Este documento presenta una introducci坦n al M坦dulo III sobre liderazgo. Explica que el liderazgo implica a una persona que ejerce influencia sobre otros con un prop坦sito particular, de una manera espec鱈fica y con ciertos resultados. Luego, ofrece definiciones de liderazgo que enfatizan la capacidad de guiar a otros para alcanzar objetivos organizacionales a trav辿s de la motivaci坦n e influencia. Finalmente, resume los diferentes enfoques sobre liderazgo, incluyendo los enfoques basados en rasgos, conducta, poder-influencia
This document provides information about connecting and participating in ProductCamp events in Boston through their website, social media accounts, and online sharing platforms. It encourages attendees to continue discussions online using relevant hashtags, join social groups, and share any presentations or videos from the event. Contact information is also provided for any questions or suggestions about future ProductCamp events.
Microsoft Word es una aplicaci坦n de procesamiento de textos creada por Microsoft que se incluye en Microsoft Office. Originalmente fue desarrollado para computadoras IBM que usaban DOS en 1983 y ahora est叩 disponible para Windows y Mac como parte de Microsoft Office 2016. Actualmente, Microsoft Word es el procesador de textos m叩s popular del mundo.
Este taller tiene como objetivos que los asistentes conozcan los 辿nfasis actuales de la evaluaci坦n del aprendizaje en la universidad, se pongan en contacto con recursos sobre evaluaci坦n universitaria en Internet, y analicen las ventajas, limitaciones y problemas de diferentes tipos de pruebas. El taller cubrir叩 temas como tipos de pruebas, formaci坦n y evaluaci坦n de competencias a trav辿s de trabajos, preguntas abiertas y objetivas, ex叩menes orales, y evaluaci坦n de trabajos en grupo y actitudes. La metodolog鱈a incluye ex
Metode edit by camera merupakan teknik pengambilan gambar untuk pembuatan video dimana sekuens akan terlihat utuh tanpa potongan. Hal penting yang harus diperhatikan meliputi membayangkan alur cerita, menyusun daftar shot, durasi shot yang tepat, dan kontinuitas antar shot.
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de los procesos de industrializaci坦n y su impacto ambiental a lo largo de los siglos XX y XXI. Inicialmente, las medidas para mitigar el da単o ambiental eran reactivas y no reduc鱈an el consumo de recursos. M叩s tarde, en las d辿cadas de 1960 y 1970, surgieron pr叩cticas ambientales para reducir los impactos. Posteriormente se introdujeron conceptos como prevenci坦n de la contaminaci坦n y producci坦n m叩s limpia. La ecolog鱈a industrial busca imitar los ecosistemas naturales cerrando los ciclos de
The document discusses various aspects of caring for conscious and unconscious patients, including hygiene, comfort, diet, exercise, brushing, bathing, hair washing, nail care, combing hair, applying lotion and powder, changing dress, providing emollients to lips, making the bed, toileting, positioning limbs and back comfortably, communicating with patients, guiding them to move and lift, and providing pillows. It also discusses catheter types, bed pans, commodes, toilets, taking care of bedsores through massage, changing position, sponge baths, special beds, and applying emollients. Feeding techniques mentioned include NG tubes, gastrostomy tubes, IV infusion, and oral feeding
Development of a secure e-commerce system based on PKI (in Hungarian)Csaba Krasznay
The goal of my thesis is the development of an electronic commerce system which complies with general practical security requirements and has the ability for handling commerce transactions which are authenticated with digital signatures. To ensure a proper level of security risk assessment should be completed, which exposes the potential defects and risks. I suggest protection measures to avoid the arising risks and defects.
ERP for university
II./a Theory: Pricing of ERP systems
Based on what criteria companies choose an ERP system
Pricing of ERP systems and related costs
Licenses, subscriptions and maintenance fee
Implementation costs
Types of testing and their cost
Exercise II./b: Recording master data
Recording of partners in the prodHost system (buyer, supplier)
Creating articles in the prodHost system (finished product, raw material)
Possibilities of IT security evaluations based on Common Criteria in Hungary ...Csaba Krasznay
The presentation gives some information about Common Critera and talks about the possibilities of Hungarian IT developers if they want to get the certification for their products.
ttekint辿s az IT biztons叩gtechnikai k旦zbeszerz辿sekkel kapcsolatos legfontosabb inform叩ci坦kr坦l.
Tov叩bbi inform叩ci坦辿rt k辿rj端k l叩togasson el honlapunkra 辿s vegye fel a kapcsolatot szak辿rtinkkel:
Security analysis and development opportunities of Hungarian e-government (in...Csaba Krasznay
In 2009 and 2010 a huge development is expected in the Hungarian e-government system. Although information security aspects have an emphasized role solid principals and practices hasnt been identified for the developments. This study reviews the design directions of the Hungarian e-government and presents some predictable IT security risks. This is done by the formalism of Common Criteria standard considering the governmental expectations. In the following chapter the author studies the current recommendations which are useable during the design and implementation and then outlines the ideal direction with the analysis of the Japanese example. Last it represents the overall security situation of the Hungarian e-government system and proposes some scientific topics for the improvement.
VI. Elm辿let - Kitekint辿s az ERP-n t炭lra .pptxSzabolcs Guly叩s
VI./a Theory: Outlook beyond ERP
IPAR4 solutions link with ERP systems
Accounting processes
What other systems are there?
Exercise VI./b: Execution of production
Production description of the completed product.
Execution of production
Delivery: Delivery note and invoice
Biztons叩g a felhben - Fokozd v叩llalatod adatbiztons叩g叩t a hibrid munka leg炭j...Peter Torbagyi
Az iSolutions Informatikai Zrt. ebookja a felhalap炭 adatbiztons叩g fontoss叩g叩t 辿s a hibrid munkav辿gz辿s jelentette 炭j kih鱈v叩sokat t叩rgyalja. Az anyag betekint辿st ny炭jt a modern kiberbiztons叩gi vesz辿lyekbe 辿s megmutatja, hogyan cs旦kkenthetik a v叩llalatok a kock叩zatokat a Google Workspace 辿s m叩s felhrendszerek seg鱈ts辿g辿vel. Az ebook gyakorlati tan叩csokat ad a c辿geknek a rugalmas, m辿gis biztons叩gos munkahelyi k旦rnyezet megteremt辿s辿hez.
A digit叩lis 叩t叩ll叩s sor叩n a v叩llalatok egyre ink叩bb szembes端lnek a t叩vmunka kih鱈v叩saival. Az ebook kit辿r a legfontosabb biztons叩gi int辿zked辿sekre, mint a v辿gpontv辿delem, a Zero Trust megk旦zel鱈t辿s 辿s a felhben k鱈n叩lt folyamatos friss鱈t辿sek, amelyek v辿delmet ny炭jtanak a k端l旦nb旦z t叩mad叩sokkal szemben, 辿s seg鱈tik a v叩llalkoz叩sokat az adatv辿delem fenntart叩s叩ban.
English Description:
iSolutions Informatikai Zrt.'s ebook delves into cloud-based data security and the new challenges posed by hybrid work environments. It explores modern cybersecurity threats and demonstrates how companies can mitigate risks through Google Workspace and other cloud solutions. The ebook provides practical guidance for creating a flexible yet secure workspace to safeguard organizational data.
As businesses embrace digital transformation, they increasingly face the complexities of remote work. This ebook highlights key security measures such as endpoint protection, the Zero Trust approach, and continuous cloud updates that protect against various cyber threats, supporting companies in maintaining robust data protection practices.
Koll叩r Csaba: AI 辿s 辿p端let端zemeltet辿s - Csal叩di h叩zt坦l az okos v叩rosokig
Az INFOKOM 2024 konferencia
A MINDENT TSZV IOT: AZ IOT JELENE S JVJE szekci坦j叩ban elhangzott elad叩s prezent叩ci坦ja.
idpont: 2024. November 6.
helysz鱈n: M叩trah叩za, Hotel zon & Luxury Villas
A Booz-Allen-Hamilton 叩ltal az amerikai korm叩nyzatra kidolgozott projekt tervez辿si 辿s d旦nt辿si metodol坦gia, amit kicsit egyszer撤s鱈tettem, 辿s tal叩n haszn叩lhat坦bb叩 tettem.
More Related Content
Similar to Cyber services 2015_ivsz_cloud_bme_1v0p1 (20)
Development of a secure e-commerce system based on PKI (in Hungarian)Csaba Krasznay
The goal of my thesis is the development of an electronic commerce system which complies with general practical security requirements and has the ability for handling commerce transactions which are authenticated with digital signatures. To ensure a proper level of security risk assessment should be completed, which exposes the potential defects and risks. I suggest protection measures to avoid the arising risks and defects.
ERP for university
II./a Theory: Pricing of ERP systems
Based on what criteria companies choose an ERP system
Pricing of ERP systems and related costs
Licenses, subscriptions and maintenance fee
Implementation costs
Types of testing and their cost
Exercise II./b: Recording master data
Recording of partners in the prodHost system (buyer, supplier)
Creating articles in the prodHost system (finished product, raw material)
Possibilities of IT security evaluations based on Common Criteria in Hungary ...Csaba Krasznay
The presentation gives some information about Common Critera and talks about the possibilities of Hungarian IT developers if they want to get the certification for their products.
ttekint辿s az IT biztons叩gtechnikai k旦zbeszerz辿sekkel kapcsolatos legfontosabb inform叩ci坦kr坦l.
Tov叩bbi inform叩ci坦辿rt k辿rj端k l叩togasson el honlapunkra 辿s vegye fel a kapcsolatot szak辿rtinkkel:
Security analysis and development opportunities of Hungarian e-government (in...Csaba Krasznay
In 2009 and 2010 a huge development is expected in the Hungarian e-government system. Although information security aspects have an emphasized role solid principals and practices hasnt been identified for the developments. This study reviews the design directions of the Hungarian e-government and presents some predictable IT security risks. This is done by the formalism of Common Criteria standard considering the governmental expectations. In the following chapter the author studies the current recommendations which are useable during the design and implementation and then outlines the ideal direction with the analysis of the Japanese example. Last it represents the overall security situation of the Hungarian e-government system and proposes some scientific topics for the improvement.
VI. Elm辿let - Kitekint辿s az ERP-n t炭lra .pptxSzabolcs Guly叩s
VI./a Theory: Outlook beyond ERP
IPAR4 solutions link with ERP systems
Accounting processes
What other systems are there?
Exercise VI./b: Execution of production
Production description of the completed product.
Execution of production
Delivery: Delivery note and invoice
Biztons叩g a felhben - Fokozd v叩llalatod adatbiztons叩g叩t a hibrid munka leg炭j...Peter Torbagyi
Az iSolutions Informatikai Zrt. ebookja a felhalap炭 adatbiztons叩g fontoss叩g叩t 辿s a hibrid munkav辿gz辿s jelentette 炭j kih鱈v叩sokat t叩rgyalja. Az anyag betekint辿st ny炭jt a modern kiberbiztons叩gi vesz辿lyekbe 辿s megmutatja, hogyan cs旦kkenthetik a v叩llalatok a kock叩zatokat a Google Workspace 辿s m叩s felhrendszerek seg鱈ts辿g辿vel. Az ebook gyakorlati tan叩csokat ad a c辿geknek a rugalmas, m辿gis biztons叩gos munkahelyi k旦rnyezet megteremt辿s辿hez.
A digit叩lis 叩t叩ll叩s sor叩n a v叩llalatok egyre ink叩bb szembes端lnek a t叩vmunka kih鱈v叩saival. Az ebook kit辿r a legfontosabb biztons叩gi int辿zked辿sekre, mint a v辿gpontv辿delem, a Zero Trust megk旦zel鱈t辿s 辿s a felhben k鱈n叩lt folyamatos friss鱈t辿sek, amelyek v辿delmet ny炭jtanak a k端l旦nb旦z t叩mad叩sokkal szemben, 辿s seg鱈tik a v叩llalkoz叩sokat az adatv辿delem fenntart叩s叩ban.
English Description:
iSolutions Informatikai Zrt.'s ebook delves into cloud-based data security and the new challenges posed by hybrid work environments. It explores modern cybersecurity threats and demonstrates how companies can mitigate risks through Google Workspace and other cloud solutions. The ebook provides practical guidance for creating a flexible yet secure workspace to safeguard organizational data.
As businesses embrace digital transformation, they increasingly face the complexities of remote work. This ebook highlights key security measures such as endpoint protection, the Zero Trust approach, and continuous cloud updates that protect against various cyber threats, supporting companies in maintaining robust data protection practices.
Koll叩r Csaba: AI 辿s 辿p端let端zemeltet辿s - Csal叩di h叩zt坦l az okos v叩rosokig
Az INFOKOM 2024 konferencia
A MINDENT TSZV IOT: AZ IOT JELENE S JVJE szekci坦j叩ban elhangzott elad叩s prezent叩ci坦ja.
idpont: 2024. November 6.
helysz鱈n: M叩trah叩za, Hotel zon & Luxury Villas
A Booz-Allen-Hamilton 叩ltal az amerikai korm叩nyzatra kidolgozott projekt tervez辿si 辿s d旦nt辿si metodol坦gia, amit kicsit egyszer撤s鱈tettem, 辿s tal叩n haszn叩lhat坦bb叩 tettem.
A nemzetk旦zi e-k旦zigazgat叩si trendek szerint a k旦zigazgat叩si szolg叩ltat叩sokat az 叩llampolg叩rok 辿s v叩llalkoz叩sok 辿lethelyzeteihez igaz鱈tottan c辿lszer撤 kialak鱈tani. Az EKOP + ROP programok kiakalak鱈t叩sa sor叩n kialak鱈tott metodol坦gia le鱈r叩s叩t publik叩lom ( Nagymajt辿nyi G叩bor ) - ez nem volt r辿sze semmilyen tan叩csad坦i munk叩nknak, 叩m seg鱈tette t旦bb projekt 辿s tan叩csad坦i munk叩nkat az坦ta. Ennek lassan 9 辿ve.
Az NBF szakmai vezetivel Fr辿sz Ferenccel, M叩di-N叩tor Anettel k辿sz鱈tett 101 prezink politikusoknak.
Mivel aktualit叩s叩t vesztette a mai napon, lehet rettegni端k akik nem 辿rtik.
4. 4
Felhjogi k旦rnyezet
SZF 辿s SLA alapj叩n
k叩rt辿r鱈t辿si felelss辿g
Ki a joghat坦s叩g?
Magyar b鱈r坦s叩g
Eur坦pai b鱈r坦s叩g
Nemzetk旦zi b鱈r坦s叩g
Mi a jogi k旦rnyezet?
SZF ( ltal叩nos szolg叩ltat叩si Felt辿telek ) - NMHH
j Ptk. 2014. m叩rcius 14.
EU b鱈r坦s叩g d旦nt辿se EU-US safe harbor meg叩llapod叩s nem val坦s
5. 5
Felhjog : EU - US Safe Harbor IS INVALID!
Court of Justice of the European Union (2015.10.06)
Judgment in Case C-362/14: Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner
The Court of Justice declares that the Commissions US Safe Harbour Decision
is invalid
Osztr叩k PhD hallgat坦, aki 2008 坦ta Facebookon regisztr叩lt
A Facebook a szem辿lyes adatait amerikai szerverekre tov叩bb鱈totta
Mivel 2013-ban Snowden felt叩rta, hogy az NSA k旦zvetlen hozz叩f辿r az szem辿lyes
adataihoz, ez辿rt az 鱈r hat坦s叩gokn叩l feljelent辿st tett, hogy az EU-US Safe Harbor
meg叩llapod叩s nem teljes鱈ti a EU adatv辿delmi el鱈r叩sait.
Az EU B鱈r坦s叩g most kimondta, hogy a Safe Harbor meg叩llap叩s 辿rv辿nytelen
Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal
data and on the free movement of such data (OJ 1995 L 281, p. 31).
Commission Decision 2000/520/EC of 26 July 2000 pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the adequacy of the
protection provided by the safe harbour privacy principles and related frequently asked questions issued by the US Department of Commerce (OJ 2000 L 215, p.
The safe harbour scheme includes a series of principles concerning the protection of personal data to which United States undertakings may subscribe
6. 6
Felhjog Adat端zlet, Hol t叩rolhatom?
A Piac m辿g nem tudja 辿rtelmezni a Safe Harbor meg叩llapod叩s megsz端nt辿t
Workaround-ok sz端letnek
7. 7
Felhjog Net Neutrality
EU d旦nt辿s: Roaming d鱈j megsz撤nik EU-ban 2017-re, viszont az ebbl ered k旦lts辿geit
a Telk坦 叩th叩r鱈thatja egy bizonyos 辿rt辿k felett. Mit jelent ez?
Net neutrality megsz撤nik? Avagy v辿ge az internetnek, vagy 炭j innov叩ci坦?
S叩vsz辿l vs Profit a Telk坦n叩l
Voice 85% profit, 15% s叩vsz辿l
Data 15% profit, 85% s叩vsz辿l
Deutsche Telekom s叩vos 叩raz叩s a szolg叩ltat坦knak
speci叩lis szolg叩ltat叩s
Revenue share a Start-Up-oknak az infra haszn叩lat辿rt
Nem mindegy, hogy jobb szolg叩ltat叩st adunk, vagy korl叩tozzuk a t旦bbit?
8. 8
Felhjog Net Neutrality
If adopted as currently written, these rules will threaten innovation, free
speech and privacy, and compromise Europes ability to lead in the digital
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, Founding Director of the World Wide
Web Foundation
9. 9
On Premise IaaS PaaS SaaS
App App App App App
VM VM VM Szolg叩ltat叩s Szolg叩ltat叩s
Server Server Server Server Server
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
Network Network Network Network Network
On Premise
gyf辿ln辿l a
Megosztott a
gyf辿l elvesz鱈ti a kontrollt
12. 12
sszetettek a szolg叩ltat叩sok, vegy端nk egy e-commerce p辿ld叩t
Biztos minden ig辿nybe vett 3rd-party szolg叩ltat叩s Trusted?
Authentik叩ci坦, authoriz叩ci坦 k端ls Oauth2
Fizet辿s - Paypal
Sz叩ll鱈t叩s DHL
Hogyan authoriz叩ljuk a szolg叩ltat叩sokat?
Milyen szenzit鱈v adatokat osztunk meg?
Mindig csak a sz端ks辿ges minim叩lis inf坦t adjuk meg? ( pl DHL: n辿v, sz叩ll鱈t叩si c鱈m,
mobil, 辿s nem adjuk meg az 端gyf辿l egy辿b adatait, fizet辿sn辿l csak a n辿v 辿s
bankk叩rtya azonos鱈t坦k sz端ks辿gesek, a t旦bbi 端zleti adat nem... )
Nem ker端lnek ki a felhaszn叩l坦i 辿s 端zleti adatok a szolg叩ltat叩s kontrollja al坦l?
Tudjuk-e menedzselni a teljes supply-ra a teljes adat辿letciklust? ( arch鱈v叩l叩s,
t旦rl辿s, )
Van-e megfelel biztons叩gi auditor, vannak mins鱈t辿sek? ( SOX, ISO, )
13. 13
sszetettek a szolg叩ltat叩sok, vegy端nk egy e-commerce p辿ld叩t
Biztos minden ig辿nybe vett 3rd-party szolg叩ltat叩s Trusted?
Authentik叩ci坦, authoriz叩ci坦 k端ls Oauth2
Fizet辿s - Paypal
Sz叩ll鱈t叩s DHL
Hogyan authoriz叩ljuk a szolg叩ltat叩sokat?
Milyen szenzit鱈v adatokat osztunk meg?
Mindig csak a sz端ks辿ges minim叩lis inf坦t adjuk meg? ( pl DHL: n辿v, sz叩ll鱈t叩si c鱈m,
mobil, 辿s nem adjuk meg az 端gyf辿l egy辿b adatait, fizet辿sn辿l csak a n辿v 辿s
bankk叩rtya azonos鱈t坦k sz端ks辿gesek, a t旦bbi 端zleti adat nem... )
Nem ker端lnek ki a felhaszn叩l坦i 辿s 端zleti adatok a szolg叩ltat叩s kontrollja al坦l?
Tudjuk-e menedzselni a teljes supply-ra a teljes adat辿letciklust? ( arch鱈v叩l叩s,
t旦rl辿s, )
Van-e megfelel biztons叩gi auditor, vannak mins鱈t辿sek? ( SOX, ISO, )
14. 14
Minden besz叩ll鱈t坦 teljes鱈ti-e ?
az elv叩rt SLA szintet
az inform叩ci坦 biztons叩gi elv叩r叩sokat?
Hogyan tudok errl meggyzdni?
Honnan ny炭jtj叩k fizikailag a szolg叩ltat叩st? A sz叩momra el鱈rt elv叩r叩sok ebben a
tekintetben teljes端lnek-e? Tudja-e a szolg叩ltat坦 garant叩lni az eur坦pai adatkezel辿st a
teljes adat辿letciklusra?
eg辿szs辿g端gyi adatok
k旦zigazgat叩si adatok
15. 15
Hol a rendszerhat叩r? - Mit kontroll叩lunk, mit nem? )
2faktoros authentik叩ci坦: az eszk旦zt authentik叩ljuk a service-hez! ( Radius, Diameter )
Google Native Client ( 炭j saj叩t VM minden eszk旦zre, blockchain technol坦gi叩val )
21. 21
Kibers辿r端l辿kenys辿gek sz叩ma idben nem cs旦kken! :)
Mobil eszk旦z旦k, BYOD
Komplex szolg叩ltat叩sok - Publikus micro service-ek, t旦bb t叩madhat坦 API
Gyors deployment continuous deployment (DevOps)
Tesztel辿s automatiz叩l叩sa 辿s a code coverage nem jelenti, hogy val坦ban a teljes
t叩mad叩si vektort辿r tesztelt, st!
SaaS Multi-tenant probl辿ma: mennyire izol叩ltak a folyamatok, az adatok?
PaaS: azonos hardveren tud futni a t叩mad坦 辿s a c辿lpont!
IaaS: v辿dett-e a bels h叩l坦zat, val坦ban csak a sz端ks辿ges portok 辿s kommunik叩ci坦
lehets辿ges? A bels kommunik叩ci坦 v辿dett csatorn叩n, titkos鱈tva, ?
Viszont komoly biztons叩gi csapatok 辿s eszk旦z旦k
22. 22
Hazai helyzet
Hazai datacenter helyzet
25,000 nm a teljes hazai datacenter infrastrukt炭ra
Fleg Tier1 , 辿s azon bel端l is a salg坦 polc
Jellemzen 0.5-1kW/m2 energias撤r撤s辿g ( ez a tizede a mai vil叩g叩tlagnak )
Nem redund叩ns ( csak a c辿gek saj叩t megold叩sai )
Spoke-Hub infrastrukt炭ra
Szerencs辿nk: Eur坦pa pontosan k旦zepe vagyunk, ez辿rt az Isztambul-Berlin optika
itt megy 叩t
~1000km-enk辿nt k辿ne egy Hub, ami M端nchen ut叩n valahol itt k辿ne legyen, de
nem biztos, hogy itt lesz
Biztons叩gos jogi k旦rnyezet 辿s energiabiztons叩g kell := Biztons叩gosabb
Megfelel k鱈berv辿delmi k辿pess辿g : nemzeti 辿s szolg叩ltat坦i szinten
24. 24
J旦v IoT, M2M, IoE, AI
1. A m撤holdas kommunik叩ci坦 le叩llhat
2. Az 辿p端letek 叩ramell叩t叩sa megsz撤nhet
3. Az olajkitermel辿s le叩llhat
4. A vas炭ti jelzrendszer meghib叩sodhat
5. V鱈zszennyez辿s t旦rt辿nhet
6. Elektromos energiall叩t叩si probl辿m叩k mer端lhetnek fel
7. Az 端zleti kommunik叩ci坦 megb辿nul叩sa
8. L辿gkond鱈cion叩l坦 rendszerek le叩llhatnak
9. Mobiltelefon h叩l坦zati hiba lehets辿ges
10. G叩zell叩t叩si probl辿m叩k jelentkezhetnek
25. 25
J旦v Felh probl辿m叩k
IPv6, CoAP/DTLS ( TLS on Datagram )
nincs endpoint menedzsment szabv叩ny
=> csak PSK ( pre-shared-key ), vagy full PKI megold叩s m撤k旦dhet
DTLS csak csatorna titkos鱈t叩s, nincs szabv叩nyos hiteles 端zenet k端ld辿s:
al叩鱈r叩s/titkos鱈t叩s hi叩nyzik
IPv6 routing megb鱈zhatatlans叩ga ( itt m辿g elm辿leti probl辿m叩k is vannak )
IPv6 辿s Smart Object session kezel辿s
Smart Objects interoperabilit叩sa b叩r van IPSO alliance, nem implement叩lj叩k a
Big Data privacy implement叩l叩sa