The document discusses the imperfect tense in Finnish. It provides examples of regular and irregular verbs in the imperfect tense and how to form wh- and yes/no questions in the imperfect. It includes exercises to practice conjugating common verbs in the imperfect tense and examples of expressions used to indicate past time frames.
The document provides information about adverbs of frequency used to describe daily routines and habits. It lists common adverbs like always, usually, often, rarely, and never and pairs them with examples of frequencies like once a day, twice a week, 3 times a month, and 4 times a year.
Schnellübersicht über die ¹ó¾±²Ô²¹±ô²õä³Ù³ú±ð
Quick reference on consecutive clauses
Perfekt - Theorie und Beispiele
Perfekt mit "sein" und mit "haben"
Regelmässige und unregelmässige Verben im Perfekt.
This document provides suggestions for expressing personal opinions and general opinions. When expressing a personal opinion, use phrases like "in my opinion" or "as I see it." Provide reasons and evidence to support your personal view. When expressing a general opinion, avoid absolute statements and attribute the view to "some people" or "most people." Provide details to back up the general opinion. You can agree or disagree with others' opinions as long as you have reasons for your own view. The document encourages respectful discussion and exchange of different perspectives.
The document provides information about adverbs of frequency used to describe daily routines and habits. It lists common adverbs like always, usually, often, rarely, and never and pairs them with examples of frequencies like once a day, twice a week, 3 times a month, and 4 times a year.
Schnellübersicht über die ¹ó¾±²Ô²¹±ô²õä³Ù³ú±ð
Quick reference on consecutive clauses
Perfekt - Theorie und Beispiele
Perfekt mit "sein" und mit "haben"
Regelmässige und unregelmässige Verben im Perfekt.
This document provides suggestions for expressing personal opinions and general opinions. When expressing a personal opinion, use phrases like "in my opinion" or "as I see it." Provide reasons and evidence to support your personal view. When expressing a general opinion, avoid absolute statements and attribute the view to "some people" or "most people." Provide details to back up the general opinion. You can agree or disagree with others' opinions as long as you have reasons for your own view. The document encourages respectful discussion and exchange of different perspectives.
Finnish has several distinctive features that make its language and pronunciation unique:
1) Gemination, where the first consonant of the following word is doubled if it begins with a vowel.
2) Long and short vowels that impact pronunciation and meaning.
3) Consonant gradation where consonants like K, P, and T change form depending on suffixes added.
4) A complex system of stems, suffixes, endings and cases that determine verbs, nouns and their relationships in sentences.
The document provides examples of spoken Finnish language used in various everyday situations and contexts. It includes common phrases, verbs, pronouns and questions used for introducing oneself, asking for and giving information, making requests, discussing present and past events, needs, activities, locations and travel plans. The document is intended to help learners practice and familiarize themselves with colloquial spoken Finnish.
Johan Ludvig Runeberg was a Finnish poet celebrated on Runeberg Day each February 5th by eating Runberg Cakes. The document provides a recipe for Runberg Cakes in Finnish, including instructions for making the dough, baking the muffins, and decorating them with raspberry jam and icing sugar. It notes that Runeberg apparently enjoyed these cakes, and that his wife Fredrika, herself a writer and pioneer for women in journalism, was originally known for baking the cakes that bear their name.
This document provides information about Finnish housing and living customs. It describes common house types like detached houses (omakotitalo), apartments of different sizes (yksio, kaksio, kolmio), and buildings with multiple apartments. It discusses housebuilding traditions like talkoot where neighbors help each other. It also covers housewarming party etiquette like bringing salt and bread as a gift and taking shoes off inside. Overall, the document aims to teach English learners vocabulary and expressions related to Finnish homes, invitations, and social interactions.
The document discusses the genitive case in Finnish. It notes that the ending of the singular genitive is -n. It is used to express possession like in English. The stem form without the -n ending is needed to form other cases in Finnish. It also discusses consonant changes that occur in different cases, like t becoming d, and provides examples like katu becoming kadun in the genitive case. It includes a table showing the main consonant changes that are integral to the Finnish language.
Finns enjoy reading, using libraries, and newspapers. They also enjoy social media, television, radio, and a variety of musical genres. Popular outdoor activities include ice hockey, baseball, skiing, cycling, and visiting saunas. Open-air dances are a part of Finnish culture where people gather to socialize and experience music and potential romance. Nature is an important part of Finnish life and culture.
This document provides vocabulary and phrases for talking about food and ordering in a restaurant in Finnish. It includes words for common foods, meals, drinks and dishes. Phrases are presented for having a conversation with a waiter at a restaurant where you can ask questions about the menu options and place an order. Specific foods that are highlighted include salmon, potato mash, mineral water, ice cream and coffee.
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1. Ritva Tammi 2011
(Countables ja Uncountables)
 substantiivit, jotka ovat esineiden, olentojen ja tapahtumien nimityksiä
= laskettavissa olevat substantiivit
o niiden tarkoittamia asioita voidaan laskea yksitellen
o niillä on yksikkö- ja monikkomuoto
a computer computers
an editor editors
a journey journeys
an accident accidents
 substantiivit, jotka tarkoittavat ainetta, ominaisuutta tai käsitettä
 niitä ei voi laskea yksitellen
o ei voi edeltää a/an artikkeli
o ei käytetä monikossa
ï‚· HUOM! bread ja soap ovat englannissa vain ainesanoja (eli U-sanoja), mutta suomen
kielessä voivat tarkoittaa myös yhtä esinettä
a loaf (of bread) = (yksi) leipä
a bar of soap = (yksi) saippua
I bought a loaf of bread and two bars of soap.
 eräät englannin substantiivit ovat U-sanoja, vaikka niiden vastineet suomessa voivat olla
yksikössä ja monikossa.
o tavallisimpia ovat:
advice neuvo, neuvot
equipment varuste, varusteet
furniture kalusto, huonekalut
information tieto, tiedot
luggage (GB) matkatavarat
baggage (US)
money raha, rahat
news uutinen, uutiset
o tämän ryhmän sanoista on muistettava:
 niiden kanssa verbi on yksikössä
 niihin viitataan yksikössä olevalla pronominilla
 niiden edessä ei voi olla epämääräistä artikkelia a/an
Here is the 9 o’clock news.
No news is good news.
We got some information yesterday, but it proved wrong.
o kyseisistä sanoista voidaan muodostaa yksikön tapaisia ilmauksia esimerkiksi näin:
 an item/a piece of news
 a piece/a word/a bit of advice
 Ann gave me a useful bit of advice.
3.  useat substantiivit voivat olla sekä C- että U -sanoja sen mukaan, minkä merkityksen
niille annamme.
o Esimerkiksi:
U-sanoja: C-sanoja:
art taide an art taidelaji
crime rikollisuus a crime (tietty) rikos
glass lasi (aine) a glass lasi, juomalasi
industry teollisuus an industry elinkeino,
teollisuuden haara
nature luonto a nature luonne
room tilaa a room huone
trade kauppa, kaupankäynti a trade ammatti
work työ a work teos, taideteos
Do you like ice-cream? ice-cream ainesanana ïƒ Uncountable
Two ice-creams, please. ice-cream = jäätelöannos ïƒ Countable
Life is hard at present. life abstraktina sanana ïƒ Uncountable
Two lives were lost in the accident. life = ihmishenki ïƒ Countable
 usein on kaksi samaa asiaa merkitsevää sanaa, joista toinen on U-sana ja toinen C-sana.
U-sanoja: C-sanoja:
work työ a job työpaikka
clothing vaatteet a garment vaatekappale
machinery koneisto, laitteet a machine kone
luggage matkatavarat a suitcase matkalaukku
travel matkailu a trip matka
a journey