Pinning laterale bloccato del radio distale: tecnica di LegnagoAlberto Mantovani
CORSO ANNUALE S.E.R.T.O.T. 2013, Piacenza
Fratture di polso
Pinning laterale bloccato del radio distale: Tecnica di Legnago
Osteosintesi percutanea del radio distale: Tecnica di Legnago (2013)Alberto Mantovani
Purpose: We have developed and used a system of percutaneous fixation of unstable distal radius fractures (DRF)
using 4 Kirschner (K) wires. These wires are passed from the lateral side of the radius and connected among themselves
using a clamp. We call this the Legnago technique and the objective of this study is to standardize the
method and make it safe and easily reproducible. Methods: 27 patients aged from 45 to 102, 3 men and 24 women,
were treated using this technique. The indications were strictly limited to type A2 and A3 of the AO classification,
excluding the A3.3. These were usually emergency procedures, performed under local anaesthesia and under
image intensifier control. We recommend a small incision at the entry point of each K wire and blunt dissection up
to the bone in order to avoid impalement of vessels, tendons or nerves.We follow a standard sequence of passing four
K wires, starting with a 2 mm K wire from the radial styloid into the medullary canal of the radius. This is inserted
dorsal to the tendons of the first extensor compartment. The K wire was mounted on a Jacobs chuck handle and
was pre-bent at its leading end to around 30 degrees. This helps to control the direction of the wire within the bone
and, also, helps in achieving the reduction. The subsequent three wires of diameter 1.8 mm are passed using a motorised
drill from the lateral aspect of the lower end of the radius across the fracture site to engage the opposite cortex.
Finally, each of the wires is bent adequately in a convergent direction along the axis of the wrist on the lateral side
and held together with the help of a clamp. Results: Each patient was evaluated according to MayoWrist Score criteria,
with a follow-up ranging from 4-26 months.We noted 17 excellent results, 7 good and 3 satisfactory. Radiological
consolidation of the fracture was achieved in each patient, at an average delay of 40 days. Union occurred
with no change in the radiological parameters achieved by the operation. The complications included three cases of
superficial infection around the K wires and a partial lesion of the superficial radial nerve. The patients regained
complete autonomy in the use of the affected upper limb for activities of daily living within a week from the operation.
None of the patients underwent supervised physiotherapy. Conclusions: The Legnago technique of percutaneous
fixation of the DRF has proved efficacious in the treatment of unstable extra-articular fractures. The particular
arrangement of insertion of the K-wires and their connection using an external fixator clamp allowed early
active mobilisation of the wrist without plaster support. This concurs with recent experimental demonstrations according
to which the biomechanical stability of the percutaneous fixation of the DRF with externally connected
crossing K wires is superimposable to that obtained by volar locked plates. RivChirMano 2012; 3: 339-349
Cos'竪 un'ernia inguinale? Storia ed attualit della terapia chirurgicaSalvatore Cuccomarino
Cos'竪 un'ernia inguinale, storia della chirurgia dell'ernia, tecnica di Trabucco, tecnica laparoscopica TAPP
What is an inguinal hernia, history of hernia surgery, Trabucco technique, TAPP technique
Evoluzione del trattamento ortodontico [modalit compatibilit]Mario Mosconi
Questo corso 竪 dedicato allo studio ed allapplicazione pratica della tecnica ortodontica GEAW ( Gummetal Edgewise Arch Wire ) che in pratica riprende la filosofia e la meccanica della tecnica MEAW di Kim-Sato ma utilizza un filo molto particolare (Gummetal) che permette lesecuzioni di anse semplificate, di facile esecuzione da parte delloperatore ma soprattutto di minor ingombro e fastidio per il paziente rispetto alle classiche scarpette della tecnica originale. Il Gumetal 竪 filo elasto-plastico nano strutturato, costituito da una lega di titanio dotato di estrema elasticit ma che, a differenza dei classici fili superelastici, mantiene la piegatura.
La tecnica MEAW/GEAW ha grandi potenzialit e trova indicazione in molte disgnazie complesse, complicate o meno da problematiche temporo-mandibolari, o ad alta percentuale prognostica chirurgica. Imparerete praticamente a costruire gli archi e acquisirete le meccaniche di trattamento per i vari tipi di malocclusione ma attenzione, per quanto fantastica questa 竪 solo una tecnica. La cosa pi湛 importante 竪 e deve rimanere la diagnosi!
La tecnica va inscritta e reinterpretata secondo i principi della nostra scuola in una visione globale del soggetto, con particolare riguardo alle dinamiche gnato-posturali. Per questo il corso 竪 riservato esclusivamente a coloro i quali abbiamo gi ricevuto una preparazione in tal senso.
Master of Surgery thesis by Dr Sanjoy Sanyal in JIPMER Pondicherry India, under guidance of Dr R. B. Mehta.
Shows some causative factors of recurrent inguinal hernia following Bassini-type of repair, and illustrates some steps of repair of recurrent inguinal hernias without using prosthetic materials.
Recurrent Hernia: A surgical challenge
Following slides show Pathology and Pathophysiology of Recurrences
Especially following previous Bassini-type of Inguinal Hernia repair
Recurrences are classified as Medial / Lateral depending on their relation to Inferior Epigastric Artery
Last few slides show repair techniques without using prosthetic material
Laparoscopic anatomy of inguinal canalGergis Rabea
This document provides an in-depth overview of the anatomy of the inguinal region as viewed laparoscopically. It describes key anatomical landmarks such as Cooper's ligament, the umbilical artery, and epigastric vessels that define the spaces where direct and indirect inguinal hernias occur. Understanding the complex relationships between osseofascial, vascular, and visceral structures in the preperitoneal space is essential to avoid injury during laparoscopic hernia repair.
Osteosintesi percutanea del radio distale: Tecnica di Legnago (2013)Alberto Mantovani
Purpose: We have developed and used a system of percutaneous fixation of unstable distal radius fractures (DRF)
using 4 Kirschner (K) wires. These wires are passed from the lateral side of the radius and connected among themselves
using a clamp. We call this the Legnago technique and the objective of this study is to standardize the
method and make it safe and easily reproducible. Methods: 27 patients aged from 45 to 102, 3 men and 24 women,
were treated using this technique. The indications were strictly limited to type A2 and A3 of the AO classification,
excluding the A3.3. These were usually emergency procedures, performed under local anaesthesia and under
image intensifier control. We recommend a small incision at the entry point of each K wire and blunt dissection up
to the bone in order to avoid impalement of vessels, tendons or nerves.We follow a standard sequence of passing four
K wires, starting with a 2 mm K wire from the radial styloid into the medullary canal of the radius. This is inserted
dorsal to the tendons of the first extensor compartment. The K wire was mounted on a Jacobs chuck handle and
was pre-bent at its leading end to around 30 degrees. This helps to control the direction of the wire within the bone
and, also, helps in achieving the reduction. The subsequent three wires of diameter 1.8 mm are passed using a motorised
drill from the lateral aspect of the lower end of the radius across the fracture site to engage the opposite cortex.
Finally, each of the wires is bent adequately in a convergent direction along the axis of the wrist on the lateral side
and held together with the help of a clamp. Results: Each patient was evaluated according to MayoWrist Score criteria,
with a follow-up ranging from 4-26 months.We noted 17 excellent results, 7 good and 3 satisfactory. Radiological
consolidation of the fracture was achieved in each patient, at an average delay of 40 days. Union occurred
with no change in the radiological parameters achieved by the operation. The complications included three cases of
superficial infection around the K wires and a partial lesion of the superficial radial nerve. The patients regained
complete autonomy in the use of the affected upper limb for activities of daily living within a week from the operation.
None of the patients underwent supervised physiotherapy. Conclusions: The Legnago technique of percutaneous
fixation of the DRF has proved efficacious in the treatment of unstable extra-articular fractures. The particular
arrangement of insertion of the K-wires and their connection using an external fixator clamp allowed early
active mobilisation of the wrist without plaster support. This concurs with recent experimental demonstrations according
to which the biomechanical stability of the percutaneous fixation of the DRF with externally connected
crossing K wires is superimposable to that obtained by volar locked plates. RivChirMano 2012; 3: 339-349
Cos'竪 un'ernia inguinale? Storia ed attualit della terapia chirurgicaSalvatore Cuccomarino
Cos'竪 un'ernia inguinale, storia della chirurgia dell'ernia, tecnica di Trabucco, tecnica laparoscopica TAPP
What is an inguinal hernia, history of hernia surgery, Trabucco technique, TAPP technique
Evoluzione del trattamento ortodontico [modalit compatibilit]Mario Mosconi
Questo corso 竪 dedicato allo studio ed allapplicazione pratica della tecnica ortodontica GEAW ( Gummetal Edgewise Arch Wire ) che in pratica riprende la filosofia e la meccanica della tecnica MEAW di Kim-Sato ma utilizza un filo molto particolare (Gummetal) che permette lesecuzioni di anse semplificate, di facile esecuzione da parte delloperatore ma soprattutto di minor ingombro e fastidio per il paziente rispetto alle classiche scarpette della tecnica originale. Il Gumetal 竪 filo elasto-plastico nano strutturato, costituito da una lega di titanio dotato di estrema elasticit ma che, a differenza dei classici fili superelastici, mantiene la piegatura.
La tecnica MEAW/GEAW ha grandi potenzialit e trova indicazione in molte disgnazie complesse, complicate o meno da problematiche temporo-mandibolari, o ad alta percentuale prognostica chirurgica. Imparerete praticamente a costruire gli archi e acquisirete le meccaniche di trattamento per i vari tipi di malocclusione ma attenzione, per quanto fantastica questa 竪 solo una tecnica. La cosa pi湛 importante 竪 e deve rimanere la diagnosi!
La tecnica va inscritta e reinterpretata secondo i principi della nostra scuola in una visione globale del soggetto, con particolare riguardo alle dinamiche gnato-posturali. Per questo il corso 竪 riservato esclusivamente a coloro i quali abbiamo gi ricevuto una preparazione in tal senso.
Master of Surgery thesis by Dr Sanjoy Sanyal in JIPMER Pondicherry India, under guidance of Dr R. B. Mehta.
Shows some causative factors of recurrent inguinal hernia following Bassini-type of repair, and illustrates some steps of repair of recurrent inguinal hernias without using prosthetic materials.
Recurrent Hernia: A surgical challenge
Following slides show Pathology and Pathophysiology of Recurrences
Especially following previous Bassini-type of Inguinal Hernia repair
Recurrences are classified as Medial / Lateral depending on their relation to Inferior Epigastric Artery
Last few slides show repair techniques without using prosthetic material
Laparoscopic anatomy of inguinal canalGergis Rabea
This document provides an in-depth overview of the anatomy of the inguinal region as viewed laparoscopically. It describes key anatomical landmarks such as Cooper's ligament, the umbilical artery, and epigastric vessels that define the spaces where direct and indirect inguinal hernias occur. Understanding the complex relationships between osseofascial, vascular, and visceral structures in the preperitoneal space is essential to avoid injury during laparoscopic hernia repair.
This document provides information on direct and indirect inguinal hernias, including their anatomy and symptoms. It also describes the laparoscopic procedure for treating inguinal hernias, including positioning the patient, dissecting the hernia sac, placing mesh to cover the defect, and post-operative care. The laparoscopic approach has advantages over open surgery such as smaller incisions, less tissue disruption, and less post-operative pain, though it requires practice to learn.
1) Inguinal hernias are common, with approximately 700,000 repairs performed annually in the US, mostly occurring in males.
2) There are two main types of inguinal hernias - indirect and direct. Indirect hernias are congenital while direct hernias are acquired lesions that occur through the posterior inguinal wall.
3) Common surgical repair options include the Lichtenstein tension-free repair using mesh, the Shouldice repair with overlapping tissue layers, and laparoscopic repairs like TAPP and TEP which utilize a mesh placed laparoscopically.
Surgical Options In The Management Of Hernia Repairsafarmas
This document outlines surgical options for inguinal hernias. It discusses the definition and types of hernias, including inguinal and femoral hernias. For surgical management, it describes open hernia repair techniques like Bassini, Shouldice, and tension-free repairs using mesh, as well as laparoscopic approaches like TAPP and TEP. Complications are also outlined. The goal of hernia surgery is to reduce hernia contents and repair the defect using herniorrhaphy or hernioplasty techniques to minimize recurrence.
This is a case study done by me as a part of my in-service education progamme in my institution...hope this may help all nurses who wants to do a case study.
Laparoscopic vs Open Inguinal Hernia repairAndrew Wright
This document discusses different types of hernia repair techniques including open and laparoscopic approaches. It provides details on various open tissue repair techniques as well as open mesh repairs like Lichtenstein repair. Laparoscopic repairs like TEP and TAPP are discussed along with their advantages of less pain and faster recovery compared to open repairs. However, laparoscopic repairs are noted to be more technically challenging. Several studies comparing open and laparoscopic outcomes are summarized, finding laparoscopic repairs result in less short-term pain and faster recovery but higher recurrence rates, especially among low-volume surgeons. The document emphasizes the importance of not reserving laparoscopic repairs only for more complex cases in order to overcome the learning curve.
L'invenzione rappresenta strumento che va aggiunto come un cappuccio alla punta di un endoscopio. Il cappuccio contiene un robot di teleoperazione con 2 bracci che il chirurgo/endoscopista pu嘆 controllare con una console ergonomica.
5. Risk factors for long-term pain after hernia surgery. 2006 Aug;244(2):212-9.
Fr辰nneby U, Sandblom G, Nordin P, Nyr辿n O, Gunnarsson U.
Department of Surgery, S旦dersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden.
Nel 2003 fu inviato un questionario a 2853 pazienti operati di ernia
negli anni precedenti.
Di questi 2456 (86%) risposero allintervista con questo risultato:
758 (31%) riferivano episodi di dolore a 2 -3 anni
144 (6%) riferiva che il dolore pregiudicava lo svolgimento delle
attivit quotidiane
11. La propriet autofissante 竪 determinata da monofilamento di PLA che si
intreccia con lo scheletro della protesi in materiale tradizionale non assorbibile
(PP PET) terminando con microancorette per tutta la superfice della protesi
Affinit specifica per il tessuto muscolare e nessuna interferenza
con il tessuto nervoso ed aponeurotico
Rete prima del Rete dopo il
riassorbimento del riassorbimento del
73g/m族 38g/m族
PLA monofilamento
PET monofilamento
non riassorbibile
12. A differenza delle altre protesi, che necessitano di un
sistema di fissaggio, quelle autoancoranti, grazie alla
presenza delle ancorette, aderiscono per tutta la superficie e
non solo nei punti, dove sono le suture:
14. 2006: inizio sperimentazione
2008: fine sperimentazione
2009: pubblicazione su Hernia
Nel modello animale (rat model) lintegrazione tessutale
della Progrip a 2 mesi 竪 notevolmente superiore alle protesi
con fissaggio tradizionale
"Comparison of a new self-gripping mesh with other fixation methods for laparoscopic hernia
repair in a rat model
Hollinsky C, Kolbe T, Walter I, Joachim A, Sandberg S, Koch T, R端licke T
Department of Surgery, Kaiserin Elisabeth Hospital, Vienna, Austria.
Riduzione del dolore post operatorio
Riduzione dei tempi operatori 51 min. in media rispetto ai
Self-fixating mesh for the Lichtenstein procedure--a prestudy.
Kapischke M, Schulze H, Caliebe A
Department of Surgery, Vivantes Klinikum Spandau, Berlin, Germany
Nessun danno o stenosi a 2 mesi sui dotti deferenti su
modello animale
Influence of a new self-gripping hernia mesh on male fertility in a rat model.
Kolbe, T; Hollinsky, C; Walter, I; Joachim, A; R端licke, T.
Biomodels Austria, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
Riduzione del dolore post-operatorio in 1^ e 7^ giornata;
rapida ripresa delle attivit quotidiane.
"Influence of nerve resection on postoperative pain following the use of non-sutured
ProGrip mesh repair vs sutured Lichtenstein mesh repair in open inguinal herniography.
Smeds S, L旦fstr旦m L, Eriksson O.
Link旦ping University,, Sweden
Riduzione del dolore post-operatorio; riduzione dei
tempi operatori: maggior comfort per i pazienti;
nessun aumento di recidive.
Randomized controlled multicenter international clinical trial of self-gripping Parietex
ProGrip polyester mesh versus lightweight polypropylene mesh in open inguinal hernia repair:
interim results at 3 months.
Department of Surgery, Derriford Hospital, Derriford Road, GB-Plymouth, PL6, UK.
20. 束is a step up in open mesh repair
and should, in a short period of
time, become the standard of care.損
21. La protesi
La rete 竪 di forma ovale; la parte superiore 竪 liscia, mentre quella inferiore 竪
provvista di micro-ancorette, che ne determinano la caratteristica
E dotata di un flap autoancorante e di un marcatore colorato, posto ad una
delle due estremit, che ne determina il verso.
22. La tecnica APOM
Anterior ProGrip Onlay Mesh
Intervento sovrapponibile alla classica Lichteinstein
23. Ripiegare la protesi su se stessa in modo da ridurre la
superficie in contatto con i tessuti sottostanti nel momento
252 casi
Ritorno alle
attivit:5/6 gg.
Ritorno al
lavoro: 10/11gg
Dolore post-
1.2-1.3 prima
Percentuale di recidive insignificante
Rischio di dolore cronico insignificante
Comfort per il paziente maggiore
Tempi operatori ridotti
Rischio di infertilit nessuno
Curva di apprendimento bassa
Costi contenuti
30. Facile da utilizzare 80
Veloce da applicare
15 sec.
Nessuna recidiva registrata
31. Significativa riduzione del dolore nel primo giorno dopo
lintervento ed in prima settimana
Minor costo sociale