Telemedicine eConsult Live provides several benefits including access to over 1000 specialists across various medical fields to provide team-based consultations. This decreases healthcare costs while increasing efficiency and effectiveness by allowing crucial medical attention to be provided on time. The eConsult system is easy to use, provides quality healthcare locally in a personal and convenient manner by facilitating specialist-to-local provider communication within the patient's context to overcome geographical barriers and save on travel expenses while helping patients get out of confusing medical situations and benefit from the latest research.
Katie's Cupcakes is a bakery located at 2011 Serendipity Street in Loveland, Colorado that bakes cupcakes and cakes fresh daily using organic ingredients. They are open daily from 6:00am to 4:00pm and offer birthday and specialty cakes in addition to their cupcakes.
The document describes an art series by Bradley Olsen-Ecker titled "From Key Largo to Key West: One Hundred Miles of Art" that depicts beaches and locations along the Florida Keys from Key Largo to Key West using various mediums including acrylic, pastel, and watercolor paintings. The series includes individual artworks depicting beaches at Harry Harris State Park, Long Key, Bahia Hondo, and Curry Hammock Beach. Photos from the Keys show the African Queen docked at Key Largo, patrons at Robbies Marina in Islamorada, Sloppy Joe's bar in Key West where Hemingway drank, the artist's last day painting at Bahia Hondo State Park, a large lob
1) A professor fills an empty mayonnaise jar with golf balls to represent important things in life like family, health, and passions. He then adds pebbles to represent other matters like job and home. Sand fills the gaps to represent small stuff.
2) When coffee is poured into the full jar, it represents having room for friends.
3) The lesson is to prioritize important people and activities ("golf balls") over less important tasks ("sand") to have a meaningful life, but also make room for relationships ("coffee").
This document provides an overview of the Second Life viewer interface and controls to help new users get started. It explains that the top menu bar and bottom toolbar provide access to most features and tools. Contextual menus that appear with right-clicks allow common interactions with objects, yourself, and other users. The guide also notes how to set up voice chat and find friends. In less than three sentences, it orients new users to the basic Second Life interface elements.
This document provides an introduction to the astrological concepts explored in the book Secrets of the Zodiac. It discusses how astrology began thousands of years ago and has developed different systems around the world. While astronomy studies the science, astrology perceives all things as interconnected and that by understanding how the universe operates we can learn about ourselves, as the macrocosm reflects the microcosm. Modern astrology incorporates psychological concepts from Jung. The birth chart captures the potential of a moment, but we and the charts are not static - astrologers study planetary cycles correlating to life stages and individual development.
The document describes a sailing trip through various anchorages along the coast, including stops in San Carlos Marina, Agua Verde anchorage, Los Gatos known for red rock and geodes, a desolate bay in the Middrift Islands, and approaching new islands. The passage details enjoying clear water, meeting other boats, hiking to views of the area, observing local wildlife like cacti, pelicans, jellyfish, and herons, and mentions areas of the boat like the galley, chart table, and cockpit.
Credit: Jerry Gardner, Don Edwards
Prezentacja zostaa wykonana przy pomocy Celestia Educational Activity: Primitive Earth and Moon autorstwa Frank Gregorio
- Ethical wills help clarify values and provide guidance for heirs regarding medical decisions, distributing wealth, and what is most important to the writer.
- Ethical wills benefit estate planning attorneys by helping them execute the estate plan in line with the client's values and intentions. They also provide context during probate.
- Ethical wills have a long history but are increasingly popular as a way to pass on wisdom and lessons learned to loved ones. They can prevent future disputes and help all families, regardless of wealth.
This document provides information about Fairfield Greenwich Group (FGG), a leading alternative asset investment specialist founded in 1983. It summarizes FGG's history, investment approach, clients, marketing and locations. FGG offers clients a variety of single manager, multi-strategy and fund-of-funds products to meet alternative investment needs. As of 2008, FGG had over $16 billion in assets under management from private banks, family offices, high-net-worth individuals and other institutional investors globally. FGG is headquartered in New York with additional offices in London and Bermuda.
Developed Studies, Business DevelopmentJoaquim Leao
Joaquim Le達o has extensive experience in developing strategies for companies operating in Brazil. Some of the key projects and roles mentioned in the document include:
- Developing a strategy plan for Larsen & Toubro to expand their operations in Brazil.
- Presenting business opportunities and challenges for companies in various sectors such as offshore oil/gas, petrochemicals, and biofuels.
- Creating a business plan to improve Baker Hughes' operations in Brazil.
- Holding leadership roles in swimming and volleyball clubs in Brazil.
Interview Gerard van Olphen CFO magazine - Toekomst in eigen handJasper de Weerdt
Geen pan-Europese strategie meer,
maar een strategie gericht op het
inzetten van eigen competenties in
drie kernlanden in het buitenland.
Het verzekeringsconcern Eureko
na de crisis is er een van behoedzaamheid
en het terugdringen van
complexiteit. Daar ligt de nadruk
op, aldus CFO Gerard van Olphen.
The 1st Step of Emerging Technology VenturesPing Zhou
The document summarizes a seminar on commercializing biotech products. It discusses the stages of developing a new venture from an initial idea through profitability. It also outlines the typical phases of developing a biotech product from research through FDA approval and marketing. Finally, it provides an example market analysis for a potential new drug for AIDS, including unmet needs, existing treatment options, market size, and considerations around pricing and reimbursement.
This document summarizes the innovation ecosystem in the Bryan-College Station area. It outlines the key infrastructure components that support life science businesses, including research parks, incubators, and facilities for research, development, and manufacturing. It also discusses the public-private partnerships and government support programs that are in place. Finally, it highlights the entrepreneurial culture and emphasizes that the Research Valley Partnership is ready to help innovators and entrepreneurs in the region.
The document provides guidance for evaluating the EU-UNAWE astronomy awareness programme. It outlines domains of learning including motivation, scientific skills, knowledge, and intercultural attitudes. Evaluation methods are suggested to gather evidence from children and teachers. For children, options include pre-and post-activity drawings, observations during games or activities, and optional surveys. For teachers, a survey is provided. The goal is to demonstrate the programme's impacts in a way that combines data from different locations and activities.
Astronomy curricula for different ages and cultural backgroundsJacekKupras
This document outlines astronomy curricula for different age groups and cultural backgrounds developed by EUNAWE Germany. It provides guidelines for teaching astronomy concepts to children ages 4-10 in a developmentally appropriate way that links both mythical and scientific thinking. Younger children ages 4-6 focus on observational skills and classification through stories and pretend play. Children ages 6-8 learn about the earth, sun, moon and planets through models and explanations while inspiring curiosity in astronomy. For ages 8-10, the curriculum emphasizes abstract thinking through hands-on observations, models, explanations and biographies of astronomers while introducing more advanced topics like other solar systems. The overall approach aims to foster interest in science, global citizenship and intercultural understanding.
The document describes an art series by Bradley Olsen-Ecker titled "From Key Largo to Key West: One Hundred Miles of Art" that depicts beaches and locations along the Florida Keys from Key Largo to Key West using various mediums including acrylic, pastel, and watercolor paintings. The series includes individual artworks depicting beaches at Harry Harris State Park, Long Key, Bahia Hondo, and Curry Hammock Beach. Photos from the Keys show the African Queen docked at Key Largo, patrons at Robbies Marina in Islamorada, Sloppy Joe's bar in Key West where Hemingway drank, the artist's last day painting at Bahia Hondo State Park, a large lob
1) A professor fills an empty mayonnaise jar with golf balls to represent important things in life like family, health, and passions. He then adds pebbles to represent other matters like job and home. Sand fills the gaps to represent small stuff.
2) When coffee is poured into the full jar, it represents having room for friends.
3) The lesson is to prioritize important people and activities ("golf balls") over less important tasks ("sand") to have a meaningful life, but also make room for relationships ("coffee").
This document provides an overview of the Second Life viewer interface and controls to help new users get started. It explains that the top menu bar and bottom toolbar provide access to most features and tools. Contextual menus that appear with right-clicks allow common interactions with objects, yourself, and other users. The guide also notes how to set up voice chat and find friends. In less than three sentences, it orients new users to the basic Second Life interface elements.
This document provides an introduction to the astrological concepts explored in the book Secrets of the Zodiac. It discusses how astrology began thousands of years ago and has developed different systems around the world. While astronomy studies the science, astrology perceives all things as interconnected and that by understanding how the universe operates we can learn about ourselves, as the macrocosm reflects the microcosm. Modern astrology incorporates psychological concepts from Jung. The birth chart captures the potential of a moment, but we and the charts are not static - astrologers study planetary cycles correlating to life stages and individual development.
The document describes a sailing trip through various anchorages along the coast, including stops in San Carlos Marina, Agua Verde anchorage, Los Gatos known for red rock and geodes, a desolate bay in the Middrift Islands, and approaching new islands. The passage details enjoying clear water, meeting other boats, hiking to views of the area, observing local wildlife like cacti, pelicans, jellyfish, and herons, and mentions areas of the boat like the galley, chart table, and cockpit.
Credit: Jerry Gardner, Don Edwards
Prezentacja zostaa wykonana przy pomocy Celestia Educational Activity: Primitive Earth and Moon autorstwa Frank Gregorio
- Ethical wills help clarify values and provide guidance for heirs regarding medical decisions, distributing wealth, and what is most important to the writer.
- Ethical wills benefit estate planning attorneys by helping them execute the estate plan in line with the client's values and intentions. They also provide context during probate.
- Ethical wills have a long history but are increasingly popular as a way to pass on wisdom and lessons learned to loved ones. They can prevent future disputes and help all families, regardless of wealth.
This document provides information about Fairfield Greenwich Group (FGG), a leading alternative asset investment specialist founded in 1983. It summarizes FGG's history, investment approach, clients, marketing and locations. FGG offers clients a variety of single manager, multi-strategy and fund-of-funds products to meet alternative investment needs. As of 2008, FGG had over $16 billion in assets under management from private banks, family offices, high-net-worth individuals and other institutional investors globally. FGG is headquartered in New York with additional offices in London and Bermuda.
Developed Studies, Business DevelopmentJoaquim Leao
Joaquim Le達o has extensive experience in developing strategies for companies operating in Brazil. Some of the key projects and roles mentioned in the document include:
- Developing a strategy plan for Larsen & Toubro to expand their operations in Brazil.
- Presenting business opportunities and challenges for companies in various sectors such as offshore oil/gas, petrochemicals, and biofuels.
- Creating a business plan to improve Baker Hughes' operations in Brazil.
- Holding leadership roles in swimming and volleyball clubs in Brazil.
Interview Gerard van Olphen CFO magazine - Toekomst in eigen handJasper de Weerdt
Geen pan-Europese strategie meer,
maar een strategie gericht op het
inzetten van eigen competenties in
drie kernlanden in het buitenland.
Het verzekeringsconcern Eureko
na de crisis is er een van behoedzaamheid
en het terugdringen van
complexiteit. Daar ligt de nadruk
op, aldus CFO Gerard van Olphen.
The 1st Step of Emerging Technology VenturesPing Zhou
The document summarizes a seminar on commercializing biotech products. It discusses the stages of developing a new venture from an initial idea through profitability. It also outlines the typical phases of developing a biotech product from research through FDA approval and marketing. Finally, it provides an example market analysis for a potential new drug for AIDS, including unmet needs, existing treatment options, market size, and considerations around pricing and reimbursement.
This document summarizes the innovation ecosystem in the Bryan-College Station area. It outlines the key infrastructure components that support life science businesses, including research parks, incubators, and facilities for research, development, and manufacturing. It also discusses the public-private partnerships and government support programs that are in place. Finally, it highlights the entrepreneurial culture and emphasizes that the Research Valley Partnership is ready to help innovators and entrepreneurs in the region.
The document provides guidance for evaluating the EU-UNAWE astronomy awareness programme. It outlines domains of learning including motivation, scientific skills, knowledge, and intercultural attitudes. Evaluation methods are suggested to gather evidence from children and teachers. For children, options include pre-and post-activity drawings, observations during games or activities, and optional surveys. For teachers, a survey is provided. The goal is to demonstrate the programme's impacts in a way that combines data from different locations and activities.
Astronomy curricula for different ages and cultural backgroundsJacekKupras
This document outlines astronomy curricula for different age groups and cultural backgrounds developed by EUNAWE Germany. It provides guidelines for teaching astronomy concepts to children ages 4-10 in a developmentally appropriate way that links both mythical and scientific thinking. Younger children ages 4-6 focus on observational skills and classification through stories and pretend play. Children ages 6-8 learn about the earth, sun, moon and planets through models and explanations while inspiring curiosity in astronomy. For ages 8-10, the curriculum emphasizes abstract thinking through hands-on observations, models, explanations and biographies of astronomers while introducing more advanced topics like other solar systems. The overall approach aims to foster interest in science, global citizenship and intercultural understanding.
EU-Universe Awareness uses astronomy to encourage children's interest in science and technology and foster global citizenship. Its Universe in a Box program provides hands-on activities and materials to teach difficult astronomy concepts simply to children ages 4-10. The program aims to help children understand their place in the greater universe through activities on the moon, earth, sun, planets, and constellations while promoting respect for other cultures and environmental stewardship. Universe in a Box uses a modular approach with inquiry-based learning to gradually expand children's worldview.
Curiosity is a car-sized Mars rover launching in 2011 to explore Gale Crater using a variety of scientific instruments. It will characterize the planet's geology and climate, assess biological potential, and prepare for future human exploration. Curiosity will use a sky crane maneuver for the first precise landing on Mars and employ a nuclear power source to investigate rocks and soil with tools including cameras, a laser, spectrometers, and a drill. The rover is expected to operate for one Martian year, relaying data to Earth via orbiters to further understand if Mars could have supported microbial life.
The document describes a 21st Century Skills Map created by The Partnership in cooperation with the National Science Teachers Association to illustrate the intersection between 21st Century Skills and the core subject of Science. The map was developed through extensive research and feedback from educators and business leaders. It provides examples of how skills like critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication can be integrated into Science learning at various grade levels. The goal is to help students advance their learning in core subjects and prepare for the future.
The document contains details of images taken by camera 3644 to 3697 from March 22, 2012 to April 6, 2012. It lists the date, time, orbit number, camera status and location photographed for each image taken. Many entries note the camera system was unavailable and list locations in Africa, Australia, South America and elsewhere.
This document provides an introduction to a guide for teaching computational thinking concepts through creative computing with Scratch. The guide is organized as a series of 20 sessions covering 5 topics. It introduces Scratch and design-based learning approaches. The document outlines the structure and content of the guide, as well as its origins from workshops hosted by the Scratch team.
1. WorldWide Telescope
Dorota i Jacek Kupras
2. Czym jest WorldWide Telescope?
WorldWide Telescope - program na
licencji freeware, symulator
planetarium, pozwala na przegldanie
obszernych zbior坦w zdjd nieba,
panoram oraz tr坦jwymiarowych
modeli planet ukadu sonecznego.
W programie udostpniono zdjcia z teleskop坦w Hubble'a, Spitzera,
Program pozwala r坦wnie甜 na
sterowanie teleskopem za pomoc
sterownika ASCOM.
Autorzy programu twierdz, 甜e jego
najwiksz zalet jest mo甜liwod
integracji danych pochodzcych z
r坦甜nych 添r坦de w obrbie jednego
店r坦da: Wikipedia
3. Cechy charakterystyczne WorldWIde
Tym, co wyr坦甜nia WWT jest fakt, 甜e od
pocztku by on zorientowany na integracj
danych pochodzcych z r坦甜norodnych
店r坦dami tymi byy bazy danych wiodcych
obserwatori坦w i plac坦wek naukowych.
Autorzy WWT wielokrotnie podkrelaj ten
fakt. Twierdz oni, 甜e WWT jest narzdziem
demokratyzujcym nauk, umo甜liwiajc z
poziomu jednej aplikacji dostp do
informacji szerszy ni甜 mo甜e to dad jakikolwiek
inny program.
Drug charakterystyczn cech WWT jest
silna orientacja na cele edukacyjne. Przy
pomocy tego programu mo甜na stosunkowo
atwo tworzyd prezentacje .
Udostpniono r坦wnie甜 mechanizmy
uatwiajce dzielenie si nimi.
4. Tw坦rcy World Wide Telescope
World Wide Telescope jest rozwijany w
ramach Microsoft Research.
Podwaliny pod projekt poo甜y
naukowiec James Jim Gray.
By on informatykiem, kt坦ry w 1998
roku otrzyma Nagrod Turinga za
wkad w dziedzinie teorii baz danych
i przetwarzania transakcyjnego.
James Gray pracowa dla Microsoftu w
ramach zespou tworzcego SkyServer.
To wanie te prace poo甜yy
fundamenty pod WorldWide
James Gray by zapalonym 甜eglarzem.
Zagin na morzu 28 stycznia 2008
WorldWIde Telescope jest
dedykowane jego pamici.
5. Tw坦rcy World Wide Telescope
Aktualnie kluczowymi postaciami w zespole rozwijajcym WWT s Jonathan Fay i Curtis
Wong. Kadr po prawej pochodzi z prezentacji jak wygosi na konferencji TED w 2008
roku. Polecamy obejrzenie prezentacji w caoci. Wystarczy kliknd w powy甜sze zdjcie.
Mo甜na go r坦wnie甜 obejrzed offline klikajc tutaj.
6. WWT: Wersje
World Wide Telescope posiada dwie wersje: jedn mo甜emy uruchomid w przegldarce.
Widad j u g坦ry po lewej.
Druga wersja to tradycyjnie instalowana pod Windows aplikacja. Zrzut ekranowy tej
wersji zamieszczony jest u g坦ry po prawej stronie.
Jak widad, ich interfejs praktycznie si nie r坦甜ni.
Obie wersje wymagaj zainstalowania wczeniej technologii Silverlight.
8. World Wide Telescope Ambassador - materiay edukacyjne
Na dzieo dzisiejszy ambasadorzy tworz trzy rodzaje pomocy edukacyjnych. S to materiay
edukacyjne, video tutoriale oraz przewodniki do tworzenia seans坦w. W ramach polskiego
projektu przetumaczono Tour Creation how tos, kt坦re jest zamieszczone na stronie
Hands on Universe
9. Reakcje dzieci na WWT.
Archiwum online z powy甜szymi
filmami prezentacj znajduje si
Warto obejrzed filmiki
znajdujce si w powy甜szym
folderze. Szczeg坦lnie
sympatycznie wyglda
entuzjastyczna reakcja dzieci na
pytanie, czy podobao im si
tworzenie seans坦w.
11. WWT w Polsce
Hands-On Universe Poland stao si pierwszym midzynarodowym partnerem
projektu Uniwersytetu Harvarda z USA. Dziki prof. Lechowi Mankiewiczowi na
tym portalu udao si umiecid kluczowe tumaczenia dotyczce programu, jego
waciwoci i g坦wne cechy oraz filmiki instrukta甜owe.
15. WWT w edukacji
Aktualnie dziaania edukacyjne zwizane z WWT mo甜na podzielid na:
Prezentacje doczone do programu
Materiay dla szk坦 middle oraz hight (gimnazja, licea)
Program World Wide Telescope Ambassadors
Przenone i domowe planetaria 19
16. WWT w edukacji: Prezentacje
U g坦ry widad typy prezentacji dostpnych wewntrz programu World Wide
Mo甜na je r坦wnie甜 przegldad z poziomu strony programu
17. Zastosowanie WWT w zajciach szkolnych
Jzyk polski
18. 珂看糸噛庄 ludzie dzi przywykli do dzielenia si swoimi
historiami na MySpace, Facebook, YouTube i innych portalach
spoecznociowych. Nauczyciele maj nadziej, 甜e program WorldWide
Telescope mo甜e zachcid ich do zainteresowania si astronomi. "Nauka ma
z reputacj, gdy甜 jest ona postrzegana jako suche nagromadzenie fakt坦w",
powiedzia Roy R. Gould, ekspert w dziedzinie edukacji nauki z Harvard-
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. WWT jest to rodowisko do
wizualizacji piknego otoczenia, kt坦re mo甜na zbadad, stworzyd a nastpnie
je udostpnid.