The video for Fall Out Boy's "Sugar we're going down" uses several pop punk conventions, including the band playing their instruments on stage and jumping around energetically. It depicts the story from the song's lyrics through cross-cutting between the band and a boy and girl on dates. The nonlinear narrative matches the fast-paced music. While unconventionally set in a house, the band performs in a way that shows their youth and appeals to a working class audience of 15-30 year olds who can identify with the band's modern style.
This document discusses a researcher's study on metacognitive strategies and their impact on students' writing process. The researcher, Enny Irawati, studied graduate students in Malang, Indonesia from December 2006 to January 2007. The results showed that employing metacognitive strategies helped students monitor their writing process and progress as they worked to complete a term paper from the planning stage through final production.
The document discusses four locations used for filming a low-budget thriller: Heathrow Airport, Northolt Hills, South Harrow Graveyard, and the filmmaker's house. Heathrow Airport was considered for its prestige but transport issues prevented its use. Northolt Hills was chosen for its unusualness to fit the thriller genre. South Harrow Graveyard was selected to include horror elements without being cliche. The filmmaker's house was deemed effective for intimidating audiences by putting the protagonist at risk in a familiar setting.
This document describes various shot types used in filmmaking including medium close up, close up, big close up, high angle, low angle, over the shoulder, two shot, friendship, stress, extreme long shot, and long shot. Each shot type is defined in one or two sentences explaining what part of the subject is included and the intended effect.
La nueva colección primavera-verano 2011 de la marca KALHUA ya está disponible para su compra tanto en tiendas fÃsicas como en su página web La colección ha sido diseñada por KALHUA.
The document discusses conductivity and which materials are good or bad conductors of heat. Metals like iron, steel, copper and silver are good conductors as they transmit heat well, while materials like wood, plastic and fabrics are bad conductors as they transmit heat poorly. Diamonds are irregular but still conduct heat well despite not being a metal.
The document discusses calculating the perimeter of different shapes. It explains that the perimeter is the distance around the edges of a shape. To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you need to know the length and width, and then add them together. It provides examples of calculating perimeters of rectangles and squares by adding up the side lengths. The key steps to find perimeter are to identify the measurements of the sides and then add them together.
Nuestro producto nace de la idea de proteger de una manera directa el medio ambiente y es con el agua en envase de cartón, el cual nos permite crear conciencia y sensibilizar a los clientes de que todos podemos ayudar a proteger el planeta ya que el cartón es un material reciclable y de fácil reutilización
The document summarizes the key elements of a magazine layout, including the editor's letter, masthead, main image, coverlines, captions, page numbers, font, color scheme, layout, special offers, and other smaller images. The editor's letter welcomes readers and informs them about magazine content. The masthead identifies the publication and can be placed in different locations. The main image highlights a featured person and links to an inside spread. Additional elements like captions, page numbers, and offers are designed to engage and guide readers through the issue.
The document discusses two music magazines - NME and Q. It provides background information on when each magazine was founded, their target audiences and styles. It also describes example double page spreads from each magazine, analyzing the language, tone, layout, images and how they relate to the magazines' brands. The document serves as inspiration for the student's own magazine cover design.
The document defines a polygon as a closed figure made of line segments that intersect exactly two other segments. It provides examples of polygons and non-polygons, explaining why figures are or aren't polygons based on whether they are closed, composed of line segments, or have sides that intersect more than twice. The document concludes with an activity for students to identify polygons and non-polygons in a math book.
The document describes edits made to a design. The '&' sign was made smaller and changed to white, and the blue backdrop was removed. The artist names were moved left and right. Finally, the blue backdrop was removed from the main headline to make it stand out more.
The video for Fall Out Boy's "Sugar we're going down" uses several pop punk conventions, including the band playing their instruments on stage and jumping around energetically. It depicts the story from the song's lyrics through cross-cutting between the band and a boy and girl on dates. The nonlinear narrative matches the fast-paced music. While unconventionally set in a house, the band performs in a way that shows their youth and appeals to a working class audience of 15-30 year olds who can identify with the band's modern style.
This document discusses a researcher's study on metacognitive strategies and their impact on students' writing process. The researcher, Enny Irawati, studied graduate students in Malang, Indonesia from December 2006 to January 2007. The results showed that employing metacognitive strategies helped students monitor their writing process and progress as they worked to complete a term paper from the planning stage through final production.
The document discusses four locations used for filming a low-budget thriller: Heathrow Airport, Northolt Hills, South Harrow Graveyard, and the filmmaker's house. Heathrow Airport was considered for its prestige but transport issues prevented its use. Northolt Hills was chosen for its unusualness to fit the thriller genre. South Harrow Graveyard was selected to include horror elements without being cliche. The filmmaker's house was deemed effective for intimidating audiences by putting the protagonist at risk in a familiar setting.
This document describes various shot types used in filmmaking including medium close up, close up, big close up, high angle, low angle, over the shoulder, two shot, friendship, stress, extreme long shot, and long shot. Each shot type is defined in one or two sentences explaining what part of the subject is included and the intended effect.
La nueva colección primavera-verano 2011 de la marca KALHUA ya está disponible para su compra tanto en tiendas fÃsicas como en su página web La colección ha sido diseñada por KALHUA.
The document discusses conductivity and which materials are good or bad conductors of heat. Metals like iron, steel, copper and silver are good conductors as they transmit heat well, while materials like wood, plastic and fabrics are bad conductors as they transmit heat poorly. Diamonds are irregular but still conduct heat well despite not being a metal.
The document discusses calculating the perimeter of different shapes. It explains that the perimeter is the distance around the edges of a shape. To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you need to know the length and width, and then add them together. It provides examples of calculating perimeters of rectangles and squares by adding up the side lengths. The key steps to find perimeter are to identify the measurements of the sides and then add them together.
Nuestro producto nace de la idea de proteger de una manera directa el medio ambiente y es con el agua en envase de cartón, el cual nos permite crear conciencia y sensibilizar a los clientes de que todos podemos ayudar a proteger el planeta ya que el cartón es un material reciclable y de fácil reutilización
The document summarizes the key elements of a magazine layout, including the editor's letter, masthead, main image, coverlines, captions, page numbers, font, color scheme, layout, special offers, and other smaller images. The editor's letter welcomes readers and informs them about magazine content. The masthead identifies the publication and can be placed in different locations. The main image highlights a featured person and links to an inside spread. Additional elements like captions, page numbers, and offers are designed to engage and guide readers through the issue.
The document discusses two music magazines - NME and Q. It provides background information on when each magazine was founded, their target audiences and styles. It also describes example double page spreads from each magazine, analyzing the language, tone, layout, images and how they relate to the magazines' brands. The document serves as inspiration for the student's own magazine cover design.
The document defines a polygon as a closed figure made of line segments that intersect exactly two other segments. It provides examples of polygons and non-polygons, explaining why figures are or aren't polygons based on whether they are closed, composed of line segments, or have sides that intersect more than twice. The document concludes with an activity for students to identify polygons and non-polygons in a math book.
The document describes edits made to a design. The '&' sign was made smaller and changed to white, and the blue backdrop was removed. The artist names were moved left and right. Finally, the blue backdrop was removed from the main headline to make it stand out more.
2. MİKRO ÖĞRETİM UYGULAMARIMikro öğretim nedir? Öğretmen adaylarının mesleki gelişimlerini arttıracak normal sınıf ortamına göre daha kontrollü olan laboratuar öğretim yöntemidir
3. 1.Bilgi edinme Aşamı: Bu aşamada öğretmen adayı öğretim görevlisi danışmanı yada uzman eğitimci tarafından belirlenerek gösterimi yapılan öğretmenlik becerisi ve bileşenleri hakkında bilgi edinir.Bunun için araştırma yapar kitaplardan ve diğer gerekli kaynaklardan bilgi toplayarak bu becerinin amacı ve öğrenme ve öğretme sürecinde hangi koşullarda işe yarayacağını öğrenir. Uzman öğretmen belirlenen becerilerin bir gösterimini yapar. Öğretmen adayı bu ders anlatımını dikkatlice gözlemler. Böylece becerinin geliştirilmesi için gerekli olan hem teorik hem de pratik uygulama alt yapısı oluşturulur.Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları
4. Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları2) Beceri Kazanma aşaması: Belirlenen öğretmenlik becerisini ustaca sergileyen uzman tarafından sunulan dersi temel alan öğretmen adayı sergilenen bu becerinin pratiğini yapmak üzere bir mikro ders planlanır.Sonrasında mikro öğretim döngüsündeki basamaklar takip edilir. Öğretmen adayı becerilerini tekrarlanan pratiklerle geliştirmeye çalışır.
5. Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları3)Aktarma(transfer etme) aşaması: Öğretmen adayı öğretim becerilerini yeterince geliştirdikten sonra gerçek bir sınıf ortamında tam süreli bir ders anlatımında bu becerilerini aktarıp bütünleştirerek öğretmenlik uygulamasını gerçekleştirir.
6. Mikro Öğretim Üstün Yönleri Mikroöğretim, teori ile uygulama arasındaki ilişkiyi Vurgulayabilme potansiyeline sahip oluşu nedeniyleÖğretmenlik mesleğine hazırlıkta önemli bir yer edinerek geleneksel öğretmen öğretimi ve Öğretmen yetiştirme yöntemlerine göre pek çok avantaj sağlamıştır.Gerçek sınıf ortamında karşılaşabilecek zorluklardanArındılırmış bir ortam oluşturulduğundan öğretmen adayı sadece öğrenmeye odaklanarak kendiöğretmenlik performanslarını analiz ederler.
7. Mikro Öğretim Üstün YönleriÖğretmenler kendi yanlışlarını düzeltecebilicekleri gibi öğretim süresince ortaya çıkabilecek farklı problemleri çözme ve zorlukları aşma ile ilgili çalışma yapabilceklerin için aşama, aşama özgüvenleri gelişir ve böylece öğretmenlik uygulamasında daha verimli bir performans gösterebilirler. Ayrıca mikroöğretim yöntemi, öğretmen adaylarına yeni öğretim stratejilerini planlama ve uygulama konusunda farklı ve yeni olanaklar sunar
8. Mikro Öğretimin Sınırlı YönleriMikro öğretim yönteminin içerikten ziyade, beceri odaklı olması ve özellikle beceriler üzerinde durulması, kapsamın dar tutulmasına yol açarken daha geniş çapta davraşnış geliştirilmesini ve öğretim sürecinin tümüyle ele alınarak incelenmesini kıstılayabilmektir. Mikro öğretim, öğretmen eğitimi ve öğretmen yetiştirme alanında tek ve en günlü yöntem değildir. Diğer yöntemlerle kullanılarak öğretmen adayları mesleğe hazırlanmalıdır.
9. Mikro Öğretim yöntemiyle Gerçekleşebilecek ÖğretmenlikbecerileriMikro öğretim, belirli bir öğretmen becerisi ve davraşı üzerine kontrollü bir biçimde uygulma ve pratik yapma olanağı tanıyan bir yöntemdir. Mikro öğretimde belirlenen hedef, öğrencilerle konuşma, soru sorma, karatahtayı kullanma, örnek gösterme gibi herhangi bir görev olabilir.
10. Mikro Öğretim yöntemiyle Gerçekleşebilecek Öğretmenlik becerileri Öğretmen sınıf yönetimi ve kontrolü, sunuş yoluyla ders anlatımı, öğrenme hedeflerini yazabilme derse giriş, dersi bitirme, direk ve dolaylı anlatım ödüllendirme, pekiştirme, ödev verme, geri bildirim verme, iletişim becerileri, zamanı iyi kullanma gibi becerilerin geliştirilmesinme yönelik çalışmalar mikro öğretimde yaygın bir şekilde yapılmaktadır.