FD: Europese markt nog altijd in trek voor fusies en overnamesJeroen de Bruin
Het Financieele Dagblad bericht over het M&A rapport dat Clifford Chance publiceerde naar aanleiding van een onderzoek onder bijna 400 grote bedrijven uitgevoerd door de Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).
The document summarizes Microsoft Research India, including its mission, research groups, and projects. It provides an overview of MSR India's six research areas focusing on cryptography, digital mapping, mobility systems, multilingual systems, software engineering, and technology for emerging markets. Key projects discussed include a virtual map of India, collaborative downloading software, and using mobile phones and computers to support agriculture, education and small businesses in developing areas.
Als jongeren anno 2014 gaan stappen - zeker dancepubliek - moet je als organisator alles uit de kast trekken om ze te verleiden. De dancewereld is een miljardenbusiness tegenwoordig. Dat beschrijf ik in mijn artikel.
Gepubliceerd op 3 november.
This coffee blend is smooth and brims with sweet notes of chocolate and hazelnut. It comes from Finca La Victoria in Honduras, located at 1200-1600 meters in the volcanic soil of the Marcala region. The farm uses sustainable organic practices like shade-grown trees and crop diversification that intensify the coffee's flavors.
This dark roast coffee from BOCCACoffee Roasters has spicy, sweet caramel, and chocolate flavors that create a pleasantly surprising explosion in the mouth. The blend consists of Brazilian coffee from the Recreio farm in the Vale de Grama region and Colombian coffee from the Inga Aponte farm in Nariño. Both farms are praised for their high quality and sustainable practices.
This coffee blend is described as versatile and full-bodied, with notes of milk chocolate, honey and berries. It consists of three certified organic coffees from Brazil and Ethiopia that are naturally processed. The combination creates a sweet yet acidic cup profile with flavors of chocolate, berries, and milk chocolate.
Presentatie bouwreis Cambodja - Marcel van WijkJeroen de Bruin
1) The document describes a volunteer trip to Cambodia where the author helped build a house for a family.
2) The family consisted of grandparents taking care of their two grandchildren and two orphans, with the grandparents having to sleep outside due to lack of space.
3) Over the course of several days, the volunteers constructed the foundation, floor, walls and roof of the new house to provide better living conditions for the family.
Op 27 september 2016 heeft de voorzieningenrechter van Rechtbank Rotterdam vonnis gewe zen in een door de Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers (VNV) tegen de KLM aangespannen kort geding. Onderwerp van het geschil vormen de bijstortingsverplichtingen van de KLM in het pensioenfonds voor de KLM-piloten. De KLM is in dit kort geding in het gelijk gesteld, maar daarmee is deze discussie zeker nog niet afgerond. Niet alleen heeft de VNV hoger beroep ingeÂsteld, maar bovendien zit er ook nog een procedure aan te komen tussen het pensioenfonds voor de KLM-piloten en de KLM. De KLM heeft namelijk de uitvoeringsovereenkomst met het pensioenfonds opgezegd in verband met de hoogte van de bijstortingsverplichtingen.
Disruptive Finance 2016 (supplement to Het Financieele Dagblad)Jeroen de Bruin
This document discusses the regulatory challenges faced by FinTech startups. It notes that FinTech involves introducing new business models into the heavily regulated financial services industry. The regulations were designed to reduce risks but can undermine startups by requiring them to be risk averse. Two lawyers from Clifford Chance, Alvin Khodabaks and Marian Scheele, provide insights. Scheele notes many FinTech startups are shocked by the extensive regulations around providing financial services like credit and payments. However, the lawyers also point out that regulations do not make business impossible, especially with the harmonization of rules in Europe. PSD2 will help payment providers operate across Europe, but rules for other FinTech solutions like robo-advice still
Telegraaf 7 februari 2015: ''Redding V&D juridisch lastig''Jeroen de Bruin
Ilse van Gasteren, advocaat bij Clifford Chance, vertelt over de wetswijziging die 2016 van kracht zou moeten worden waarbij dreigende faillissementen anders dan nu afgehandeld kunnen worden.
This coffee blend is smooth and brims with sweet notes of chocolate and hazelnut. It comes from Finca La Victoria in Honduras, located at 1200-1600 meters in the volcanic soil of the Marcala region. The farm uses sustainable organic practices like shade-grown trees and crop diversification that intensify the coffee's flavors.
This dark roast coffee from BOCCACoffee Roasters has spicy, sweet caramel, and chocolate flavors that create a pleasantly surprising explosion in the mouth. The blend consists of Brazilian coffee from the Recreio farm in the Vale de Grama region and Colombian coffee from the Inga Aponte farm in Nariño. Both farms are praised for their high quality and sustainable practices.
This coffee blend is described as versatile and full-bodied, with notes of milk chocolate, honey and berries. It consists of three certified organic coffees from Brazil and Ethiopia that are naturally processed. The combination creates a sweet yet acidic cup profile with flavors of chocolate, berries, and milk chocolate.
Presentatie bouwreis Cambodja - Marcel van WijkJeroen de Bruin
1) The document describes a volunteer trip to Cambodia where the author helped build a house for a family.
2) The family consisted of grandparents taking care of their two grandchildren and two orphans, with the grandparents having to sleep outside due to lack of space.
3) Over the course of several days, the volunteers constructed the foundation, floor, walls and roof of the new house to provide better living conditions for the family.
Op 27 september 2016 heeft de voorzieningenrechter van Rechtbank Rotterdam vonnis gewe zen in een door de Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers (VNV) tegen de KLM aangespannen kort geding. Onderwerp van het geschil vormen de bijstortingsverplichtingen van de KLM in het pensioenfonds voor de KLM-piloten. De KLM is in dit kort geding in het gelijk gesteld, maar daarmee is deze discussie zeker nog niet afgerond. Niet alleen heeft de VNV hoger beroep ingeÂsteld, maar bovendien zit er ook nog een procedure aan te komen tussen het pensioenfonds voor de KLM-piloten en de KLM. De KLM heeft namelijk de uitvoeringsovereenkomst met het pensioenfonds opgezegd in verband met de hoogte van de bijstortingsverplichtingen.
Disruptive Finance 2016 (supplement to Het Financieele Dagblad)Jeroen de Bruin
This document discusses the regulatory challenges faced by FinTech startups. It notes that FinTech involves introducing new business models into the heavily regulated financial services industry. The regulations were designed to reduce risks but can undermine startups by requiring them to be risk averse. Two lawyers from Clifford Chance, Alvin Khodabaks and Marian Scheele, provide insights. Scheele notes many FinTech startups are shocked by the extensive regulations around providing financial services like credit and payments. However, the lawyers also point out that regulations do not make business impossible, especially with the harmonization of rules in Europe. PSD2 will help payment providers operate across Europe, but rules for other FinTech solutions like robo-advice still
Telegraaf 7 februari 2015: ''Redding V&D juridisch lastig''Jeroen de Bruin
Ilse van Gasteren, advocaat bij Clifford Chance, vertelt over de wetswijziging die 2016 van kracht zou moeten worden waarbij dreigende faillissementen anders dan nu afgehandeld kunnen worden.