong c叩c ng動董i
mu畛n x但y th叩p m
tr動畛c ti棚n kh担ng ng畛i
t鱈nh to叩n ph鱈 t畛n c畉n
thi畉t, xem c坦 畛 畛
hon t畉t kh担ng?
And indeed, which of you
here, intending to build a
tower, would not first sit
down and work out the
cost to see if he had
enough to complete it?
7. K畉o 畉t m坦ng r畛i m
kh担ng th畛 hon t畉t,
th狸 m畛i ng動畛i xem
th畉y s畉 ch畉 gi畛u
ng動畛i 坦 r畉ng: 'T棚n
ny kh畛i s畛 x但y c畉t
m kh担ng hon
thnh n畛i'.
Otherwise, if he laid the foundation
and then found himself unable to finish
the work, the onlookers would all start
making fun of him and saying, Here is
a man who started to build and was
unable to finish.
8. Ho畉c c坦
vua no s畉p
i giao
chi畉n v畛i
m畛t vua
Or again, what
king marching
to war against
another king
9. m tr動畛c ti棚n kh担ng
ng畛i suy ngh挑 xem m狸nh
c坦 th畛 em m動畛i ngn
qu但n ra 動董ng 畉u v畛i
畛i ph動董ng d畉n hai
m動董i ngn qu但n ti畉n
叩nh m狸nh chng?would not first sit down
and consider whether
with ten thousand men
he could stand up to the
other who advanced
against him with twenty
10. B畉ng ch畉ng n畛i,
th狸 khi 畛i ph動董ng
c嘆n 畛 xa, vua 畉y sai
m畛t ph叩i on
畉n c畉u ho.
If not, then while the
other king was still a long
way off, he would send
envoys to sue for peace.
11. C滴ng th畉, b畉t k畛 ai
trong c叩c ng動董i
kh担ng t畛 b畛 t畉t c畉
c畛a c畉i m狸nh c坦,
th狸 kh担ng th畛
lm m担n 畛 Ta"
So in the same way,
none of you can be
my disciple unless he
gives up all his