Porthanian Tiedekulmassa 14.10. pidetyn Robotit, ty旦el辰m辰 ja hyvinointi -keskustelun taustalle py旦rim辰辰n tarkoitettu esitys, jota ei kuitenkaan k辰ytetty.
PDF, audio, and voiceover are now available on designintechreport.wordpress.com
Todays most beloved technology products and services balance design and engineering in a way that perfectly blends form and function. Businesses started by designers have created billions of dollars of value, are raising billions in capital, and VC firms increasingly see the importance of design. The third annual Design in Tech Report examines how design trends are revolutionizing the entrepreneurial and corporate ecosystems in tech. This report covers related M&A activity, new patterns in creativity business, and the rise of computational design.
10 Things You Didnt Know About Mobile Email from Litmus & HubSpotHubSpot
The document discusses key insights about mobile email usage and optimization. It shows that mobile email opens have grown 600% from 2011-2016, with over 70% of emails now being opened on mobile devices. When emails look bad on mobile, over 80% of users will still read them. The document provides tips for optimizing elements like preview text, links, text sizes, touch targets, and layouts for mobile. It also discusses different mobile email design approaches and resources for templates.
Porthanian Tiedekulmassa 14.10. pidetyn Robotit, ty旦el辰m辰 ja hyvinointi -keskustelun taustalle py旦rim辰辰n tarkoitettu esitys, jota ei kuitenkaan k辰ytetty.
PDF, audio, and voiceover are now available on designintechreport.wordpress.com
Todays most beloved technology products and services balance design and engineering in a way that perfectly blends form and function. Businesses started by designers have created billions of dollars of value, are raising billions in capital, and VC firms increasingly see the importance of design. The third annual Design in Tech Report examines how design trends are revolutionizing the entrepreneurial and corporate ecosystems in tech. This report covers related M&A activity, new patterns in creativity business, and the rise of computational design.
10 Things You Didnt Know About Mobile Email from Litmus & HubSpotHubSpot
The document discusses key insights about mobile email usage and optimization. It shows that mobile email opens have grown 600% from 2011-2016, with over 70% of emails now being opened on mobile devices. When emails look bad on mobile, over 80% of users will still read them. The document provides tips for optimizing elements like preview text, links, text sizes, touch targets, and layouts for mobile. It also discusses different mobile email design approaches and resources for templates.
Modern Prospecting Techniques for Connecting with Prospects (from Sales Hacke...HubSpot
Sales is a difficult world to be in because buyers aren't putting up with salespeople anymore. Instead of helping and building relationships, sales reps are still focused on closing prospects - even when they aren't ready to buy! So buyers ignore them. Because of that, even great sales reps would be lucky to get on the phone with someone.
While buyers have evolved and become more sophisticated, sales reps and training programs have been slow to adapt to that change.
Learn actionable modern prospecting techniques you can apply immediately from two best selling authors and sales experts: Max Altschuler CEO of Sales Hacker, and Mark Roberge CRO of HubSpot.
Class 1: Email Marketing Certification course: Email Marketing and Your BusinessHubSpot
*From HubSpot Academy*
Over the past few decades, people have radically changed the way they live, work and buy. This class will give you an overview of an adaptive, inbound approach to sending emails that provide value and drive growth for your business. It will also teach you about the four big themes of a modern email marketing program: segmentation, personalization, mobile, and optimization.
Capital Hill Cashgate Scandal : Zara Marketing Campaign DesignJoseph Jacob Esther
Each prize has the power to transform the winners career and both the Man Booker Prize and Man Booker International are sponsored by Man Group. Man Group was recognised as a partner who mirrored the quality, integrity and longevity of the Booker Prize. The prize underscores Man Group's charitable focus on literacy and education as well as the firms commitment to excellence and entrepreneurship.
3 Proven Sales Email Templates Used by Successful CompaniesHubSpot
76% of emails never get opened. That makes life for salespeople very difficult. So we've partnered up with Breakthrough Email to bring you email templates that are proven to engage prospects and close more deals. Start using them today and grow your revenue.
The lack of visible female role models is pervasive in the tech industry, particularly on Wikipedia, where just under 17% of Wikipedia biographies were on women. That's why HubSpot wrote fourteen Wikipedia entries for remarkable women in tech to help inspire young women to reach positions at the highest levels of STEM.
This document discusses the differences and relationships between terminologies and information models. Terminologies provide controlled vocabularies and classifications that can be used to provide answers, while information models define questions and structure for complex concepts. Terminologies are useful for diagnoses, procedures, medications and other concepts that exist in reality, while information models are better for defining context and quantitative data. Both have roles to play but also have limitations, so pragmatic choices are needed regarding their use.
Illawarra Forum just concluded a successful 2017 conference tackling critical issues for the not for profit industry now and into the future.
Our Director, Jacinta Cali, was part of a great line-up of speakers to sharing their expertise at the conference. Her presentation showcased her-depth digital knowledge
A review of dyslexia in dyslexia across different languages, the characteristics that distinguish these students with dyslexia from ELLs without dyslexia and the teaching strategies that work with both groups.
1. A DNA microarray contains thousands of DNA probes attached to a solid surface in defined locations. Each probe represents a single gene.
2. Sample mRNA is converted to fluorescently labeled cDNA and hybridized to the DNA microarray. The level of fluorescence indicates the expression level of each gene.
3. After washing, the microarray is scanned and analyzed to determine changes in gene expression between control and test samples. This allows high-throughput analysis of gene expression profiles.
The document describes the design process of the Agricultural Activity Ontology (AAO) in Japan. It involved surveying existing vocabularies, analyzing agricultural activity data, proposing an initial hierarchical structure, introducing description logics to define properties and relationships, and getting feedback from domain experts. The goal was to standardize vocabulary for agricultural IT systems to improve data sharing and integration. The AAO continues to be expanded with new terms and linkages based on additional data sources through a collaborative and iterative design process.
Zero Suicide in Healthcare International Declaration (March 2016)David Covington
A diverse group of 50 peer leaders, government policy makers, and healthcare providers from 13 countries convened for Atlanta 2015: An International Declaration and Social Movement. Invited guests included Zero Suicide advocates and pioneers as well as others committed to suicide prevention and better healthcare.
Esineiden ja asioiden internetiin liittyv辰t teknologiat voivat auttaa teollisuutta uudistumisessa
ja kilpailukyvyn parantamisessa, jotta Suomeen syntyisi uutta vienti辰 ja ty旦paikkoja.
Tietotekniikka ja elektroniikka nivoutuvat yh辰 tiiviimmin osaksi laitteita ja esineit辰, jotka voivat keskustella kesken辰辰n ja jakaa tietoa toistensa kanssa. Asioiden ja esineiden internet (Internet of Things) mullistaa paitsi kuluttajien arkea, my旦s monen alan liiketoimintaa.
13. Ei vain uhka, vaan my旦s mahdollisuus
Miksi digitalisaatioon muuten investoitaisiin triljoonia
14. Digitalisaatio v辰hent辰辰 inhimillisi辰 virheit辰
Automaattinen liikenne on turvallista liikennett辰
Pelkk辰 parempi autopilotti voi radikaalisti v辰hent辰辰 onnettomuuksia
Esimerkiksi elinsiirtojen m辰辰r辰n ennakoidaan romahtavan jo 30-luvulla
Ensiapupalveluiden saatavuus heikkenee, kun tarve v辰henee
Liikennevakuutukset halpenevat radikaalisti
L辰辰kejakelurobotti minimoi l辰辰kkeiden annosteluvirheet
L辰辰kkeit辰 j辰tet辰辰n vahingossa ottamatta, otetaan liikaa tai otetaan v辰辰r辰辰n aikaan
Tiedot l辰辰kityksest辰 jatkuvasti hoitohenkil旦st旦n k辰ytett辰viss辰
Tiedon hallinnan puutteista johtuvat hoitovirheet v辰henev辰t
L辰辰keallergiat ja l辰辰kkeiden yhteisvaikutukset huomioidaan automaattisesti
Potilastietoja jatkuvasti seuraava algoritmi huomaa virheet ennen
Geenitiedon yleistyess辰 my旦s henkil旦kohtainen perim辰 osataan ottaa huomioon
15.3.2017 14
15. Automaatti voi huolehtia esim dementikon l辰辰kkeiden jakelusta
ja varmistaa, ett辰 oikeat l辰辰kkeet otetaan oikeaan aikaan.
Image: Evondos Oy
16. 15.3.2017 TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehitt辰miskeskus ry 16
Liikenneonnettomuudet tuottavat nykyisin
suuren osan elinsiirroissa k辰ytett辰vist辰 elimist辰
18. Jatkuva tiedonkeruu ennaltaehk辰isee uhkia
Kiinteist旦huolto reaaliaikaistuu
Rakenteisiin sijoitetut anturit varoittavat kosteusvaurioista ja l辰mp旦vuodoista ennen
homevaurioiden synty辰
Ty旦terveyshuollon algoritmi huomaa esim. sis辰ilmaongelmista aiheutuvat
sairastuvuuden tilastollisesti merkitt辰v辰t poikkeamat
Elintoimintojen seuranta hoitaa terveytt辰 sairauden asemesta
Elintoimintoja jatkuvasti seuraava algoritmi huomaa oireet jo ennen sairauden
Elintarvikkeisiin sijoitetut anturit varoittavat pilaantumisesta
Kylm辰ketjun pett辰minen ei aiheuta ruokamyrkytysepidemiaa
lyk辰s koti tunnistaa asukkaat ja mahdolliset ongelmat
Ilmoittaa, kun jotain yll辰tt辰v辰辰 tapahtuu
22. Digitalisaatio ehk辰isee v辰辰rink辰yt旦ksi辰
Palkka- ja yritystietojen automaattinen keruu ja analysointi
v辰hent辰isi harmaata taloutta ja edist辰isi tiedolla johtamista
Tekniset m辰辰rittelyt olleet valmiina jo vuosien ajan, vain k辰ytt旦旦notto puuttuu
S辰hk旦inen maksaminen parantaa turvallisuutta, mutta heikent辰辰
yksityisyytt辰 ja lis辰辰 maksuv辰lineyhti旦iden valtaa
Ruotsi on rajoittanut k辰teisen k辰ytt旦辰 esim. joukkoliikenteess辰 kuljettajien
ty旦turvallisuuden parantamiseksi
K辰teinen ja Bitcoin rikollisten suosiossa anonyymiytens辰 vuoksi
Maksuv辰lineyhti旦t rajoittavat tuotteiden k辰ytt旦辰 laillisiin, mutta yhti旦n johdon
mielest辰 sopimattomiin tarkoituksiin
Viranomaisten toiminnasta j辰辰 aina j辰lki
Ns. Sonera-skandaalin seurauksena Suomen lains辰辰d辰nt旦 edell辰k辰vij辰
Riippumaton seuranta ja valvonta osoittautunut my旦s Suomessa v辰ltt辰m辰tt旦m辰ksi
15.3.2017 22
24. Yksityisyyden ja turvallisuuden tasapaino
Viranomaisten teht辰v辰n辰 on suojella kansalaisten oikeuksia,
mm. turvallisuutta, yksityisyytt辰, kotirauhaa ja sananvapautta
Kansalaisoikeudet suojaavat meit辰 my旦s tietoverkoissa niin viranomaisilta (esim
urkinta), yrityksilt辰 (esim profilointi) kuin my旦s toisilta ihmisilt辰 (esim vihapuhe)
Kuinka paljon esim. yksityisyytt辰 saa loukata muiden oikeuksien edist辰miseksi?
Miten yksityisyytt辰 loukkaavien valtaoikeuksien k辰ytt旦辰 valvotaan?
Tiedolla johtaminen parantaa johtamisen laatua
Teko辰ly辰 pidet辰辰n tutkimusten mukaan ihmist辰 oikeudenmukaisempana esimiehen辰
Ollakseen hyv辰 johtaja, teko辰lyn on ker辰tt辰v辰 ja analysoitava tietoa henkil旦st旦n
taustoista ja ty旦suorituksista
S辰hk旦iset vaalit edellytt辰v辰t tekniikan ymm辰rt辰mist辰
Esim lohkoketju voi parantaa vaalien turvallisuutta ja vaalisalaisuutta, mutta
辰辰nest辰jien on silloin ymm辰rrett辰v辰, miten vaaleissa k辰ytett辰v辰 tekniikka toimii
Vaalitulokseen voi vaikuttaa verkossa my旦s ep辰suorasti esim. valeuutisilla
15.3.2017 24
25. Kun Hitachi korvasi logistiikan esimiehet big dataa opiskelleella
teko辰lyll辰, varastomiehet ty旦skenteliv辰t 8% tehokkaammin.
Ken Teegardin, CC BY-SA 2.0