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Essay On The Hobbit
Born in South Africa in 1892, J.R.R. Tolkien is best known as the author of his trilogy, The Lord
of the Rings (Baker). Neal Baker described Tolkien as "The most prominent fantasy writer of the
twentieth century" (Baker 672). Before writing The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien wrote The Hobbit,
which serves as a predecessor to the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. When The Hobbit was
published in 1937 it received popular and critical acclaim (Baker). In J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit,
the concepts of an unconventional hero are depicted in the views and actions of Bilbo Baggins.
Bilbo Baggins depicts these concepts through his reluctance to join an adventure, his reliance on wit
and luck, and the changes and developments he experiences through his adventure....show more
In this way Bilbo stands out as more relatable compared to more traditional heroes of the time
period and genre. Because of this, Bilbo Baggins is categorized as the "Ego of the story" and "The
reader's dream" (O'Neill). This common interpretation of Bilbo's character is also present in his
actions throughout the story. Bilbo's reluctance to adventure outside his home is an example of
Bilbo's unconventional actions as a hero.
In the beginning of J.R.R. Tolkien's story, Bilbo is offered to join Gandalf, a mysterious wizard,
on an adventure through Middle Earth. Gandalf visits Bilbo's home uninvited. Bilbo adamantly
declines Gandalf's offer by saying "Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not today. Good
morning! But please come to tea any time you like!" (Tolkien 7). Bilbo values a lifestyle of
normalcy and stagnation. Later in the story however, his views
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The Hobbit Essay
The Hobbit
I. Information about the book
a. The title of my book is "The Hobbit". The book is about a hobbit and 13 dwarves. This hobbit's
name is Bilbo Baggins, and he lives in Hobbiton.
b. Copyright © 1966; Published by Ballantine Publishing Group.
c. The author of "The Hobbit" is John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892,
in Bloemfontein, South Africa. After serving in the First World War, he decided to take up an
academic career. He studied Anglo–Saxon at Oxford, Pembroke College, and Merton College and
retired in 1959. He also wrote "Lord of the Rings". Tolkien died on September 2, 1973 at the age of
II. Description of the genre of the book
a. The genre of my book is a...show more content...
b. Elrond: is a wise old friend of Gandalf. He replenishes the travelers' stocks and helps them
decipher the moon runes of their map.
c. The Elvenking: holds Thorin and the other dwarves prisoner.
d. Dwarves who accompany Bilbo: Fili, Kili, Dori, Gloin, Nori, Oin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin,
Dwalin, and Ori. Thorin is also included.
e. Gollum: is a creature that Bilbo encounters in the caverns of the Goblins. Gollum has lost his
birthday–present, the ring which Bilbo found. He is by far the strangest character because he
doesn't talk to people, he talks as though there were other people in the room. He also refers to
himself in the third person.
f. The Lord of the Eagles: rescues the dwarves in and saves the same dwarves in the final battle.
g. Roac: is a wise bird who can communicate with certain creatures; he seeks to avoid war but also
aids in death of Smaug.
V. Summary of the plot
a. The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in Hobbiton. He is interrupted by a
surprise visit by the wizard Gandalf while outside his home. Gandalf has invited himself to tea
and when he arrives, he comes with 12 of dwarves led by Thorin. They are planning on a journey
to recover lost treasure that is guarded by the dragon Smaug, at the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf has
decided, for Bilbo, that the hobbit will make an excellent addition to the team and Bilbo is going to
be a burglar.
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Book Report : ' The Hobbit ' Essay
Rachel Pavelka
Quarter 2 Book Report
English 9
The Hobbit
By ~ J.R.R Tolkien
Report written by ~ Rachel Pavelka
The book I am reporting on is The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. The setting of the story begins in a
place called Middle Earth. The story begins in Began where Mr. Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit lives. Bilbo,
thirteen dwarves and a wizard travel to Rivendell, Misty Mountains and finally Mirkwood. The book
was set before the Lord of the Rings but it is unclear exactly when. The story is a fantasy so time is
not important.
The historical context of the book is post World War I, and the influence of the war can be felt in the
many battles that happen throughout the story, with good trying to defeat evil.
The narrator of the story is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo tells the story from his point of view. The story is
in third person and is omniscient.
The protagonist of the book is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo the main character in the book, is a hobbit. He
was scared to leave his home town of Bagan. Bilbo was invited by dwarves to go on an adventure to
find treasure that belonged to the them. Little was known about what could happen on this trip, but
still Bilbo was drawn to this adventure with much excitement. It was when he did not have food to
eat that he would question why he left his hobbit hole.
The other characters of the story are Gandalf the wizard, Smaug the dragon, Thorin, Balin, Dwalin,
Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori, Fili, Kili, Oin, and Gloin, the
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J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit Essay example
Bilbo Baggins, a respectable and unadventurous hobbit, is paid a visit by Gandalf, a wizard, who
offers him the chance to go on an adventure. Bilbo, in trying to get rid of the wizard, inadvertently
invites him to tea the next evening. The next day, Bilbo is flustered to find that in addition to
Gandalf, he seems to have invited thirteen dwarves to tea as well. As he serves the dwarves and
Gandalf tea and then supper, Bilbo learns that Gandalf has advertised him to the dwarves as a
burglar. The dwarves wish him to help them on their quest to the Lonely Mountain, where they hope
to recover treasure from Smaug the dragon, who destroyed their ancestral home under the mountain.
Though at first Bilbo quakes at the suggestion of meeting a...show more content...
As Bilbo wanders about, scared and nervous, he finds and pockets a small silver ring. A little later
he comes to a lake. There he meets a strange creature, Gollum, the previous owner of the ring, who
challenges him to a riddle game. Gollum figures out that Bilbo has the ring and tries to attack
Bilbo, at which point Bilbo discovers that the ring makes its wearer invisible. With the help of the
ring, he escapes from the tunnels and is reunited with his companions, who are surprised to find him
Soon after their reunion, they are caught and treed by Wargs, evil wolves who are allies of the
goblins. Gandalf tries to rescue them by throwing burning pinecones at them, but the goblins soon
arrive and set fire to the trees. At the last minute, they are rescued by a flock of eagles, which carry
them to a safe spot. The next day, the eagles carry them a little further along on their journey to a
spot in the wilderness. In need of rest and provisions, the group seeks shelter with Beorn, a
man–bear who can take on either form.
After spending a couple of days with Beorn, the company moves on to the outskirts of Mirkwood,
where Gandalf leaves them. The dwarves and Bilbo have been warned repeatedly by
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The Hobbit, By. R. Tolkien Essay
For years, people of all ages have enjoyed "The Hobbit," by J.R.R. Tolkien, causing a debate over
whether or not this novel should be defined as a 'children's book.' After all, it contains many
stereotypes of a children's book, including moral lessons and character growth, yet, avid fans debate
that it includes depth and darkness that heighten it to the level of adults. In the end, does it really
matter how people view it from the outside? What might otherwise be important is the content it
contains. Bilbo Baggins, a small character who goes on huge adventures; someone who has
become known throughout the fantasy world and has left a footprint bigger than a giant's.
However, this seems like an awfully large reputation for somebody who seems so meek and
homely towards the beginning of his journey. Luckily, over the course of his pilgrimage to the
Lonely Mountain, he grows in ways that have enabled this persona. Not only does he learn about
the world he lives in, but he also becomes more courageous and mature throughout the journey as
well. This in total transforms him from the weak link of his traveling company, into the person who
become invaluable to finding peace and closure from their quest. Hobbits, as a species, are
introduced by the infamous first lines, "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit... it was a
hobbit–hole, and that means comfort" (Tolkien 3). In fact, the ideals of Hobbit society, Bilbo's home
values, emphasize the ordinary and habitual, while
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Essay on The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Don't judge a book by its cover. This famous phrase can very well
be applied to the hobbit a small human like creature that goes along with 13 dwarves and a
wizard. The wizard, Gandalf, has total faith in the little hobbit knowing full well that when the
time comes he will serve the dwarves quite well. He does this with the help of a ring that makes
him invisible. He saves the dwarves from evil spiders that wish to eat them. Uses it to help them
escape the clutches of elves that would keep them in their clutches for some time. And to find out
the weakness of an evil dragon bent on destroying all those opposing him. Our little hobbit friend is
quite an extraordinary little fellow compared...show more content...
After which he puts on his ring of invisibility and taunts the spiders into following him away from
his friends. He then doubles back and cuts his friends out of their respective webs. After that there
is a long battle the spiders venom had weakened the dwarves almost to a point that they couldn't
stand. So Bilbo had to do most of the fighting. He saved his friends. They get away and all live
happily ever after… right? No there will be more danger this is only the beginning. After
all of Bilbo's friends are saved elves capture them. It is a good thing Bilbo has his ring on. He
follows the elves and gets into the place in which they are captured. He then hatches a plan to
save them. He has to steal a key when there is a large banquet happening so as most of the elves
are busy, then he must release his friends and stow them away in barrels that are to be sent down
the river having been used. Now this sounds like a difficult task but not for our friend Bilbo who
is very adept at getting out of tight situations. He releases his friends much to all the elves dismay.
Then after all the trouble you would think the rest to be a walk in the park. It is just not that easy.
Now they must face a dragon, to claim the treasure they were after from the beginning. Bilbo goes
into the dragon's cave silently and invisibly but the dragon has an astute sense of smell! Bilbo has
been caught. However not completely caught because the dragon can still not
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The Hobbit Theme Essay
The hobbit is written by J. R. R. Tolkien in 1937, and is published by George Allen & Unwind.
The book's genre is fantasy, so if you are not into that this is not the book for you.
The book is about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, who is invited to join an adventure by Gandalf a
great wizard to find a great treasure, guarded by the dragon Smaug. You follow Bilbo through the
whole book as he is torn between his home and his love for adventure.
The book has used a chronologically way of telling the story and it is written from a third persons
point of view. This makes it easier to understand what happens, and gives a great viewing point of
the whole story. You also get to know more than one person, which can make you see something
from a different
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The Hobbit
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of
worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat:
it was a hobbit–hole, and that means comfort.
It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the
exact middle. The door opened on to a tube–shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel
without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs,
and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats – the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on
and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill – The Hill, as all the people for
...show more content...
This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, found himself doing and saying things altogether
unexpected. He may have lost the neighbours ' respect, but he gained–well, you will see whether he
gained anything in the end.
The mother of our particular hobbit ... what is a hobbit? I suppose hobbits need some description
nowadays, since they have become rare and shy of the Big People, as they call us. They are (or
were) a little people, about half our height, and smaller than the bearded Dwarves. Hobbits have
no beards. There is little or no magic about them, except the ordinary everyday sort which helps
them to disappear quietly and quickly when large stupid folk like you and me come blundering
along, making a noise like elephants which they can hear a mile off. They are inclined to be at in
the stomach; they dress in bright colours (chiefly green and yellow); wear no shoes, because their
feet grow natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair like the stuff on their heads (which is
curly); have long clever brown fingers, good–natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs (especially
after dinner, which they have twice a day when they can get it). Now you know enough to go on
with. As I was saying, the mother of this hobbit – of Bilbo Baggins, that is – was the fabulous
Belladonna Took, one of
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The Hobbit Movie Essay
During the winter vacation, I watched a movie, which is quiet impressed me.
It is called The Hobbit. It tells an exciting story.It also teach me something when I watch it.The
movie really give me a shock.
In my opinion. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen. Its world background is very palatial. It
tells a story that happen in a land , which is named Middle Earth. For example, there are different
races in this world,such as human,dwarf, eidolon , Orcs and dragon. Human is a normal
character in many movies, they are usually in weak position but they are goodness and hard
working. Dwarf is a very belligerent race, they govern the world and their king like golden in crazy.
Eidolon is a race, which like peace, they do not like war. So they...show more content...
Just like Bilbo, he is shorter and weaker ,maybe he is little timid,but when his companion in
danger, he always can throw himself into breach. This is brave. Timid do not present you don't
have brave. On the contrary, when your friends are in danger ,you help them without any
delay,you are brave. When we are facing dangerous, maybe one person power is small,but if we
are united and together work out the dangerous,the power is stronger. Any difficulty can not stop
our forward steps. So, like dwarfs ,when one of them was fund by orcs, he was in weak position
and then he was grasped.However, while his companion came to save him, they unite together and
beat the orcs. This movie also teach me that we shouf not be consumed by desire. Thorin was
consumed by desire,so he gradually become different from before, he did not trust anyone
anymore.At the end,he came to his sense.So when we are facing the temptation of desire, we should
firm our own will and resist the desire.
The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen, I am shocked by its palatial world background. With the
story begin, I see some excited plots, its ups and downs of plots make everyone feel surprised. Last
but not least ,we can learn something from the movie, such as ,brave,united and do not be consumed
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The Hobbit Theme Essay
The Plot in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a captivating tale about unusual creatures, great struggles, a flying
dragon, and much, much more. The story comes alive through colorful depictions of characters and
details that capture the imagination. The plot of this novel is the dwarves' journey to recapture their
homeland. The setting, characters, and trials throughout The
Hobbit help to fully shape this overall theme of the novel. Throughout The Hobbit the setting is
constantly changing from start to finish. There are six different stages through which the setting
evolves. The first stage takes place at the home of
Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo lives in something called a hobbit hole. These homes...show more content...
Once the Misty Mountains have been tackled, the setting continues on to Beorn's house, who
Gandalf states, " . . . lives in an oak–wood and has a great wooden house . . . "Tolkien 115). The
area around Beorn's home is decorated with beautiful flowers covered byfriendly bees. Horses
and cattle are just a few of the animals that walk in his spacious yard. Upon reaching the gate to
enter Beorn's yard there is gardens and a cluster of wooden buildings. The buildings range from " .
. . barns, stables, sheds, and a long low wooden house." (Tolkien
117). The last building is Beorn's house, which is mainly one wide hall with a veranda on
itssouthern side. Then the setting changes coarse once again and heads toward Mirkwood.
Notmany people know of Mirkwood, but those who do know that, " . . . Mirkwood is
dark,dangerous, and difficult." (Tolkien 131). The only way to ensure survival through the forest
is to stay on the path. Mirkwood is very dark and gloomy. Almost no light passes through the
thickmass of trees that make up the forest. Here, at night all the inhabitants come to life. The
main path through Mirkwood is a basic dirt path and is the only place in the woods free of the
terrible giant spiders and other frightening inhabitants of the forest. Once out of Mirkwood forest
and up a river, there is a town called Esgaroth. This town is located on a body of water called Long
Lake. Long
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Essay on The Hobbit: Thematic Analysis
The Hobbit The Hobbit, written by John R. R. Tolkien, is a fantasy novel published on September
21, 1937. It was written as a prelude to the famous series, The Lord of the Rings, written seventeen
years later. The Hobbit introduces the reader to an incredibly immersive fantasy world, that enriches
the reader into its epic storyline. The story takes place in a land called Middle–earth, a land filled
with enchanting surprises and magical wonders. It was the perfect playground for Tolkien to develop
his main character Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo Baggins was a small hobbit, who unaware in the beginning
would become a large role in the plot. It is through this character that Tolkien implemented the theme
of heroism into the story. Bilbo's...show more content...
By putting his life in danger Bilbo shows a true example of heroism. Though the dwarves were still
skeptical of his abilities, they were starting to take into consideration of what Gandalf had said about
this little hobbit. Continuing their adventure the group is attacked by goblins where they are
eventually saved by Gandalf. Throughout the turmoil of the attacking goblins Bilbo gets lost in the
caves and finds himself alone in the darkness. It is in this event when Bilbo finds Gollum's ring.
Gollum was a sickly looking creature that had been dwelling in the caves for many years. Bilbo
used his wits to outsmart the creature by playing a riddle game with him and eventually made it
to safety. Having Bilbo win the riddle game shows that his smart and witty mind aids him in
becoming the hero. Bilbo wasn't some tough strong stereotypical super hero, he used his smarts
to outwit his foes and to triumph over evil. Though Bilbo at the time did not know the power of
the ring that he had retrieved from Gollum's lair (the power of invisibility), it was his heroic fate
that he found it as it assist him in becoming the hero of the story. Fate has it that Bilbo will
become a hero, but Bilbo also has the courage on top of his fate to get the dwarves out of life
threatening situations. Bilbo again shows his courage and heroism when the group is trapped by the
web of a giant
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The Hobbit Paragraph
The Hobbit essay paragraphs rough draft: Adrien Cheong
Accepting only the best decisions in life is not always the right choice. Experiencing new things
can increase people's knowledge, and become someone of new and different value during their time
in this world. They are able to obtain something that everyone will cherish when they face horrific
situations, and overcome it. With all those successes, people are then given the chance to go down a
new road. The change may be good, or may even be something terrible, but in the end, people will
become their own person with a unique mindset of things. Taking opportunities can lead to positive
or negative change.
Paragraph 1
Courage is a great character trait which is built...show more content...
Bilbo forgot about the dangers, about his old home, about his rewards, he just wanted to help, and
the fearless Bilbo was brought out of him. Courage is a hard thing for a person to acquire, but can
be obtained by their achievements and failures.
Paragraph 2
Tough times that a person endured could show them a new path of change. People will be able to
become who they really are by realizing things that they never knew in problematic
circumstances. Bilbo went through his troublesome experience when Gandalf said "If I say he is
a Burglar, a Burglar he is, or will be when the time comes."(19) because at the time, he is still just
a regular hobbit. He is persuaded to become a burglar, and going on the journey makes him realize
he has a love for travel and adventure. Many other difficult situations have been mentioned in the
story, and in most of them, when people help others, they become someone of new. People can
become a hero like Bard, the person who killed Smaug and is given the title of "King Bard"(233),
or Bilbo, the hobbit who saved everyone and discovered his real passion in life. All of this change
is not always going to be about a character change, but times like these, can have a revelation of
something dark. Thorin, the leader of the Dwarves – a brave,proud, and strong warrior – has
revealed his dark side when they finally recovered the Arkenstone. People went to the castle to ask
for some
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Essays On The Hobbit

  • 1. Essay On The Hobbit Born in South Africa in 1892, J.R.R. Tolkien is best known as the author of his trilogy, The Lord of the Rings (Baker). Neal Baker described Tolkien as "The most prominent fantasy writer of the twentieth century" (Baker 672). Before writing The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien wrote The Hobbit, which serves as a predecessor to the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. When The Hobbit was published in 1937 it received popular and critical acclaim (Baker). In J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, the concepts of an unconventional hero are depicted in the views and actions of Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo Baggins depicts these concepts through his reluctance to join an adventure, his reliance on wit and luck, and the changes and developments he experiences through his adventure....show more content... In this way Bilbo stands out as more relatable compared to more traditional heroes of the time period and genre. Because of this, Bilbo Baggins is categorized as the "Ego of the story" and "The reader's dream" (O'Neill). This common interpretation of Bilbo's character is also present in his actions throughout the story. Bilbo's reluctance to adventure outside his home is an example of Bilbo's unconventional actions as a hero. In the beginning of J.R.R. Tolkien's story, Bilbo is offered to join Gandalf, a mysterious wizard, on an adventure through Middle Earth. Gandalf visits Bilbo's home uninvited. Bilbo adamantly declines Gandalf's offer by saying "Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not today. Good morning! But please come to tea any time you like!" (Tolkien 7). Bilbo values a lifestyle of normalcy and stagnation. Later in the story however, his views Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. The Hobbit Essay The Hobbit I. Information about the book a. The title of my book is "The Hobbit". The book is about a hobbit and 13 dwarves. This hobbit's name is Bilbo Baggins, and he lives in Hobbiton. b. Copyright © 1966; Published by Ballantine Publishing Group. c. The author of "The Hobbit" is John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa. After serving in the First World War, he decided to take up an academic career. He studied Anglo–Saxon at Oxford, Pembroke College, and Merton College and retired in 1959. He also wrote "Lord of the Rings". Tolkien died on September 2, 1973 at the age of 81. II. Description of the genre of the book a. The genre of my book is a...show more content... b. Elrond: is a wise old friend of Gandalf. He replenishes the travelers' stocks and helps them decipher the moon runes of their map. c. The Elvenking: holds Thorin and the other dwarves prisoner. d. Dwarves who accompany Bilbo: Fili, Kili, Dori, Gloin, Nori, Oin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Dwalin, and Ori. Thorin is also included. e. Gollum: is a creature that Bilbo encounters in the caverns of the Goblins. Gollum has lost his birthday–present, the ring which Bilbo found. He is by far the strangest character because he doesn't talk to people, he talks as though there were other people in the room. He also refers to himself in the third person. f. The Lord of the Eagles: rescues the dwarves in and saves the same dwarves in the final battle. g. Roac: is a wise bird who can communicate with certain creatures; he seeks to avoid war but also aids in death of Smaug. V. Summary of the plot a. The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in Hobbiton. He is interrupted by a surprise visit by the wizard Gandalf while outside his home. Gandalf has invited himself to tea and when he arrives, he comes with 12 of dwarves led by Thorin. They are planning on a journey to recover lost treasure that is guarded by the dragon Smaug, at the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf has decided, for Bilbo, that the hobbit will make an excellent addition to the team and Bilbo is going to be a burglar. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Book Report : ' The Hobbit ' Essay Rachel Pavelka Quarter 2 Book Report English 9 12/15/16 The Hobbit By ~ J.R.R Tolkien Report written by ~ Rachel Pavelka The book I am reporting on is The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. The setting of the story begins in a place called Middle Earth. The story begins in Began where Mr. Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit lives. Bilbo, thirteen dwarves and a wizard travel to Rivendell, Misty Mountains and finally Mirkwood. The book was set before the Lord of the Rings but it is unclear exactly when. The story is a fantasy so time is not important. The historical context of the book is post World War I, and the influence of the war can be felt in the many battles that happen throughout the story, with good trying to defeat evil. The narrator of the story is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo tells the story from his point of view. The story is in third person and is omniscient. The protagonist of the book is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo the main character in the book, is a hobbit. He was scared to leave his home town of Bagan. Bilbo was invited by dwarves to go on an adventure to find treasure that belonged to the them. Little was known about what could happen on this trip, but still Bilbo was drawn to this adventure with much excitement. It was when he did not have food to eat that he would question why he left his hobbit hole. The other characters of the story are Gandalf the wizard, Smaug the dragon, Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori, Fili, Kili, Oin, and Gloin, the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit Essay example Bilbo Baggins, a respectable and unadventurous hobbit, is paid a visit by Gandalf, a wizard, who offers him the chance to go on an adventure. Bilbo, in trying to get rid of the wizard, inadvertently invites him to tea the next evening. The next day, Bilbo is flustered to find that in addition to Gandalf, he seems to have invited thirteen dwarves to tea as well. As he serves the dwarves and Gandalf tea and then supper, Bilbo learns that Gandalf has advertised him to the dwarves as a burglar. The dwarves wish him to help them on their quest to the Lonely Mountain, where they hope to recover treasure from Smaug the dragon, who destroyed their ancestral home under the mountain. Though at first Bilbo quakes at the suggestion of meeting a...show more content... As Bilbo wanders about, scared and nervous, he finds and pockets a small silver ring. A little later he comes to a lake. There he meets a strange creature, Gollum, the previous owner of the ring, who challenges him to a riddle game. Gollum figures out that Bilbo has the ring and tries to attack Bilbo, at which point Bilbo discovers that the ring makes its wearer invisible. With the help of the ring, he escapes from the tunnels and is reunited with his companions, who are surprised to find him alive. Soon after their reunion, they are caught and treed by Wargs, evil wolves who are allies of the goblins. Gandalf tries to rescue them by throwing burning pinecones at them, but the goblins soon arrive and set fire to the trees. At the last minute, they are rescued by a flock of eagles, which carry them to a safe spot. The next day, the eagles carry them a little further along on their journey to a spot in the wilderness. In need of rest and provisions, the group seeks shelter with Beorn, a man–bear who can take on either form. After spending a couple of days with Beorn, the company moves on to the outskirts of Mirkwood, where Gandalf leaves them. The dwarves and Bilbo have been warned repeatedly by Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. The Hobbit, By. R. Tolkien Essay For years, people of all ages have enjoyed "The Hobbit," by J.R.R. Tolkien, causing a debate over whether or not this novel should be defined as a 'children's book.' After all, it contains many stereotypes of a children's book, including moral lessons and character growth, yet, avid fans debate that it includes depth and darkness that heighten it to the level of adults. In the end, does it really matter how people view it from the outside? What might otherwise be important is the content it contains. Bilbo Baggins, a small character who goes on huge adventures; someone who has become known throughout the fantasy world and has left a footprint bigger than a giant's. However, this seems like an awfully large reputation for somebody who seems so meek and homely towards the beginning of his journey. Luckily, over the course of his pilgrimage to the Lonely Mountain, he grows in ways that have enabled this persona. Not only does he learn about the world he lives in, but he also becomes more courageous and mature throughout the journey as well. This in total transforms him from the weak link of his traveling company, into the person who become invaluable to finding peace and closure from their quest. Hobbits, as a species, are introduced by the infamous first lines, "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit... it was a hobbit–hole, and that means comfort" (Tolkien 3). In fact, the ideals of Hobbit society, Bilbo's home values, emphasize the ordinary and habitual, while Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Essay on The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Don't judge a book by its cover. This famous phrase can very well be applied to the hobbit a small human like creature that goes along with 13 dwarves and a wizard. The wizard, Gandalf, has total faith in the little hobbit knowing full well that when the time comes he will serve the dwarves quite well. He does this with the help of a ring that makes him invisible. He saves the dwarves from evil spiders that wish to eat them. Uses it to help them escape the clutches of elves that would keep them in their clutches for some time. And to find out the weakness of an evil dragon bent on destroying all those opposing him. Our little hobbit friend is quite an extraordinary little fellow compared...show more content... After which he puts on his ring of invisibility and taunts the spiders into following him away from his friends. He then doubles back and cuts his friends out of their respective webs. After that there is a long battle the spiders venom had weakened the dwarves almost to a point that they couldn't stand. So Bilbo had to do most of the fighting. He saved his friends. They get away and all live happily ever after… right? No there will be more danger this is only the beginning. After all of Bilbo's friends are saved elves capture them. It is a good thing Bilbo has his ring on. He follows the elves and gets into the place in which they are captured. He then hatches a plan to save them. He has to steal a key when there is a large banquet happening so as most of the elves are busy, then he must release his friends and stow them away in barrels that are to be sent down the river having been used. Now this sounds like a difficult task but not for our friend Bilbo who is very adept at getting out of tight situations. He releases his friends much to all the elves dismay. Then after all the trouble you would think the rest to be a walk in the park. It is just not that easy. Now they must face a dragon, to claim the treasure they were after from the beginning. Bilbo goes into the dragon's cave silently and invisibly but the dragon has an astute sense of smell! Bilbo has been caught. However not completely caught because the dragon can still not Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. The Hobbit Theme Essay The hobbit is written by J. R. R. Tolkien in 1937, and is published by George Allen & Unwind. The book's genre is fantasy, so if you are not into that this is not the book for you. The book is about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, who is invited to join an adventure by Gandalf a great wizard to find a great treasure, guarded by the dragon Smaug. You follow Bilbo through the whole book as he is torn between his home and his love for adventure. The book has used a chronologically way of telling the story and it is written from a third persons point of view. This makes it easier to understand what happens, and gives a great viewing point of the whole story. You also get to know more than one person, which can make you see something from a different Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. The Hobbit In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit–hole, and that means comfort. It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube–shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats – the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill – The Hill, as all the people for ...show more content... This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected. He may have lost the neighbours ' respect, but he gained–well, you will see whether he gained anything in the end. The mother of our particular hobbit ... what is a hobbit? I suppose hobbits need some description nowadays, since they have become rare and shy of the Big People, as they call us. They are (or were) a little people, about half our height, and smaller than the bearded Dwarves. Hobbits have no beards. There is little or no magic about them, except the ordinary everyday sort which helps them to disappear quietly and quickly when large stupid folk like you and me come blundering along, making a noise like elephants which they can hear a mile off. They are inclined to be at in the stomach; they dress in bright colours (chiefly green and yellow); wear no shoes, because their feet grow natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair like the stuff on their heads (which is curly); have long clever brown fingers, good–natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs (especially after dinner, which they have twice a day when they can get it). Now you know enough to go on with. As I was saying, the mother of this hobbit – of Bilbo Baggins, that is – was the fabulous Belladonna Took, one of Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. The Hobbit Movie Essay During the winter vacation, I watched a movie, which is quiet impressed me. It is called The Hobbit. It tells an exciting story.It also teach me something when I watch it.The movie really give me a shock. In my opinion. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen. Its world background is very palatial. It tells a story that happen in a land , which is named Middle Earth. For example, there are different races in this world,such as human,dwarf, eidolon , Orcs and dragon. Human is a normal character in many movies, they are usually in weak position but they are goodness and hard working. Dwarf is a very belligerent race, they govern the world and their king like golden in crazy. Eidolon is a race, which like peace, they do not like war. So they...show more content... Just like Bilbo, he is shorter and weaker ,maybe he is little timid,but when his companion in danger, he always can throw himself into breach. This is brave. Timid do not present you don't have brave. On the contrary, when your friends are in danger ,you help them without any delay,you are brave. When we are facing dangerous, maybe one person power is small,but if we are united and together work out the dangerous,the power is stronger. Any difficulty can not stop our forward steps. So, like dwarfs ,when one of them was fund by orcs, he was in weak position and then he was grasped.However, while his companion came to save him, they unite together and beat the orcs. This movie also teach me that we shouf not be consumed by desire. Thorin was consumed by desire,so he gradually become different from before, he did not trust anyone anymore.At the end,he came to his sense.So when we are facing the temptation of desire, we should firm our own will and resist the desire. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen, I am shocked by its palatial world background. With the story begin, I see some excited plots, its ups and downs of plots make everyone feel surprised. Last but not least ,we can learn something from the movie, such as ,brave,united and do not be consumed by Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. The Hobbit Theme Essay The Plot in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a captivating tale about unusual creatures, great struggles, a flying dragon, and much, much more. The story comes alive through colorful depictions of characters and details that capture the imagination. The plot of this novel is the dwarves' journey to recapture their homeland. The setting, characters, and trials throughout The Hobbit help to fully shape this overall theme of the novel. Throughout The Hobbit the setting is constantly changing from start to finish. There are six different stages through which the setting evolves. The first stage takes place at the home of Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo lives in something called a hobbit hole. These homes...show more content... Once the Misty Mountains have been tackled, the setting continues on to Beorn's house, who Gandalf states, " . . . lives in an oak–wood and has a great wooden house . . . "Tolkien 115). The area around Beorn's home is decorated with beautiful flowers covered byfriendly bees. Horses and cattle are just a few of the animals that walk in his spacious yard. Upon reaching the gate to enter Beorn's yard there is gardens and a cluster of wooden buildings. The buildings range from " . . . barns, stables, sheds, and a long low wooden house." (Tolkien 117). The last building is Beorn's house, which is mainly one wide hall with a veranda on itssouthern side. Then the setting changes coarse once again and heads toward Mirkwood. Notmany people know of Mirkwood, but those who do know that, " . . . Mirkwood is dark,dangerous, and difficult." (Tolkien 131). The only way to ensure survival through the forest is to stay on the path. Mirkwood is very dark and gloomy. Almost no light passes through the thickmass of trees that make up the forest. Here, at night all the inhabitants come to life. The main path through Mirkwood is a basic dirt path and is the only place in the woods free of the terrible giant spiders and other frightening inhabitants of the forest. Once out of Mirkwood forest and up a river, there is a town called Esgaroth. This town is located on a body of water called Long Lake. Long Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 11. Essay on The Hobbit: Thematic Analysis The Hobbit The Hobbit, written by John R. R. Tolkien, is a fantasy novel published on September 21, 1937. It was written as a prelude to the famous series, The Lord of the Rings, written seventeen years later. The Hobbit introduces the reader to an incredibly immersive fantasy world, that enriches the reader into its epic storyline. The story takes place in a land called Middle–earth, a land filled with enchanting surprises and magical wonders. It was the perfect playground for Tolkien to develop his main character Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo Baggins was a small hobbit, who unaware in the beginning would become a large role in the plot. It is through this character that Tolkien implemented the theme of heroism into the story. Bilbo's...show more content... By putting his life in danger Bilbo shows a true example of heroism. Though the dwarves were still skeptical of his abilities, they were starting to take into consideration of what Gandalf had said about this little hobbit. Continuing their adventure the group is attacked by goblins where they are eventually saved by Gandalf. Throughout the turmoil of the attacking goblins Bilbo gets lost in the caves and finds himself alone in the darkness. It is in this event when Bilbo finds Gollum's ring. Gollum was a sickly looking creature that had been dwelling in the caves for many years. Bilbo used his wits to outsmart the creature by playing a riddle game with him and eventually made it to safety. Having Bilbo win the riddle game shows that his smart and witty mind aids him in becoming the hero. Bilbo wasn't some tough strong stereotypical super hero, he used his smarts to outwit his foes and to triumph over evil. Though Bilbo at the time did not know the power of the ring that he had retrieved from Gollum's lair (the power of invisibility), it was his heroic fate that he found it as it assist him in becoming the hero of the story. Fate has it that Bilbo will become a hero, but Bilbo also has the courage on top of his fate to get the dwarves out of life threatening situations. Bilbo again shows his courage and heroism when the group is trapped by the web of a giant Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 12. The Hobbit Paragraph The Hobbit essay paragraphs rough draft: Adrien Cheong Introduction Accepting only the best decisions in life is not always the right choice. Experiencing new things can increase people's knowledge, and become someone of new and different value during their time in this world. They are able to obtain something that everyone will cherish when they face horrific situations, and overcome it. With all those successes, people are then given the chance to go down a new road. The change may be good, or may even be something terrible, but in the end, people will become their own person with a unique mindset of things. Taking opportunities can lead to positive or negative change. Paragraph 1 Courage is a great character trait which is built...show more content... Bilbo forgot about the dangers, about his old home, about his rewards, he just wanted to help, and the fearless Bilbo was brought out of him. Courage is a hard thing for a person to acquire, but can be obtained by their achievements and failures. Paragraph 2 Tough times that a person endured could show them a new path of change. People will be able to become who they really are by realizing things that they never knew in problematic circumstances. Bilbo went through his troublesome experience when Gandalf said "If I say he is a Burglar, a Burglar he is, or will be when the time comes."(19) because at the time, he is still just a regular hobbit. He is persuaded to become a burglar, and going on the journey makes him realize he has a love for travel and adventure. Many other difficult situations have been mentioned in the story, and in most of them, when people help others, they become someone of new. People can become a hero like Bard, the person who killed Smaug and is given the title of "King Bard"(233), or Bilbo, the hobbit who saved everyone and discovered his real passion in life. All of this change is not always going to be about a character change, but times like these, can have a revelation of something dark. Thorin, the leader of the Dwarves – a brave,proud, and strong warrior – has revealed his dark side when they finally recovered the Arkenstone. People went to the castle to ask for some Get more content on HelpWriting.net