City and countryside tunnels preserve unique locations and minimise
travel time by avoiding intersections with other infrastructure.
Nevertheless, to guarantee a smooth and safe traffic flow through
tunnels, many requirements have to be met. Technology plays an
essential role in this.
This document provides an introduction to high tunnels, which are simple, plastic-covered structures used to extend the growing season for fruits and vegetables. Key points include:
- High tunnels provide weather protection, environmental control, and allow year-round production, but have higher costs than field production.
- Advantages include extended seasons, reduced disease incidence, improved quality, and increased revenue potential.
- Challenges include high initial costs, specialized labor needs, potential for new pest problems, and difficulty rotating crops.
- Experience has shown tomatoes, brambles, and strawberries to be the most profitable crops for high tunnels in Iowa. Careful consideration of crop values and costs is required to determine economic
This document provides information about high tunnel production of raspberries and blackberries. It discusses the benefits of high tunnels, which include extending the growing season and protecting plants from environmental stresses. It covers site selection, tunnel structure and materials, plant selection, establishment and management of plantings, season extension techniques, and harvesting. High tunnels allow for an intermediate form of production that is more protected than field production but with lower input costs than greenhouse production. Plants are generally grown directly in the ground within the tunnels.
This document provides technical service information for the fuel supply system of Audi 100 petrol engines from 1991. It includes exploded views and instructions for servicing components like the fuel tank, fuel delivery unit, fuel filter, activated charcoal filter system, and accelerator mechanism. The document is copyrighted and copying is only permitted with authorization from AUDI AG.
This document is a copyrighted workshop manual from Audi AG for servicing the electrical system of an Audi 100 from 1991. It contains information on self-diagnosis procedures, checking and charging the battery, servicing gauges and instruments, and repair procedures for various electrical components. The document instructs technicians to observe safety precautions and only reproduce or share its contents with authorization from Audi AG.
This document is a service manual for the brake system of the 1991 Audi 100. It contains copyright information, a table of contents, and sections covering technical specifications, anti-lock brake system repair procedures, brake mechanics repair procedures, and illustrations of brake components. The document provides service technicians with information needed to properly service the brakes of the 1991 Audi 100.
This document provides copyright information and instructions for performing self-diagnosis on the heating and air conditioning systems of Audi 100 vehicles from 1991. It includes sections on performing self-diagnosis using a fault reader on manually controlled and fully automatic air conditioning systems. Additional sections provide instructions for servicing, removing and installing heating and auxiliary heating components. The document is protected by copyright and copying is only permitted with authorization from AUDI AG.
City and countryside tunnels preserve unique locations and minimise
travel time by avoiding intersections with other infrastructure.
Nevertheless, to guarantee a smooth and safe traffic flow through
tunnels, many requirements have to be met. Technology plays an
essential role in this.
This document provides an introduction to high tunnels, which are simple, plastic-covered structures used to extend the growing season for fruits and vegetables. Key points include:
- High tunnels provide weather protection, environmental control, and allow year-round production, but have higher costs than field production.
- Advantages include extended seasons, reduced disease incidence, improved quality, and increased revenue potential.
- Challenges include high initial costs, specialized labor needs, potential for new pest problems, and difficulty rotating crops.
- Experience has shown tomatoes, brambles, and strawberries to be the most profitable crops for high tunnels in Iowa. Careful consideration of crop values and costs is required to determine economic
This document provides information about high tunnel production of raspberries and blackberries. It discusses the benefits of high tunnels, which include extending the growing season and protecting plants from environmental stresses. It covers site selection, tunnel structure and materials, plant selection, establishment and management of plantings, season extension techniques, and harvesting. High tunnels allow for an intermediate form of production that is more protected than field production but with lower input costs than greenhouse production. Plants are generally grown directly in the ground within the tunnels.
This document provides technical service information for the fuel supply system of Audi 100 petrol engines from 1991. It includes exploded views and instructions for servicing components like the fuel tank, fuel delivery unit, fuel filter, activated charcoal filter system, and accelerator mechanism. The document is copyrighted and copying is only permitted with authorization from AUDI AG.
This document is a copyrighted workshop manual from Audi AG for servicing the electrical system of an Audi 100 from 1991. It contains information on self-diagnosis procedures, checking and charging the battery, servicing gauges and instruments, and repair procedures for various electrical components. The document instructs technicians to observe safety precautions and only reproduce or share its contents with authorization from Audi AG.
This document is a service manual for the brake system of the 1991 Audi 100. It contains copyright information, a table of contents, and sections covering technical specifications, anti-lock brake system repair procedures, brake mechanics repair procedures, and illustrations of brake components. The document provides service technicians with information needed to properly service the brakes of the 1991 Audi 100.
This document provides copyright information and instructions for performing self-diagnosis on the heating and air conditioning systems of Audi 100 vehicles from 1991. It includes sections on performing self-diagnosis using a fault reader on manually controlled and fully automatic air conditioning systems. Additional sections provide instructions for servicing, removing and installing heating and auxiliary heating components. The document is protected by copyright and copying is only permitted with authorization from AUDI AG.
AUDI R e p a i r gr o u p 44 wheels, tires, vehicle geometryGherghescu Gabriel
This document is a workshop manual from Audi AG covering wheels, tires, and vehicle geometry for various Audi models from 1991 to 2013. It provides information on wheel and tire installation and maintenance, including tightening torques, permissible tire tread differences, recommended snow chains, rim repairs, tire pressure monitoring systems, and identifying tire sidewall markings. The document is copyrighted and copying is only permitted with authorization from Audi AG.
The document discusses the history and current state of climate change research. It notes that scientific consensus has formed around the occurrence of climate change due to human activity like fossil fuel burning. Recent years have seen increasing temperatures, sea level rise, and more extreme weather events consistent with the scientific predictions about climate change impacts.
This document lists the fuses for an Audi A6 from 1994-1997 with a 1.8 liter engine. It identifies 24 fuses labeled F1 through F24 with their corresponding amperage ratings and the electrical components each fuse powers, such as headlights, interior lights, engine components, and other vehicle systems. The document also provides specifications for the vehicle including the manufacturer, model, engine code, horsepower, emission standard, and year.
The document discusses different types of mass air flow sensors. It describes how a hot wire mass air flow sensor works by using a thermistor and hot wire to measure airflow and output a proportional voltage signal. It also describes how a vane air flow meter and Karman vortex air flow sensor measure airflow and output signals to the ECM to calculate fuel injection. The mass air flow sensor is located in the intake air stream and converts airflow into a voltage signal used by the ECM to determine engine load and calculate fuel injection, ignition timing, and transmission shifting.
This document provides a parts list and specifications for an Audi A6 from 1995-1997 with a 1.8 liter engine. The list includes 6 relay components for the ignition, horn, headlamp washer pump, starter motor inhibitor switch, reversing lamps, and windscreen wash/wipe functions. It also lists a fuel pump relay and glow plug control module. The car is a 1995-1997 Audi A6 with a 1.8 liter engine making 92 horsepower at 5800 RPM.
This document contains information about fuses, fuse circuits, component locations, and specifications for an Audi A6 vehicle from 1994-1997 with a 1.8 liter engine including the fuse amperages for the engine coolant blower motor, ABS pump, and ABS valves circuits as well as the component locations for the electric window control module, alarm system monitoring relay, door mirror control modules, transmission shift hold relay, and electric window close relay.
This document provides information on fuses and circuit locations for a 1995-97 Audi A6 1.8 engine. It lists 4 thermal fuses of different colors that protect the turbo-diesel control system, carbon filter system, injectors, and engine management control unit. It also notes an 80 amp fuse for the glow plugs and identifies 5 locations including the module coding plug and fascia.
26 APRILIE 2013
Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerin釘elor se acord 90 de puncte.
Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timpul de lucru efectiv este de 2 ore.
SUBIECTUL I - Pe foaia de concurs scrie釘i numai rezultatele. (30 de puncte)
5p 1. Rezultatul calculului 4 4: 2 este numrul natural ... .
5p 2. Cel mai mare numr natural mai mic dec但t 15,6 este ... .
5p 3. Solu釘ia ecua釘iei
x = este .... .
4. Triunghiul echilateral cu lungimea laturii de 4 cm are perimetrul egal cu ...... cm.
5. Aria total a unui cub cu muchia de lungime 10 cm este egal cu .....cm2
5p 6. n tabelul urmtor este reprezentat situa釘ia ob釘inut 樽n urma 樽nregistrrii temperaturilor medii
樽ntr-o sptm但n din luna martie:
Fa釘 de temperatura 樽nregistrat mar釘i, temperatura 樽nregistrat duminic este mai mare cu ...... .
Ziua Luni Mar釘i Miercuri Joi Vineri S但mbt Duminic
Temperatura 2 2 6 1 3 1 4
SUBIECTUL al II-lea - Pe foaia de tez scrie釘i rezolvrile complete. (30 de puncte)
1. Desena釘i, pe foaia de examen, o prism dreapt ABCA B C cu baza triunghiul echilateral ABC.5p
2. Rezolva釘i 樽n mul釘imea numerelor naturale sistemul
x y
x y
+ =錚
3. La festivitatea de premiere de la sf但ritul anului colar, un profesor observ c, dac elevii
participan釘i s-ar alinia 樽n r但nduri de c但te 8 elevi, ar rm但ne 2 elevi, dac s-ar alinia 樽n r但nduri de
c但te 10 elevi, ar rm但ne 4 elevi, iar dac s-ar alinia c但te 12 elevi, ar rm但ne 6 elevi. C但釘i elevi au
participat la festivitatea de premiere, dac numrul elevilor participan釘i este mai mic dec但t 1000 i
mai mare dec但t 900?
4. Se consider func釘ia :f , ( ) 3 1f x x= .
a) Calcula釘i (0)f +
錚 錚
錚 錚
錚 錚
b) Reprezenta釘i grafic func釘ia f .
5. Numerele pozitive nenule a i b au proprietatea c a reprezint 25% din b . C但t la sut din
a reprezint numrul b ?
2. Figura 2
SUBIECTUL al III-lea - Pe foaia de examen scrie釘i rezolvrile complete. (30 de puncte)
1. n Figura 1 este reprezentat triunghiul ABC , cu ( ) 90m BAC = i 2AB = cm. Din punctul A
se construiete 樽nl釘imea AD , ( )D BC . Se tie c ( ) 2 ( )m DAC m BAD= .
a) Determina釘i ( )m BAD .
b) Determina釘i lungimea 樽nl釘imii AD .
c) Calcula釘i valoarea raportului dintre aria triunghiului DAC i aria triunghiului BAD .
Figura 1
2. Un cort confec釘ionat din p但nz are forma unei piramide patrulatere regulate VABCD , ca 樽n
Figura 2, i este sus釘inut prin tije metalice corespunztoare tuturor muchiilor piramidei. Fiecare tij
situat pe o muchie lateral a piramidei are lungimea de 5 metri, iar fiecare tij situat pe o muchie
a bazei are 6 metri.
a) Afla釘i c但釘i metri ptra釘i de p但nz sunt necesari pentru confec釘ionarea cortului (pentru baz i
pentru toate fe釘ele laterale).
b) Calcula釘i volumul cortului.
c) Un cablu electric este fixat 樽n punctul A i trece prin punctul ( )E VB . El alimenteaz o
surs de lumin aflat 樽n punctul C . Afla釘i lungimea segmentului AE astfel 樽nc但t lungimea cablului
electric ( AE EC+ ) s fie minim.