Porthanian Tiedekulmassa 14.10. pidetyn Robotit, ty?el?m? ja hyvinointi -keskustelun taustalle py?rim??n tarkoitettu esitys, jota ei kuitenkaan k?ytetty.
This presentation discusses the Limits of Science to offer solutions to environmental problems and calls for Environmental Studies instead of Environmental Sciences
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here: http://blog.drift.com/sales-team-tips
Planificar para tu jubilaci¨®n: Banco Mediolanum en ForinvestRankia
Este documento discute el problema de la sostenibilidad del sistema de pensiones en Espa?a debido al envejecimiento de la poblaci¨®n. Explica que habr¨¢ menos trabajadores para apoyar a m¨¢s jubilados en el futuro, lo que pone en riesgo el sistema de reparto actual. Tambi¨¦n sugiere que los niveles de vida de los futuros jubilados probablemente disminuir¨¢n a menos que se tomen medidas como reformar el sistema de pensiones o promover el ahorro y la inversi¨®n privados para la jubilaci¨®n.
Rand Fishkin presented data on key trends in search engine optimization and search behavior in 2017. Some of the main trends discussed included the rise of predictive intent and implied queries based on user location and history, the growth of voice assistants and voice search, and uncertainty around the future of net neutrality regulations. Fishkin also highlighted the increasing importance of ranking in featured snippets and answer boxes in search engine results pages.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre redes sociales, incluyendo sus tipos, caracter¨ªsticas y usos educativos. Discute las redes sociales m¨¢s utilizadas como Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, as¨ª como consideraciones sobre privacidad y seguridad. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo las redes sociales pueden fomentar la interacci¨®n, compartir recursos y abrir al mundo, y menciona algunos proyectos educativos que las usan.
The CMO's Greatest Enemy -- delivered at SxSW 2017Proof Analytics
The document discusses how marketers often struggle to prove their business impact and ROI to boards and executives. As a result, they frequently get fired before their marketing efforts can fully take effect. It notes that only 1% of board members are marketers, compared to 35% coming from sales. The marketing cycle of hire, learn, change, rollout, and begin to see impact does not align with the expectations of boards to see immediate results, leading to marketers being fired just as their efforts start to show benefits.
Everything You Wanted to Know About LinkedIn, but Were Too Embarrassed to AskJonathan Rick
This document provides tips and best practices for optimizing a LinkedIn profile. It discusses structuring the profile with relevant sections like experience, groups, and recommendations. It emphasizes highlighting accomplishments over responsibilities and using impactful headlines and titles. Formatting tips include using bullets, paragraphs, and visual elements like photos. The document also offers advice on networking on LinkedIn, such as reaching out to contacts who view your profile and customizing connection requests.
Porthanian Tiedekulmassa 14.10. pidetyn Robotit, ty?el?m? ja hyvinointi -keskustelun taustalle py?rim??n tarkoitettu esitys, jota ei kuitenkaan k?ytetty.
This presentation discusses the Limits of Science to offer solutions to environmental problems and calls for Environmental Studies instead of Environmental Sciences
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here: http://blog.drift.com/sales-team-tips
Planificar para tu jubilaci¨®n: Banco Mediolanum en ForinvestRankia
Este documento discute el problema de la sostenibilidad del sistema de pensiones en Espa?a debido al envejecimiento de la poblaci¨®n. Explica que habr¨¢ menos trabajadores para apoyar a m¨¢s jubilados en el futuro, lo que pone en riesgo el sistema de reparto actual. Tambi¨¦n sugiere que los niveles de vida de los futuros jubilados probablemente disminuir¨¢n a menos que se tomen medidas como reformar el sistema de pensiones o promover el ahorro y la inversi¨®n privados para la jubilaci¨®n.
Rand Fishkin presented data on key trends in search engine optimization and search behavior in 2017. Some of the main trends discussed included the rise of predictive intent and implied queries based on user location and history, the growth of voice assistants and voice search, and uncertainty around the future of net neutrality regulations. Fishkin also highlighted the increasing importance of ranking in featured snippets and answer boxes in search engine results pages.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre redes sociales, incluyendo sus tipos, caracter¨ªsticas y usos educativos. Discute las redes sociales m¨¢s utilizadas como Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, as¨ª como consideraciones sobre privacidad y seguridad. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo las redes sociales pueden fomentar la interacci¨®n, compartir recursos y abrir al mundo, y menciona algunos proyectos educativos que las usan.
The CMO's Greatest Enemy -- delivered at SxSW 2017Proof Analytics
The document discusses how marketers often struggle to prove their business impact and ROI to boards and executives. As a result, they frequently get fired before their marketing efforts can fully take effect. It notes that only 1% of board members are marketers, compared to 35% coming from sales. The marketing cycle of hire, learn, change, rollout, and begin to see impact does not align with the expectations of boards to see immediate results, leading to marketers being fired just as their efforts start to show benefits.
Everything You Wanted to Know About LinkedIn, but Were Too Embarrassed to AskJonathan Rick
This document provides tips and best practices for optimizing a LinkedIn profile. It discusses structuring the profile with relevant sections like experience, groups, and recommendations. It emphasizes highlighting accomplishments over responsibilities and using impactful headlines and titles. Formatting tips include using bullets, paragraphs, and visual elements like photos. The document also offers advice on networking on LinkedIn, such as reaching out to contacts who view your profile and customizing connection requests.
Europa AI startup scaleups report 2016 Ian Beckett
- €1.8 billion was invested across 306 deals in 22 European countries in 2016 for artificial intelligence and data analytics startups. The UK received the most funding and had the most deals.
- Common business models included content-driven platforms and marketplaces. Most companies pursued B2B models.
- Advertising/marketing was the top industry for investment, followed by fintech and business intelligence. London, Paris, and Berlin were leading cities.
PDF, audio, and voiceover are now available on designintechreport.wordpress.com
Today¡¯s most beloved technology products and services balance design and engineering in a way that perfectly blends form and function. Businesses started by designers have created billions of dollars of value, are raising billions in capital, and VC firms increasingly see the importance of design. The third annual Design in Tech Report examines how design trends are revolutionizing the entrepreneurial and corporate ecosystems in tech. This report covers related M&A activity, new patterns in creativity ¡Á business, and the rise of computational design.
This document outlines Netflix's culture of freedom and responsibility. Some key points:
- Netflix focuses on attracting and retaining "stunning colleagues" through a high-performance culture rather than perks. Managers use a "Keeper Test" to determine which employees they would fight to keep.
- The culture emphasizes values over rules. Netflix aims to minimize complexity as it grows by increasing talent density rather than imposing processes. This allows the company to maintain flexibility.
- Employees are given significant responsibility and freedom in their roles, such as having no vacation tracking or expense policies beyond acting in the company's best interests. The goal is to avoid chaos through self-discipline rather than controls.
- Providing
45 Dr Ahmed Esawy imaging oral board of bowel imaging part III(colon )AHMED ESAWY
45 Dr Ahmed Esawy imaging oral board of bowel imaging part III(colon )
include different cases for oral radiodiagnosis examination all over the world
CT /MRI Plain X ray images
El documento explica los conceptos de hosting y dominios en Internet. Define el hosting como el alquiler de espacio virtual para publicar una p¨¢gina web, mientras que un dominio es el nombre que identifica un sitio web. Explica que existen diferentes tipos de hosting como gratuito, compartido y dedicado, y que los dominios est¨¢n compuestos por el nombre de dominio, el tipo de organizaci¨®n y un prefijo de pa¨ªs opcional.
EXANTE's lecture at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga.
¨C?Objectives of algorithmic trading
¨C Various types of algorithms
¨C The process of creating one
¨C?Testing and evaluation
¨C?Understanding the possible pitfalls (and solutions)
Operations research is a scientific method that provides executive departments with a quantitative basis for decision making regarding their operations. The operations research approach involves three phases: the judgement phase where the problem is identified and a model is formulated; the research phase where data is collected, hypotheses are tested, and results are analyzed and generalized; and the action phase where recommendations are made, resources are allocated, and the decision is implemented. Overall, the process involves observing the problem, defining it, constructing a model, finding a solution, and implementing the solution.
22. Kun Hitachi korvasi logistiikan esimiehet big dataa opiskelleella
teko?lyll?, varastomiehet ty?skenteliv?t 8% tehokkaammin.
Ken Teegardin, CC BY-SA 2.0
25. Image: Starship Technologies (Estonia/UK)
26. ?