Imperialism is very similar to colonialism, with one major difference: colonial powers settle the countries of which they gain control, while imperial powers do not. The term imperialism does not seem to exist prior to the 1800s. Nineteenth-century imperialism was spurred in large part by the Industrial Revolution. The development of new industrial economies in the 1700s and 1800s necessitated the acquisition of raw materials and the desire to gain control of marketplaces; thus, by the mid-1800s, imperialistic actions of strong nations (most notably European nations) started to become policy.
1 Definition is from America: Pathways to the Present (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005, p. 981).
Imperialism is very similar to colonialism, with one major difference: colonial powers settle the countries of which they gain control, while imperial powers do not. The term imperialism does not seem to exist prior to the 1800s. Nineteenth-century imperialism was spurred in large part by the Industrial Revolution. The development of new industrial economies in the 1700s and 1800s necessitated the acquisition of raw materials and the desire to gain control of marketplaces; thus, by the mid-1800s, imperialistic actions of strong nations (most notably European nations) started to become policy.
1 Definition is from America: Pathways to the Present (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005, p. 981).
2. Latinskt ord: herrav辰lde
Total underkastelse,
moderlandets organisation
och kultur klipptes ut och
klistrades in
Ofta total brist p奪 respekt
och f旦rst奪else f旦r den
koloniserades kultur.
St旦rsta imperialiststaterna:
Storbritannien, Ryssland,
Frankrike, Tyskland
Andra k辰nda: Portugal,
Spanien, Italien, Belgien,
USA, Japan
3. H奪rdast drabbat
M奪nga intressen.
1884 konferens om
Vid 1914 n辰stan hela
Afrika koloniserat
4. Ej total underkastelse
och handel viktigast
Indien Juvelen i
kronan f旦r det Brittiska
Kina: ppna d旦rrens
politik blev r辰ddningen
Japan: en icke-
europeiskt imperialist
5. Ekonomiska: jakt p奪 r奪varor samt marknad
Ideologiska: sprida civilisation och kristendom (den
vita mannens b旦rda) Citat
Nationella: Lyfta fram det egna landets f旦rtr辰fflighet
6. Etnisk nationalism: Id辿 om gemenskap inom spr奪k,
religion, tradition, kultur
Varje nation har r辰tt att bilda sin egen stat
Enande kraft: Tyskland (1870-1871) och Italien
Splittrande: sterrike-Ungern, Osmanska riket
Medborgarnationalism: Medborgarskapet 辰r det
som enar: Schweiz, USA
7. Charles Darwin(1809-
1882), Survival of the fittest
(ej Darwins citat, Herbert
Spencer), betonade dock
att m辰nniskan tillh旦r
samma art.
M辰nskligheten delades i
raser med olika egenskaper
som v辰rderades (tex Carl
von Linn辿 1700-tal)
L奪ngskallar och
kortskalllar (Anders
Retzius, 1800-tal)
Sveriges rasbiologiska
institut 1921-1958