This session will highlight successful strategies at two institutions for gaining participation in institutional repositories. Librarians from Southern Illinois University Carbondale will discuss their experience in designing and implementing an effective marketing program, recruiting content and expanding collections. Librarians from Kansas State University will describe their best practices focusing on the pivotal role of library liaisons and value-added services in ensuring the success of the institutional repository.
Part 1: Collecting for Digital Repositories. The traditional role of libraries as aggregators, curators, and disseminators of resources has been profoundly challenged by the notion of libraries as publishers of content. This paper will explore the idea of publishing in the context of new models of library sponsored resource delivery and the challenges faced in content curation.
Part 2: The Library as E-Journal Publisher. Libraries are beginning to enter the workd of e-publishing/ The Library can work with small societies and faculty wishing to move to online publication of their titles. This presentation will focus on practical tips and considerations for moving a pront title online and also for starting new e-journals.
Social media marketing can have significant impact on how your brand is perceived by your target audience in relation to your competitors. With that in mind here are 10 quick tips about social media marketing that can help keep your brand ahead of your competitors.
In this blended presentation, we will cover two different but related topics: The reorganization or Technical Services at the University of Northern Colorado and the launch of a homegrown MS Access application to proactively check our e-journal holdings. In 2008, the University of Northern Colorado created a task force to re-configure Technical Services into a new model. The genesis of this decision was the awareness that electronic resources in all their variety were here to stay and knowledge about how to acquire, license, mount, maintain, afford, and renew these resources should not reside with a single E-resource librarian but should be shared across the department.
This document discusses the importance of networking to find jobs. It notes that most jobs are never advertised and are instead filled through employee referrals, recruiters, and employers directly contacting qualified candidates. Less than 3% of online job applications are viewed by employers due to the large number of unqualified applicants. The document provides tips for effective networking, including asking contacts how they can help with introductions, following up promptly with thank you notes, and maintaining records of networking activities. Overall, the key message is that traditional job searching methods like responding to ads online are ineffective, and networking is a much better approach for finding hidden and new job opportunities.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it easier to select elements, handle events, perform animations, and develop Ajax applications. It works by separating behavior from HTML structure through selectors, events, and methods. The $ function is an alias for jQuery and is used to select elements and execute functions on page load or other events. jQuery can be included in a page and used to simplify DOM manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX interactions.
Leer in deze presentatie alles over het succesvol inzetten van webinars in je marketingmix:
- Hoe te starten en waar moet je aan denken?
- Hoe kun je vervolgens ook echt leads genereren met webinars?
The Committee on Education, Youth and Culture is holding school inspections and assessments in the US Virgin Islands from October 5-9, 2009. On October 6, the Committee on Appropriations and Budget will discuss four bills providing funding for public works projects, a nonprofit organization, a hospital, and hospital renovations. The Labor and Agriculture Committee will also hold a town hall meeting on pension reform. Various zoning applications will be heard on October 9.
The Frame-D is a modular plastic picture frame that can be easily assembled or disassembled by clicking its four hinged corner pieces. It has two plexiglass or glass panes allowing pictures to be viewed from both sides. Multiple small frames can be connected together to form a larger display using connecting grooves. The frames are available in different colors and can be mixed and matched for unique assemblies.
The document discusses the concept of "City Knowledge" which promotes transforming municipalities from collectors of urban data to farmers of municipal information. It describes how municipalities can use their six tools of implementation and data collection (ownership & operation, regulation, incentives/disincentives, education & information, rights swapping, mitigation & compensation) in creative ways to "farm" municipal data on an ongoing basis through techniques like "birth certificates" and establishing a municipal spatial data infrastructure.
This document discusses how Twitter can be used in the classroom. It defines Twitter as a microblogging platform that allows messages of up to 140 characters. It provides examples of how Twitter can be used to build relationships, communicate, distribute information, and conduct social research. Resources for Twitter graphics and icons are also included.
Creative Commons DOL TAACCCT grant program update at Open Ed 2011Creative Commons
The document discusses updates to the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant program. Key points:
1) All work created with TAACCCT grant funds must be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, allowing public use with attribution.
2) The "OPEN" consortium will provide support to all TAACCCT grantees on open licensing and continuous improvement of open educational resources.
3) Grantees will develop open online courses and materials using learning science principles and user data to iteratively improve resources.
The document provides the agenda for various committee meetings of the Twenty-Eighth Legislature of the Virgin Islands scheduled between October 19-30, 2009. The committees will receive testimony and consider bills related to labor issues, infrastructure projects, healthcare facilities, and other matters. Key invited testifiers include government officials, business leaders, and organization representatives.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it easier to select elements, handle events, perform animations, and develop Ajax applications. It works by separating behavior from HTML structure through selectors, events, and methods. The $ function is an alias for jQuery and is used to select elements and execute functions on page load or other events. jQuery can be included in a page and used to simplify DOM manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX interactions.
Leer in deze presentatie alles over het succesvol inzetten van webinars in je marketingmix:
- Hoe te starten en waar moet je aan denken?
- Hoe kun je vervolgens ook echt leads genereren met webinars?
The Committee on Education, Youth and Culture is holding school inspections and assessments in the US Virgin Islands from October 5-9, 2009. On October 6, the Committee on Appropriations and Budget will discuss four bills providing funding for public works projects, a nonprofit organization, a hospital, and hospital renovations. The Labor and Agriculture Committee will also hold a town hall meeting on pension reform. Various zoning applications will be heard on October 9.
The Frame-D is a modular plastic picture frame that can be easily assembled or disassembled by clicking its four hinged corner pieces. It has two plexiglass or glass panes allowing pictures to be viewed from both sides. Multiple small frames can be connected together to form a larger display using connecting grooves. The frames are available in different colors and can be mixed and matched for unique assemblies.
The document discusses the concept of "City Knowledge" which promotes transforming municipalities from collectors of urban data to farmers of municipal information. It describes how municipalities can use their six tools of implementation and data collection (ownership & operation, regulation, incentives/disincentives, education & information, rights swapping, mitigation & compensation) in creative ways to "farm" municipal data on an ongoing basis through techniques like "birth certificates" and establishing a municipal spatial data infrastructure.
This document discusses how Twitter can be used in the classroom. It defines Twitter as a microblogging platform that allows messages of up to 140 characters. It provides examples of how Twitter can be used to build relationships, communicate, distribute information, and conduct social research. Resources for Twitter graphics and icons are also included.
Creative Commons DOL TAACCCT grant program update at Open Ed 2011Creative Commons
The document discusses updates to the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant program. Key points:
1) All work created with TAACCCT grant funds must be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, allowing public use with attribution.
2) The "OPEN" consortium will provide support to all TAACCCT grantees on open licensing and continuous improvement of open educational resources.
3) Grantees will develop open online courses and materials using learning science principles and user data to iteratively improve resources.
The document provides the agenda for various committee meetings of the Twenty-Eighth Legislature of the Virgin Islands scheduled between October 19-30, 2009. The committees will receive testimony and consider bills related to labor issues, infrastructure projects, healthcare facilities, and other matters. Key invited testifiers include government officials, business leaders, and organization representatives.
Elad叩s arr坦l, hogy mi az a programmatic 辿s mi nem az. Melyek a hagyom叩nyos 辿s programmatic m辿diav叩s叩rl叩s hasonl坦s叩gai 辿s k端l旦nbs辿gei, kik a rendszer szerepli, mit lehet ilyen m坦don v叩s叩rolni 辿s hogyan, illetve hogy mekkora piacr坦l besz辿l端nk.
Eld旦nt旦tted, hogy neked is lesz webshopod. Rengeteg 旦tleted van 辿s m辿g t旦bb teendd. Pont, mint egy h叩z辿p鱈t辿sn辿l, az alpokkal kell itt is kezdened 辿s most dl el az, hogy egy kisz叩m鱈that坦 fejld辿s vagy egy r旦g旦s 炭t v叩r r叩d az indul叩st k旦veten. Ne dlj be annak az 辿des 鱈g辿retnek, hogy egy web叩ruh叩z elind鱈t叩sa p叩r 坦ra, legfeljebb egy nap! Alapos tervez辿s, rendes kivitelez辿s 辿s ut叩na folyamatos fejleszt辿s a titka a sikeres webshopoknak. Itt 旦sszefoglaljuk az indul叩shoz sz端ks辿ges eszk旦zt叩rat.
T旦bbsz旦r旦zze meg bev辿tel辿t!Haszn叩lja a hat叩st旦bbsz旦r旦z辿s erej辿t, 辿s haszn叩lja ki, a vend辿geiben rejl potenci叩lis lehets辿get, egy hossz炭 t叩v炭, ak叩r nemzetk旦ziv辿 fejl旦d passz鱈v j旦vedelem termel v叩llalkoz叩s fel辿p鱈t辿s辿re!
Bemutatok nnek egy v叩llalkoz叩si form叩t, rendszert, sziszt辿m叩t, amivel kock叩zat n辿lk端l kieg辿sz鱈theti v叩llalkoz叩s叩t 辿s:
N旦velheti bev辿teleit!
Cs旦kkentheti kiad叩sait!
N旦velheti a le鱈rhat坦 kiad叩sok 旦sszeg辿t, elsz叩molhat olyan dolgokat, amiket id叩ig nem!
j, ak叩r nemzetk旦zi kapcsolatokat 辿p鱈thet!
Motiv叩ci坦t 辿s ingyenes k辿pz辿st kaphat!
s tal叩n a legfontosabb, hogy passz鱈v j旦vedelmet ad!
+ Nem sz叩m鱈t a v辿gzetts辿g, a szakmai k辿pes鱈t辿s, a rendelkez辿sre 叩ll坦 befektethet tke nagys叩ga! Mindenki egyenl es辿llyel indul, 辿s a szakma t旦rt辿nete azt bizony鱈tja, hogy t辿nylegesen csak a szorgalom 辿s a befektetett munka d旦nti el, hogy ki meddig jut el! A szakma tele van siker t旦rt辿netekkel, amiben, ak叩r bakter, tan鱈t坦n, buszvezet, h叩tt辿rrel is sz端lettek milliomosok 辿s top keresk!
A Booz-Allen-Hamilton 叩ltal az amerikai korm叩nyzatra kidolgozott projekt tervez辿si 辿s d旦nt辿si metodol坦gia, amit kicsit egyszer撤s鱈tettem, 辿s tal叩n haszn叩lhat坦bb叩 tettem.
A nemzetk旦zi e-k旦zigazgat叩si trendek szerint a k旦zigazgat叩si szolg叩ltat叩sokat az 叩llampolg叩rok 辿s v叩llalkoz叩sok 辿lethelyzeteihez igaz鱈tottan c辿lszer撤 kialak鱈tani. Az EKOP + ROP programok kiakalak鱈t叩sa sor叩n kialak鱈tott metodol坦gia le鱈r叩s叩t publik叩lom ( Nagymajt辿nyi G叩bor ) - ez nem volt r辿sze semmilyen tan叩csad坦i munk叩nknak, 叩m seg鱈tette t旦bb projekt 辿s tan叩csad坦i munk叩nkat az坦ta. Ennek lassan 9 辿ve.
Az NBF szakmai vezetivel Fr辿sz Ferenccel, M叩di-N叩tor Anettel k辿sz鱈tett 101 prezink politikusoknak.
Mivel aktualit叩s叩t vesztette a mai napon, lehet rettegni端k akik nem 辿rtik.
5. R旦viden az e-kereskedelemr誰l
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Piaci hat辿konys叩gB
EDI H叩l坦zat
Electronic Data Interchange rendszer
ELNY: megb鱈zhat坦, pont-pont kapcsolat
HTRNY: z叩rt, rugalmatlan, dr叩ga
6. R旦viden az e-kereskedelemr誰l
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Piaci hat辿konys叩gB
EDI H叩l坦zat
Bross炭ra: a c辿g saj叩t honlapot k辿sz鱈t
ELNY: nyitott, inform叩ci坦gazdag
HTRNY: neh辿z r叩tal叩lni, a v叩llalat maga kell
szervezi a vevk旦rt, a szolg叩ltat坦kat,
az infrastrukt炭r叩t
7. R旦viden az e-kereskedelemr誰l
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Piaci hat辿konys叩gB
EDI H叩l坦zat
B2B piact辿r
ELNY: sokszerepls
kereskedelem, kereshet, inform叩ci坦gazdag
HTRNY: vegyes keresked辿si rendszer
8. R旦viden az e-kereskedelemr誰l
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Piaci hat辿konys叩gB
EDI H叩l坦zat
Integr叩lt B2B
B2B port叩lok integr叩ci坦ja:
EL竪NY: beszerz辿s, 辿rt辿kes鱈t辿s "egy helyen",
elad坦k sz辿les k旦z旦ns辿get 辿rnek el,
vevk nagy v叩laszt辿kot tal叩lnak,
megb鱈zhat坦, rugalmas
9. Elny旦k az elad坦k, felv叩s叩rl坦k r辿sz辿re
sz辿lesebb termeli k旦r
alacsonyabb marketing k旦lts辿gek
alacsonyabb kereskedelmi k旦lts辿gek
alacsonyabb tranzakci坦s k旦lts辿gek
flexibilis 叩rk辿pz辿s
inform叩ci坦 gy撤jt辿s a termeli k旦rrl, szem辿lyre
szabott aj叩nlatok k辿sz鱈t辿se
vegyes 辿rt辿kes鱈t辿s lehet誰s辿ge (端gyn旦k, online)
hat辿konyabb logisztika
v叩llalati IT rendszer kialak鱈t叩sa, vagy 叩talak鱈t叩sa
10. Elny旦k a termelk r辿sz辿re
t旦bb inform叩ci坦, hat辿kony d旦nt辿s
nagyobb v叩laszt辿k, hat辿kony d旦nt辿s
tendereztet辿si lehet誰s辿gek
r辿szv辿tel az 叩rk辿pz辿sben (pl. gabona)
technol坦gi叩nak legmegfelelbb term辿k
alacsonyabb 叩ron t旦rt辿n beszerz辿s
magasabb 叩ron t旦rt辿n 辿rt辿kes鱈t辿s
11. H叩tr叩ny az elad坦, felv叩s叩rl坦 r辿sz辿re
cs旦kken az inform叩ci坦 hi叩nyon alapul坦 extra
profitot hoz坦 辿rt辿kes鱈t辿s, felv叩s叩rl叩s lehets辿ge
nehezebb辿 v叩lik a kenp辿nz alkalmaz叩sa
profit optimaliz叩ci坦s piaci folyamatok
a term辿k 辿s a szolg叩ltat叩s mins辿ge 辿s 叩ra lesz
meghat叩roz坦 a szem辿lyes kapcsolat helyett
v叩llalati IT rendszer kialak鱈t叩sa, vagy 叩talak鱈t叩sa
12. H叩tr叩ny a termel r辿sz辿re
a nem saj叩t tulajdon叩n gazd叩lkod坦 szervezetek
vezeti elesnek az extra juttat叩sokt坦l
a piac ismeret辿ben profilv叩lt叩sra k辿nyszer端l
megismerik a "szok叩sait"
ha nem csatlakozik sz撤k端l a gazdas叩gi
24. Kereskedelmi m坦dok
K端l旦nb旦z besz叩ll鱈t坦k term辿keit foglalja 旦ssze -
"mindent egy helyen". Nagy tem辿kk鱈n叩latot biztos鱈t a
vevnek 辿s 炭j 辿rt辿kes鱈t辿si csatorn叩t az elad坦knak.
Term辿keket lehet flexibilis 叩raz叩ssal 辿rt辿kes鱈teni.
Tendereztet辿s, az elad坦k a vev v辿teli ki鱈r叩s叩ra v叩laszolnak.
Keres辿s seg鱈ti az 叩ru megtal叩l叩s叩t:
r tipusa: fix, aukci坦s
Term辿k kateg坦ri叩ja
Sz叩lll鱈t坦 (anonim vagy azonos鱈tott)
Sz叩ll鱈t叩si z坦na
25. Katal坦gus beszerz辿s
1. Az elad坦 辿s vev egyar叩nt regisztr叩lja mag叩t
2. Az elad坦 elk端ldi az 辿rt辿kes鱈t辿sre sz叩nt term辿kek list叩j叩t
3. A vev誰 kiv叩lasztja a term辿ket az 辿rt辿kes鱈t辿si oldalr坦l, megadja
a mennyis辿get majd beteszi a "kos叩rba"
4. A vev az irod叩j叩ban ellen誰rzi, a kosar叩ban l辿v誰
term辿keket, majd megrendeli a term辿ket
5. A megrendel辿s beker端l az elad坦 irod叩j叩ba 辿s errl 辿rtes鱈t辿st
6. Az elad坦 elfogadja, vagy elutas鱈tja a megrendel辿st, a vev
irod叩j叩ban v叩ltozik a rendel辿s st叩tusza
7. Elfogadott megrendel辿s eset辿n az elad坦 旦ssze叩ll鱈tja a
rendel辿st 辿s a term辿k kisz叩ll鱈t叩sra ker端l a vev誰 叩ltal megjel旦lt c鱈mre
8. Vev ellenrzi 辿s 叩tveszi a term辿ket, kifizeti a v辿tel叩rat a
meg叩llpod叩s szerint
26. Elad坦i aukci坦
1. Az elad坦 az irod叩j叩ban megadja ez 辿rt辿kes鱈teni k鱈v叩nt
term辿keket, az 叩rat 辿s a mennyis辿get
2. A vev a piact辿r elad坦i aukci坦s ki鱈r叩sai k旦z端l kiv叩lasztja
az t 辿rdekl誰 term辿ket
3. A vev tehet egyedi licitet, de be叩ll鱈that automatikus
licit叩l叩st is (megadja a maxim叩lis 叩rat 辿s a maxim叩lis licitet)
4. Az aukci坦 nyertes辿(ei)t egy az 叩rat, mennyis辿get 辿s
idpontot figyelembe v辿v algoritmus v叩lasztja ki
5. A katal坦gus v叩s叩rl叩shoz hasonl坦an az elad坦 辿s a vev
egym叩s k旦z旦tt lebonyol鱈tja a sz叩ll鱈t叩st 辿s a fizet辿st
27. Az elad坦i aukci坦 r辿szletei
Az elad坦 叩ltal megadott 叩r k辿s誰bb is cs旦kkenthet
Nyertesek sorrendj辿t a k旦vetkez誰k hat叩rozz叩k meg:
1. r
2. Mennyis辿g
3. Licit ideje
A mennyis辿g nem v叩ltoztathat坦 a licit sor叩n
Az elad坦 v叩laszthat: anonim k鱈v叩n maradni vagy megenevezi mag叩t
Ak叩r az elad坦 ak叩r a v叩s叩rl坦 nem teljes鱈t: b端ntet辿ssel j叩r (kiz叩r叩s
辿s/vagy p辿nzbeli)
A vev 辿rtes端l m叩sok aj叩nlat叩r坦l
Az elad坦 辿rtes端l az 辿rkezett aj叩nlatokr坦l
28. A vevi aukci坦 r辿szletei
Maxim叩lis beszerz辿si 叩r megad叩sa eset辿n a vev b叩rmikor emelheti
a meghirdetett 叩rat, ha nem 辿rkezik elad叩si aj叩nlat
Az elad坦 b叩rmikor cs旦kkentheti az aj叩nlati 叩rat
A vev 辿rtes端l az 辿rkezett aj叩nlatr坦l
Az elad坦 辿rtes端l m叩sok aj叩nlat叩r坦l
A mennyis辿gek nem v叩ltoztathat坦k
29. V叩s叩rl坦i csoportok
Potenci叩lis v叩s叩rl坦
Csoport menedzser
Csoport l辿trehoz叩sa