The document analyzes the mise en scene of a film clip through three shots. In the first shot, the main character is in a hospital bed with a breathing machine, establishing the location as a hospital. A heart rate monitor is another important prop. The second shot shows a cake lit by candles in a dark environment, with the candles as the only light source. The third shot is a close up of the main character in a hospital gown looking pale, with fake blood make up to look like cuts from a car crash.
Joshua is a 16-year-old male student who enjoys relaxing evenings with family, 1990s R&B/hip hop music, the film Wolf Children, and hobbies like boxing and gaming. As a student, he doesn't have a job but gets pocket money from his parents.
The analysis seeks to understand Joshua's demographic to help a film company, Celador, understand how their horror film The Descent might appeal to teenagers. Research found that 9 out of 13 teenagers watched and recommended the film. Most enjoyed the ending and death scenes, and over half found it scary. The analysis suggests the film will appeal to other teens like Joshua who can watch it using their weekly pocket money.
This document discusses various concepts related to user experience design including time, matter, space, experience, artifacts, mechanics, transportation, media, story, persona, empathy, map, motivation, flow, capacity, opportunity, intervention, consolidation, mystery, sensuality, intimacy, meaning, on/off switches, in-game experiences, switchboards, and user journeys. It also mentions someone named Niels van Maaren in relation to these concepts.
BoletÃn Informativo Saberes de la Unidad Territorial Trujilllo (Fundacite Trujillo) del MPPEUCT, Edición N°7 Año 2015, correspondiente al mes de Agosto.
n specialist tantrik baba ji, love marriage specialist baba ji, aghori baba ji"><meta>Tantrik baba in india M.K Shastri ji to solve the problem of client in
This 3 sentence document discusses how emotions rather than reasons lead to action and defines lovemarks as brands that people feel loyal to not just because of quality or service but because of an emotional connection that inspires love, trust and intimacy. It suggests that for brands to be truly great, they must create emotional connections that inspire love and loyalty in customers rather than just satisfy them rationally.
The document discusses customer journey mapping and touchpoint analysis. It provides examples of touchpoints across the pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase customer experience. It also shows how to map touchpoints onto a wheel diagram and select high impact touchpoints to prioritize. The goal is to understand the customer experience holistically from their perspective rather than from individual departmental processes.
The document discusses using the Touch Point Wheel model to map out and prioritize a company's brand and communication activities from the customer's perspective. It explains that the model places customer touchpoints across three stages: pre-purchase experience, purchase experience, and post-purchase experience. The workshop then has participants select high impact touchpoints to create alignment and action plans around improving specific touchpoints.
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This 3 sentence document discusses how emotions rather than reasons lead to action and defines lovemarks as brands that people feel loyal to not just because of quality or service but because of an emotional connection that inspires love, trust and intimacy. It suggests that for brands to be truly great, they must create emotional connections that inspire love and loyalty in customers rather than just satisfy them rationally.
The document discusses customer journey mapping and touchpoint analysis. It provides examples of touchpoints across the pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase customer experience. It also shows how to map touchpoints onto a wheel diagram and select high impact touchpoints to prioritize. The goal is to understand the customer experience holistically from their perspective rather than from individual departmental processes.
The document discusses using the Touch Point Wheel model to map out and prioritize a company's brand and communication activities from the customer's perspective. It explains that the model places customer touchpoints across three stages: pre-purchase experience, purchase experience, and post-purchase experience. The workshop then has participants select high impact touchpoints to create alignment and action plans around improving specific touchpoints.
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European...zaipahphu82
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
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In deze presentatie gaan Caya en Martin van Nieman in op bouwfysische elementen zoals sterkte, brand, geluid en vocht. Ze nemen je mee in de kritische materiaalkeuzes die gemaakt kunnen worden.
Als we rekening houden met de klimaatdoelen in relatie met de (nieuw)bouwambities van het Rijk dan neemt bouwen met biobased bouwmaterialen een steeds prominentere positie in bij de keuze van materialen. Welke argumenten bij de materiaalkeuzes moeten leidend zijn? Per slot van rekening gaat dit om woningzoekenden die een kwalitatief goede, duurzame en betaalbare woning willen betrekken.
Je krijgt handvatten om tot goede keuzes te komen, onderbouwd met rekentools als de Bakers rekentool en natuurlijk de MPG berekening.
Op 27 februari 2025 heb ik een inspiratiesessie verzorgd voor een groep rectoren van een schoolbestuur. Het onderwerp was AI in het onderwijs, en hoe je hiermee aan de slag kunt als schoolleider.
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