The document is the annual report of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) for the year 2013-14. It provides an overview of key developments in the telecom and broadcasting sectors in India during that year. In the telecom sector, subscriber numbers grew significantly and TRAI made recommendations on issues like spectrum pricing, availability, and trading. In broadcasting, TRAI recommended guidelines for rating agencies and regulations around monopoly and foreign investment. The report also discusses the progress of cable TV digitization across major cities and towns in India.
Collaboration keys and a twitter example march 23 2011 v2Thom Kearney
One of the creators of GCPEDIA will discuss key success factors for collaboration using Twitter as an example. Successful collaboration requires trust between participants, a common purpose, open communication, and a willingness to share knowledge. Microblogging allows for real-time feedback and improvement of ideas through conversations that occur across unknown time zones and networks of individuals.
This document provides a summary of key Christian concepts related to works and salvation. It discusses several Bible passages and argues that salvation is by God's grace through faith alone, not by works. The key points are:
1) Salvation is 100% dependent on God's grace and 0% on our good works. We are not justified by observing the law but by faith alone.
2) Good works do not earn salvation, which is a free gift from God. If we pursue salvation through works, we lose God's gift.
3) When we come to faith, the Holy Spirit changes our attitude so that we now hate sin and are eager to do God's will.
4) As Christians
Moving Cast Shadow Detection Using Physics-based Features (CVPR 2009)Jia-Bin Huang
This document summarizes a research paper about detecting moving cast shadows in videos. It presents an approach that uses physics-based color features and Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) to model shadows. First, it derives normalized spectral ratios as global color features under assumptions of constant ambient lighting and common spectral power distributions of direct light sources. A single GMM then models these global features to characterize shadows. Additionally, pixel-based GMMs describe local gradient intensity distortions to further differentiate shadows similar to backgrounds. The pixel GMMs are updated through confidence-rated learning to accelerate convergence without needing many foreground activities.
The document provides guidance on how to read and study the Bible effectively. It recommends praying before reading to ask God for understanding, setting aside regular time for Bible study to develop a habit, and meditating on what is read to understand how the passage applies personally. Key tips include paying attention to context, cross-references, and whether a passage should be taken literally or figuratively. The overall goal of Bible study is to strengthen faith in Jesus Christ.
The document is the annual report of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) for the year 2013-14. It provides an overview of key developments in the telecom and broadcasting sectors in India during that year. In the telecom sector, subscriber numbers grew significantly and TRAI made recommendations on issues like spectrum pricing, availability, and trading. In broadcasting, TRAI recommended guidelines for rating agencies and regulations around monopoly and foreign investment. The report also discusses the progress of cable TV digitization across major cities and towns in India.
Collaboration keys and a twitter example march 23 2011 v2Thom Kearney
One of the creators of GCPEDIA will discuss key success factors for collaboration using Twitter as an example. Successful collaboration requires trust between participants, a common purpose, open communication, and a willingness to share knowledge. Microblogging allows for real-time feedback and improvement of ideas through conversations that occur across unknown time zones and networks of individuals.
This document provides a summary of key Christian concepts related to works and salvation. It discusses several Bible passages and argues that salvation is by God's grace through faith alone, not by works. The key points are:
1) Salvation is 100% dependent on God's grace and 0% on our good works. We are not justified by observing the law but by faith alone.
2) Good works do not earn salvation, which is a free gift from God. If we pursue salvation through works, we lose God's gift.
3) When we come to faith, the Holy Spirit changes our attitude so that we now hate sin and are eager to do God's will.
4) As Christians
Moving Cast Shadow Detection Using Physics-based Features (CVPR 2009)Jia-Bin Huang
This document summarizes a research paper about detecting moving cast shadows in videos. It presents an approach that uses physics-based color features and Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) to model shadows. First, it derives normalized spectral ratios as global color features under assumptions of constant ambient lighting and common spectral power distributions of direct light sources. A single GMM then models these global features to characterize shadows. Additionally, pixel-based GMMs describe local gradient intensity distortions to further differentiate shadows similar to backgrounds. The pixel GMMs are updated through confidence-rated learning to accelerate convergence without needing many foreground activities.
The document provides guidance on how to read and study the Bible effectively. It recommends praying before reading to ask God for understanding, setting aside regular time for Bible study to develop a habit, and meditating on what is read to understand how the passage applies personally. Key tips include paying attention to context, cross-references, and whether a passage should be taken literally or figuratively. The overall goal of Bible study is to strengthen faith in Jesus Christ.
AHLIST 2012 - The concept of Book as a Service24Symbols
Presentation of 24symbols at AHLIST conference ( The topic was the concept of "Book as a Service", and the evolution of the book once it becomes digital.
The future is a cloud hosted retail store24Symbols
The document discusses the "Book as a Service" approach to retailing books in the future. Key aspects of this approach include:
1) Hosting books on the cloud to allow for multi-device synchronization, real-time learning and control, and mutable digital artifacts.
2) Enabling social reading features that break down walls between books, readers, and authors.
3) Aggregating content to serve as a hub for readers, publishers, and authors.
4) Providing API access to books hosted on the cloud.
This document provides tips and guidance for real estate professionals on conducting keyword research and optimizing a website for search engine rankings. It recommends starting with broad level 1 keywords for the home page and then targeting more specific level 2 and 3 keywords for subpages and niche pages. Key aspects covered include using keyword tools to analyze search volumes, organizing keywords by priority, and assigning keywords to different pages based on their level of specificity. It also discusses measuring the authority and links of a domain to understand search engine rankings, and performing a competitive analysis to identify gaps and niche opportunities. The overall aim is to understand customer search behaviors and optimize a site's structure and content around relevant keywords at different levels of the search funnel.
The document discusses themes and ideas for advancing women's sports over the next 40 years. It notes some achievements since Title IX, but that women's sports still lag far behind men's in areas like media coverage, salaries, and search popularity. It argues the key is spurring more passionate female fandom through storytelling that helps fans feel like they know the athletes as people. Telling athletes' life stories and backgrounds could engage more women fans in the same way celebrity magazines do. Harnessing star power and compelling personalities that stimulate attention and discussion will also be important to growing interest in women's sports.
This document provides recommendations for a Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Policy in India. It notes that telecom infrastructure is critical for socioeconomic development but India currently imports a major share of its telecom equipment. The document aims to develop a policy framework to promote domestic manufacturing in order to capture more of the economic benefits of telecom growth for India. It outlines the rapid growth India has experienced in telecom connections and estimates that connections will exceed 5 billion by 2020. This will drive significant investment in networks and require vast amounts of telecom equipment. The document recommends measures to promote both domestic manufacturing of full products and component manufacturing to make India more self-reliant in telecom infrastructure and capture more value locally from the country's telecom growth
The document describes the United Way's Youth United Way program, which aims to develop leadership skills in local youth and involve them in community change efforts. As part of the program, juniors and seniors in high school can serve as volunteers and leaders, participating in meetings, fundraisers, volunteer projects, and helping to allocate funds. The deadline to apply for the 2010-2011 school year is May 7, 2010. Applicants must be entering their junior year with a GPA of at least 2.5 and demonstrate responsibility and motivation to make a difference in their community.
Orain arte eskola 2.0ren inguruko informazioa luzatu badugu ere, lan honetan
gure iritzia azaltzea beharrezkoa iruditu zaigu, gure lanari iragan kutsu bat ere eman
nahi baitiogu. Esan beharrean gaude, proiektu honen inguruan gauza bat baino
gehiago entzun ditugula gure egunerokotasunean, oraintxe baitago gure gizartean gai
hau pil-pilean. Hala ere, gauza asko ez genizkien, informazio hutsune asko genituen.
Orain aldiz, argiago ditugu gauzak eta gure iritzia emateko aukera ere badugu. Gainera
uste dugu, irakasle izango garen aldetik, proiektu hau ezagutzea gure mesedetarako
izango dela, eta honen inguruko iritzia izatea ere aberasgarri egingo zaigula. Azken
batean, hobea baita irakasle kritikoak izatea, eta ikasgeletan sartzen dutenaren
inguruan gure hausnarketa egitea, denari atea zabalik uztea baino.
Gauza guztiek bezala, honek ere, bere alde on eta txarrak ditu, eta horiek
aipatzen hasiko gara. Esan dugunez, ikasgelan eskola 2.0 proiektua sartzeak, ikasgelako
metodo tradizionala aldatzea dakar. Esaten denez, aldaketa horrek onurak ekartzen
ditu hezkuntzan. Hori horrela, gure iritziari hasera emateko, bi hezkuntza
metodologikoen arteko konparaketa bat egin dugu.
Dinamika gutxiago Dinamikoa
Elkarreragin gutxiago Sozializatzeko onura
Talde handia Hezkuntza irekia (mugarik gabe)
Teknologia gabekoa Elkar lotura sortzailea
Buruz ikasteko ikasketa prozesua Motibagarria
Taula honetan beha daitekeenez, ikasgeletako metodologia teknologia bidez
aurrera eramateak, eskola 2.0 bezalako proiektua esaterako, onurak besterik ez ditu
ekartzen: hezkuntza dinamikoagoa izango da, sozializatzeko onurak ekarriko ditu,
hezkuntza irekiagoa, zabalagoa…izango da, motibagarriagoa… Hau irakurriz gero,
denek aho batez onartuko lukete beren ikasgeletan eskola 2.0 sartzea. Hau da, ikasle
2. denak beren ordenagailu eramangarriarekin arituko lirateke geletan lanean. Baina guk
uste dugu badirela kontuan hartu beharreko hainbat gauza. Batek baino gehiagok
pentsatzen du gela teknologia berriekin hornituz gero hezkuntza aberasten ari direla
eta lortuko dituzten emaitzak askoz hobeak izango direla. Baina hori horrela al da?
Guk pentsatzen duguna baino gauza gehiago hartu behar dira kontuan horrelako
proiektu batek emaitza onak eman ditzan. Horretarako, komeni da, jarraian idatzi
ditugun esaldi hauei erreparatzea eta beraien inguruan pentsatzen jartzea:
• Ikastetxea prest al dago aldaketei aurre egiteko?
• Gelako metodologiak, irakasleenak eta ikasleenak aldatu egin
behar dute!
• Emaitza ezberdinak lortu nahi badituzu ez iezaiozu betiko bideari
• Metodologia egoki gabeko teknologiak ez digu ezertarako balio!
• Ikasle motibatuak behar ditugu!
• Irakaslearen lankidetzarik gabe ez dago aldaketarik (irakasleak
gidatu ïƒ ikasleak interpretatu)
• Ordenagailuak eta arbel digitalak gelan sartzeak ez du esan nahi
hezkuntzan berrikuntza ekarriko duenik edo hezkuntza hobetuko
Gure ustez, ikastetxe asko eta askotan, ez dituzte kontuan hartu goian aipatu
ditugun puntu horietako asko, eta hori bidean aurrera egiteko oztopo handi bat
delakoan gaude.
3. Guzti honetaz gain, bada aipatu nahi genukeen beste zerbait. Aipatu dugunez,
irakasleen metodologiak ere aldatu beharra dauka, gainontzean ez baitu lortuko
helburu gisa idatzita duen hezkuntzaren hobekuntza hori. Horretarako, bai guk eta bai
zuetako askok, irakasleei zuzendutako hainbat ikastaroren berri izango zenuten. Eskola
2.0 proiektua dela eta, hainbat ikastaro jarri dituzte martxan. Ikastaro hauek LHko
bosgarren mailako tutoreei, ingeleseko irakasleei eta PT irakasleei daude zuzenduta.
Bertan, gutxi gora behera lau hilabeteko iraupen batean irakasleak proiektu hau
aurrera eramateko gai bihurtzea da helburua. Egia esan, hau pausu garrantzitsu bat
dela iruditzen zaigu. Baina bada konbentzitzen ez gaituen beste puntu bat: ikastetxe
askotan IKT arduradunik ez egotea. Izan ere, ikastetxe askok irakasleak IKT-etan lau
hilabeteetan formatu direla ikustean, dena konponduta dagoela ikusten dute eta ez
dute beste inoren beharrik sumatzen. Ordenagailuak arazo teknikoren bat duenean
(matxuraren bat: ez piztea, bozgorailuek ez funtzionatzea…) mantenukoei deitu eta
dena konponduta! Eta zer egin behar dute programaren bat desagertzen zaienean?
Gure ustez, ikastaro xume bat jaso duten irakasle hauek ez dira gai horri aurrea
egiteko, eta mantenukoek ere askotan ez dute lan hori egiten. Orduan zer? Horregatik
iruditzen zaigu ikastetxe denetan IKT arduradun batek egon beharko lukeela, honek
proiektua martxa hobeago batean aurrera eramatea ahalbidetuko baitu.
Beraz, eta uste dugu argi geratu dela, horrelako proiektuak gelan sartzea ez da
pentsatu eta egiten den gauza hutsa. Gelan mini eramangarri eta arbel digitalak sartu
baino lehen, lan asko egin beharra dago. Behin hori eginda, orduan ekin behar zaio
gela teknologiekin hornitzeari, eta ondoren, aurretik ezarritako metodologia egoki bati
ateak zabaldu.