This media studies evaluation summarizes a project titled "In Your Face" created by Ryan Croll and Arya Chopra. The project portrayed negative stereotypes of teenagers and females. It was distributed in Britain by Universal Studios and online. The target audience was teenagers aged 15 to 18. In completing the project, the creators improved their camera skills, editing skills using iMovie, and scripting and storyboarding abilities. They found the process easier the second time having gone through it once before for a preliminary task.
This document describes different parts of plants including leaves, stems, roots, and bark. It discusses describing leaves based on shape, edges, and position on the stem. Leaf position can be alternate, opposite, or whorled. Stems can be straight, climbing, or trailing. Bark texture can be soft, hard, rough, smooth, or bumpy. Roots can be tap roots or fibrous roots. The document provides examples and pictures. It concludes with designing an imaginary plant by deciding its features like stem, leaves, roots, fruit, and any special properties.
This document provides a summary of Vietnamese history from World War 2 through modern times in 3 parts. It discusses how Vietnam was occupied by Japan during WWII but still controlled by France. It introduces Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh's fight for independence from 1941-1954. This led to the First Indochina War from 1946-1954 when Vietnam defeated France at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. The country then divided into North and South Vietnam, which fought each other during the Vietnam War from 1959-1975 until the North defeated the South and reunited the country in 1975.
A teenage boy is grieving the death of a loved one. Throughout the video, which follows the boy on a journey through nature, the changing weather and scenery represent the boy's fluctuating emotions as he works through his grief. Shots of the boy walking are intercut with images of nature to convey the passage of time. Eventually the boy arrives at a memorial, where he is finally able to accept his loss and find closure. The open-ended structure is meant to leave room for personal interpretation by the audience.
Closer is a UK celebrity and lifestyle magazine launched in 2002. It combines celebrity news and gossip with real-life stories to connect emotionally with its audience of BC1 women aged 20-45. In addition to celebrity content, Closer also includes extensive fashion, beauty, health and TV listings sections. It is available in print, online, and through diet-focused websites. Closer's audience enjoys the magazine as it reflects the many aspects of their busy lives and acknowledges that celebrity gossip can be enjoyable.
The document discusses a music magazine media product that was produced for a class. The student feels their magazine could be sold on shelves alongside real magazines due to its professional look and style. The magazine is aimed at a female audience ages 16-25 that enjoys fashion and shopping at stores like River Island and H&M. Through the process of constructing the magazine, the student learned how to use Photoshop and other design tools to improve photo quality and make the magazine look more polished.
I have 5 senses that allow me to experience the world around me. I can see with my eyes, hear with my ears, smell with my nose, taste with my tongue, and touch with my hands.
1) The film follows newlyweds Antonio and Abelle who struggle financially in their coastal home in California.
2) Antonio borrows money from the dangerous Costello gang to make ends meet but cannot pay it back. He is cornered by the gang and murdered.
3) When Abelle learns of Antonio's death, she commits suicide with his signature revolver, unable to go on without him.
The document provides a plot synopsis and character descriptions for the film "California Confidential" along with notes on its opening sequence, titles, creative techniques used, and distribution plans.
The production company DDNJ would distribute the media product. DDNJ stands for the first initials of the group members' first names and is responsible for the physical production and raising funds. A film distributor's role is to release films to the public through theaters or home video. For a film like theirs, the money would come from an independent production company like DDNJ, which would deal with financial backing. The opening credits would list the production company, director, and editor. The film is institutionally similar to "State of Play" which was also produced independently but distributed by a larger company. Both films fall under the thriller genre with plots involving mystery.
The document discusses the evaluation of school and college magazines and newsletters. It notes that the quality and layout of these publications varies greatly due to smaller budgets compared to professional magazines. Photos and color are used to attract readers' attention and allow them to identify what articles may interest them before reading. The publications typically feature school/college logos and messages from principals, and report on academic and extracurricular successes and current issues relevant to students.
My Idea magazine targets late teens through middle-aged adults who identify as middle class. It will cover indie and alternative rock music genres through features on established and new bands, live reviews, and a classic section. The monthly magazine will be 90 pages and cost £2.59 per issue or £25 annually, making it less expensive than competitors like Q magazine while also including interactive media.
This document outlines the tasks for a brief involving the creation of a school/college magazine and music magazine using desktop publishing and image manipulation software. Candidates must produce the front page of the school magazine with a student photo and text layout, as well as a contents page mockup. For the main task, candidates must create the front page, contents page, and double page article spread for a music magazine using a minimum of four original images and text.
This media studies evaluation summarizes a project titled "In Your Face" created by Ryan Croll and Arya Chopra. The project portrayed negative stereotypes of teenagers and females. It was distributed in Britain by Universal Studios and online. The target audience was teenagers aged 15 to 18. In completing the project, the creators improved their camera skills, editing skills using iMovie, and scripting and storyboarding abilities. They found the process easier the second time having gone through it once before for a preliminary task.
This document describes different parts of plants including leaves, stems, roots, and bark. It discusses describing leaves based on shape, edges, and position on the stem. Leaf position can be alternate, opposite, or whorled. Stems can be straight, climbing, or trailing. Bark texture can be soft, hard, rough, smooth, or bumpy. Roots can be tap roots or fibrous roots. The document provides examples and pictures. It concludes with designing an imaginary plant by deciding its features like stem, leaves, roots, fruit, and any special properties.
This document provides a summary of Vietnamese history from World War 2 through modern times in 3 parts. It discusses how Vietnam was occupied by Japan during WWII but still controlled by France. It introduces Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh's fight for independence from 1941-1954. This led to the First Indochina War from 1946-1954 when Vietnam defeated France at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. The country then divided into North and South Vietnam, which fought each other during the Vietnam War from 1959-1975 until the North defeated the South and reunited the country in 1975.
A teenage boy is grieving the death of a loved one. Throughout the video, which follows the boy on a journey through nature, the changing weather and scenery represent the boy's fluctuating emotions as he works through his grief. Shots of the boy walking are intercut with images of nature to convey the passage of time. Eventually the boy arrives at a memorial, where he is finally able to accept his loss and find closure. The open-ended structure is meant to leave room for personal interpretation by the audience.
Closer is a UK celebrity and lifestyle magazine launched in 2002. It combines celebrity news and gossip with real-life stories to connect emotionally with its audience of BC1 women aged 20-45. In addition to celebrity content, Closer also includes extensive fashion, beauty, health and TV listings sections. It is available in print, online, and through diet-focused websites. Closer's audience enjoys the magazine as it reflects the many aspects of their busy lives and acknowledges that celebrity gossip can be enjoyable.
The document discusses a music magazine media product that was produced for a class. The student feels their magazine could be sold on shelves alongside real magazines due to its professional look and style. The magazine is aimed at a female audience ages 16-25 that enjoys fashion and shopping at stores like River Island and H&M. Through the process of constructing the magazine, the student learned how to use Photoshop and other design tools to improve photo quality and make the magazine look more polished.
I have 5 senses that allow me to experience the world around me. I can see with my eyes, hear with my ears, smell with my nose, taste with my tongue, and touch with my hands.
1) The film follows newlyweds Antonio and Abelle who struggle financially in their coastal home in California.
2) Antonio borrows money from the dangerous Costello gang to make ends meet but cannot pay it back. He is cornered by the gang and murdered.
3) When Abelle learns of Antonio's death, she commits suicide with his signature revolver, unable to go on without him.
The document provides a plot synopsis and character descriptions for the film "California Confidential" along with notes on its opening sequence, titles, creative techniques used, and distribution plans.
The production company DDNJ would distribute the media product. DDNJ stands for the first initials of the group members' first names and is responsible for the physical production and raising funds. A film distributor's role is to release films to the public through theaters or home video. For a film like theirs, the money would come from an independent production company like DDNJ, which would deal with financial backing. The opening credits would list the production company, director, and editor. The film is institutionally similar to "State of Play" which was also produced independently but distributed by a larger company. Both films fall under the thriller genre with plots involving mystery.
The document discusses the evaluation of school and college magazines and newsletters. It notes that the quality and layout of these publications varies greatly due to smaller budgets compared to professional magazines. Photos and color are used to attract readers' attention and allow them to identify what articles may interest them before reading. The publications typically feature school/college logos and messages from principals, and report on academic and extracurricular successes and current issues relevant to students.
My Idea magazine targets late teens through middle-aged adults who identify as middle class. It will cover indie and alternative rock music genres through features on established and new bands, live reviews, and a classic section. The monthly magazine will be 90 pages and cost £2.59 per issue or £25 annually, making it less expensive than competitors like Q magazine while also including interactive media.
This document outlines the tasks for a brief involving the creation of a school/college magazine and music magazine using desktop publishing and image manipulation software. Candidates must produce the front page of the school magazine with a student photo and text layout, as well as a contents page mockup. For the main task, candidates must create the front page, contents page, and double page article spread for a music magazine using a minimum of four original images and text.
2. MİKRO ÖĞRETİM UYGULAMARIMikro öğretim nedir? Öğretmen adaylarının mesleki gelişimlerini arttıracak normal sınıf ortamına göre daha kontrollü olan laboratuar öğretim yöntemidir
3. 1.Bilgi edinme Aşamı: Bu aşamada öğretmen adayı öğretim görevlisi danışmanı yada uzman eğitimci tarafından belirlenerek gösterimi yapılan öğretmenlik becerisi ve bileşenleri hakkında bilgi edinir.Bunun için araştırma yapar kitaplardan ve diğer gerekli kaynaklardan bilgi toplayarak bu becerinin amacı ve öğrenme ve öğretme sürecinde hangi koşullarda işe yarayacağını öğrenir. Uzman öğretmen belirlenen becerilerin bir gösterimini yapar. Öğretmen adayı bu ders anlatımını dikkatlice gözlemler. Böylece becerinin geliştirilmesi için gerekli olan hem teorik hem de pratik uygulama alt yapısı oluşturulur.Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları
4. Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları2) Beceri Kazanma aşaması: Belirlenen öğretmenlik becerisini ustaca sergileyen uzman tarafından sunulan dersi temel alan öğretmen adayı sergilenen bu becerinin pratiğini yapmak üzere bir mikro ders planlanır.Sonrasında mikro öğretim döngüsündeki basamaklar takip edilir. Öğretmen adayı becerilerini tekrarlanan pratiklerle geliştirmeye çalışır.
5. Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları3)Aktarma(transfer etme) aşaması: Öğretmen adayı öğretim becerilerini yeterince geliştirdikten sonra gerçek bir sınıf ortamında tam süreli bir ders anlatımında bu becerilerini aktarıp bütünleştirerek öğretmenlik uygulamasını gerçekleştirir.
6. Mikro Öğretim Üstün Yönleri Mikroöğretim, teori ile uygulama arasındaki ilişkiyi Vurgulayabilme potansiyeline sahip oluşu nedeniyleÖğretmenlik mesleğine hazırlıkta önemli bir yer edinerek geleneksel öğretmen öğretimi ve Öğretmen yetiştirme yöntemlerine göre pek çok avantaj sağlamıştır.Gerçek sınıf ortamında karşılaşabilecek zorluklardanArındılırmış bir ortam oluşturulduğundan öğretmen adayı sadece öğrenmeye odaklanarak kendiöğretmenlik performanslarını analiz ederler.
7. Mikro Öğretim Üstün YönleriÖğretmenler kendi yanlışlarını düzeltecebilicekleri gibi öğretim süresince ortaya çıkabilecek farklı problemleri çözme ve zorlukları aşma ile ilgili çalışma yapabilceklerin için aşama, aşama özgüvenleri gelişir ve böylece öğretmenlik uygulamasında daha verimli bir performans gösterebilirler. Ayrıca mikroöğretim yöntemi, öğretmen adaylarına yeni öğretim stratejilerini planlama ve uygulama konusunda farklı ve yeni olanaklar sunar
8. Mikro Öğretimin Sınırlı YönleriMikro öğretim yönteminin içerikten ziyade, beceri odaklı olması ve özellikle beceriler üzerinde durulması, kapsamın dar tutulmasına yol açarken daha geniş çapta davraşnış geliştirilmesini ve öğretim sürecinin tümüyle ele alınarak incelenmesini kıstılayabilmektir. Mikro öğretim, öğretmen eğitimi ve öğretmen yetiştirme alanında tek ve en günlü yöntem değildir. Diğer yöntemlerle kullanılarak öğretmen adayları mesleğe hazırlanmalıdır.
9. Mikro Öğretim yöntemiyle Gerçekleşebilecek ÖğretmenlikbecerileriMikro öğretim, belirli bir öğretmen becerisi ve davraşı üzerine kontrollü bir biçimde uygulma ve pratik yapma olanağı tanıyan bir yöntemdir. Mikro öğretimde belirlenen hedef, öğrencilerle konuşma, soru sorma, karatahtayı kullanma, örnek gösterme gibi herhangi bir görev olabilir.
10. Mikro Öğretim yöntemiyle Gerçekleşebilecek Öğretmenlik becerileri Öğretmen sınıf yönetimi ve kontrolü, sunuş yoluyla ders anlatımı, öğrenme hedeflerini yazabilme derse giriş, dersi bitirme, direk ve dolaylı anlatım ödüllendirme, pekiştirme, ödev verme, geri bildirim verme, iletişim becerileri, zamanı iyi kullanma gibi becerilerin geliştirilmesinme yönelik çalışmalar mikro öğretimde yaygın bir şekilde yapılmaktadır.